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  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    232,95 kr.

    In light of the increasing levels of innovation being experienced in society around us, Creativity, Innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The da Vinci Strategy offers an organizational theory that can be applied in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    1.715,95 kr.

    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector is certain to boost levels of automation and productivity but paradoxically, it will also increase the availability of 'first line competence'. At the same time as demographic trends are affecting demand for health and social care, the technological developments we are seeing make it highly likely that AI will play a decisive role in tackling the challenges our healthcare systems will encounter. This book reveals systemic connections to tackle questions about the potential impact of AI on future challenges in the healthcare sector.Specifically, it develops practical proposals for ways in which AI can be applied to solve these forthcoming issues. It emphasizes the importance of AI in what is known in the literature as human augmentation. The book's innovative perspective is apparent in the way it challenges conventional wisdom in the context of several pressing questions, such as: - What opportunities and challenges could arise from the application of AI in the healthcare sector? - How can the philosophy of medicine, viewed from a systemic perspective, help us to understand, explain, and resolve some of the future challenges in the healthcare sector? - How could AI affect inclusive employment opportunities for people with disabilities? The book also contains an underlying argument to the effect that the rational approach adopted by economists is perhaps less rational when applied to a healthcare sector that is crying out for more 'first line competence'.The primary readership will be academic, but the book will also appeal to policymakers, consultants, HR-departments, healthcare stakeholders and related practitioners.

  • - Islamsk terror i Europa
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    252,95 kr.

    Terror i Europa-mulige årsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjennom. Europol, avdeling x i Stockholm har oppdraget å stoppe denne trafikken. Bind 2 Europa brenner, handler om atomstridshoder som fraktes inn i Europa langs valmueruten. Bind 3 Islamsk terror i Europa viser en kopling mellom ISTRA, en russisk kriminell organisasjon, avdeling x i Europol og politisk og ideologisk Islam. Vi ser en utvikling i terroren i Europa fra en sofistikert strategi, over terror av folk som samles i store menneskemengder. Nå er det en annen utvikling som viser seg. Tilfeldige individer på tog, T-bane og busser, eller folk i biler på vei til jobb utsettes for terror. Ofte er det islamske ekstremister som utfører terroren om den er i København, Paris, Nice, eller Istanbul. Hva er årsakene til denne økende terror i Europa? I denne romanen gis noen svar på dette spørsmål. Vi følger tett fire personer som delvis befinner seg i Moskva og London. Vi ser hvordan disse personene gjennom et kriminelt nettverk kopler an til islamske terrorister. Sammen vever den kriminelle organisasjon ISTRA og den nye politiske islamistiske bevegelse i Europa et nett, som spenner seg over hele det europeiske kontinent. Den politiske islamske organisasjon er en fullt ut lovlig organisasjon som stod opp som en fugl fønix etter at islamsk stat var nedkjempet. Man nedkjemper soldater, men man nedkjemper aldri ideene disse soldatene stod for. Man bomber bare nye ideer opp til overflaten, som tar form av en demokratisk islamsk politisk bevegelse i Europa.

  • - Europa brenner
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    162,95 kr.

