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  • af Kenneth Arnold
    198,95 kr.

    1947 is considered by most historians of the United States as the year when the Cold War began with the implementation of the "Truman Doctrine" to contain the propagation of world Communism, which give rise to the anti-communist hysteria of the following years. By June 25, 1950, some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea's behalf. Also, in those same early days of the Cold War, the skies over the continental U.S. were flush with sightings of objects that led many Americans to look to the stars for answers. However, at the same time a unexpected invaders appeared in the skies over Korea. During the 37-month conflict, dozens of men reported seeing unidentified flying objects. At first, it was theorized that these crafts might be Soviet or Chinese vessels, with technology unknown to American troops, or Soviet experiments based on German technology; or foreign research in anti-gravity powered by electromagnetic propulsion. However, as times went on, UFO sightings throughout the Korean war increased. This fact discredited the "Soviet Experiment Theory" because the Soviet Union, or even China or the US, at that time did not have the technological capabilities to develop this kind of weapon and texted it so often. Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. After three years of a bloody and frustrating war, the United States, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, and South Korea agree to an armistice. But American GI's continued reporting seeing strange objects in the skies well into the year 1954. The following year that the Korean War ended., the United States Air Force ran Project Blue Book, aka: Project 10073. It was a systematic study into unidentified flying objects and their potential threat to national security. It was shutdown in December 1969, and the Air Force announced they had found nothing important. However, the project ended abortively, and many questions remained, like those strange objects reported during the Korean War. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed documents on shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents and Project Blue Book pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Some of the issues could be missing. Great, but unpretentious, this edition is a rare symbols by itself of what was going in the begining of the modern UFO phenomena.This edition has the following parts in chonological order from Project Blue Book: 1951-03-7007074-Chinnampo-Korea; 1951-07-7007939-Seoul-Korea; 1952-01-6310451-KOREA; 1952-02-6309091-Korea; 1952-05-9614416-Korea; 1952-08-8773228-Southeast-Korea; 1952-10-9169188-Korea; 1953-01-9544858-Suwon-Korea-1; 1953-03-6384252-Old Baldy and Pork Chop Hill-Korea; 1953-12-6779077-CS4859-MilGrid-Korea; 1954-07-8715239-KOREA; 1954-08-8715379-KOREA; 1954-08-31-Korea; 1954-09-8726633-Seoul-Korea; 1954-09-8726739-Kimpo-ABKorea; 1954-12-6963903-Pyongtaek-Korea; NEWS ARTICLES.__Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ____

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    233,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully, you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the UFO classics of the 1960s, in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. Otis T. Carr (December 7, 1904- September 20, 1982) first emerged into the 1950s flying saucer scene in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1955 when he founded OTC Enterprises, a company that was supposed to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Nikola Tesla. Carr claimed that he was a protegee of Tesla.Carr patented a flying saucer, and asserted he was working on a full-size version that could fly to the Moon and return in less than a day, using two counter-rotating metal plates (Ezechiel Wheel), spinning electromagnets and large capacitors, which when spinning charged and powered by a battery, which became "activated by the energy of space." Carr's scheme resembles slightly earlier proposals by John R. R. Searl and Thomas Townsend Brown. Carr also claimed to have invented "The Gravity Electric Generator", "The Utron Electric battery", "The Carrotto Gravity Motor", and "The Photon Gun". Great, but unpretentious, these documents presented in this publication are a rare symbols by themselves of what was going on in those early years of the modern UFO era. This edition has the following parts: INTRODUCTION; Otis T. Carr Photos; Otis T. Carr Newspaper Articles (1957-1962); Return of the Dove (1958-59)-Part-V-The Nikola Tesla Story; OTTC ENTERPRISES INC BROCHURE; Otis T. Carr Amusement Device Patent (1959); Frontier City USA; Project U.F.O Sighting 4004: The Howard CrossingIncident-Sci-Fi Episode aired 19 March 1978; Carr and Aho Set Date For Their Moon Flight-Flying Saucer Review (NOV-DEC.1958); Late Report on Otis T. Carr-Saucerian Bulletin (June 15, 1958); The Ufologer(March-April, 1958); Otis T. Carr FBI File. Copy and paste the link for our books: https: //

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    198,95 kr.

