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Når klonerne slippes løs, kan hverken mennesker eller drager stoppe dem. Dragen Ember Hill troede aldrig at hun skulle blive forelsket – allermindst i et menneske og tidligere dragedræber. Da den hun har allerkærest dør, er det et tab af dimensioner. Med hans død afsløres et omfattende forræderi; intet hun vidste om drageorganisationen Talon, har været sandt. Det være sig om menneskene, oprørerne, og om sig selv – og hvad hun er i stand til at gøre og føle. Midt i den dybeste sorg, sværger Ember, at hun vil kæmpe med oprørerne og dragedræberne i Sankt George- ordenen – og mod sin egen tvillingebror Dante, Talons nye leder, som vil slippe den største trussel, som drageverdenen endnu har set, løs. "Julie Kagawas serie om de menneskelige drager har alt, hvad en god historie kræver (...)."- Weekendavisen
Dragerne er tilbage. Ember Hill fik et valg. Trygheden hos drageorganisationen Talon, eller et liv som udstødt og jaget for evigt. I stedet for at blive en morder i Talons tjeneste, valgte hun at slutte sig til Riley og hans oprørere. Nu har hun mistet kontakten med sin tvillingebror Dante, der er loyal over for Talon, samt med Garrett, soldaten der ændrede hendes syn på sine egne menneskelige side. Mens Ember og Riley gemmer sig og samler kræfter, rejser Garret alene til Storbritannien, til det sted hvor den hemmelige og urgamle Sankt Georg-orden blev grundlagt. Der vil han udspionere sine tidligere allierede, og afsløre dødbringende hemmeligheder, som vil rystebåde dragerne og dragedræbernes verden i deres grundvold. Nu, hvor Talon rejser sig igen, er de alle i fare...
Desertør. Forræder. Oprører. Ember Hill har forladt drageorganisationen Talon og har sluttet sig til oprørslederen Cobalt. Men hun kan ikke glemme Garret Xavier Sebastian, dragedræberen som forrådte sin mission – at udrydde hele Embers slægt, da han reddede hende fra en af Talons snigmordere og dermed underskrev sin egen dødsdom. Fast besluttet på at redde Garret fra at blive henrettet, forsøger Ember at overbevise Cobalt om at han skal hjælpe hende. Oprørerne indser hurtigt, at de kan bruge Garret til deres egen fordel. Men en sammensværgelse har set dagens lys og hemmelighederne, som begge sider skjuler er både chokerende og farlige. Ember skal beslutte sig: Vil hun trække sig tilbage og vente til det rette øjeblik, med at slå tilbage, eller vil hun starte en storstilet krig?
En drage, skjult i en piges krop. Soldater, der ønsker at udslette hele hendes slægt. Kampen for overlevelse nærmer sig. Ember Hills skæbne afhænger af, om hun kan besejre Skt. Georgs-ordenen, en magtfuld orden af dragejægere. Hun er ikke hvilken som helst pige, for hun bærer nemlig på en livsfarlig hemmelighed. Garret Xavier Sebastian er en af soldaterne, der vil slå hende ihjel. Men alt, hvad han hidtil troede, han vidste om drager, vendes på hovedet, da han møder Ember. En krig nærmer sig, og det uundgåelige spørgsmål hænger som et skarpt sværd over deres hoveder: Skal de forene sig i kampen mod ondskaben og kæmpe for deres venskab? Eller skal de følge deres skæbne, som har været forudbestemt siden tidernes morgen, og udslette hinanden? Et magisk eventyr om en piges kamp mod ondskaben. Første og selvstændige bind i sagaen om Talon. Drager der skjuler sig i menneskekroppe for overlevelse og hævn.
I dag slår vi igen. Sidste og afsluttende roman i serien om kampen mellem mennesker og dragerneEmber Hill har opdaget den chokerende sandhed om sig selv. Hun er efterkommer af Den Gamle Slange, der leder Talon, og som er på nippet til at tage magten og dominere hele verden. Med Sankt George-ordenen sat ud af spillet, rejser Ember, Riley og Garret til Amazonas jungle, for at lede efter den, som måske har nøglen til at få bugt med Den Gamle Slange og Talon, hvis de altså overlever mødet …I mellemtiden rejser Embers bror, Dante, til Kina med en besked til de sidste af de asiatiske drager: Tilslut jer Talon eller dø! Tiden er ved at løbe fra oprørerne og for enhver af de drager, der ikke er i alliance medTalon. Den sidste kamp nærmer sig, og hvis Talon vinder, vil verdenbrænde i et sandt inferno!I Julie Kagawas nyskabende serie går drager, skjult i menneskekroppe, rundt blandt os...