    Terror i Europa-mulige årsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjennom. Europol, avdeling x i Stockholm har oppdraget å stoppe denne trafikken. Bind 2 Europa brenner, handler om atomstridshoder som fraktes inn i Europa langs valmueruten. Bind 3 Islamsk terror i Europa viser en kopling mellom ISTRA, en russisk kriminell organisasjon, avdeling x i Europol og politisk og ideologisk Islam. Vi ser en utvikling i terroren i Europa fra en sofistikert strategi, over terror av folk som samles i store menneskemengder. Nå er det en annen utvikling som viser seg. Tilfeldige individer på tog, T-bane og busser, eller folk i biler på vei til jobb utsettes for terror. Ofte er det islamske ekstremister som utfører terroren om den er i København, Paris, Nice, eller Istanbul. Hva er årsakene til denne økende terror i Europa? I denne romanen gis noen svar på dette spørsmål. Vi følger tett fire personer som delvis befinner seg i Moskva og London. Vi ser hvordan disse personene gjennom et kriminelt nettverk kopler an til islamske terrorister. Sammen vever den kriminelle organisasjon ISTRA og den nye politiske islamistiske bevegelse i Europa et nett, som spenner seg over hele det europeiske kontinent. Den politiske islamske organisasjon er en fullt ut lovlig organisasjon som stod opp som en fugl fønix etter at islamsk stat var nedkjempet. Man nedkjemper soldater, men man nedkjemper aldri ideene disse soldatene stod for. Man bomber bare nye ideer opp til overflaten, som tar form av en demokratisk islamsk politisk bevegelse i Europa. Terror i Europa-mulige årsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjennom. Europol, avdeling x i Stockholm har oppdraget å stoppe denne trafikken. Bind 2 Europa brenner, handler om atomstridshoder som fraktes inn i Europa langs valmueruten. Bind 3 Islamsk terror i Europa viser en kopling mellom ISTRA, en russisk kriminell organisasjon, avdeling x i Europol og politisk og ideologisk Islam.

  • - Bind 1: Valmueruten
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    176,95 kr.

    Terror i Europa-mulige årsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjennom. Europol, avdeling x i Stockholm har oppdraget å stoppe denne trafikken. Bind 2 Europa brenner, handler om atomstridshoder som fraktes inn i Europa langs valmueruten. Bind 3 Islamsk terror i Europa viser en kopling mellom ISTRA, en russisk kriminell organisasjon, avdeling x i Europol og politisk og ideologisk Islam.

  • - Islamsk terrorisme i Europa Noen historiske årsaker: Den lille blå bok
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    117,95 kr.

    De spørsmål som undersøkes i denne boken er: Hva er politisk og ideologisk Islam? Det er hovedsakelig utviklingen i det 20. århundret og frem til i dag som danner utgangspunktet for denne undersøkelse, selv om eksempler fra tidligere tider vil bli brakt inn. Det er politisk og ideologisk Islam i den historiske kontekst som er undersøkelsens formål, ikke politisk og ideologisk Islam i teologisk forstand. Boken undersøker om dagens islamske terror i Europa kan være forankret i politisk og ideologisk Islam. Boken bringer en god del eksempler fra historien som viser hvordan Islamske stater har behandlet kristne og jøder.

  • - Knowledge in a Globalized Economy
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    362,95 kr.

    An increased focus on information, knowledge and organisational learning, has provided us with a deeper understanding of factors and processes conducive to innovation and eventually to sustainable competitive advantages. However, little attention has been given to social mechanisms triggering innovations. The purpose of this book is to uncover processes and the corresponding social mechanisms promoting innovation in organisations. It is the integration of organisational learning, the internal knowledge base of the company and its external knowledge base, viewed in relation to innovations in organisations, which are the main elements discussed in this book. The purpose of this book is also to contribute to a perspective on economic performance; i.e. the interaction between norms specific to a company, the knowledge basis of the company and innovation. The questions we will try to shed light on in this book are: What is the connection between norms specific to the company, the knowledge basis of the company and innovation? We will argue that norms specific to the company, knowledge development and innovation strategies are closely linked, in order to promote competitive advantages at the company level. We will present and discuss a model in this connection. At the end of the book we will integrate this model and develop policy implications. We will see norms specific to the company in the light of social autopoiesis theory. It is this theory which will be used when evaluating the importance of knowledge development and innovation. The main thesis in the book is that a company's capabilities are primarily developed on the basis of social norms and values already existing in the social relations of the company. This in turn influences how the company develops and applies the knowledge basis, thus influencing innovation strategies.

  • - China-Us Rivalry in the Innovation Economy
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    1.816,95 kr.