    "Long John Nebel (born John Zimmerman; June 11, 1911 - April 10, 1978) was an influential New York City talk radio show host. From the mid-1950s until his death in 1978, Nebel was a hugely popular all-night radio host, with millions of regular listeners and what Donald Bain described as "a fanatically loyal following" to his syndicated program, which dealt mainly with anomalous phenomena, UFOs, and other offbeat topics. In March, 1958, John Long Nebel, with three guests: Augie Robertson, Dominick Lucchesi & Ben Isquith discussed the Shaver Mystery. This is fascinating bit of UFO / Paranormal History. In this conversation, we can listen John Long talks about the Shaver Mystery. The discussion includes anecdotes about a young Harlan Ellison, and of The Shaver Mystery in general, as well as on the stories of George Adamksi. Also, Gray Barker, Albert K. Bender's "Men In Black" incident, Murray Island incident, Interplanetary travel, 2nd Washington sighting are discussed. This conversation was recorded at that time, and the audio quality is not up to modern standards. The noise involved make sometimes hard to understand. However, most of the time it is understandable. As a result, we decided to publish this interview as a text. Because the audio quality, it was not possible to publish this conversation as a dialogue. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Flying Saucers, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original Long John Nebel's radio show from 1958 (topic: The Shaver Mystery) as printed text. IMPORTANT. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original conversation, the present transcription may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing parts and th e spelling of correct words. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve andpromote knowledge in the world. This material was originally broadcasted in 1958. At the end of the transcrip of the radio broadcast, we prepared a dictionary of some terms used during the discussion, followed by some news paper articles on the Shaver Mystery. Also, we have included tree original works published by Richard S. Shaver in The HIDDEN WORLD, Spring, 1961 with the aim to shed some lights on Nebel's discussion on the Shaver Mystery. These articles are: THE ANCIENT ALPHABET, A DICTIONARY OF THE MANTONG LANGUAGE & WHY THE CAVES ARE SECRET.____Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ___________________

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    158,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the contactee classics of the 1950s,60s & 70s in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Science Fiction, Paranormal and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This anthology of THE SATURDAY EVENING POST's articles on flying saucers covered from 1949 to 1966. This work is an authentic reproduction of the articles in the POST Magazine on UFO's reprinted as facsimile edition. This title included the following parts: What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers. Article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. Saturday Evening Post.April 30, 1949. Pp.20-21, 136-138; What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers. Part 2.Debunking article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. Saturday Evening Post. May 7, 1949. Pp.36.181,185-186; Are Flying Saucers Real? Article by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to Project Bluebook. Saturday Evening Post. December 17, 1966. Pp. 17-21; Cartoons: Alien Nation. These extraterrestrial cartoons are out of this world! The Saturday Evening Post (1954-1968). ____ Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // _____________

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    198,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully, you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the UFO classics of the 1960s, in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. Wayne Sulo Aho (24 August 1916 - 16 January 2006) was an American contactee who claimed contact with extraterrestrial beings. He was one of the less known members of the 1950s wave of contactees who followed George Adamski. Aho claimed to have been in contact with humanoid space aliens since childhood, in his case the age of 12. Several additional experiences similar to the one he had had in childhood occurred in the years after the war. He mainly spoke about a contact occurring in 1957, the year he claimed to have been initiated as a "Cosmic Master of Wisdom" after attending contactee George Van Tassel's Giant Rock Interplanetary Space Craft Convention. The UFO Age opened the door for a whole new series of true believers, devotees, impersonators, liars, and charlatans. As epilogue, it is important to ask: How so many people believed in their stories? Maybe is in the psychic of the human nature, the need to believe in something like this. Something paranormal, occult, fantastic, prophetic, eschatological. In Aho's case, the best sentence that describes him is: "I want to believe". The popular phrase among X-Files fans. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original Aho's FBI File printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. Withhold information are generally marked with white boxes where something should have been in the file that is considered by the Bureau censors "sensitive". In other cases, the information has been blacking out. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This material is an an authentic reproduction of documents and articles on Wayne Sulo Aho.Great, but unpretentious, these documents are a rare symbols by themselves of what was going on in those early years of the modern UFO era. This edition has the following parts: INTRODUCTION; Wayne Sulo Aho Newspaper Articles; Wayne Sulo Aho Ancestry; Mojave Desert Experience; Wayne Sulo Aho FBI File.___Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // __

  • - An Anthology of Newspaper Clippings: The WWII Mysterious Glowing Orbs
    af Kenneth Arnold
    228,95 kr.

