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Bøger af Jules Verne

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  • - The Demon Of Cawnpore (1881)
    af Jules Verne
    283,95 - 487,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - The Boy Captain (1879)
    af Jules Verne
    368,95 - 569,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Jules Verne
    379,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Jules Verne
    421,95 - 567,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Jules Verne
    393,95 kr.

    Le capitaine Len Guy, de Liverpool, était, pour les trois cinquièmes, propriétaire de l'Halbrane qu'il commandait depuis six années environ. Il trafiquait dans les mers méridionales de l'Afrique et de l'Amérique, allant d'îles en îles et d'un continent à l'autre. Si sa goélette ne possédait qu'une douzaine d'hommes, c'est qu'elle se consacrait uniquement au commerce. Pour la chasse des amphibies, phoques et veaux marins, il eût fallu un équipage plus nombreux avec les engins, harpons, foënes, lignes, exigés pour ces rudes opérations. J'ajoute qu'au milieu de ces parages peu sûrs, fréquentés à cette époque par des pirates, et aux approches des îles qui doivent être tenues en défiance, une agression n'eût pas pris l'Halbrane au dépourvu: quatre pierriers, une suffisante quantité de boulets et de paquets de mitraille, une soute aux poudres convenablement garnie, des fusils, des pistolets, des carabines accrochés aux râteliers, enfin des filets de bastingage, cela garantissait sa sécurité.

  • af Jules Verne
    238,95 - 416,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Jules Verne
    218,95 - 368,95 kr.

    Résumé La recherche d'un père au fil de l'Orénoque. Extrait I M. Miguel et ses deux collègues Il n'y a vraiment pas apparence de raison que cette discussion puisse prendre fin... dit M. Miguel, qui cherchait à s'interposer entre les deux bouillants contradicteurs. - Eh bien... elle ne finira pas... répondit M. Felipe, du moins par le sacrifice de mon opinion à celle de M. Varinas... - Ni par l'abandon de mes idées au profit de M. Felipe ! répliqua M. Varinas. Depuis déjà trois bonnes heures, ces deux entêtés savants disputaient, sans se rien céder, sur la question de l'Orénoque. Ce célèbre fleuve de l'Amérique méridionale, principale artère du Venezuela, se dirigeait-il, dans la première partie de son cours, de l'est à l'ouest, ainsi que l'établissaient les plus récentes cartes, ou ne venait-il pas du sud-ouest ? En ce cas, le Guaviare ou l'Atabapo n'étaient-ils pas considérés à tort comme des affluents ? C'est l'Atabapo qui est l'Orénoque, affirmait énergiquement M. Felipe. - C'est le Guaviare, affirmait avec non moins d'énergie M. Varinas. Quant à M. Miguel, son opinion était celle qu'ont adoptée les géographes modernes. À leur avis, les sources de l'Orénoque sont situées en cette portion du Venezuela qui confine au Brésil et à la Guyane anglaise, de sorte que ce fleuve est vénézuélien sur tout son parcours. Mais en vain M. Miguel essayait-il de convaincre ses deux amis, qui se contredisaient d'ailleurs sur un autre point de non moindre importance. Non, répétait l'un, l'Orénoque prend sa source dans les Andes colombiennes, et le Guaviare, que vous prétendez être un affluent, est tout bonnement l'Orénoque, colombien dans son cours supérieur, vénézuélien dans son cours inférieur. - Erreur, certifiait l'autre, c'est l'Atabapo qui est l'Orénoque et non le Guaviare.