    The emerging conflict between the US and China has an inherent tendency towards a development of deglobalization. It is the historical prerequisites for this deglobalization that are examined in this book. These assumptions are largely based on what is termed the second wave of globalization, based on increasing technological competition between the US and China, as well as China's expansion along the New Silk Road.In this book, the author makes a distinction between the Old Globalization and the New Globalization. The Old Globalization was characterized by competition over costs in general and wage costs in particular, while the New Globalization is categorized by new competencies and skills, especially technological capabilities and technological innovations. The second wave, which is driven by technological innovations, lays the foundation for a counter-strategy on the part of the US to stem the Chinese technological expansion. It is this new strategy that confines the second wave of globalization from China and lays the foundation for deglobalization.The book analyses US-China relations from a fresh perspective, namely a systemic thinking approach. The focus is the emerging innovation economy, which leads to tension and deglobalization. The book is grounded in evolutionary economics and uses conceptual generalization in its descriptions, analysis, theoretical reflections, and real-world cases. The key message is that the economy of the future will be characterized by coordinated wave movements: economic growth mainly controlled by private capital alternating with economic downturns that necessitate collective solutions and government interventions.The book offers policy suggestions, which include promoting effective macroeconomic policies, and extending microeconomic cooperation schemes, related to the innovation economy.

  • - Theory and explanations
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    197,95 kr.

    The problem in organizational change projects is that people often resist organizational change. Many change projects in organizations does not reach their goals. The question is why? Part of this book investigates how prospect theory can be used to explain people's resistance to organizational change. Prospect theory is based on research from Kahneman and Tversky. If we know why people resist organizational change, we as leaders can do something to promote the change project. The objective of chapter one is to advise managers and leaders on ways of reducing resistance to organizational change. We identify seven propositions that explain how managerial strategies reduce organizational change. We recommend seven measures that may be employed by management to obtain support for projects implementing organizational change. In the rest of the book we ask the following questions: How can we explain institutional changes? What are the important value-creation processes in the knowledge society? How can social mechanisms be examined from at systemic point of view? The purpose is to understand and explain social mechanisms and the corresponding social processes instrumental in determining the development of the knowledge society. Understanding the knowledge society is a prerequisite for understanding the fourth industrial revolution.

  • - Nietzsches theory of freedom, obedience and resentment
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    97,95 kr.

    In this book we discusses Nietzsche's concept of freedom. In chapter 1 we ask the question: What is the meaning of 'freedom' in Nietzsche's philosophy? The purpose of the chapter is to develop aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom. Nine propositions which constitute aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom is developed. In chapter 2 we ask the question: What is the meaning of the freedom of the individual in Nietzsche's philosophy? The purpose of chapter 2 is to develop aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom of the individual. Five propositions that constitute aspects of Nietzsche's theory of individual freedom is developed. In chapter 3 we ask the question: What binds together the will to freedom, obedience and the will to power? The Purpose is to o develop aspects of a theory of power and freedom in Nietzsche's writings. Twelve propositions are developed. These propositions constitute a coherent system, showing aspects of power and freedom in Nietzsche's writings.

  • - Knowledge and Innovation: Knowledge Management Series
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    107,95 kr.

    Chapter 1 constitutes an attempt to develop a conceptual model for analysing organisations as social systems from a systemic point of view. What we are trying to develop is aspects of a general theory for organisational innovation. The level for our analysis is systems of relations and processes. The question asked is: In what way can systemic thinking be used as a means to understand, explain and predict stability and innovation in organisations regarded as social systems? It is social autopoiesis theory, a subclass of systemic thinking we use as the theoretical foundation in this chapter. Our contribution is expressed through an analytical model, conceptual models, and propositions. The objective of chapter 2 is to contribute to a perspective of economic performance, i.e. the interaction between vision, knowledge-creation, -integration and-use in order to create organizational innovation. This chapter develops aspects of an innovation theory based on information- and knowledge- management. By knowledge management we here mean too create new (task-related) knowledge, disseminate it throughout the organization and incorporate it in products, services and systems. Central to the theory is the analysis of knowledge creation, integration and use. The theory is systematized in the conclusion with assumptions, a system of propositions and implication for organizational innovation. Chapter 3 examines the development of new knowledge, as we know with a high degree of certainty that when new knowledge emerges, innovation will be created and economic growth stimulated. The question we will examine is what is needed to develop high-tech value creation. The purpose of the chapter is to answer the following question: How can the West compete in the global knowledge economy? Our contribution is threefold. The first element is related to the development of new expertise; the second element to the development of global clusters of expertise; and the third element to understanding the emerging global market.

