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Bøger af Judy Hogan

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  • - The Seventh Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    When Penny Weaver joins the new Riverdell Farmers' Market to represent their neighborhood garden, squabbles break out among the farmers about their places. The county poultry agent tries to sort them out before Nora, the market manager, arrives, infuriating her. Penny discovers that there may have been racism behind her friend Sammie's almost not being accepted to sell her flower bouquets. After the third market, the poultry agent is found dead of food poisoning, apparently from drinking the punch provided by Nora. That and her fights with him cause her to be arrested. Meantime Penny is skeptical of her daughter's new sponging boyfriend, and her husband Kenneth confesses to being homesick for Wales. Penny and Sammie work to uncover the real poisoner and to release Nora. Derek, the lead detective and Sammie's husband, wants them to stay out of it. The poultry agent was unpopular with the quirky farmers, with the exception of the genetically modified seeds man and the baker/jelly maker. Penny and Sammie discover that the poison was black nightshade, but which farmer grows it and who put it in the poultry agent's punch? The state ag department threatens to close the market, if the case isn't solved.

  • - The Second Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    Penny Weaver, living in a shared house to save money, finds her unsavory, sex-obsessed landlord dead the day after Christmas. An unusual snow storm, a housemate undeterred by detective orders from moving his inordinately large number of possessions, certified and uncertified maniac suspects, which include her housemates, the neighbors, and both the landlord's wives, make it difficult for Penny and her Welsh lover to find love-making time, much less solve the mystery. Despite the Sheriff's detectives arresting two innocent people, while keeping Penny in the dark, she collects the key information, and stops the killer when he finally panics.

  • - The Thirteenth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    The North Carolina state government has passed a new law that requires voters to show a picture ID. Its real aim is to make it harder for elderly black citizens to vote. Penny Weaver and her friends are working to assist elderly voters to get a state-issued ID. Meantime the lead counsel for the NAACP court challenge to the new law, Becka Cagle is murdered on her doorstep. Penny's friend Sammie learns that her grandson Seb and Sammie's niece Naomi had discovered the joys of sex at ages fourteen and thirteen. Penny, Sammie, and Lt. Lilly Bates of the Sheriff's Department work to solve the murder. While the three women do their own investigation, their friend Kate takes over the role of the dead Becka in the NAACP case, and Penny's husband Kenneth guards Kate. The parents of the teens come together to make new rules for the teens, but Penny ends up keeping her grandson Seb when his parents are busy, and Seb finds it easy to outwit her.

  • - The Ninth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    155,95 kr.

    In Death of a Hell-Razor, Penny is teaching remedial English under a new and more enlightened administration at St. Francis College. The new president set up a summer boot camp in English and Math for students not ready for college, encourages them to work as interns and assistants with various maintenance staff at the college, and the Drama teacher is putting on Fences by August Wilson, which is a morale boost for both serious students and those trying to slide by. The reforms are helping many, but some students are still selling and taking drugs, failing their classes, and engaging in sexual abuse. Penny has several students making Ds after having failed Reading and Pre-Composition several times already. When one of them is killed, suspicion falls on a 30-year-old ex-con, who had served many prison terms, but he is working hard to do well at the college, and Penny believes he is sincere and would never have killed another student. Even Penny's friends, Sammie and Derek, believe Mitchell is guilty, although there is no evidence. It rests on Penny and Mitchell's few supporters to find the real killer.

  • - The Fourth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    156,95 kr.

    Penny Weaver returns home after a relaxing summer in Wales, newly married to her beloved Kenneth Morgan. She learns: her daughter Sarah has left her husband and moved into Penny's room; Ralph Andrews, an unsavory politician, has taken over their community group, ActNow; and the local particle board plant's formaldehyde pollution is making people sick. After a forum on air quality Penny learns Andrews was killed by a massive dose of digitalis administered in his coffee, and her dear friend Cathy Clegg is suspected. Comment by Pete MacDowell: Formaldehyde, Rooster is a lovely mystery seasoned with a warm local community, love, family crisis, activism, and murder. Not only has the ActNow group been taken over by a car salesman, but Riverdell is dealing with serious air pollution. Penny Weaver shows us again the strength and soft power of detection based on acute observation and keen understanding of the politics and culture of her community. She reminds us that nicely drawn characters do not have to be dark and twisted creature. Every new chapter has been a high point of my day.

