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Bøger af Jonathan Tepper

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  • af Jonathan (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill & University of Oxford) Tepper
    193,95 - 216,95 kr.

    The Myth of Capitalism tells the story of how America has gone from an open, competitive marketplace to an economy where a few very powerful companies dominate key industries that affect our daily lives. Digital monopolies like Google, Facebook and Amazon act as gatekeepers to the digital world. Amazon is capturing almost all online shopping dollars. We have the illusion of choice, but for most critical decisions, we have only one or two companies, when it comes to high speed Internet, health insurance, medical care, mortgage title insurance, social networks, Internet searches, or even consumer goods like toothpaste. Every day, the average American transfers a little of their pay check to monopolists and oligopolists. The solution is vigorous anti-trust enforcement to return America to a period where competition created higher economic growth, more jobs, higher wages and a level playing field for all. The Myth of Capitalism is the story of industrial concentration, but it matters to everyone, because the stakes could not be higher. It tackles the big questions of: why is the US becoming a more unequal society, why is economic growth anemic despite trillions of dollars of federal debt and money printing, why the number of start-ups has declined, and why are workers losing out.

  • af Jonathan Tepper
    92,95 kr.

    La historia de cómo Norteamérica ha pasado de ser un mercado abierto y competitivo a ser una economía en la que unas cuantas empresas dominan industrias clave que afectan a nuestra vida cotidiana. Los monopolios digitales como Google o Facebook actúan como guardianes del mundo digital. Nos da la impresión de que decidimos, pero para la mayoría de las decisiones críticas, cuando se trata de internet de alta velocidad, seguros médicos, atención sanitaria, redes sociales, búsquedas en internet o incluso bienes de consumo como la pasta de dientes, contamos solo con una o dos empresas. El mito del capitalismo es la historia de la concentración industrial, pero es algo que importa a todos, pues los intereses no podían ser mayores.

  • af Jonathan Tepper
    92,95 kr.

    La història de com Amèrica del Nord ha passat de ser un mercat obert i competitiu a ser una economia en què unes quantes empreses dominen indústries clau que afecten la nostra vida quotidiana. Els monopolis digitals com ara Google o Facebook fan de guardians del món digital. Tenim la impressió que decidim, però per a la majoria de les decisions crítiques, quan es tracta d'internet d'alta velocitat, assegurances mèdiques, atenció sanitària, xarxes socials, cerques a internet o fins i tot béns de consum com la pasta de dents, disposem només d’una o dues empreses. El mite del capitalisme és la història de la concentració industrial, però és una cosa que importa a tothom, ja que els interessos no podien ser més grans.

  • - The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything
    af John Mauldin & Jonathan Tepper
    153,95 - 298,95 kr.

    What is the End Game? It?s the end of the Debt SuperCycle, defined as decades long growth of debt from small and easily-dealt-with levels, to a point where the debt has gotten so out of control it needs to be restructured or reduced. Depending on where you live, the investment implications can be very different.

  • - How to Protect Your Savings From the Coming Crisis
    af Jonathan Tepper & John (President Mauldin
    228,95 kr.

    Wall Street Journal Bestseller Valuable insights on monetary policies, their impact on your financial future, and how to protect against them Written by the New York Times bestselling author team of John Mauldin and Jonathan Tepper, Code Red spills the beans on the central banks in the U.S. , U.K. , E.U.

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