  • - Aspects of the Philosophy of Mario Bunge: Systemic Thinking Series
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    97,95 kr.

    In chapter 1 we ask the question: How can we develop a general scientific methodology, on tenets from Mario Bunges philosophy? The purpose is presenting a general scientific methodology on tenets from Mario Bunge´s philosophy. In the end of the chapter we show a general scientific methodology. based on systemic thinking. In chapter 2 we work with some of Mario Bunges statements, for instance: In order to explain a phenomenon/problem, some of the mechanisms which elicit the phenomenon/problem must be clarified, since: "a goal of scientific research is to uncover reality beneath appearance" (Bunge, 1998:149). The issue to be investigated by us is as follows: How can social mechanisms be examined from at systemic point of view? We will investigate, at an abstract level, what is meant by social mechanisms in social systems. Then we will investigate social mechanisms and various explanation models. In chapter 3 we discusses complexity in communication. We ask the question: How can one use distinction in the process of communication to reduse complexity? This perspective on communication is based partly on Bunges philosophy, and partly on Systems Theory. The purpose is to improve the theoretical understanding of the communicative processes. Through the chapter we develop aspects of a communication theory with three assumptions and ten propositions.

  • - ?An eye on the future?: HR-department
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    142,95 kr.

    The book discusses the following question: Which trends will manifest themselves in HR practices in the future? We examine the following questions: 1.Which key areas of expertise will HR management concentrate on in the future? 2.How can organizations maintain their competitive position using strategic HR management? 3.What key areas of knowledge will HR management concentrate on in the future? 4.What new functional areas will HR departments be concerned with in the future?

  • - Stability and Innovation
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    97,95 kr.

    The concept organisational channel capacity will be discussed in this book. This will also be related to innovation processes in organisations. We shall look at the relationship between organisational channel capacity and innovation. Then we shall make use of a thought experiment in order to apply Ashby's "Connectance" concept on organisational channel capacity to explain the relation between change at the partial system level and stability at the total system level The book is intentionally closed into a particular field of literature, i.e. the interactive innovation model. The purpose is to describe the role of innovation for firm competitiveness from a systemic point of view, and to review recent literature about the interactive innovation model. Turbulence and complexity in the business environment is growing as we enter the fourth industrial revolution. Innovation is seen as the primary source of sustainable competitive advantages in the fourth industrial revolution. Consequently, the underlying information processes were external information are gathered and put into use, are crucial for companies in their development of innovation, and ultimately their capacity to limit imitation and create sustainable competitive advantages. Through a conceptual model we argue that a prerequisite for the acquisition, development, integration and application of knowledge, is the existence of systemic knowledge processes, percolation processes and networking. It is through these processes that organizations can develop innovations, which ultimately will lead to sustainable competitive advantages.

  • - An introduction
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    97,95 kr.

    Our topic for discussion in this book is: What is the foundation for the philosophy of social science? Our perspective is systemic thinking. Our aim in writing this book has been the wish to help social scientists who study social systems with some perspectives in the philosophy of social science; A map over the territory, so to speak. The purpose is to facilitate the work of researchers studying problems/phenomena in social systems.

  • - Tacit Knowledge and Innovation
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    262,95 kr.