    The term "foo fighter" was used by Allied aircraft pilots during World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations. Though "foo fighter" initially described a type of UFO reported and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly used to mean any UFO sighting from that period. Pilots provided detail descriptions of these orbs. According to them, these objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas-tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if they were under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down. At that time, blaming Nazi Germany responsible for the flying glowing orbs wasn't too far-fetched. For one thing, the sightings took place over Nazi-occupied Europe, at a time when Germany's Luftwaffe was making tremendous strides. However, the sightings stopped once the German army was least momentarily. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original articles printed text in shades of gray. Many times the newspaper articles repeat the same news. Therefore, we have included only one as a sample. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures from the original scanned copy. Many of the original pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This edition is a collection of articles material, an anthology of newspaper articles on "Foo-Fighters" that covered the years: 1942 to 1987. This title has the following parts: 1.Prologue, 2. Introduction; 3. Newspaper article (1942 to 1987)._____Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ______

  • - Report on Flying Saucers (1948-1969)
    af Kenneth Arnold
    158,95 kr.

    This collection of selected Popular Science's articles covered from the first news of the modern UFO era to the end of Project Blue Book (1942-1969) . Year 19521 is known as the year of flying saucer hysteria. As a result, in March 1952, Project Grudge was expanded and upgraded into Project Blue Book. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Science Fiction, Paranormal and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This anthology of selected Popular Science's articles covered since the beginning of the modern UFO reports in 1948 to 1969. This work is an authentic reproduction of the articles published in the Popular Science Magazine during the years: 1948 to 1969. This work is an exact reproduction of these articles reprinted as facsimile edition. ___Copy and paste the link for our books: https: //

  • - The CIA Anthology of Selected Documents
    af Kenneth Arnold
    233,95 kr.

    Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Science Fiction. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original CIA pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because these documents are culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Great, but unpretentious, this edition is a rare symbols by itself of what was going in the begining of the modern UFO phenomena.This edition has the following parts, in chonological order, of Cia's Ufo documents: Prologue; CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs,1947-90 Gerald K. Haines; Flying saucers. 15 March, 1949; Unidentified Airborn Object. 4 August, 1950; 1952-CIA UFO PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS (DOC_0000015338), 1952; 1952-FLYING SAUCERS.MEMO ATTACHED, October 2, 1952; 1953-01-OSI Advisory Group, January 14- 17, 1953; 1953-01-REPORT OF MEETINGS OF SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS CONVENED BY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC January 14 - 18, 1953; 1953-1954-SIGHTINGS OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. 2 November 1953 to 27 January, 1954; 1953-LETTER TO SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WITH THREE ATTACHMENTS REUNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS (UFO'S) 13 March, 1953; 1954- International sightings. August 25, 1954; 1954-Summer sightings two. October 29, 1954; 1954-Summer sightings two. October 29, 1954; 1954-07-SIGHTINGS OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS 10 JUNE-15 JULY 1954. September 22, 1954; 1954-09-SIGHTINGS OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, 31 JULY-20 SEPTEMBER . October 29, 1954; 1955-Shakthy area sighting. August 5, 1955; 1956-RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. February 9, 1956; 1958-REPORTED PHOTOGRAPHY OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. October 1, 1958; 1959-LETTER TO MR. ALLEN W. DULLES FROM RICHARD OGDEN. February 22, 1959; 1959-LETTER TO MR. RICHARD OGDEN FROM ALLEN DULLES; 1960-12-SIGHTING OF UNUSUAL OBJECT. December 12, 1960; 1966-AIR FORCE REQUEST TO DECLASSIFY CIA MATERIAL ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS (UFO) REPORT OF MEETING OF SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS CONVENED BY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, CIA. January 14 - 18, 1953; 1967-SECRET OF 14 YEARS UFO DEBUNKING LAID TO CIA BY SCIENTIST 1976-AERIAL OBSERVATION OF INTENSE SOURCE OF LIGHT. November 18, 1976; 1977-PROPOSED RESEARCH PROJECT. June 3, 1977. .________Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ____________

  • - Tesla's Collected Articles on Alien Communication
    af Kenneth Arnold
    228,95 kr.

