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Bøger af Katherine Mansfield

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  • af Katherine Mansfield
    138,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    98,95 kr.

    ''They could not have had a more perfect day for a garden party if they had ordered it'' A windless, warm day greets the Sheridan family on the day of their garden party. As daughter Laura takes the reins on party preparations the news of a neighbour''s demise casts a cloud over the host and threatens the entire celebration. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers'' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    98,95 kr.

    This edition contains all of Mansfi eld's published short stories from different collections, including `The Garden Party' and `In a German Pension'.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    73,95 kr.

    Havefesten og andre fortællinger cementerede Katherine Mansfields anseelse som en af de mest indflydelsesrige modernister i sin samtid og regnes i dag for en moderne klassiker.Katherine Mansfield var født og opvokset i New Zealand, men flyttede som ganske ung til Storbritannien, hvor hun blev boende resten af sit liv. Novellesamlingen Havefesten og andre fortællinger udkom i 1922 kort før hendes død og består af 15 noveller, som alle undersøger de uudtalte, halvt fremstammede følelser, der udgør det hverdagslige liv. Mange af fortællingerne udspiller sig i hjemlandet og varierer i tone og længde, fra den lange åbningsnovelle ’Ved bugten’ – en levende, impressionistisk fremkaldelse af familielivet – til den lille komprimerede ’Miss Brill’, hvor en ensom kvindes spinkle selvværd på brutal vis bliver ødelagt, da hun overhører to elskendes fortrolige samtale.Mansfield døde kun 34 år gammel efter længere tids sygdom, men står tilbage som en af modernismens væsentlige stemmer. Pressen skriver:»Mansfields penduleren mellem væren og refleksion er ikke blot en effektfuld litterær strategi; bevægelsen synes at afspejle den menneskelige bevidsthed, og når en forfatter som Virginia Woolf med god grund beundrede Mansfields skrift, tror jeg, det skyldes, at hun som få formår at omdanne denne uhåndgribelige proces til gnistrende, præcise sætninger.«  – Weekendavisen»Katherine Mansfields prosa er vidunderlig […] Læs, læs, læs Katherine Mansfield.« – Information»Det er bragende godt, ganske enkelt.« ***** –»Disse noveller er som musik – man bliver fanget af stemninger og beskrivelser. Forfatterens brug af impressionistiske virkemidler er imponerende.«– lektør Inger Nygaard Kaad

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    207,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    233,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    163,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    128,95 kr.

    A brilliant modernist classic--now available for the first time in a stand-alone editionThis dreamy, formally audacious story of a summer's day in the life of one family is a small masterpiece by Katherine Mansfield, hailed as "one of the great modernist writers. Virginia Woolf said of Mansfield, hers was "the only writing I have ever been jealous of."A modernist master of cool precision and extraordinary delicacy, Mansfield wrote about family life with a sharp radicalism, and At the Bay is one of her greatest works. Told in thirteen parts, beginning early in the morning and ending at dusk, At the Bay captures both the Burnell family's intricate web of relatives and friends, and the dreamy, unassuming natural beauty of Crescent Bay. Haunting but ever understated, At the Bay is as timeless novella, and a testament to Mansfield's remarkable powers.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    1.257,95 kr.

    This edition is made up of 217 poems, ordered chronologically, so that the reader can follow Mansfield's development as a poet and her experiments with different forms.

  • - Volumes 1-4
    af Katherine Mansfield
    4.573,95 kr.

    This is the first Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield, whose work is currently being reassessed and revitalised. These 4 volumes collect Mansfield's fiction, her non-fiction prose writings and her diaries, allowing readers to tease out the threads of a multi-faceted writer.

  • - Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works, volume 2
    af Katherine Mansfield
    1.384,95 kr.

    The resurgence of interest in Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) has grown to the extent that she is now perceived as 'the most emblematic woman writer of her time'. This Edinburgh edition of her stories, published to coincide with the ninetieth anniversary of her death in 1923, is a complete collection of the author's fiction writing.

  • - Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works, volume 1
    af Katherine Mansfield
    1.387,95 kr.

    The resurgence of interest in Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) has grown to the extent that she is now perceived as 'the most emblematic woman writer of her time'. This Edinburgh edition of her stories, published to coincide with the ninetieth anniversary of her death in 1923, is a complete collection of the author's fiction writing.

  • - Three Short Stories
    af Katherine Mansfield
    181,95 kr.

    The graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    180,95 kr.

    This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    153,95 kr.

    Word count 22,665

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    2.540,95 kr.

    Covering the eight months between the English summers of 1919 and 1920, this volume charts Mansfield's relationship with her husband John Middleton Murry through its severest trial. Most of the letters are to him, and are edited here without cuts and revisions by him.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    2.358,95 kr.

    The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield Volume I: 1903-1917

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    181,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    53,95 kr.

    This collection allows the reader to become familiar with the complete range of Mansfield's work from the early, satirical stories set in Bavaria, through the luminous recollections of her childhood in New Zealand, and through the mature, deeply felt stories of her last years.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    183,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    811,95 kr.

    This volume, the second of four, includes her correspondence from early 1918 to the autumn of 1919. Her love for Middleton Murry, her response to the First World War, and her acceptance of the inevitable advance of tuberculosis, are handled with wit and warmth.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    176,95 kr.

    This Norton Critical Edition includes thirty-five of Katherine Mansfield's short stories with explanatory annotations.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    128,95 kr.

    This selection of stories by Katherine Mansfield has been chosen by Claire Tomalin and emphasize the stronger, feminist side of her writing rather than the popular, more sentimental view. The 21 stories are presented in chronological order and include "Prelude", "The Garden Party" and "At the Bay".

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    3.085,95 kr.

    The letters included in this volume cover the 18 months Mansfield spent in England, France and Switzerland, from May 1920 until the end of 1921. It is the period which saw some of her finest work.

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    850,95 kr.

    Katherine Mansfield was a formidable critic: astute, witty and something more - she had, as Middleton Murry put it, an extraordinary style and critical verve, mastery and 'sureness of touch'. Careful annotation supplies essential information for following the evolution of her ideas - and her art - from 1907 until her death in 1923.

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