  • - Voyage à travers l'Inde septentrionale
    af Jules Verne
    218,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Le colonel en retraite Edward Munro vit à Calcutta dans le souvenir du bonheur perdu, sa jeune épouse Laurence ayant disparu lors des massacres perpétrés à Cawnpore par les troupes d'un chef indigène, implacable ennemi des Britanniques, Nana Sahib. Depuis cet épisode, on a perdu la trace de Nana Sahib, réfugié au Népal et dont la rumeur de la mort a circulé. En fait, il n'est pas mort et les autorités de Bombay ont même signalé sa présence: il travaille en fait à susciter une nouvelle révolte. L'ami de Munro, l'ingénieur en chemins de fer Banks, lui propose de faire un voyage d'agrément dans l'Inde du nord dans un véhicule extraordinaire qu'il a conçu et construit pour le rajah de Bhoutan et qu'il a pu racheter à bas prix après la mort du commanditaire...

  • af Jules Verne
    183,95 - 208,95 kr.

    "SIRE, a fresh dispatch." "Whence?" "From Tomsk?" "Is the wire cut beyond that city?" "Yes, sire, since yesterday." "Telegraph hourly to Tomsk, General, and keep me informed of all that occurs." "Sire, it shall be done," answered General Kissoff. These words were exchanged about two hours after midnight, at the moment when the fete given at the New Palace was at the height of its splendor.

  • af Jules Verne
    223,95 - 243,95 kr.

    Ce voyage extraordinaire est rendu possible grâce à la révolution des transports qui marque le xixe siècle dans le contexte de la Révolution industrielle. Le développement de nouveaux modes de transport (chemin de fer, machine à vapeur) et l'ouverture du canal de Suez en 1869 raccourcissent les distances, ou du moins le temps nécessaire pour les parcourir.

  • af Jules Verne
    108,95 - 218,95 kr.

    A few years ago the world was suddenly astounded by hearing of an experiment of a most novel and daring nature, altogether unprecedented in the annals of science. The BALTIMORE GUN CLUB, a society of artillerymen started in America during the great Civil War, had conceived the idea of nothing less than establishing direct communication with the Moon by means of a projectile! President Barbican, the originator of the enterprise, was strongly encouraged in its feasibility by the astronomers of Cambridge Observatory, and took upon himself to provide all the means necessary to secure its success. Having realized by means of a public subscription the sum of nearly five and a half millions of dollars, he immediately set himself to work at the necessary gigantic labors. In accordance with the Cambridge men's note, the cannon intended to discharge the projectile was to be planted in some country not further than 28° north or south from the equator, so that it might be aimed vertically at the Moon in the zenith. The bullet was to be animated with an initial velocity of 12,000 yards to the second. It was to be fired off on the night of December 1st, at thirteen minutes and twenty seconds before eleven o'clock, precisely. Four days afterwards it was to hit the Moon, at the very moment that she reached her perigee, that is to say, her nearest point to the Earth, about 228,000 miles distant. The leading members of the Club, namely President Barbican, Secretary Marston, Major Elphinstone and General Morgan, forming the executive committee, held several meetings to discuss the shape and material of the bullet, the nature and position of the cannon, and the quantity and quality of the powder. The decision soon arrived at was as follows: 1st-The bullet was to be a hollow aluminium shell, its diameter nine feet, its walls a foot in thickness, and its weight 19,250 pounds; 2nd-The cannon was to be a columbiad 900 feet in length, a well of that depth forming the vertical mould in which it was to be cast, and 3rd-The powder was to be 400 thousand pounds of gun cotton, which, by developing more than 200 thousand millions of cubic feet of gas under the projectile, would easily send it as far as our satellite. These questions settled, Barbican, aided by Murphy, the Chief Engineer of the Cold Spring Iron Works, selected a spot in Florida, near the 27th degree north latitude, called Stony Hill, where after the performance of many wonderful feats in mining engineering, the Columbiad was successfully cast. Things had reached this state when an incident occurred which excited the general interest a hundred fold.

  • - Illustrated
    af Jules Verne
    123,95 - 133,95 kr.