    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian (naturalizedAmerican) physicist and inventor in electrical engineering, famous for his alternating-current motor. His works dealt with the generation and application of electric power. He believed fact that a substantial amounts of power could lead to wireless communication, he proposed a wireless communication by conduction of electricity through natural media.He was persuaded that it was possible to send signals to Mars by means of extremely powerful electrical discharges. His suggestions to contact Mars by these means came after an un expected event that occured one night in 1899, when he was in his laboratory of Colorado Springs.In article: Talking withThe Planets, published in Collier's Weekly, Tesla exposed what he experienced during that night in 1899 while he was improving his machines for the production of intense electrical actions.He discovered mysterious effects that he attributed to signals coming from Mars. Tesla was the first witness to report a close encounter of the first kind with alien communication, which he credited to intelligent beings on planet Mars. From now on, Tesla was a fiercely advocate of alien comunication, and wrote docens of articles on this theme. In this title, we have gathered and assembled a collections of previously published works by Tesla on interplanetary communication. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original articles printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures from the original scanned copy. Many of the original pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This edition is a collection of material regarding Tesla's life, and his quest for alien communication. This titles has the following parts: 1.Introduction; 2. Nikola Tesla's Photos; 3. Nikola Tesla's Newspaper Articles on Alien Communication. Copy and paste the link for our books: https: //

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    243,95 kr.

    The cattle mutilation phenomenon began in earnest during 1973, known as the Mutilation Scare, and continued through the end of the decade. Ranchers across the country reported similar findings among their mutilated livestock: ears, eyes, udders, anus, and sex organs excised or "cored" with "surgical-like precision." The areas around mutilated animals were often devoid of footprints or tire tracks, and the usual scavengers of decaying flesh were often absent. In some cases, ranchers reported seeing strange objects in the sky for days or weeks preceding or following a mutilation. Many ranchers also claimed to have seen unmarked helicopters hovering over fields or locations close to known mutilations. Beginning in the late summer of 1974, the FBI was asked to help solve the bizarre mutilations that had occurred throughout the Midwest There were reports of unmarked helicopters, and many ranchers had armed themselves, and asserted that: something must be done before someone gets hurt. However, The FBI, did not believe there was sufficient evidence to warrant their involvement because according to federal statute the bureau could not open an investigation unless they had sufficient evidence to suggest that the mutilators crossed state lines or performed mutilations in multiple states.One of the most persistent stories, up to the present, surrounding the UFO phenomenon is that there is a connection between UFOs and the mutilation of thousands of animals. Investigations have found an unusually high correlation between mutilations and UFO sightings. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This title is an authentic reproduction of original Animal Cattle Mutilation FBI File, and other articles related to this subject printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. Withhold information are generally marked, in the FBI File, with white boxes where something should have been in the file that is considered by the Bureau censor "sensitive". In other cases, the information has been blacking. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Great, but unpretentious, these documents are a rare symbols by themselves of what was going on in heydays of the modern UFO era. This edition has the following parts: INTRODUCTION; Unexplained Cattle Deaths and the Emergence of a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Epidemic in North America; Operation Animal Mutilation; Animal Cattle Mutilation FBI File.__Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ___

  • - The FBI File of Alfred K. Bender
    af Kenneth Arnold
    188,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the contactee classics of the 1950's, in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. Albert K. Bender was an American ufologist, and organizer of the Flying Saucer Bureau who claimed to have discovered important data on the origin of UFOs, but he was silenced in 1953 by the visit of three mysterious men dressed in black suits. Three years later, this story was released by publisher/writer Gray Barker in: They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers. This book firmly established the MIB (Men in Black) legend among UFO believers. However, for believers, Men in Black are real. For non believers, these men are fictional characters. However, it is undeniable that some sort of secret agents, from the US Government, have questioned people that had experienced the UFO phenomena, because the government considered them a threat to national security. In Bender's case, the FBI investigated him. HERE, BENDER'S FBI FILE IS MADE PUBLIC FOR THE FIRST TIME. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Some of the issues could be missing. Great, but unpretentious, this edition is a rare symbols by itself of what was going in the begining of the modern UFO phenomena.This edition is a collection of documents regarding Benders' life, and has the following parts: 1.Introduction; 2. ALFRED K. BENDER'S PHOTOS; 3.ALFRED K. BENDER'S DOCUMENTS; 4.ALFRED K. BENDER'S NEWSPAPER ARTICLES; 5.Bender's FBI File. ___ Copy and paste the link for our titles: https: // __

  • - The FB-eye Files of Raymond A. Palmer
    af Kenneth Arnold
    188,95 kr.