  • - The Eighth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    Poet Penny Weaver and her Welsh policeman husband Kenneth Morgan persuade their close friends Sammie and Derek Hargrave to accompany them to their beloved Gower peninsula in Wales, where they spend several months a year away from their home in Riverdell, a central North Carolina village. Even before they arrive at Kenneth's sister Gwyn's B&B in the village of Pwll du, Sammie panics at how her lively colors and exotic clothing is causing even the proper British to stare at her. There are few African Americans on Gower. The next day the visit turns into a real nightmare when an obnoxious woman guest dies after falling down the stairs. Derek, who was the only one awake in the house, is accused of pushing her and soon arrested. Kenneth normally works for the Swansea CID when he and Penny are in Wales, but his chief is on holiday, and xenophobic substitute Chief Investigator Williams wants to pin the death on the visiting African American cop. 164 words Despite Penny's efforts to cheer her up, Sammie feels alien, persecuted, and can't seem to take in the beauty, the fascinating history or anything good about Gower and its Welsh inhabitants. Racism and xenophobia on Gower is unnerving to her compared to racism at home where she is known and accustomed to coping with it. Penny and Sammie have always worked together secretly to solve Derek's cases at the Riverdell Sheriff's Department, but Penny can't persuade Sammie to help her once again uncover what actually set off the death. Sammie's desperation causes her to stay behind on the Worm's Head rock when the tide rolls in, and the footpath crossing is under water. She has to be rescued by the Royal Lifeboat Rescue people. Embarrassed by the trouble she caused by this incident, Sammie agrees to help Penny work on who might have pushed the victim down the stairs.

  • - The Sixth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    When Penny Weaver agrees to teach freshmen composition at historically black St. Francis College, her teaching and relationship skills, not to mention her detective instincts, are more challenged than they've ever been. Despite being married to a man she loves deeply, she develops feelings for her boss, who is very passionate about their students' prospects because of how ill-prepared for college they are. When the Provost is killed, Penny's new boss is the primary suspect. Convinced of his innocence, Penny struggles to clear his name-and to clarify her feelings for him and her husband.

  • - The Eleventh Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    Angelika's Eatery in Riverdell (a fictional town based loosely on Pittsboro) is a favorite lunch place for activists and small sustainable farmers. One of them, Fred Ainsworth, who owns 500 acres, has started a commune arrangement, and ten farmers have joined and put down their money for a piece of the property, when Fred is found dead in the restaurant. Penny has been coming in each week to bake her healthy sweet breads for Angelika. She and her friend Sammie, and the woman detective, Lilly, lead detective in the Shagbark Sheriff's Department, work on solving Fred's death. To complicate matters, they learn from Fred's banker that he spent all the farmers' money to pay back taxes. In the N.C. legislature there is a movement, led by the banker, to legalize fracking for the state. Their Shagbark representative Rick Clegg is leading the fight against allowing fracking. The farmers also learn that Fred had sold the fracking rights on his large farm to a fracking company. Penny and her husband Kenneth are now living in a small black community in the nearby village of New Springs in a green home designed and built for them by their neighbor Arnold, who lost the most money when Fred died penniless, and he is suspected of the murder. The three women, Penny, Sammie, and Lilly, calling themselves the Cahoots, take on the solving of this murder and interview all the farmers who lost their money and are quite upset and angry. Lilly is eight months pregnant, which worries all the men, including her husband, the Sheriff.

  • - : The Fifth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    Penny Weaver and her friends are engaged in a tense political campaign to elect new Commissioners in imaginary Shagbark County, N.C. One of their opponents' campaign managers is killed, and their own leading candidate, African American Rick Clegg, is arrested. Then the campaign turns nasty. Their computer files are stolen. A big public relations firm is hired by Phoney Alway, Rick's opponent, to print sleazy postcards. Penny and her friends differ radically about how to deal with their opponents' below the belt and illegal behavior. The Sheriff's lead detective is baffled, so Penny and her friends solve the murder. One reviewer says this: Greed undercuts the friendly, diverse community of Shagbark County, North Carolina. Guarding their way of life, leaders emerge and discover that playing in local politics is like kissing a buzzing wasp nest with sunburnt lips on a summer afternoon. There is wisdom and warmth in the heroes and heroines of this tale. Novelist and poet Judy Hogan's new mystery, Political Peaches, is a tasty "cobbler" and treat you will enjoy. -Karl Kachergis, former Chair Chatham Democratic Party, 2007-11.