Sommeren svækkes, isen smelter. Alt hvad der er tilbage, er dette ...Halvt menneske, halvt elver. Meghan Chase troede at det var overstået. At hendes tid blandt alferne i landet "AldrigAldrig" var ovre – at de valg hun havde været tvunget til at tage, de ofre hun havde bragt for at redde dem hun elsker, nu er fortid. Men en storm nærmer sig. En hær af jernalfer, vil trække hende tilbage ind i konflikten; trække hende væk fra den forviste prins, som elsker hende, og som har svoret at blive ved hendes side. Stormen vil føre hende ind i en konflikt så stor, at hun ikke tror, at hun vil kunne overleve den. Og denne gang, er der ingen vej tilbage!
Inferno Femte og sidste del af sagaen om Talon I Julie Kagawas nyskabende serie går drager, skjult i menneskekroppe, rundt blandt os... I dag slår vi igen. Vi vil vise Talon, at vi aldrig vil acceptere deres nye verden. Ember Hill har opdaget den chokerende sandhed om sig selv. Hun er efterkommer af Den Gamle Slange, der leder Talon, og som er på nippet til at tage magten og dominere hele verden. Med Sankt George-ordenen sat ud af spillet, rejser Ember, Riley og Garret til Amazonas jungle, for at lede efter den, som måske har nøglen til at få bugt med Den Gamle Slange og Talon - hvis de altså overlever mødet … I mellemtiden rejser Embers bror, Dante, til Kina med en besked til de sidste af de asiatiske drager: Tilslut jer Talon eller dø! Tiden er ved at løbe fra oprørerne og for enhver af de drager, der ikke er i alliance med Talons. Den sidste kamp nærmer sig, og hvis Talon vinder, vil verden brænde i et sandt inferno!
Sidste og afsluttende del af Julie Kagawas fantastiske serie om Meghan Chase. "Mit navn - mit rigtige navn - er Ashallayn' darkmyr Tallyn. Jeg er den sidste søn af Mab, Dronningen af Mørkehoffet. Men for hende er jeg død. Det hele begyndte, som så mange andre fortællinger, med en pige…" For den kolde Prins Ash var kærlighed kun noget for de svagelige, for de dødelige og for fjolser. Hans store kærlighed døde en forfærdelig død, og det dræbte alle de blide følelser Vinterprinsen havde i sig. Eller det troede han. Lige indtil Meghan Chase, halvt menneske, halvt Fey, dukker op, og bryder alle hans barrikader - og binder ham til sig uigenkaldeligt, med en ed om at blive hendes ridder. Nu er Meghan Jerndronning og hersker over en verden, hvor ingen vinteralfer kan overleve, og hun bryder deres bånd, for at redde hans liv. Men Ash er fast besluttet på at indfri sit løfte om at stå ved hendes side. For at kunne overleve i Jernriget, må han have en sjæl og en dødelig krop, men de prøvelser han må gå igennem for at få dem, synes helt umulige – og midt i det vanvittige forløb, får han en viden, som forandrer alt!
'One of my all time favourite fantasy novels!' Ellen Oh, author of the Prophecy and Spirit Hunters series The first book in a brand-new series set in ancient Japan from New York Times bestselling author Julie Kagawa.
Don't miss the epic conclusion to the Talon Saga from New York Times bestselling author, Julie Kagawa...'MUST READ!''I did not want to put it down.'What if dragons walked among us in human form? Enter a modern fantasy of heroes, sacrifice, forbidden love and enemies turned allies who have no choice but to fight side by side.TODAY, WE STRIKE BACK.WE SHOW TALON THAT WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT THEIR NEW WORLD.Ember Hill has learned a shocking truth. She is the blood of the Elder Wyrm, the ancient dragon who is on the verge of world domination.With the order of St. George destroyed, she must journey to the Amazon jungle in search of one who might hold the key to take down Talon. As the stakes are rising and the Elder Wyrm is declaring war, time is running out for the rogues and any dragon not affiliated with Talon.The final battle approaches and if Talon are victorious, the world will burn.Readers are loving Inferno!'What a great ending to a fabulous series! ...It's going to be a tough goodbye''Julie Kagawa once again outdoes herself. I am honestly at a loss for words.''A thrilling conclusion to a fantastically compelling series.''It's a series not to be missed!'*** The Talon Saga Book #1 TalonBook #2 RogueBook #3 SoldierBook #4 LegionBook #5 Inferno
From the New York Times, and international bestselling author of The Iron Fey and the Blood of Eden series comes the fourth instalment of The Talon Saga...The legions will be unleashed. No-one can stand against the coming horde...After witnessing a powerful sacrifice, Ember Hill knows that nothing she was taught by dragon organisation Talon is true. About humans, about rogue dragons, about herself and what she's capable of doing and feeling.In the face of great loss, Ember vows to stand with rogue dragon Riley against The Order of St. George and against own twin brother Dante - the heir apparent Talon, who will soon unleash the greatest threat dragonkind has ever known.Talon is poised to take over the world, and the abominations they have created will soon take to the skies, darkening the world with the promise of blood and death to those who will not yield.Julie never disappoints!'This was absolutely amazing! Twists and turns at every end - this book kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time.''Oh. My. God. This book was so, so good.''Full of surprises, emotions and dedication for our 3 heroes... Awesome book and series.'*** The Talon Saga Book #1 TalonBook #2 RogueBook #3 SoldierBook #4 LegionBook #5 Inferno
To free himself from an ancient curse, thirteen-year-old Shinji Takahashi must team up with a secret organization of explorers, find a magical font hidden in the jungles of Mexico, and replace a stolen idol.
