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Bøger af Julie Wright

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  • af Julie Wright
    173,95 kr.

  • af Julie Wright
    380,95 kr.

    "Eleanora Coventry comes from a life of title and privilege, but even that isn't enough to prevent her from being wed at sixteen to a controlling and dismissive husband. So when she finds herself a widow at only twenty-seven, the idea of choosing her own path forward both thrills and terrifies her. She knows how to be a daughter and a wife, but she has no idea how to be Eleanora. She moves her son and daughter to her late husband's country estate, where she meets Ridley Ellis, the young stable master, and a favorite among the staff at Windsong Manor. He is ruggedly handsome, but also kind, and Eleanora finds herself drawn to him. There is only one problem: Eleanora has a title, and Ridley does not. Ridley Ellis has a way with horses. Even the most spirited stallions trust his soft voice and gentle touch. He has the same effect on people, and when he first lays eyes on Eleanora, he is smitten by her beauty. But he quickly discovers it will take more than soft words to gain her trust--Lord Coventry had been cruel to people and animals alike. But the closer he gets to Eleanora, the more he is willing to share his heart, and more importantly, his secret. In a world where title and privilege mean everything, will Eleanora and Ridley risk it all to find happiness? Or will the shadows of their pasts destroy everything they hope to build together?"--

  • - Power of the Matchmaker
    af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    Every time Andra Stone crosses paths with Everett Covington, trouble follows. First she loses her scholarship, then she loses the apartment she'd wanted more than anything. But tragedy hits hardest when she loses her grandmother-the best friend Andra has ever known. She determines that Everett is a talisman of ill fortune. When Everett comes to work in her hospital and is applying for the same position she'd been working toward since residency, Andra believes him to be her personal poltergeist. The human heart has four chambers-four chances to get it right. Andra has only one chance left

  • af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    "You're dead, Summer Dawn Rae." When Summer Rae is stolen from the moment of her own death and taken to a future where mankind is dying, it is with the hope that she, and other teenagers like her, can save it. But after only a short time in the future, Summer discovers a darker side to the altruistic reasons behind her abduction. She is determined to fulfill her purpose in a world gone literally mad, but can an ordinary girl save a whole world when she only cares about saving one person?

  • af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    It is a little known fact that witches are alive and well in Salem, Massachusetts. They call themselves cheerleaders. Allyson Peterson believes that being hanged by the Salem High Witches is the absolute worst thing that can happen. But when her powers, wrested from the trolls of ancient Sweden, manifest themselves, she realizes that a prank hanging by vindictive cheerleaders is the least of her worries. Ally accidentally sends her parents to the jungle to fight anacondas, turns her brother into a mute, and curses the entire cheerleading team with an illness that has no cure, proving that her spells need a little checking. Her Swedish grandmother shows up to help her through the worst part of all-surviving the Troll Trials and saving the guy of her dreams from a vengeance that has festered through-out generations. The power is in her, if she can just get the magic right. "Spell Check is an impossible-to-put-down, topsy-turvy adventure with fun, romance, and fabulous characters." --Heather B. Moore, USA Today bestselling author

  • - My true story...
    af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    The year is 2006, and post 9-11, the world has changed. Security is on high alert and flying through foreign airspace in a single engine aircraft is not to be undertaken lightly, particularly in the Middle East. But Julie's husband assures her that flying his newly purchased 'little beauty' 27,000 kilometres from Denmark back home to Brisbane, Australia will give them an 'adventure of a life time' she will never forget. Blissfully unaware of the life changing and often life threatening events to come, Julie boards a commercial flight to Europe. Written with honesty and humour, Julie will engage you with her very personal account of this international flying odyssey. 18 countries in 33 days certainly tested her courage, endurance and her Australian Spirit to the absolute limit, many times over..... Follow this Aussie husband and wife team as they face high drama events in the air and on the ground, yet still retaining the mundane, sometimes volatile, and often fragile dynamics of a married couple. Meeting famous Australian adventurer Dick Smith, who was in awe that they survived the trip, cemented her resolve to write this book. This is a true adventure, with some misadventure thrown in, a tale somewhere between 'The Castle' and 'Indiana Jones'. Except Julie's story is not fiction. As the saying goes, fact is often stranger than fiction!

  • af Julie Wright
    168,95 kr.

    This is a heartwarming and gut wrenching adventure. It is a story of a sixteen year old girl, Jessica (Jessie) Mills, who is pregnant. She never knew her parents and recently lost her grandparents who raised her. She boards a bus in search of her only known relative. She had met her aunt once in her life and isn't sure, but she thinks she lives in Atlanta, Ga. You will laugh and cry as you join her and her new found friend, Shelby, in her search to belong somewhere.

  • af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

  • af Julie Wright
    213,95 kr.

