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Bøger af Karsten Pålsson

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  • af Karsten Pålsson
    283,95 kr.

    Humane byer er en brugsbog.Den gennemgår den europæiske bytradition, når den er bedst, og fungerer som et værktøj til omdannelse af eksisterende byområder og til etablering af ny bydele. Den viser gennem sin eksempelsamling forudsætningerne for det gode byliv og den trygge by. Bogen er inddelt i 10 temaer, hver med en definition og en generel beskrivelse af centrale problemstillinger samt et løsningskatalog. Bogen er et redskab og inspirationskilde for politikere, administratorer, byplanlæggere og arkitekter. Ikke mindst retter den sig til borgere, der vil forbedre deres by og have argumenter og løsningsmuligheder på rede hånd. Indbundet i Hollandsk Bind.

  • - Urbane designprincipper
    af Karsten Pålsson
    293,95 kr.

    Bogen peger på karréstrukturen som den bebyggelsesform, der bedst fremmer udviklingen af bæredygtige bebyggelser og byer. Med åbenhed, tryghed og mulighed for socialt samvær. I første del præsenteres nogle af de bykvaliteter, der er skabt med karréen som grundelement i København og andre europæiske storbyer. I bogens anden del beskrives karrébyens potentioaler og elementer og 10 principper præsenteres som grundlag for transformation af ældre byområder og af planlægning af nye.Udkommer desuden på engelsk og ukrainsk.

  • af Karsten Pålsson
    729,95 kr.

    Dense, organic cities with interconnected building structures and easily accessed common urban spaces. Cities that offer variety, vibrancy and architectural qualities that tempt people to go exploring on foot or by bike. Cities that have a sense of openness, make people feel safe and create opportunities for conversations in public spaces. Cities that are rooted in tradition and a respect for cultural heritage. Cities that provide meeting places in a setting conducive to cultural cohesion. Social and sensory cities. This book points to urban blocks as the structure best suited to pro­moting sustainable building developments and cities. Its first part presents some urban qualities that have evolved from the urban block as a fundamental, flexible element. These examples have been selected from European block cities as well as from old and new urban districts in Copenhagen. The second part of the book outlines the elements of the urban block city and its potential, proposing 10 principles that underpin an action-oriented platform for transforming older urban districts or planning new ones.

  • af Karsten Pålsson
    848,95 kr.

    This book is about renewing the city with room for people, about historical over­lay and respect for the building tradi­tions of the past, and about new archi­tecture on a human scale. The book takes its departure in the European tradition of the dense classic city. Focus is on phys­ical and spatial relationships, develop­ment patterns, access principles, and their connection to public streets and squares: the elements that make for a rich urban life. Rooted in European traditions, this book is envisioned as a profession­al "instruction manual" that offers ex­amples of a  more humane direction for urban conversion. The examples in the book come from major European cities and are set in a broad conceptual frame­work. A historical outline reviews urban development over time. The chapters are organized into tool­-oriented themes that help urban planners and architects put the concepts into practice and relate them to their respective challenges.

  • af Karsten Pålsson
    978,95 kr.

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