Evil and hope clash and burn in the epic and shocking conclusion to the Shadow of the Fox trilogy. 'One of my all-time favourite fantasy novels!' Ellen Oh, author of the Prophecy and Spirit Hunters series, on Shadow of the Fox
From the limitless imagination of bestselling author Julie Kagawa comes the next fantastic adventure in the Talon Saga...Deserter.Traitor.ROGUE.Ember Hill left the dragon organisation Talon to take her chances with rebel dragon Cobalt and his crew of rogues. But Ember can't forget the sacrifice made for her by the human boy who could have killed her-Garret Xavier Sebastian, a soldier of the dragon-slaying Order of St. George, the boy who saved her from a Talon assassin, knowing that by doing so, he'd signed his own death warrant.Determined to save Garret from execution, Ember must convince Cobalt to help her break into the Order's headquarters. With assassins after them and Ember's own brother helping Talon with the hunt, the rogues find an unexpected ally in Garret and a new perspective on the underground battle between Talon and St. George.A reckoning is brewing and the secrets hidden by both sides are shocking and deadly. Soon Ember must decide: Should she retreat to fight another day...or start an all-out war?Readers love Rogue!'Looooooved this book so much, go read it when you have the chance. It's unique, action-packed and heartbreaking.''Rogue is gripping, amazing, breathtaking and stunning.''Well...that was one heck of a ride! I don't think my heart stopped racing from the first page to the last.'*** The Talon Saga Book #1 TalonBook #2 RogueBook #3 SoldierBook #4 LegionBook #5 Inferno
'Julie Kagawa is a strong new voice' The Sunday ExpressThe final hunt is on.Vengeance will be hers.Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the question, am I human or monster? With the death of her love, Zeke, she has her answer - monster.Now Allie must embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the psychopathic vampire who murdered Zeke. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many horrifying surprises for Allie and her companions.In a ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in a heartbeat, Allie will face her darkest days. And if she succeeds, triumph is short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone...Return to Julie Kagawa's dark and twisted world in the final instalment of the Blood of Eden trilogy. Perfect for fans of Holly Black, Sarah J Maas and Tomi Adeyemi.***********************************************Readers adore The Forever Song!'A perfect end to an amazing series''The best series I have ever read''Five stars do not seem enough for a book this great''WOW what a story''I didn't want it to end!''An amazing end to the Blood of Eden trilogy'***********************************************The Blood of Eden seriesBook One: The Immortal RulesBook Two: The Eternity CureBook Three: The Forever Song
"REMY spends his days trying to survive the mean streets of Cutthroat Wedge-one of the many islands floating in the gravitational pull of the magical Maelstrom raging below. But his life changes forever when a violent storm brings a baby dragon to his doorstep, and he feels a bond he has never felt with anyone. Remy names the dragon Storm and vows to protect this new friend, no matter the cost. GEM longs for the day when she call herself a true mage. That is, if she can convince her teachers and peers that just because she's a princess doesn't mean she's lazy and spoiled. But when Gem learns that the floating islands that make up her kingdom are rapidly sinking into the Maelstrom, she makes it her mission to save her world. Against the king's wishes, she accesses forbidden research and discovers the secret to saving humanity may lie in a True Dragon-a dragon capable of intelligent thought and able to cast and use magic. But True Dragons are extinct...aren't they? Remy's and Gem's lives will never be the same when their fates collide, thanks to Storm. With an evil pirate mage named Jhaeros determined to claim the rare dragon for himself, the two must learn to trust in each other as they team up with a shifty pirate captain and her crew, stand together against impossible odds, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime"--
These vampires don't sparkle...they bite.Book 3 of the Blood of Eden trilogy by Julie Kagawa, New York Times bestselling author of The Iron Fey, concludes the explosive dark fantasy series where vampires rule, humans are prey, and one girl will become what she hates most to save all she loves.Includes the bonus prequel novella, ?Dawn of Eden?!Is she more human...or monster?With the death of her beloved, Allison Sekemoto has her answer: MONSTER. Now she will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the irredeemable vampire who murdered him. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many shocking surprises along the way.The trail leads Allie and her companions toward the one place they must protect at any cost?Eden, the last vampire-free zone on earth. And Sarren has one final, brutal shock in store for Allie. In this ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in a heartbeat, Allie will make her final stand. But even if she succeeds, triumph is short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone.?A bloody good way to end a trilogy.? ?Kirkus ReviewsBooks in the Blood of Eden series:The Immortal RulesThe Eternity CureThe Forever Song
