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Bøger af John Reed

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  • - A Chronicle of Life and its Teachings
    af John Reed
    118,95 kr.

    One Mistake after Another is the story of one baby boomer's odyssey that took him to many countries and cultures in the search for the holy grail of spiritual meaning in his life. This quest, at times, takes the form of a colourful and quixotic romp with perceptive snapshots of life in the19 60's and 1970's.

  • af John Reed
    250,95 kr.

  • af John Reed
    340,95 kr.

    When Europe went to war in 1914 it was fully prepared for conflict; perhaps not so prepared for the conflict that the Great War turned into. Within months of the opening moves the war had become a stalemate; a huge siege stretching 450 miles from the Belgian coast to the Swiss Border. The shovel became as important as the rifle and battlefield intelligence gave armies the cutting edge in the fighting.Battlefield intelligence was based around military mapping. When Britain entered the conflict the maps its officers used was based on local Belgian or French editions. These maps quickly proved unreliable and in 1915 the Royal Engineers re-surveyed the entire British sector of the Western Front and by 1918 produced some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the war. For many years hidden away in archives, these Trench Maps are now widely available in digital form and are in many ways the key to unlocking the battlefield history of the Great War; these maps show us where both sides positions were, the locations of bunkers and artillery and the lie of the land.Locations on these maps were named; sometimes randomly (whole areas were named with words starting with a particular letter) but often following the names given by the soldiers who fought there. These names like Hyde Park Corner or Kitchen's Wood evocated thoughts of home or famous soldiers, but how to find them today when they are mentioned in sources like Regimental Histories or War Diaries.This is where John Reed's Gazetteer of the Western Front comes into its own. John has spent some considerable time painstakingly indexing the locations on the battlefield -farms, hamlets, villages, towns, physical features and battle sites- and here presents them in an easy format. For each site the wartime location is identified using contemporary map sheet data but more importantly the modern GPS location means that they can easily be found on the landscape today.

  • - Caught Between Two Worlds
    af John Reed
    151,95 kr.

  • af John Reed
    1.055,95 kr.

  • af John Reed
    449,95 kr.

  • af John Reed
    513,95 kr.

  • af John Reed
    143,95 kr.

    "This book is a slice of intensified history-history as I saw it.? So begins John Reed's first-hand account of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Much anticipated when it was published in 1919, Reed's narrative remains as riveting today as when the events he describes were still reverberating throughout the world.Reed was hardly a disinterested observer, and his involvement in the Communist labor movement lends urgency and passion to his classic account. He vividly describes events in Petrograd in November 1917, when Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace and seized the reins of power.Despite Reed's personal leanings, which he made no attempt to hide, the book garnered praise from luminaries across the political spectrum. George F. Kennan, the American diplomat, and father of the policy of Soviet containment, said that "Reed's account of the events of that time rises above every other contemporary record for its literary power, its penetration, its command of detail. It will be remembered when all others are forgotten."Reed was committed to telling the story of the Russian revolution as truthfully as possible. That the book was banned by Russian premier Josef Stalin is a testament to the author's success in carrying out his mission. One hundred years after Russia and the world trembled, Ten Days that Shook the World brings alive the momentous events of 1917.

  • af John Reed
    268,95 kr.

    From the bands roots in north London, through their emergence as part of 2-Tone and onto their late 80s fall and subsequent rise via the Madstock festivals, House of Fun celebrates a very British musical phenomenon.

  • af John Reed
    273,95 kr.

    John Reed's reportage with Pancho Villa.

  • af John Reed
    343,95 kr.

    This reference book provides an encyclopaedic guide to every song by Schubert for solo voice and piano, 600 in all, including different versions, unfinished songs and variants.

  • af John Reed
    133,95 kr.

    Den russiske revolution er den største begivenhed i menneskehedens historie. For første gang tog almindelige arbejdere og bønder magten og gjorde det af med undertrykkende feudalherrer og pengegriske kapitalister. En revolutionær bølge bredte sig verden over. Også i dag er det nødvendigt at lade sig inspirere og studere den russiske revolution. John Reeds bog 10 dage der rystede verden giver både baggrunden for oktoberrevolutionen 1917 og navnlig en aldeles enestående øjenvidneskildring af disse verdenshistoriske begivenheder i oktober og november. Mange af disse situationer ville kun være meget ufuldstændigt kendt, hvis John Reeds øje, øre og tanke ikke have fanget dem ind og bragt billedet videre til os. Overalt var han: fra kongressen i Smolnyj ilede han til møde i den revolutionære Duma; med fare for sit liv gik han ned i skyttegravene, stod sammen med Petrograds proletariat på barrikaderne, talte med revolutionære og kontrarevolutionære. Han var med, da den provisoriske regering blev arresteret, han fulgte soldaternes storm på Vinterpaladset og deltog i den 2. alrussiske sovjetkongres, der vedtog dekreterne om fred og jord. Lenin, der sammen med Trotskij ledte den russiske revolution, skrev i forordet til den amerikanske udgave af bogen: ”Her er en bog jeg gerne ville se trykt i millioner af eksemplarer og oversat til alle sprog. Den giver en sandfærdig og levende skildring af begivenhederne…”

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