    Business are increasingly finding themselves in a world characterized by globalization, turbulence and complexity, paralleled with an exponential advancement in information technology (IT). As this technology is limited to the transfer of explicit knowledge, this may relegate tacit knowledge to the background, in spite of the strategic importance of tacit knowledge, hence, leading to the mismanagement of knowledge. The problem stated in this book is as follows: How does investment in, and use of IT influence tacit knowledge, and what impact does this have on firms ability to create and maintain sustainable competitive advantages? The purpose of the book is to improve our understanding of the role of tacit knowledge and to reflect on and give guidance for how to handle the relationship between tacit knowledge and IT. The book develop a model for solving the puzzle of the mismanagement of knowledge. In this book we also will develop a typology for tacit knowledge to facilitate our understanding of the interaction between tacit knowledge and innovation The aim of this book is also to examine the nature of intellectual capital and its role in the value creation processes. In this book, we regard the construct intellectual capital as a holistic management philosophy. We will develop a typology for this holistic management philosophy, in addition to conceptual models to describe and explain contexts pertaining to the various typologies.

  • - Obedience-The road to evil acts
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    507,95 kr.

    Part I Theory is divided in two chapters. In chapter 1 we develop a theory of Genocide. Although Leo Kuper, who is highly regarded among scholars of genocide studies, said that there was no point in developing a general theory of genocide, it nevertheless seems to make sense to examine the broad forces behind acts of genocide, because it may teach us something about the patterns and conditions that lead to such acts. If we know something about the patterns and conditions of genocide, we may perhaps at an early point be able to diagnose and identify developments that lead to these acts. If such developments can be diagnosed, it will be easier for the international community to intervene and stop developments that can lead to a human catastrophe. Consequently, the only reason to examine the patterns and conditions for genocide is to contribute to efforts that will ensure that such crimes against humanity do not happen again. In Chapter 2 we ask two questions: 1. How can we explain genocide? 2. How can Bauman's concept of modernity and his moral theory be used to explain genocide? Part II Moral implications is divided in two chapters In Chapter 3 we ask the question: What constitutes denial of the Armenian genocide? In chapter 4 we ask the question: Why is it important that the Armenian genocide should not be forgotten? In part III examples, we ask the question: Can the ideology of the Young Turks provide an essential part of the explanation of the Armenian genocide?

  • - Conceptual Generalization: Theory and applications
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    142,95 kr.

    Grand theories, medium theories or specific methods in social science lack something. They are all focused on empirical generalizations, or the new buzzword evidence based research. The point is that none of the theories or methods have taken into consideration how conceptual generalizations are build. In this book we show how to build theories, and how to use theories in your own research. Systemic thinking is used as a reference point in the developing of theories, and conceptual generalization is developed and analyzed. Conceptual generalization may also be used to generate papers and books from your own research.

  • - Knowledge and Organizational Learning
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    297,95 kr.

    The problem to be analyzed in this book is the following one: How could training be instrumental in developing competence into sustainable competitive advantages? The fundamental belief behind the question is that there is an untapped capability in every business of today, which is knowledge, and it represents a vast potential for gaining sustainable competitive advantage. The book is organized in the following manner: First, we will discuss the role of knowledge and competence in creating sustainable competitive advantages. Secondly, discuss the need for a strategic approach to competence development, by asking the question: "What competencies do we need?". We present a methodology for isolating the competence that provide sustainable competitive advantages. Third, we discuss the role of training in meeting the strategic competence priorities of companies, by asking: "How should we train to acquire the competence we need". In the conclusion we will present a model for delivering training in the workplace. In this book we also will discuss the link between systemic thinking, organizational learning and knowledge management. We will develop a conceptual model to illustrate and explain this link, which will be further discussed throughout chapter 2 in the book. The main entities of this model are: Emphasis on internal motivation, relations in and among systems, in addition to the development of vision, generation of ideas and creativity. The philosophical basis for this model is systemic thinking. We will thus explain the meaning of this way of thinking, before we discuss the individual elements of the conceptual model.