As Evenfall nears, the stakes grow ever higher for those in Faery…Banished from the Winter Court for daring to fall in love, Prince Ash achieved the impossible and journeyed to the End of the World to earn a soul and keep his vow to always stand beside Queen Meghan of the Iron Fey.Now he faces even more incomprehensible odds. Their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten, is missing. Something more ancient than the courts of Faery and more evil than anything Ash has faced in a millennium is rising as Evenfall approaches. And if Ash and his allies cannot stop it, the chaos that has begun to divide the world will shatter it for eternity.THE IRON FEY: EVENFALLThe Iron RavenThe Iron SwordTHE IRON FEY:The Iron KingThe Iron DaughterThe Iron QueenThe Iron KnightThe Iron PrinceThe Iron TraitorThe Iron Warrior Novellas: Shadow's Legacy (Evenfall #0.5)
Wicked faeries and fantastic danger… Welcome to book one of the new trilogy in New York Times bestselling author Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey fantasy series, as infamous prankster Puck finally has a chance to tell his story and stand with allies new and old to save Faery and the world. For fans of Holly Black and Cassandra Clare!"YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF ME…"Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Prankster, joker, raven, fool… King Oberon's right-hand jester from A Midsummer Night's Dream. The legends are many, but the truth will now be known, as Puck finally tells his own story and faces a threat from a time before Faery began. A threat that brings him face-to-face with a new enemy…himself.With the Iron Queen Meghan Chase and her prince consort, Puck's longtime rival Ash, and allies old and new by his side, Puck begins a fantastical and dangerous adventure not to be missed or forgotten. Evenfall is coming, and with it a reckoning that even their combined powers and wits may not vanquish, as a shadow falls over the lands of Faery and the world slips into chaos.THE IRON FEY: EVENFALLThe Iron RavenThe Iron SwordTHE IRON FEY:The Iron KingThe Iron DaughterThe Iron QueenThe Iron KnightThe Iron PrinceThe Iron TraitorThe Iron Warrior Novellas: Shadow's Legacy (Evenfall #0.5)
The first novel in an epic new chapter of the Iron Fey series from New York Times bestseller, Julie Kagawa.
Based off the New York Times best selling novels. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series, and follows the adventures of a girl named Meghan Chase. On her sixteenth birthday, Meghan discovers her little brother has been kidnapped by a faery race known as "the Fey" and even worse, replaced with an evil changeling and taken into the "Nevernever." Meghan bravely ventures into the faery realm to rescue him, and that's where an epic plot unfolds. This collected edition has never before images and character designs!
'My new favourite series'Ellen Oh, author of the Prophecy and Spirit Hunters seriesReturn to Julie Kagawa's beautiful and perilous land of shapeshifters, samurai and demons as Japanese mythology and magic swirl together in the New York Times bestselling author's brand new adventure.THE TIME OF THE WISH APPROACHES...Yumeko the shapeshifter had one task: take her piece of the ancient and powerful scroll to the Steel Feather temple and prevent the summoning of the great Kami Dragon. But she has a new enemy now. The demon Hakaimono, has escaped and possessed the samurai she thought would protect her, Kage Tatsumi of the Shadow Clan.Hakaimono has done the unthinkable and joined forces with Genno, the Master of Demons, to break his curse and set himself free. But Genno wishes to overthrow the empire and cover the land in darkness. To do that he needs only one thing, the scroll Yumeko is hiding. As the paths of Yumeko and the possessed Tatsumi cross again the entire empire will be thrown into chaos.AND CHAOS WILL DARKEN AN EMPIRE.Readers love Julie Kagawa's Soul of the Sword!'Julie's writing is pure magic''It's breathtaking!''This book was simply put epic!''left me on the edge of my seat''like watching an epic anime''I cannot wait for the next book''i love all the Japanese folklore and mythology intertwined within the plot''I couldn't resist this book''exciting and atmospheric''that ending!'
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