    The Underground City by Jules Verne; includes 45 illustrations by Jules-Descartes Férat. Also published as The Child of the Cavern; or Strange Doings Underground, Black Diamonds, Black Indies, Child of the Cavern, or Strange Doings Underground. The fortunes of the mining community of Aberfoyle near Stirling, Scotland. Receiving a letter from an old colleague, mining engineer James Starr sets off for the old Aberfoyle mine, thought to have been mined out ten years earlier. Starr finds mine overman Simon Ford and his family living in a cottage deep inside the mine. Mysterious and unexplained happenings start to occur around the main characters, attributed initially to goblins and fire-maidens. Suspicious, Harry continues his explorations of the cavern system, where down a deep shaft, he discovers a young orphan girl named Nell. Over the course of the next few years Nell is adopted by Simon and Madge but reveals nothing of where she came from, only that she had never been out of the mine.

  • - Part III
    af Jules Verne
    423,95 kr.

    This narrative will comprehend not only all the explorations made in past ages, but also all the new discoveries which have of late years so greatly interested the scientific world. In order to give to this work-enlarged perforce by the recent labours of modern travellers, -all the accuracy possible, I have called in the aid of a man whom I with justice regard as one of the most competent geographers of the present day: M. Gabriel Marcel, attached to the Bibliothèque Nationale. With the advantage of his acquaintance with several foreign languages which are unknown to me, we have been able to go to the fountain-head, and to derive all information from absolutely original documents. Our readers will, therefore, render to M. Marcel the credit due to him for his share in a work which will demonstrate what manner of men the great travellers have been, from the time of Hanno and Herodotus down to that of Livingstone and Stanley. JULES VERNE.

  • af Jules Verne
    158,95 kr.

    "Segunda patria" ("Seconde patrie") es una novela del escritor francés Jules Verne aparecida de manera seriada en la "Magazine de ilustración y recreo" ("Magasin d'Education et de Récréation") desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15 de diciembre de 1900, y en un solo tomo el 26 de noviembre de ese mismo año. Jules Verne continúa en esta novela las aventuras de "El Robinson Suizo" de Johann David Wyss.

  • af Jules Verne
    338,95 kr.

    Le bourgmestre était un personnage de cinquante ans, ni gras ni maigre, ni petit ni grand, ni vieux ni jeune, ni coloré ni pâle, ni gai ni triste, ni content ni ennuyé, ni énergique ni mou, ni fier ni humble, ni bon ni méchant, ni généreux ni avare, ni brave ni poltron, ni trop ni trop peu, - ne quid nimis, - un homme modéré en tout; mais à la lenteur invariable de ses mouvements, à sa mâchoire inférieure un peu pendante, à sa paupière supérieure immuablement relevée, à son front uni comme une plaque de cuivre jaune et sans une ride, à ses muscles peu saillants, un physionomiste eût sans peine reconnu que le bourgmestre van Tricasse était le flegme personnifié. Jamais, - ni par la colère, ni par la passion, - jamais une émotion quelconque n'avait accéléré les mouvements du coeur de cet homme ni rougi sa face; jamais ses pupilles ne s'étaient contractées sous l'influence d'une irritation, si passagère qu'on voudrait la supposer.

  • af Jules Verne
    133,95 - 174,95 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    323,95 - 386,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af Jules Verne
    103,95 - 253,95 kr.

    From the Earth to the Moon (French: De la terre à la lune) is an 1865 novel by Jules Verne. It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post-American Civil War society of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous Columbiad space gun and launch three people-the Gun Club's president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a French poet-in a projectile with the goal of a moon landing. The story is also notable in that Verne attempted to do some rough calculations as to the requirements for the cannon and, considering the comparative lack of any data on the subject at the time, some of his figures are surprisingly close to reality. However, his scenario turned out to be impractical for safe manned space travel since a much longer muzzle would have been required to reach escape velocity while limiting acceleration to survivable limits for the passengers. The character of Michel Ardan, the French member of the party in the novel, was inspired by the real-life photographer Félix Nadar.

  • af Jules Verne
    393,95 kr.