  • - The Philosophy of Systemic Thinking
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    117,95 kr.

    The book contains of five chapters. The purpose of chapter 1 is to investigate under which conditions it can be expected that the negotiation partners substitute a competitive definition of the situation for a cooperative one. A general model for negotiation situations has been developed. Several research propositions focusing on the transformation from a win- loose context, to a win-win context are presented. The conditions which the purpose of the chapter focus on, are summarized in a visualized model for negotiation situations. The question to be discussed in chapter 2 is the following: Why are we more inclined to believe in one type of information than another? Recent literature is discussed through a general model of the cognitive authority of information. Inputs into the model are: cognitive processes, cognitive principles, heuristic mechanisms, information processes and characteristics of the speaker (the sender). Outcomes are defined as the cognitive authority of information. Several research propositions based on the model are presented. Chapter 3 Prospect Theory in Negotiations discusses the problem in organizational change projects, that people often resist organizational change. Many change projects in organizations does not reach their goals. The question is why? This chapter investigates how prospect theory can be used to explain people's resistance to organizational change. If we know why people resist organizational change, we as leaders can do something to promote the change project. The objective of this chapter is to advise managers and leaders on ways of reducing resistance to organizational change. We identify seven propositions that explain how managerial strategies reduce organizational change. We recommend seven measures that may be employed by management to obtain support for the negotiated situation. Chapter 4 mastering, discusses the negotiation problem that managers have little insight into issues relating to employees' sense of mastery. The question discussed is how managers can establish workplace conditions conducive to facilitating a sense of mastery for employees, because this will facilitate the negotiation context in the organization. The purpose of the chapter is helping managers gain greater insight into issues relating to employees' sense of mastery in order to contribute to a improved negotiation situation. At the end of the chapter an analytical model consisting of seven elements is visualized, which can be applied as a management tool for negotiation situations. In chapter 5 Attitude change in Negotiations, we discusses the problem related to the difficulty of changing attitudes. The question asked is: How can managers change the attitudes of employees? The purpose is to develop a toolkit that managers can use to change employees' attitudes in negotiation situations. A system of 13 measures that managers can use to change the attitudes of employees is visualized as a toolkit for managers in negotiation situations.

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    676,95 kr.

    Managers and leaders spend a great deal of time on communication; it binds together all the communications in the organisational system. In other words, communication is the glue that impacts on the effectiveness of communication in the entire organization, therefore the style of leadership communication has a profound impact on how the organization works. If too much `glue¿ is used, the consequence is information overload, which hampers effective communication. If there is too little glue, individuals and entire organizations may find themselves in a pathological state of disorder, with people filling the information vacuum with rumours and gossip. Leadership communication can be involving and participatory, motivating colleagues to be creative and put in as much extra effort as is necessary. Leadership communication can also be power-based and patronizing. Such a style of communication will cause tensions and conflicts within an organization. In this textbook, the author shows how information and communication are parts of a special type of interaction, namely situations in which you want to gain trust or influence people. With a plethora of case examples and practical exercises to get stuck into, this engaging book helps students gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and contexts described in each chapter, such as communication strategies, influencing techniques, communication and values, and communication and trust. The second half of the book offers six personal communication tools, and six personal coaching tools, with assignment to each of the coaching tools.  In addition, the book provides 66 exercises to the six personal communication tools. Ideal reading for those taking leadership and communication courses, this textbook takes a practical approach to the key issues in organizational communication that will prepare students for their careers in business.Jon-Arild Johannessen is Professor in Leadership, at Kristiania University College, Norway. He has previously held Professor Roles at Syd-Danske University, Denmark ,The Arctic University, Norway, Bodø Graduate School of Business, Norway and Norwegian School of Management (BI). He has written more than 200 international papers on innovation, knowledge management and leadership and is a prolific author, with over 30 books under his belt with Publishers including has been author/co-author Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge and Emerald. Professor Johannessen has received a number of international awards for his research.

