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  • af Joe Santangelo
    197,95 kr.

    Il personaggio principale - Robbie - è un ragazzo innamorato della sua donna (Kayleigh) come della Musica e della vita stessa ed è capace di affrontare tutte le vicende descritte nel Romanzo con la forza, la lucidità e il coraggio dell'adolescenza.Durante la crescita perderà lo smalto e si lascerà sedurre dal potere della fama, della vanità, cambiando le sue convinzioni per convertirsi a una religione del compromesso che gli porterà soltanto dolore e sofferenza.Dopo aver attraversato disperazione, droga e dissolutezza, l'uomo (Torch, nella finzione narrativa) riconquisterà un equilibrio quando comprenderà che l'unica soluzione risiede nel "ritorno a sé stesso", alla purezza dell'adolescenza.

  • - The Ultimate Manual of Sport Mental Coaching for Sport Champions and Elite Professionals
    af Joe Santangelo
    657,95 kr.

    Nobody is a champion before becoming a champion.Sport is highly democratic, much more than any other kind of activity or business in this world.Just think it over a bit: no other person but you can give you the honour, the respect and the gloryof being the World Champion. It's only up to you. This has always been for centuries - back to GreekOlympiads and Roman Coliseum Games - and this will always be.This only means one true thing: nobody is born as a champion, but anyone can become a champion, if he/she truly deserves that.Any champion has started to practice a sports discipline, then something happened into his/herpsyche and a big switch occurred: the decision to devote anything, any kind of energy, to become achampion, one day. So, any champion has learned the lesson, has trained hard for decades, has failedand has had the nerve to get up and keep fighting to make a dream come true, the big dream.So, what I want you to keep clearly in your mind is that becoming a champion is up to you, you oughtto understand what makes an athlete a champion so that you can decide to switch your psychologyand strive hard to make your dream come true. Or maybe you'll decide to take your time and applythe whole of the methodology step by step, slowly, and see what happens. Or you can decide thatyou're not that kind of person, so you quit and continue to practice for your own personal relaxation.The choice is yours, that switch is up to you. No one can empower your aim and motivation, no onecan transform your brain: is a personal business.Enter yourself and go in deep. Isolate your weaknesses and work hard on that: become familiarwith handling bad times. Understand your strengths and transform them into 'Specials': youruniqueness starts on it

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