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Bøger af Joseph Correa

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  • - Increase Muscle and Reduce Fat to Become Quicker, Stronger, and Leaner
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    High Performance Shake and Juices Recipes for Volleyball Players will help you to increase muscle and drop unwanted fat naturally and efficiently. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. This book will help you to: -Increase muscle and reduce fast. -Train longer and harder with more energy. -Look leaner and healthier. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to become thinner. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist

  • - 意志力训练
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    战术的使用是网球比赛中的一个重要部分。知道如何应用这些战术能够帮助你对抗比你强劲的对手时赢得更多赛局。这些战术能够帮助你做到以下三点事情: 为一个特定类型的选手做好准备。 你会知道在一场比赛中运用什么战术会最为有效。 根据你的打法去执行这些战术。 这本网球战术书是一本口袋书。它应该放在你的网球包里或者任何最容易阅读它的地方,使你随时能够运用那些在比赛中最为有用的战术。

  • - 你学过的最有价值的的32个网球战术!
    af Joseph Correa
    197,95 kr.

    战术的使用是网球比赛中的一个重要部分。知道如何应用这些战术能够帮助你对抗比你强劲的对手时赢得更多赛局。这些战术能够帮助你做到以下三点事情: 为一个特定类型的选手做好准备。 你会知道在一场比赛中运用什么战术会最为有效。 根据你的打法去执行这些战术。 这本网球战术书是一本口袋书。它应该放在你的网球包里或者任何最容易阅读它的地方,使你随时能够运用那些在比赛中最为有用的战术。

  • - Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to run faster and last longer
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Homemade Protein Bar Recipes to Accelerate Muscle Development for Marathon Runners: Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to run faster and last longer This book will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to help increase muscle mass. These meals will help increase muscle in an organized manner by adding large healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're eating by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast naturally. -Improve muscle recovery faster than usual. -Eat delicious food that will improve performance. -Have more energy during and after training. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Increase Muscle and Reduce Excess Fat to Become Leaner, Faster, and Quicker
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    High Performance Shake and Juice Recipes for Table Tennis will help you to increase muscle and drop unwanted fat naturally and efficiently. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. This book will help you to: -Increase muscle and reduce fast. -Train longer and harder with more energy. -Look leaner and healthier. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to become thinner. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist

  • - Naturally improve muscle growth and drop fat to win more and improve muscle strength
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Homemade Protein Bar Recipes to Accelerate Muscle Development for Gymnastics: Naturally improve muscle growth and drop fat to win more and improve muscle strength This book will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to help increase muscle mass. These meals will help increase muscle in an organized manner by adding large healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're eating by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast naturally. -Improve muscle recovery faster than usual. -Eat delicious food that will improve performance. -Have more energy during and after training. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Fat Burning Juice Recipes to Help You Win More!
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    Burn Fat Fast for High Performance Wrestling will help you drop fat naturally and efficiently. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. This book will help you to: -Lose weight fast. -Reduce Fat. -Have more energy. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to become thinner. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Mejore su juego en 10 días
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    La estrategia juega una parte importante en el tenis competitivo y saber cómo aplicar esas estrategias puede ayudarle a ganar más partidos contra los más duros oponentes. Estas estrategias le permitirán lograr tres cosas: 1. Prepararse para un estilo específico de jugador. 2. Sabrá que contra-estrategias utilizar para competir más efectivamente. 3. Cómo ejecutar dichas estrategias basadas en su estilo de juego. Este libro de estrategias y tácticas mentales es tamaño bolsillo y deberá mantenerlo en su bolso de tenis o donde lo tenga a la vista para estar listo para aplicar la estrategia que sea más útil para ese partido. Los ejercicios de puntos y los ejercicios avanzados de tenis son divertidos y muy entretenidos para los jugadores que los practican. Algunas veces los ejercicios con soga pueden ser difíciles de completar, pero no se desanime. Siga trabajando duro y eventualmente logrará hacerlos correctamente. Este estilo inusual de entrenamiento le ayudará a mejorar su control sobre pelotas altas, pelotas bajas, tiros altos con efecto y tiros bajos de costado con poco o sin efecto. También mejorará su habilidad para dirigir la pelota hacia lugares específicos en la cancha y también logrará ser mucho más consistente. Una vez que complete este entrenamiento se sentirá más completo como jugador de tenis y disfrutará de hacer que sus oponentes trabajen más duro que antes.

