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Bøger af Johanna Gillbro

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  • - Forstå din hud - myter, videnskab og gode råd.
    af Johanna Gillbro
    217,95 kr.

    Vi ved overraskende lidt om huden – kroppens største organ. Måske er det derfor, vi smører den med cremer, som indeholder bakteriedræbende stoffer og bruger masser af penge på, hvad der alt for ofte viser sig at være uvirksomme stoffer. Hvis vi vidste lidt mere, ville vi nok være mere restriktive og tilbageholdende med brugen af cremer.Johanna Gillbro er international anerkendt hudforsker, dermatolog. De sidste ti år er hun blevet verdens mest citerede skribent indenfor Cosmetic science, oplyser hendes svenske forlag.I bogen hjælper hun læseren til at forstå huden ud fra et holistisk helhedsperspektiv. Hun slår hul i myter og giver læseren et førstehånds indblik i, hvad der netop nu revolutionerer hudforskningen og kosmetikindustrien: Hudens mikrobiom, det vil sige bakteriefloraen og den mangesidede betydning, den har. Carsten Vagn Hansen har skrevet dansk forord.

  • - the definitive guide to understanding your skin
    af Johanna Gillbro
    165,95 kr.

    If you want beautiful, healthy, glowing skin, whatever your age, then look no further. This Scandinavian bestseller will revolutionise how you care for your body's largest organ. What does the latest research tell us about our skin? How do our hormones, genetics, diet, and environment play a part? What should we look for in our beauty products, and what should we avoid? In this comprehensive guide, skin scientist Johanna Gillbro teaches you how best to care for your skin - and what not to do. Think drinking water will replenish your skin? Think again. More products, better skin? Nope. And an expensive product doesn't guarantee reliable results. You don't need to cleanse your skin in the morning; in fact, too much cleansing can be damaging. Toner is redundant, natural products are not always best, and bacteria are not the enemy - and that's just the start!Learn how to read the labels on products, know exactly what it is you're putting on your skin, and make better decisions about how you care for it. Using cutting-edge research about the microbiome, as well as the relationship between gut health and skin, The Scandinavian Skincare Bible challenges how we look at beauty today. By revealing the science and exposing commercial tricks, Dr Gillbro empowers us to lay the foundation for healthy, beautiful skin.

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