    1947 is considered by most historians of the United States as the year when the Cold War began with the implementation of the "Truman Doctrine" to contain the propagation of world Communism, which give rise to the anti-communist hysteria of the following years. Also, in those same early days of the Cold War, the skies over the continental U.S. were flush with sightings of objects that led many Americans to look to the stars for answers. At first, it was theorized that these crafts might be American, Soviet or Chinese vessels, with technology unknown to the American people, or Soviet experiments based on German technology; or foreign research in anti-gravity powered by electromagnetic propulsion. As a result of the potential danger to the national security of the United States of these unknow objects, the security agencies of the US Goverment took a closer look tho these events.By 1952, the Director of the CIA (Central Inteligence Agency), Walter B. Smith, sent a memorandum to the Psychological Strategy Board about the implications of this phenomena for psychological warfare and inteligence operations (included document in this publication). The study toward the Ufo phenomena was divided in two fronts according to the same old strategy developed during the WWII. The FBI was the sole responsable for the Home Front or Continental United States, and CIA for the UFO incidents outside of the U.S. As a result, the FBI just not took a closer look to Ray Palmer, other "contactees" like Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, George Adamski, Truman Bethurum were cited and interrogated by the G -men as a potential danger to national security. In these files, the agents of the Bureau refered to them in derogatory terms as "crack pot", and "crook" to George Adamsky, and called Ray Palmer: "deformed hunchbacked dwarf". This the first time that Palmer's FBI file is published with a thorough study, bibliography anf footnotes.This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This publication has the following parts: Prologue; PHOTOGRAPHS; RAY PALMER'S FBI FILE: NOT AN X FILE; FBI FILE OF RAYMOND ARNOLD PALMER; EDITOR "OTHER WORLDS"; 1952-CIA UFO PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS (DOC_0000015338), 1952; "OTHER WORLDS". March, 1953; Editorial; DIAGNOSIS By R A Palmer; MYSTIC MAGAZINE. August, 1954; Editorial; MYSTERY In the news...By R A Palmer; VENUSIANS WALK OUR STREETS By Paul M. West; MYSTIC MAGAZINE. August, 1954; Editorial; MYSTERY In the news...By R A Palmer. __Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ___

  • - The strange FB-Eye case file of Nikola Tesla
    af Kenneth Arnold
    243,95 kr.

    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian (naturalizedAmerican) physicist and inventor in electrical engineering, famous for his alternating-current motor. His works dealt with the generation and application of electric power. He believed fact that a substantial amounts of power could lead to wireless communication, he proposed a wireless communication by conduction of electricity through natural media. He was persuaded that it was possible to send signals to Mars by means of extremely powerful electrical discharges. During his live time. Nikola Tesla made a series of extraordinary claims. One was that he had received extraterrestial comunication, and the second was that he experimented time travel. His experience with alien communication came after an un expected event that occured one night in 1899, when he was in his laboratory of Colorado Springs.In article: Talking withThe Planets, published in Collier's Weekly, Tesla exposed what he experienced during that night in 1899 while he was improving his machines for the production of intense electrical actions.He discovered mysterious effects that he attributed to signals coming from Mars. Tesla was the first witness to report a close encounter of the first kind with alien communication, which he credited to intelligent beings on planet Mars. From now on, Tesla was a fiercely advocate of alien comunication, and wrote docens of articles on this theme. Secondly. Tesla's time travel occured on March 13, 1895. On this date, Tesla was conducting an experiment, and was nearly electrocuted. He had a "Out of Time ", braking the barrier between tenses. As a result, he could see a little way into the future and the past. This popular account tells that a reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts, "I am afraid," said Tesla, "that you won't find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today. The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original articles printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures from the original scanned copy. Many of the original pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This edition is a complete collection of Tesla's FBI Files. The only original source that can shed some light in his life are these files. This book has the following parts: 1.Introduction; 2. Nikola Tesla's Photos; 3. Nikola Tesla's FBI Files. Parts: 1,2,3. __Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ____________