  • - Improve Consistency and Power
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    54 Tennis Drills for Today's Game: Improve Consistency and Power By Joseph Correa Training for a match is important but training with a purpose is even more important and probably the main reason why some people win often while others don't. The best players in the world train using drills. Some drills are more specific than others but they all fall into one pattern or another. Learning and becoming great at those patterns will help you use specific strategies affectively in you matches which will increase the percentage of matches you win. Point drills and advanced tennis drills are lots of fun and are exciting for the players doing them. Sometimes it might become difficult for you to complete some of the rope drills but don't give. Keep working hard and eventually you will get it right. This unusual type of training will help you to improve your overall control of high balls, low balls, high top spin, and low slice, flat or with minimal topspin. You will also improve your ability to direct the ball to specific spots on the court as well as become a lot more consistent. Once you complete this training you will feel more complete as a tennis player and will enjoy making your opponents work harder than they have ever before. If you are beginner or intermediate in level, you can still do these drills as they can only make you better than you are right now but you might feel it requires some persistence until you get it right. Everything here is assuming you are right handed but you can simply do the opposite if you are left handed. This was done to simplify things but applies to both right handed players and left handed players.

  • - Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Homemade Protein Bar Recipes to Accelerate Muscle Development for Tennis: Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer This book will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to help increase muscle mass. These meals will help increase muscle in an organized manner by adding large healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're eating by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast naturally. -Improve muscle recovery faster than usual. -Eat delicious food that will improve performance. -Have more energy during and after training. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - High Protein Shakes to Make You Stronger and Faster
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    The Best Muscle Building Shake Recipes for Wrestling will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to develop more muscle mass. These shakes will accelerate muscle growth fast and in an organized manner by adding large and healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're consuming by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast. -Save time. -Have more energy. -Train harder and longer. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Tácticas Para Ganar y Estrategias Mentales Para Vencer a Cualquiera
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    Estrategias de Tenis Para Singles y Dobles: Tácticas Para Ganar y Estrategias Mentales Para Vencer a Cualquiera Por Joseph Correa En el tenis hay que saber que hacer dependiendo en la situación en la que se encuentre. La meta en el tenis competitivo es utilizar sus golpes más fuertes contra los golpes más débiles de su oponente y por esta razón, las estrategias que utilice en el partido tendrán un valor significativo y determinaran el resultado del partido. Su estilo de juego y el estilo de juego de su contrincante tienen fortalezas y debilidades de las cuales usted necesita convertir a su favor. En singles o sencillos, ciertas estrategias son muy exitosas pero no funcionan igual en dobles. Por esta razón, es importante aprender estrategias específicas para singles y otras para dobles. El dobles requiere que tanto su pareja de dobles y usted estén claros en cuál será el plan o estrategia en el partido y adaptar la estrategia si es necesario mediante avanza el partido. Este libro le ensenará las mejores estrategias de singles y dobles para que sus resultados sean cada vez mejores en sus partidos y que sus oponentes se les dificulte jugar contra usted. Lea todas las estrategias y utilice las que le sean más beneficiosos para su estilo de juego.

  • - Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Homemade Protein Bar Recipes to Accelerate Muscle Development for Squash: Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer This book will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to help increase muscle mass. These meals will help increase muscle in an organized manner by adding large healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're eating by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast naturally. -Improve muscle recovery faster than usual. -Eat delicious food that will improve performance. -Have more energy during and after training. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Serve 10 to 20 MPH Faster in 90 Days!
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    Serve Harder Training ProgramServe 10 to 20 mph faster in 90 days!By Joseph CorreaLearn how to drastically change your serve through 6 exercises that will increase your racquet head speed and acceleration in a very significant way.This book includes: -6 Tennis Serve exercises-3 charts that will teach you how to do them in an organized manner.-Detailed explanation on each phase of the charts.-6 Serving tips-15 Serve drillsThis is your chance to have the best serve ever with this training that will change the way you approach your serve. Using a scientifically proven method to increase your racquet head speed and acceleration through 6 exercises. Do you want to win more matches thanks to your serve? Want to make a big difference in the results you have in your matches and tournaments?Well, in tennis, YOU SPEND AT LEAST 46% OF THE TIME SERVING! Which means that the better you serve, the better your chance you will have of controlling that 46% of your match.The remainder of the match you spend on returning serve and hitting ground strokes and volleys during the point. This basically means that working on your forehand, backhand, over head, slice, topspin, return of serve, and other specific shots will require a lot more time and effort to master the remaining 54% of your match.SO WHY NOT WORK ON WHAT MATTERS THE MOST?This book will: -change how you serve. -It will reduce shoulder injuries. -It will reduce the amount of running you will have to do in your matches. -It will teach you how to serve faster than ever before-It will save you tears, frustration, time, and most importantly lossesIt includes 3 charts that explain in detail when to train, how to train, how many times to train, and what to train. Each chart is specific for "before competition training," "during competition training," and "during your off season training" which may be in the summer or during the winter time so that you can maximize results.Make the investment in your game to change how you play and WIN MORE TROPHIES!This book will teach you how to serve 10-20 mph faster in a 3 month period with a day by day program. The best serve training program in the market. This book shows you how to do the exercises properly and efficiently. You will learn the process you should follow in order to be successful with the progra

  • - ¡sirva 10 a 20 MPH Más Rápido En 90 Días!
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    Programa de Entrenamiento del Servicio en el Tenis¡Sirva 10 a 20 mph más rápido en 90 días!Por Joseph CorreaAprenda cómo cambiar su servicio drásticamente a través de 6 ejercicios que incrementaran la velocidad y aceleración de su raqueta de forma significativa.Este libro incluye: -Los 6 ejercicios para el servicio en Tenis-Las 3 tablas que le enseñarán cómo hacerlos de forma organizada-Explicación detallada de cada fase de las tablas-6 consejos para el servicio-15 ejercicios de servicioEsta es su oportunidad para tener el mejor servicio con este entrenamiento, que le cambiará la forma en la que entrena su servicio. Usará un método científicamente comprobado para incrementar su velocidad y aceleración de raqueta a través de 6 ejercicios.¿Quiere ganar más partidos gracias a su servicio?¿Quiere hacer una gran diferencia en los resultados que tiene en sus partidos y torneos?Bueno, en el tenis, ¡USTED PASA AL MENOS 46% DEL TIEMPO SIRVIENDO!, lo que significa que cuanto mejor controle su servicio, más oportunidades tendrá de controlar ese 46% de su partido.El tiempo restante del partido, usted lo utiliza en la devolución del servicio y pegando golpes de fondo durante el punto. Esto significa, básicamente, que trabajar en su derecha, revés, smash, slice, top spin, devolución del servicio y otros tiros específicos, requerirán mucho más tiempo y esfuerzo para perfeccionar el 54% de su partido.ENTONCES, ¿POR QUÉ NO TRABAJAR EN LO QUE IMPORTA MÁS?Este libro le: - cambiará su servicio- reducirá las lesiones en el hombro- reducirá la distancia que corre durante sus partidos.- le enseñará cómo servir más rápido que nunca.- le ahorrará lágrimas, frustración y pérdidas.Incluye 3 tablas que explican en detalle cuándo, cómo, cuántas veces y qué entrenar. Cada tabla es específica para antes de competir, durante la competencia, y durante su temporada fuera de las canchas, que puede ser en el verano o invierno, para maximizar resultados.Haga la inversión en su juego para cambiar cómo juega y ¡GANE MÁS TROFEOS!Este libro le enseñará cómo servir 10-20 mph más rápido en un programa diario de 3 meses. El mejor programa de servicio en el mercado. Este libro le muestra cómo hacer los ejercicios apropiadamente y el proceso que debería seguir para ser exitoso con el programa.

  • - Learn how to improve your spin, control, depth, and power on the court!
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    These group of drills will teach you how to hit with more spin, control, depth, precision than ever before. "This book will teach you how to become more consistent by adding spin to your shots which will give you the confidence to hit with more power." Do you ever ask yourself: How can I hit with more top spin? How can I improve my deep topspin shots cross court? Is there a way for me improve my slice down the down? How can I be more offensive in my doubles matches? These are all answered in this book with pictures and detailed explanations on how to do things 10 times better than you are doing them now! MASTER THE GAME OF TENNIS NOW! Written by a professional tennis player and coach to help you reach your tennis potential no matter what your level of play. Learn basic and advanced patterns with this new training method that will get you hitting better in very little time. Learn to control the balls height, spin, speed, and direction with these drills.

