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Bøger af Jon Acuff

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  • - The Surprising Solution to Overthinking
    af Jon Acuff
    116,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Popular speaker and New York Times bestselling author takes a refreshingly honest and humorous look at overthinking--identifying what it masquerades as (being prepared), calling it what it really is (fear), and offering a simple plan to turn it from a super problem into a superpower.

  • af Jon Acuff
    146,95 - 298,95 kr.

    "This is my new favorite book about goals! Jon Acuff has done it again!"--Mel Robbins, podcaster and New York Times bestselling author of The High 5 Habit"Wow! This is one of those rare books that will make you take action and see serious results immediately. Really."--Patrick Lencioni, bestselling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Six Types of Working Genius"Jon Acuff brilliantly provides the road map to activating the potential within us."--Nona Jones, speaker, technology executive, and author of Killing Comparison"If you're looking for the inspiration and instruction you need to shape your own world, you're holding it in your hands."--Donald Miller, CEO of Business Made Simple"Jon will gently tap you on the shoulder, remind you of your goals, and pull you in the delightful direction you were headed before you became stuck, distracted, discouraged, or off course."--Bob Goff, author of the New York Times bestsellers Love Does, Everybody Always, Dream Big, and Undistracted"If you've ever wondered if you're capable of more, consider this book the resounding 'Yes!' you've been waiting for all your life."--Steven Pressfield, New York Times bestselling author of The War of Art"The best book about goals I've ever read!"--Jon Gordon, twelve-time bestselling author of The Power of Positive Leadership

  • af Jon Acuff
    213,95 kr.

    Using the same humor and honesty that galvanized more than a million online readers from more than 200 countries, speaker Jon Acuff brings his insightful take on Christianity to the book world with this new edition of Stuff Christians Like. From prayer shot blocks to Metro worship leaders, no stone is left unturned in this hilarious look at faith.

  • af Jon Acuff
    623,95 kr.

  • af Jon Acuff
    193,95 kr.

    ¿Qué pasaría si pudieras tener una carrera satisfactoria, un matrimonio próspero, amistades sólidas y pasatiempos gratificantes, todo mientras estás en el mejor momento de tu vida? ¿Qué pasaría si cada día que vivieras fuera mejor que el anterior? ¿Qué pasaría si aprovechar tu potencial no fuera tan difícil como crees? Según el autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times, Jon Acuff, podría no serlo. De hecho, todo lo que se necesita es una meta. En su noveno libro, te muestra cómo planificar metas que tienes garantizado alcanzar, centrándote en tus mejores momentos, navegando por las tres zonas de desempeño y encontrando formas de alimentar tus pasiones, todo mientras disfrutas del viaje. ¿Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad? Jon también lo pensó. Hasta que sucedió, una y otra vez, para él y los cientos de personas reales en su proyecto de investigación. Ya sea que tus objetivos sean personales, relacionales o profesionales, la clave para un futuro mejor está más cerca de lo que piensas. ----- >According to New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff, it might not be. In fact, All It Takes Is a Goal. In his ninth book, he shows you how to plan goals that you're guaranteed to reach by focusing on your best moments, navigating the three zones of performance, and finding ways to fuel your passions, all while actually enjoying the ride. Sound too good to be true? Jon thought so too. Until it happened, again and again, for him and the hundreds of real people in his research project. Whether your goals are personal, relational, or career-driven, the key to a better future is closer than you think.

  • af Jon Acuff
    176,95 kr.

    When Jon Acuff's book Soundtracks, came out, one reaction surprised him. Parents across the country all said the same thing: "Do you have a version for teenagers? If I knew how to change my mindset when I was that age, my entire life would have been different." Why did they say that? Because truth grows like compound interest. Saving money when you're young has a bigger impact than it does when you save in your 40s. A single new soundtrack--Acuff's phrase for a repetitive thought--believed when you're 14 or 18 can change your whole life in the same way. In response, Acuff tagged his two daughters to help him create an honest, actionable guide to mindset for teenagers. Your thoughts can work for you or against you, but the good news is you get a choice. The even better news is when you're young, your entire world is made of new. You're a movie that's barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn't hit the chorus. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you learn to create new thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions, and those actions lead to new results. Are you ready to tap into the superpower of mindset? Just hit play.

  • af Jon Acuff
    143,95 kr.

    From the author of Stuff Christians Like comes a fresh take on a timeless subject, money. A member of the Dave Ramsey team, Jon Acuff offers a front row seat to all of the silly things we do when it comes to paying off debt, managing our money and everything in between.

  • af Jon Acuff
    198,95 kr.

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