  • - Ethics in Systemic Thinking: Systemic Thinking Series
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    97,95 kr.

    The subject to be examined in chapter 1 is the following one: How can we study value systems from a systemic angle of incidence? It is the philosophy developed by Bunge through his treatise on basic philosophy which will constitute the basis for this chapter. First we will develop a conceptual model for the value system, consisting of the following entities: Well-being, needs and wishes, values, moral codes and action. Then we will discuss each element of the model from a systemic angle of incidence. The ethical norm expressed in the chapter is referred to as systemic principle of balance and can be expressed in the following way: The well-being of those most subject to suffering in the social system should be given number one priority, despite the fact that well-being of the majority will deteriorate as a result of this priority. Our topic for discussion in chapter 2 is: What is the foundation for the philosophy of social science for systemic thinking? Our aim in writing this chapter has been the wish to help social scientists who study social systems from a systemic point of view. We will be discussing systemic thinking in relation to the naturalistic and the antinaturalistic position in the philosophy of social science. It is to position systemic thinking this chapter has as its main purpose, and this is also the contribution of the chapter. The purpose is also to facilitate the work of researchers studying problems/phenomena in social systems from a systemic point of view. In chapter 3 we will use systemic thinking for the purpose of criticizing neoclassical utility theory.

  • - Innovation Theory: Innovation Theory
    af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    252,95 kr.

    One of the problems we face in the transition from an industrial society to a global knowledge economy is the need for a new breed of leaders and a new understanding of leadership. Creativity in organizations is traditionally considered to be the domain of the R&D department, and design and marketing functions. The consequences of this way of thinking are that creativity, innovation and the implementation of innovation have not been a part of everyday life throughout an organization, but rather things that are the responsibility of a few people often located in departments far away from the "front line." It is the front line that is in daily contact with users / customers, and which, in the knowledge society, will become increasingly important. The questions we discuss are: How can we develop a new type of leadership in the knowledge economy? What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the entrepreneurship? What should the West do in order to compete in the global knowledge economy? How can innovation be developed in organizations? What is needed to develop high-tech value creation? How can an organization increase its level of innovation? Under what conditions can established organizations foster innovation?

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    662,95 kr.

    With Industry 4.0 accelerating AI, synthetic knowledge and creativity, Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence posits a central question: "Under what conditions can intelligent robots develop creativity?".

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    1.620,95 kr.

    This book provides deep insight into the emergent Chinese innovation economy, as we head towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It describes, discusses and analyzes the period from China's opening up to foreign investment in the 1980s until the New Silk Road project, from 2013 onwards.

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    1.747,95 kr.

    A Marxist Interpretation of Church Leadership: Romans 13:1-7 is a study of Romans 13: 1-7 from a Marxist perspective. If too much emphasis is given to obedience, then this may provide the fundament for capitalism ruling with a focus on profit before people.

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    642,95 kr.

    The most important goals for an organization in the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be innovation and enhanced performance. Creativity is a means for promoting these goals - a creative person is a productive person who uses all their resources to attain specific goals. Da Vinci Creativity should be understood as being focused on improving performance both at individual and organizational levels. Traditional organizations can be hierarchical, and thus rigid, at a time when the external environment is undergoing very rapid change. The aim of this book is to present an organizational model that develops leaders who are able to cope with the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.In light of the increasing levels of innovation being experienced in society around us, Creativity, Innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The da Vinci Strategy offers an organizational theory that can be applied in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This book will be of interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of leadership, strategy, and technology and innovation management.

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    713,95 kr.

    Knowledge management expert Jon-Arild Johannessen presents a comprehensive exploration of tacit knowledge based on the research problem: How can tacit knowledge be used to improve organizational performance in practice?

  • af Jon-Arild Johannessen
    554,95 - 1.809,95 kr.

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