  • - Report on Flying Saucers
    af Kenneth Arnold
    183,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the UFO articles of the 1950s in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. More than half a century ago, reports of a "flying saucer" over U.S. airspace in 1947 caused a wave of "UFO hysteria" and sparked Federal investigation of unidentified flying objects. This time coincided with a tumultuous period in American history. The Korean & Vietnam War, Cold War, and the domestic unrest during the civil rights movement that had purred growing American distrust of the government. During the summer of 1952 over a dozen of unexplained flying objects or UFOs repeatedly crossed the skies over Washington, D.C. These events were observed by different kind of people, from the layman in the streets, radar operators, professional pilots and other highly credible witnesses. Newspaper were filled with sci-fi-like headlines. Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Science Fiction, Paranormal and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This anthology of Life's Magazine articles on flying saucers covered from 1942 to 1968. This work is an authentic reproduction of the articles in Life Magazine on UFO's reprinted as facsimile edition. ____Copy and paste the link for our books: https: //

  • - Report on Flying Saucers (1942-1969)
    af Kenneth Arnold
    198,95 kr.

    It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO literature. Rereading a book after ten or twenty years is a rewarding experience. You will discover new data and ideas you didn´t notice before. The reason, of course, is that you are, in many ways, not the same person reading the book the second or third time. Hopefully you have advanced in knowledge, experience, intellectual and spiritual discernment. A good starting point is to reread the UFO articles of the 1950s in order to understand the deeper mystery involved in what happened during that era. More than half a century ago, reports of a "flying saucer" over U.S. airspace in 1947 caused a wave of "UFO hysteria" and sparked Federal investigation of unidentified flying objects. This time coincided with a tumultuous period in American history. The Korean & Vietnam War, Cold War, and the domestic unrest during the civil rights movement that had purred growing American distrust of the government. However, "flying saucer" landed in the Times Magazine news since the begining, in the summer of 1947.(See Time's articles in this anthology: The Somethings, July 14, 1947). The UFO phenomena can be traced back to June 24,1947, when Kenneth Arnold, an experienced civilian pilot and fire equipment salesman based out of Boise, Idaho saw a "tremendously bright flash" illuminated the surface of his plane. When he landed at the Pendleton, Oregon airport, Arnold described the object for a corps of eager reporters. Most famous was the term he used to describe the objects' flight-"they flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water." The press cited Arnold's description and created the phrase "flying saucer" to describe mysterious aerial objects. This collection of selected Time's articles covered from the first news of the socalled Foo-Fighters to the end of Project Blue Book (1942-1969) . Year 1952 is known as the year of flying saucer hysteria. As a result, in March 1952, Project Grudge was expanded and upgraded into Project Blue Book. This work is an authentic reproduction of the articles published in the Times Magazine during the years: 1942 to 1969. This work is an exact reproduction of these articles reprinted as facsimile edition. ______Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // _____

  • - The Silas M. Newton Case
    af Kenneth Arnold
    213,95 kr.

    Frank Scully published two columns in Variety, claiming that dead extraterrestrial beings were recovered from a flying saucer crash, based on what he said was reported to him by a scientist involved, Leo Gebauer (Dr. Gee). He later expanded these columns to create his book: Behind the Flying Saucers, a best selling book that influenced public perceptions about UFOs. Sixty thousand copies of the book were sold. According to Scully's book, a mysterious lecturer at the University of Denver pointed out the importance of magnetism. Mr.X claimed that a major research project underwent during WWII had made huge advances, and scientists had reached the conclusion that everything existing owed its shape to magnetic lines of force. He explained that there are 1,257 magnetic lines of force to the square centimeter, and that the disintegration, suspension for a period of time, immobilization of their instrument boards of a plane, and such things like that can be duplicated in the laboratory. Therefore all that a flying saucer had to do to disintegrate a plane according to Mr. X, was to demagnetize it. Mr X was Silas M Newton. Silas Newton (1887-1972) was a wealthy oil producer who claimed that he had a gadget that could detect minerals and oil., because he used a device based on "alien technology" recovered from the supposed crash of a flying saucer (Aztec UFO crash). He was cited as an authority in Frank Scully's book Behind the Flying Saucers, a work that claimed to report on several UFO crashes in the area of New Mexico. The Men in Black (MIB) took a closer look on Silas M. Newton whereabouts on April 25, 1951 as a result of Scully's book: Behind the Flying Saucers. According to the MIB, Scully mentioned in this book that Newton was an authority on the subject of flying saucers, and pointed out that flying saucers are "really manifestations of secret and sinister scientific research made by the government". According to Newton's FBI File, he was familiar among the MIB for his claims to be engaged in government research of a "secret nature". This could be the main reason why Bureau agents (MIB) followed him. Newton could be working in some kind of secret project and leak some secrets to the Soviets (Red Russia). Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Ufology, Paranormal, and the Occult. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Some of the issues could be missing. Great, but unpretentious, this edition is a rare symbols by itself of what was going in the begining of the modern UFO phenomena.This edition has the following parts in chonological order: Prologue; PHOTOGRAPHS; Frank Scully. BEHIND THE FLYING SAUCERS, Chapter 3, Some Personal History; J.P. Cahn's True Magazine articles; News paper articles on Silas M Newton; Self biography by Silas M. Newton in Yale College School Yearbooks; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, Subject: Silas M Newton. ._____Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ____