  • - "Ce que vous devez faire et de travailler sur pour gagner tout le temps!"
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 - 252,95 kr.

    12 Secrets de tennis pour gagner plus!: "Ce que vous devez faire et de travailler sur pour gagner tout le temps!" Par Joseph Correa La préparation et le tactique que vous devez choisir avant chaque match jouent un rôle tres important dans les compétitions de tennis. Le savoir d' appliquer ces stratégies et ces idées peux vous aider à gagner plus de matches contre des adversaires plus forts. Ces stratégies et ces idées vous permettront d'optimiser quatre choses: 1. Préparez-vous à un genre spécifique d' adversaire. 2. Savoir quelles contre-stratégie peut être efficacement utilisé. 3. Comment appliquer ces stratégies en fonction de votre style de jeu. 4. Gagner plus de matchs Ce livre de stratégies et préparations pour les matchs de tennis est un livre de poche qui doit être conservé dans votre sac de tennis ou là où vous aurez un acces facile avant chaque match, ce qui vous permet de choisir la stratégie la plus adéquate pour celui-ci.

  • - Trentatré Concetti per migliorare il Tuo Gioco
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    LE 33 LEGGI DEL TENNIS Di Joseph Correa Imparare a padroneggiare il lato mentale del tennis è sempre stata una parte difficile di questo gioco. Alcuni giocatori hanno deciso di non allenarsi mentalmente o semplicemente di ignorarlo, il che è un grosso errore. Si dice che vincere nel tennis per l'80 - 90% è MENTALE! Basta tenere conto che i punti chiave di una partita di tennis come il match point, game point, break point, e set point, sono tutte le situazioni cruciali che possono decidere l'esito di un particolare incontro. QUINDI PERCHE' LA MAGGIOR PARTE DELLE PERSONE SALTA L'ALLENAMENTO MENTALE? E' necessario considerare che in media una partita di tennis dura 1 ora e 30 minuti. Rimanere concentrati così a lungo, non è compito facile, ma con i concetti giusti e le idee per arrivare a quel punto le cose diventeranno più facili. Inizia a leggere e metti in pratica i concetti e le idee che ci sono in questo libro in modo da poter ottenere il massimo dal tuo gioco e vincere più spesso.

  • - Les 32 Pertinentes Strategies De Tennis Que Vous Devez Savoir
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Les 32 Pertinentes Stratégies De Tennis Que Vous Devez Savoir. Joseph Correa Apprendre à maîtriser l'aspect mental du tennis a toujours été une partie difficile du jeu. Certains joueurs ont simplement décidé de ne pas s'entrainner mentalement ou tout simplement l'ignorer ce qui est une grosse erreur . Il est dit que la victoire dans le tennis est de 80 - 90% MENTALE ! Il suffit de prendre en compte que les points clés d'un match de tennis comme le point de rencontre, point de jeu, des points de rupture, et les points de consigne, ont toutes les situations crutial qui peuvent décider l'issue d'un concours particulier . Alors pourquoi la plupart des gens sautent l' ENTRAÎNEMENT MENTAL ? Prenez en compte que, en moyenne, un match de tennis dure 1 heure et 30 minutes. Mise au point d'une telle longue période de temps n'est pas une tâche facile, mais avec des bons concepts et les bonnes idées vous pouvez y rendre les choses plus abordables. Commencer à lire et mettre en pratique les concepts et les idées contenues dans ce livre afin que vous puissiez profiter au maximum de votre jeu et gagner plus souvent . Créé par un joueur de tennis professionnel et entraîneur avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience! Apprendre des pros et d'apprendre ce qu'ils ont fait avant, pendant et après la compétition peuvent changer la façon dont vous voyez le tennis et la concurrence . Si vous voulez gagner plus de matches de tennis et des tournois, vous devez acheter ce livre et de mémoriser les idées qui contient.