  • af Julie Wright
    158,95 - 207,95 kr.

    LøgnenKvinder i Hollywood er ikke andet end kønne ansigter. Men Silvia Bradshaw ved, det er en løgn, og hun er klar til at blive behandlet som en ligeværdig og bevise sit værd som en af Hollywoods nyeste filmklippere.KærlighedenHun og Ben Mason har arbejdet sammen som filmklippere, før Silvia fik sit store gennembrud, så han er den helt rette person at spørge om feedback på hendes første store film. Men lige da deres venskab begynder at udvikle sig til noget mere, kommer en retssag på tværs – en retssag, der ikke kun bringer deres job i fare, men også deres spirende kærlighed. Audrey Hepburn sagde engang: ”Det vigtigste er at nyde livet – at være lykkelig. Det er det eneste, der tæller.” Silvia er enig. Eller rettere: Hun VAR enig. En ting er at sætte sit eget job og hjerte på spil, men kan hun også risikere Bens? Har hun ret til at træffe beslutninger for sin egen lykkes skyld, når de kan påvirke så mange andre mennesker?MorgenmadenSilvia har alt at tabe, da hun opsøger Ben, mens han spiser morgenmad på sin yndlingscafé, Tiffany’s, så de kan tale sammen en sidste gang, inden tæppet går ned for ægte kærlighed.

  • af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    "Complications arise when Marietta's secret love letters are accidentally found by the wrong man. 1828, the London countryside. For years, Marietta Stone has harbored a secret infatuation for the handsome Frederick Finch and has poured out her deepest feelings in a series of passionate love letters that she keeps in a locked drawer. But when Marietta's private letters are accidentally delivered to Frederick's house, she must retrieve them immediately before they fall into the wrong hands. If the letters were read by anyone else, the resulting scandal could jeopardize her reputation. Gerard Hartwell has no time for infatuations, courtship, or even love. He must find a wife with a substantial inheritance if he wishes to save his late father's bankrupt estate. When he accidentally discovers Marietta's love letters at his cousin Frederick's estate, he strikes a bargain with her. If she helps him court her older sister, Anne, he will return the letters and help Marietta win Frederick's heart. Marietta agrees, and the two quickly pretend to be courting in order to spend time with their individual love interests. Yet, what appeared to be a straightforward bargain becomes complicated when Gerard realizes that the more time he spends with Marietta, the more he wishes he was courting her for real. But can he persuade Marietta to give him a chance when her heart might belong to another man? "--

  • af Julie Wright
    158,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Lige siden Emma første gang læste Stolthed og Fordom, har hun været forelsket i Mr. Darcy og anset Jane Austen for at være eksperten inden for alt, der har med romantik at gøre. Så da Emma falder for Blake Hampton, og han inviterer hende hjem for at møde hans forældre, tror hun naturligvis, en forlovelse ligger lige rundt om hjørnet. Blake er jo trods alt en enlig mand i besiddelse af en stor formue og må derfor mangle en kone.Så da det viser sig, at Blake er mere interesseret i et hook-up end en brud, føler Emma sig såret, forrådt og rasende. Hun begraver sig i sit arbejde som marketingschef hos Kinetics. Hun elsker sit arbejde, og hun er god til det, så da direktøren ansætter en konsulent til at hjælpe hende med forretningsudvidelse på østkysten, bliver hun dybt frustreret. Hendes frustration forvandler sig til chok, da konsulenten viser sig at være Blakes lillebror Lucas.Emma er fast besluttet på ikke at falde for Lucas, men efterhånden som hun lærer ham at kende, indser hun, at Lucas på ingen måde er som sin bror. Han er en sød og opmærksom fyr, der bruger sin tid og sine penge på at hjælpe andre. Det, hun ikke forstår, er, hvorfor Lucas bliver ved med at skubbe hende tilbage i Blakes arme, når han åbenlyst er lige så forelsket i hende, som hun er i ham.Det går op for Emma, at hendes kærlighedsliv er præcis lige så kompliceret, som det er for kvinderne i Jane Austens romaner. Hun er nødt til at finde frem til sandheden – og helst i en fart – hvis hun skal kunne håbe på en slutning, hvor ”de levede lykkeligt til deres dages ende”.

  • af Julie Wright
    183,95 kr.

    "Redeeming Eve is written for women of all ages who are seeking to know more about God's design for their lives, specifically in the areas of identity, influence and intimacy. The author shares the stories of 8 women of the Bible, guiding readers to reflect deeply on each women's relationships with God and with others. With each chapter the author helps the reader to reflect on God's call on her own life, challenging readers to live, and love, as redeemed daughters of Eve, because of Jesus"--

  • af Julie Wright
    173,95 kr.

  • af Julie Wright
    173,95 kr.

    Publisher's location taken from publisher's Facebook page.

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