  • - The Mysterious Case of Tsien Hsue-Shen
    af Kenneth Arnold
    233,95 kr.

    Tsien Hsue-shen (Qian Xuesen), was the father of Chinese rocketry and spaceflight. He was born in Hangzhou, China in 1911. A brilliant student, he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a Boxer Rebellion Scholarship in 1935. Becoming a protege of the legendary Theodor von Karman. Tsien was the leading theoretician in rocket and high-speed flight theory in the United States. He was instrumental in the founding of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. He was identified by the US Defense Department as a key person for Project Lusty, a group of top scientists that entered Germany at the end of WWII to retrieve alien technology, and exotic propulsion systems from Nazi laboratories. As a young student at Cal Tech, Tsien and other of his fellow students had to move out into the desert for their rocketry experiments to an area called the Devil's Gate. A site with great paranormal activity. Oficial US documents mentioned that Tsien worked in the Titan rocket program. However, this program started in October 1955 when the Air Force awarded the Glenn L. Martin Company a contract to build this intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Tsien was deported from the United States in September 1955, and the Titan missile did not start until October 1955. Tsien was gone before there even was a Titan program. New declassified Tsien's FBI file contradicted the claims in those documents. Unless Tsien possessed the secret of time travel, there is no way that he could have worked on the Titan ICBM before the program even started. But how could this had happened? He begun pioneering research and highly secret work on the use of nuclear rocket engines. Also, he worked on alien technology, antigravity propulsion, and extraterrestrial spacecraft brought to the US by Operation Lusty. According to a popular report without a proper reference, Tsien was conducting an experiment, and was nearly electrocuted by a power generator in his laboratory. He had a "Out of Time ", braking the barrier between tenses. As a result, he could see a little way into the future and the past. He was hit by a spark of 3.5 million volts that almost killed him. While conducting research with antigravity propulsion system, Tsien had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tsien's experimentation with gravity, fluid mechanics and nuclear rocket engines. Tsiens simple discovery, would years later, lead to the fatal Philadelphia Experiment. As a result, Tsien made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel. This title is an authentic reproduction of the original Tsien's FBI File, and other articles related to him printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. Withhold information are generally marked with white boxes where something should have been in the file that is considered by the Bureau censor "sensitive". In other cases, the information has been blacking. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Great, but unpretentious, these documents are a rare symbols by themselves of what was going on in those early years of the 1950s UFO era. This edition has the following parts: MEN in BLACK, RED ALIENS & THE ROCKETEER WHO TRAVELED BACK IN TIME: THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF TSIEN HSUE-SHEN (INTRODUCTION); TSIEN HSUE-SHEN PHOTOS; TSIEN HSUE-SHEN NEWSPAPER ARTICLES; Development of Chinese Missiles Forces Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); Tsien's FBI Files For the Years: 1953-1974 . _____Copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ________

  • - The Rocketeer That Tried to Scape the Men in Black: The strange case of John Jack Parsons
    af Kenneth Arnold
    208,95 kr.