  • - Fat Burning Juice Recipes to Get You Lighter before Competition!
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    Powerful Fat Burning Juices in Preparation for a Triathlon will help you drop fat naturally and efficiently. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. This book will help you to: -Lose weight fast. -Reduce Fat. -Have more energy. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to become thinner. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist

  • - Increase Muscle and Drop Excess Fat to Become Faster, Stronger, and Leaner
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    High Performance Shake and Juice Recipes for Triathletes will help you to increase muscle and drop unwanted fat naturally and efficiently. These are not to replace meals but should complement your normal day to day meals. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. This book will help you to: -Increase muscle and reduce fast. -Train longer and harder with more energy. -Look leaner and healthier. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to become thinner. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - High Protein Shakes to Increase Muscle Growth and Improve Cycling Performance
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 - 242,95 kr.

    The Best Muscle Building Shakes for Cyclists will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to develop more muscle mass. These shakes will accelerate muscle growth fast and in an organized manner by adding large and healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're consuming by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast. -Save time. -Have more energy. -Train harder and longer. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer
    af Joseph Correa
    242,95 kr.

    Homemade Protein Bar Recipes to Accelerate Muscle Development for Mixed Martial Arts: Naturally improve muscle growth and lower fat to win more and last longer This book will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to help increase muscle mass. These meals will help increase muscle in an organized manner by adding large healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're eating by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast naturally. -Improve muscle recovery faster than usual. -Eat delicious food that will improve performance. -Have more energy during and after training. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system. Joseph Correa is a certified sports nutritionist and a professional athlete.

  • - Migliora il tuo gioco in 10 giorni
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 - 262,95 kr.

    La strategia gioca un ruolo importante nel tennis competitivo e saper applicare tali strategie possono aiutare a vincere più partite contro avversari difficili. Queste strategie vi permetteranno di fare tre cose: 1 Prepararsi per uno stile specifico del giocatore. 2 Imparerai che le strategie preparate precedentemente possono essere utilizzate per competere in modo più efficace. 3 Come eseguire queste strategie basandoti sul tuo stile di gioco. Questo playbook di strategie del tennis è tascabile e dovrebbe essere tenuto nello zaino da tennis o dove è più semplice leggerlo per tenervi pronti ad applicare sempre le strategie più utili per quella partita Gli allenamenti di tennis avanzato sono divertenti ed emozionanti per i giocatori che li seguono. A volte potrebbe diventare difficile completare alcuni punti, ma non farci caso. Continua a lavorare duro e alla fine otterrai il massimo. Questo insolito tipo di formazione ti aiuterà a migliorare il tuo controllo generale delle palle alte, palle basse, alti topspin, bassi slice, palle piane o con un minimo topspin. Potrai anche migliorare la tua capacità di dirigere la palla in punti specifici sul campo, nonché diventare molto più forte. Una volta completato questo corso ti sentirai più completo come giocatore di tennis e farai lavorare i tuoi avversari molto più di prima. Se sei un principiante o di livello intermedio, è possibile eseguire questi esercizi in quanto ti possono solo far diventare migliore di quanto tu lo sia ora, ma dovrai impegnarti molto per ottenere risultati importanti. E' stato tutto scritto per la mano destra, ma se sei mancino dovrai semplicemente eseguirli al contrario. Ciò è stato fatto per semplificare le cose, ma vale per entrambi i giocatori sia destri che mancini.

  • - High Protein Shakes to Make You Stronger and Faster
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    The Best Muscle Building Shake Recipes for Soccer will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to develop more muscle mass. These shakes will accelerate muscle growth fast and in an organized manner by adding large and healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're consuming by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast. -Save time. -Have more energy. -Train harder and longer. -Naturally accelerate Your Metabolism to build more muscle. -Improve your digestive system.

  • - High Protein Shakes to Make You Stronger and Fitter
    af Joseph Correa
    227,95 kr.

    The Greatest Muscle Building Shake Recipes for Gymnastics will help you increase the amount of protein you consume per day to develop more muscle mass. These shakes will accelerate muscle growth fast and in an organized manner by adding large and healthy portions of protein to your diet. Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that's why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the goals you want. Make sure you know what you're consuming by preparing it yourself or having someone prepare it for you. This book will help you to: -Gain muscle fast. -Save time. -Have more energy. -Train harder and longer.

  • - Learning Manners for Kids
    af Joseph Correa
    152,95 kr.

    This book is set on a farm and is about a duck that does not have any manners. He does not say "please" or "thank you" and other important words used to be polite with the other farm animals. Eventually he learns these words and starts using them in real situations which makes him very proud.

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