    Le canot suivit donc le littoral à une distance de deux encâblures au plus, en évitant les écueils dont ces atterrages étaient semés et que la marée montante commençait à couvrir. La muraille allait en s'abaissant depuis l'embouchure de la rivière jusqu'à la pointe. C'était un amoncellement de granits, capricieusement distribués, très-différents de la courtine, qui formaient le plateau de Grande-Vue, et d'un aspect extrêmement sauvage. On eût dit qu'un énorme tombereau de roches avait été vidé là. Point de végétation sur ce saillant très-aigu qui se prolongeait à deux milles en avant de la forêt, et cette pointe figurait assez bien le bras d'un géant qui serait sorti d'une manche de verdure.

  • af Jules Verne
    83,95 - 123,95 kr.

    Here is one of those "forgotten" works. Ticket No. "9672" is a fascinating tale of two women who live in a Norway Inn. Dame Hansen is a foolish creature whose mistakes must be dealt with by her daughter Hulda. Coming to their aid is their brother Joel and the remarkable Sylvius Hogg, who helps them all after the young Hansens rescue him from the edge of the Rjukanfos Waterfall.

  • af Jules Verne
    218,95 - 378,95 kr.

    Résumé Sur une île du Pacifique, deux naufragés sont rescapés par le James Cook qui fait voile vers l'Australie. Les deux frères Kip, d'origine hollandaise, constatent bientôt qu'une mutinerie se prépare et ils parviennent à la juguler non sans peine. Mais l'étau se resserre sur eux quand le chef des mutins accuse les deux frères du meurtre du capitaine. En dépit de leur innocence, ils sont incarcérés au pénitencier de Port-Arthur (en Tasmanie). Malgré les dures conditions de vie du bagne, ils entreprennent de planifier leur évasion afin de retrouver les assassins.

  • af Jules Verne
    308,95 kr.

    "The Palik Series of Jules Verne, Published in conjunction with the North American Jules Verne Society, Edited by Brian Taves"Long before Verne stories had formed the basisfor such movies as Around the World in 80 Days,many of his plays were theatrical blockbusters onthe 19th century stage. Expert scholarly researchintroduces four of Verne's plays written in his youth,translated by Frank Morlock. Verne's themes rangefrom romantic comedies to a scientist's discovery thatthere may not be such a difference between humanand ape after all!

  • - "The earth does not need new continents, but new men."
    af Jules Verne
    103,95 kr.

    The Underground City by Jules Verne centers around one of the most important natural resources that was behind the Industrial Revolution: Coal. The events of the story take place among the mining community of Aberfoyle, near Stirling, Scotland. All starts when a superior named Simon Ford asks Engineer James Starr to resume the exploitation of the area which has always been believed to be mined out. They soon discover a considerable, unexplored deposit of coal, which allows them to build a whole city under the earth's surface. Numerous unexplainable phenomena follow and multiply until they discover, amid a coal vein, a dying young girl who has never had any contact with daylight before. Verne's engaged story-telling and detailed descriptions reveal his accurate knowledge of coal mining techniques as well as his profound readings in local folklore. His factual references are almost always combined with pure imagination, which often leads to such scientific inexactitudes that can only be detected by modern readers. Nonetheless, Verne's eccentric wanderings of the imagination have predicted many technological inventions and scientific discovery of the twentieth century.

  • af Jules Verne
    228,95 kr.

    Jules Verne, the master of adventure fiction, takes readers on an exhilarating journey to the Arctic in "The English at the North Pole." Published in the late 19th century, this novel transports readers to a world of icy wonders and daring exploration.As the narrative unfolds, readers accompany intrepid characters on a quest to conquer the mysteries of the North Pole. Verne's vivid descriptions bring the frozen landscapes to life, portraying the challenges and triumphs of those seeking to navigate the treacherous Arctic terrain.More than a tale of polar exploration, "The English at the North Pole" is a testament to Verne's ability to blend scientific knowledge with imaginative storytelling. Join the characters on this thrilling expedition, where each page reveals a new facet of the polar adventure, making it an essential read for those captivated by tales of exploration, science, and the uncharted frontiers of the Earth.

