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Bøger af Jo Marchant

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  • - Om hjernens evne til at helbrede kroppen
    af Jo Marchant
    44,94 - 288,95 kr.

    HELBREDELSENS PSYKOLOGI giver os et fascinerende og videnskabeligt velfunderet indblik i, hvorfor alternativ behandling får folk til at få det bedre. I sin øjenåbner af en bog dykker den anerkendte britiske videnskabsjournalist Jo Marchant dybt ned i den nyeste forskning og stiller spørgsmålene: Er tilhængere af alternativ behandling på vildspor eller har de fat i noget? Kan vores tanker, tro og følelser påvirke vores fysiske helbred? Kan vi træne hjernen til at helbrede kroppen? Jo Marchant rejser verden rundt og taler med læger, patienter og forskere. Vi lærer, hvordan meditation kan afhjælpe depression og demens; hvordan sociale relationer øger levealderen; og hvordan patienter som oplever omsorg fra andre kommer sig hurtigere efter en operation. Vi er med, når en transplanteret patient beroliger sit fjendtlige immunforsvar med duften af lavendel og vi møder børn, hvis ADHD kan holdes i skak med den halve dosis medicin, hjulpet af placebo-effekten. HELBREDELSENS PSYKOLOGI er Jo Marchants første bog på dansk.

  • - A Secret History of the Stars
    af Jo Marchant
    128,95 - 166,95 kr.

    A journey through the history of science and man's relationship with the night sky and the cosmos beyond, from the author of Royal Society Prize-shortlisted Cure

  • af Jo Marchant
    215,95 kr.

    A handbook to inform school premises staff, business managers, headteachers and governors in England of their legal responsibilities around buildings compliance. As well as exploring the impact of school buildings and grounds on student learning, The School Premises Handbook covers the working environment, fire safety, health and safety, statutory compliance duties, planning for maintenance, risk assessments, energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and managing and developing a premises team. Jo Marchant, a highly experienced head of estates, introduces key legislation, further information sources, and an action checklist. New premises staff will find a wealth of information, from what to do on their first day in the role to planning the year-long cycle of maintenance activities. More experienced premises staff will also gain plenty of useful insights. School business managers will find advice on managing premises staff and developing their school estate. Headteachers will be informed of their responsibilities for ensuring their schools are safe and compliant. And governors and trustees will learn how to hold school leadership to account.

  • af Jo Marchant
    323,95 kr.

  • - A 2,000-Year-Old Computer--and the Century-long Search to Discover Its Secrets
    af Jo Marchant
    194,95 kr.

  • - A Journey Into the Science of Mind over Body
    af Jo Marchant
    128,95 kr.

    A rigorous, skeptical, ground-breaking look at the new science behind the mind's surprising ability to heal the body

  • - The Curious Science of Our Minds
    af Jo Marchant, Emma Young, John Osbourne, mfl.
    154,95 kr.

    Ever wondered how Swedes cope with 24-hour darkness, why we feel pain, or whether smartphones dumb down children? Have you heard about the US military's research into supercharging minds? Originally commissioned by the Wellcome charity, Brainology's stories explore the intrigue and mystery of the mind. Tuck into some seriously interesting science.

  • - Solving the Mystery of the World's First Computer
    af Jo Marchant
    128,95 kr.

    In 1900 a group of sponge divers blown off course in the Mediterranean discovered an Ancient Greek shipwreck dating from around 70 BC.

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