    In a famous chapter of his Principles of Psychology, William James analyzes our perception of reality. He pointed out that we lived in different mental words, like parallel universe . According to him, there are several, probably an infinite number of orders of realities, each with its own special and separate existence. James called these "sub-universes". The human mind conceives all these sub-worlds more or less disconnectedly, and when dealing with one of them, forgets for the time being its relations to the rest. These realities are experienced as mental sub-universe, and can be shared by more than one person. John Whiteside Parsons (birth name Marvel Whiteside Parsons), October 2,1914 to June 7,1952, was an American rocket engineer, rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation, helping to develop the solid-fuel rocket and being one of the participants in the beginning of the space age. Over his short but incredible life, Parsons was a bit of a creative genius in two key areas - the occult and rocket science. Living in multiple realities, the physical world, and the paranormal one. Few months before Aleister Crowley's (founder of Thelema) death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplained aerial phenomena now recalled as the "Great Flying Saucer Flap" of 1952. In the spring of 1946, Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and John W Parson performed a series of magical rituals with the aim of incarnating the Thelemic goddess Babalon in a human being. The ritual was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar ritual in his 1917 novel Moonchild. It is possible that while performing this ritual, Parsons opened a door or a gate, and something flew in this world. The assumption behind is that Crowley first made contact back in 1917 through the Amalantrah ritual with Roddie's entity. Later, Jack Parsons practiced a similar ritual (the Babalon ritual) with Elizabeth Cameron, and with the assistance of L. Ron Hubbard, as a mystical medium. These rituals reopened the portal Crowley sealed years before, but this time Parsons created a bigger fracture in the space-time continuum. The Babalon ritual is patterned after the Amalantrah ritual. However, this latter portal or gate could not be seal due to Parsons' inexperience, lack of knowledge or careless. As a result, just after Parson's practiced the Babalon ritual, Kenneth A. Arnold made the first widely reported UFO sighting of 9 silver disc like craft in Washington state on June 24, 1947. Also, UFOs were bursting upon the scene, and the Rosswel ufo suddenly crash. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray. IMPORTANT, despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction has missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and FBI censorship's pencil markings from the original scanned copy. Many of the original FBI documents pages are shadowy, and faint. ILLEGIBLE PAGES HAVE A NOTE. Because this material is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. Some of the issues could be missing. This edition is a collection of documents regarding Parsons'life, and has the following parts: 1. Introduction, 2. PHOTOGRAPHS & DOCUMENTS, 3. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, Subject: John Whiteside Parsons, 4. SEEKING POWER for SPACE ROCKETS. POPULAR MECHANIC MAGAZINE August (1940), 5. Newspaper Articles ob Parsons'Death, 6. Jack Parsons' US Patents. ___ Copy and paste the link for our titles: https: // __

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    548,95 kr.

    During the closing months of WWII, the U.S. Army Air Forces took advantage of the victories of the Allies and created a task force headed by von Kármán to evaluate captured German aeronautical data and laboratories for the US. Air Force. Von Kármán team followed the steps of the advancing American, and British forces searching German laboratories, and airfileds. The group was ordered to travel to many european countries as possible. Operation LUSTY (Luftwaffe Science and Technology), has begun. A model airplane with triangular, arrow-shaped wings was found in the Luftfahrforschungsanstalt. The most exciting discovery during this mission was a secret aerodinamical laboratory in a pine forest near Volkenrode, a village outside the city of Braunschweig. It was the Luftfahrforschungsanstalt Herman Goering or the Herman Goering Aerodynamical Institute These facilities included an eight meter wind tunnel, a high speed wind tunnel, two supersonic wind tunnels, an armament laboratory. Many of the buildings were looted, but the equipment were intact. Americans used metal detectors to recover thousands of metal boxes buried with top secret documents. This facility was a treasure trove of documents, yielded the greatest return in the field of research. Where did all those technological advances come from? In 1936 a 'flying saucer' allegedly crashes in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg, opening the door for advanced German technology in aeronautics and space (reverse engineering). The ship and its occupants were spirited away to the dark heart of Nazi Germany, where all was dismantled and diligently studied. A resulting program was called Haunebu. Von Kármán was the master mind in the captured of all this technology from the Third Reich. This edition is a collection of documents regarding von Kármán's life, and has the following parts: 1.Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich, 2. Theodore von Kármán: The Close Encounter Man, 3. Operation Lusty', 4. Von Kármán's FBI File.___Please, copy and paste the link for our books: https: // ___

  • af Kenneth Arnold
    133,95 kr.

  • - A Documentary Report on Sky Objects That Have Mystified the World
    af Kenneth Arnold & Raymond Palmer
    248,95 kr.

  • - The New Age Trilogy
    af Kenneth Arnold & Michael X Barton
    308,95 kr.

  • af Kenneth Arnold & George W Van Tassel
    318,95 kr.

  • - The S.F. Air Raid of 1941: As told through the daily newspaper reports of the time
    af Kenneth Arnold
    198,95 kr.

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