  • - The First Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    Penny begins a new and lively stage of life, her children raised, with a powerful erotic attraction, and the freedom to cross lines that usually hold people apart. The Sands of Gower is set in a Bed and Breakfast on the Gower peninsula near Swansea, Wales. Penny Weaver, luxuriating in her two-month vacation, is disturbed by the murder of a German guest. Penny's independent, outspoken American lifestyle contrasts with the more conservative ways of the village's pensioners. In the process of solving the crime, Penny and Detective Inspector Kenneth Morgan are powerfully attracted. This, plus the British post-World War II continuing distrust of the Germans, complicates their investigation.

  • - an epic love poem
    af Judy Hogan
    133,95 kr.

    Published by Wild Embers Press, "This River" is Judy Hogan's sixth book of poetry, an epic love poem written as the result of her travels to and love of, a Russian writer. Work in writer exchange circles between Durham, North Carolina and Kostroma, Russia took Ms. Hogan to that ancient town on the Volga River and after twenty years, she shares the details of her cross cultural, personal love. Kindled back in the 1990's and holding true to her early doctrine of women speaking our truths, this book reveals Hogan's love with deep vulnerability. And speaks as much to her romantic encounter as to the reverance she carries for nature, for the Earth that sustains her own creative heart and soul.

  • - The Twelfth Penny Weaver Mystery
    af Judy Hogan
    183,95 kr.

    The ACT NOW community of activists in Riverdell and New Springs learn that their Legislature is about to pass a "rush to frack" bill. They are very aware of how destructive the methods of releasing the gas under the earth is to people's homes, water, farm animals, and their lives. They set to work to do everything possible to stop it, putting up signs, petitions, talking to their legislators and all the folks who don't yet realize how terrible fracking can be. They have to sort out whether to sell their land or stay and fight. Penny is determined to stay and fight, but her husband Kenneth wants to leave and move to the Gower Peninsula in Wales where they could have a small farm. The sudden death of a pro-fracking banker has this group of activists wondering: Could it be murder? There are questions to resolve and facts to be gathered while Penny Weaver and friends educate the community about what happens when the gas drilling rigs move in. When the community organizes and speaks with one voice to powerful officials, can it stop the inevitable?

  • af Judy Hogan
    263,95 kr.

    We must choose carefully every day, balance within ourselves and within the day our needs, the needs of others, our most urgent tasks, and what we will let flow past us, never to return." Her example and this advice could also inspire others to express their own voices, their unique gifts, while they still can for the river of time stops for no one. (Susan Broili, The Herald-Sun)Judy Hogan was born in a small wheat-farming community in Kansas to a new Presbyterian minister and his wife. She graduated from the University of Oklahoma in Letters, Magna cum Laude, received a Woodrow Wilson fellowship and had one year in Comparative Literature at Indiana University. Later she had four years of graduate work in Classics at the University of California in Berkeley, then elected to follow her passion as a writer. In 1970 she became co-editor of a poetry journal (Hyperion, 1970-81). From 1976 to 1991, she was founder and editor of Carolina Wren Press of Durham, N.C.Her newest publication is Tormentil Hall: Th e Eighth Penny Weaver Mystery. A new book of poems, Those Eternally Linked Lives, came out in January 2018 from Big Table Publishing. Grace: A China Diary, 1910-16, which she edited and annotated, was published by Wipf and Stock of Oregon in April 2017. She has published seven other mystery novels Killer Frost (2012), Farm Fresh and Fatal (2013) The Sands of Gower (2015), Haw, Nuclear Apples? Formaldehyde, Rooster, and Political Peaches (2016). She has published seven volumes of poetry with small presses, including, Beaver Soul (2013) and This River: An Epic Love Poem (2014). Her other published prose is Watering the Roots in a Democracy (1989) and the PMZ Poor Woman's Cookbook (2000). Her papers and 25 years of extensive diaries are in the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University. She has taught creative writing since 1974 and Freshman English 2004-2007 at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh.

  • af Judy Hogan
    263,95 kr.

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