  • af Jules Verne
    228,95 kr.

    "Dive into the depths of the oceanic world with Jules Verne's classic adventure novel, 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.' Published in the 19th century, this timeless tale follows the extraordinary journey of Captain Nemo and his futuristic submarine, the Nautilus.As Professor Pierre Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and a Canadian whaler named Ned Land find themselves aboard the Nautilus, they become captivated by the wonders and mysteries of the ocean. Verne's narrative unfolds a captivating underwater odyssey, filled with encounters with marine life, exploration of the ocean's depths, and the enigmatic character of Captain Nemo.More than a science fiction novel, 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' is a pioneering work that explores the marvels of the deep sea and the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Join Verne on this literary expedition where each page reveals a new layer of the ocean's secrets, making it an essential read for those fascinated by maritime adventures and the unknown realms beneath the waves."

  • af Jules Verne
    173,95 kr.

    "An Antarctic Mystery" is a captivating adventure novel penned by the visionary Jules Verne. Set against the backdrop of the icy and mysterious Antarctic region, the story unfolds as Captain Len Guy and his crew embark on a perilous journey to unravel the enigma surrounding the disappearance of the Jane, a ship that vanished years ago under inexplicable circumstances. As the expedition ventures into the uncharted and unforgiving Antarctic landscape, they encounter a series of extraordinary phenomena, encountering ancient secrets, lost civilizations, and the haunting specter of the spectral ship itself. Verne weaves a tale of suspense, exploration, and the indomitable human spirit, creating a gripping narrative that immerses readers in the icy depths of an otherworldly mystery. "An Antarctic Mystery" is a timeless adventure that beckons readers to the edge of the known world, inviting them to join a quest where survival is uncertain, and the truth lies hidden beneath the frigid surface of an uncharted continent.

  • af Jules Verne
    143,95 kr.

    Embark on a thrilling transatlantic odyssey in Jules Verne's "A Floating City," where the 19th-century world of maritime travel unfolds with captivating intrigue. Follow the journey of Andrei Marc aboard the "City of Buffalo," a transatlantic steamer, as Verne skillfully weaves a tale of adventure, romance, and societal dynamics. Amidst the technological marvels and personal connections that unfold on the high seas, the novel presents a vivid snapshot of life aboard a floating city. With unexpected twists and encounters, Verne's storytelling prowess paints a compelling picture of the challenges and allure of the open sea, making "A Floating City" an unforgettable classic that invites readers to explore the magic of the unknown.

  • af Jules Verne
    278,95 kr.

    "Embark on an epic adventure along the mighty Amazon River with Jules Verne in 'Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon.' Verne, the master of adventure, takes readers on a thrilling journey through the heart of the South American rainforest. Join the protagonists, Joam Garral and his companions, as they navigate the treacherous waters, encountering exotic wildlife, indigenous tribes, and unforeseen challenges. Verne weaves a tapestry of suspense, exploration, and unexpected twists in this classic tale. 'Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon' is more than a river expedition; it's a narrative that immerses readers in the mysteries of the jungle, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Travel through Verne's imagination, where each league unfolds a new chapter of intrigue and excitement, making this novel an enduring masterpiece of adventure literature."

  • af Jules Verne
    298,95 kr.

    "Embark on a literary odyssey with Jules Verne in 'The Exploration of the World.' In this enthralling collection, Verne invites readers to traverse the globe, unveiling the wonders of uncharted territories. From daring voyages to remote continents to the mysteries of the deep sea, Verne's narratives transport readers to the far reaches of the Earth. 'The Exploration of the World' is more than a mere compilation; it's a testament to Verne's visionary storytelling, blending adventure, science, and imagination. Join Verne on a journey through time and space, where each page unfolds a new frontier of discovery and captivates the imagination. A timeless exploration that continues to inspire the spirit of adventure in readers across generations."

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