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Bøger af Klaus Schwab

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  • af Klaus Schwab
    247,95 kr.

    Den fjerde industrielle revolution er mere betydningsfuld og mere omfattende end noget, menneskeheden før har været vidne til. Nye teknologier forener de fysiske, digitale og biologiske verdener og resulterer i kunstig intelligens, 3D-printning, DNA-sekvensering og bærbar teknologi indbygget i tøj eller gadgets. Disse teknologier er først og fremmest designet til at forbedre vores liv, men med dette væld af muligheder kommer også udfordringer og potentielle risikoelementer. Det tvinger os til at genoverveje, hvordan vi bruger teknologien og endda, hvad det betyder at være et menneske. Schwab forsøger med denne bog at skitsere, hvordan vi i fællesskab kan forme denne revolution, så vi skaber en fremtid, hvor innovation og teknologi tjener folket og gavner os alle sammen.

  • - A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet
    af Klaus Schwab
    213,95 kr.

    Think of the global economy as a jigsaw puzzle.At the heart of solving the puzzle and addressing global disturbance and uncertainty lies three identifiable issues that need need to fit: First, income and other inequality within societies has been on the rise, while productivity and wage growth slowed, and countries are burdened by debt. Second, the market power of the world's largest companies reached unprecedented levels, raising questions on the spread of innovation and productivity gains. And third, the exploitation of natural resources is leading to a deteriorating environment, affecting the lives of many for the worse.The debate over what caused this situation is still open: whether laissez-faire governments, a poorly managed globalization, or the rise of technology that favors the few, the possible culprits are legion. In any case, Schwab argues our current system has failed to properly register and address many of the issues we are now faced with.What are the real causes of our system's shortcomings, and what are false positives? Do solutions lie in small adjustments to our current system, or a complete overhaul of it? And what best practices exist around the world, including Asia, that would allow for better outcomes?There are no easy answers, and no single stakeholder can provide them. But it is certain that individual actors do have agency, and that policies matter, when it comes to dealing with external forces. Moreover, as success stories from the Switzerland to Singapore, and from Costa Rica to China show, it is only when government, businesses and individuals all play their respective roles, and agree on a social contract with shared responsibility that societal outcomes will be optimal.Stakeholder Capitalism addresss these problems, and provides achievable answers to solve them. Piece by piece, this new book by Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum, shares answers for all stakholders in the global economy, rich and poor, vested and disenfranchised, engaged or searching. The goal: to address problems and provide solutions, piece by piece, stakeholder by stakeholder, country by country, world citizen by world citizen.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    146,95 kr.

    The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum on how the impending technological revolution will change our livesWe are on the brink of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this one will be unlike any other in human history.Characterized by new technologies fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact all disciplines, economies and industries - and it will do so at an unprecedented rate. World Economic Forum data predicts that by 2025 we will see: commercial use of nanomaterials 200 times stronger than steel and a million times thinner than human hair; the first transplant of a 3D-printed liver; 10% of all cars on US roads being driverless; and much more besides.In The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab outlines the key technologies driving this revolution, discusses the major impacts on governments, businesses, civil society and individuals, and offers bold ideas for what can be done to shape a better future for all.

  • - A guide to building a better world
    af Klaus Schwab
    146,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    148,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Schwab & Nicholas Davis
    251,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    283,95 kr.

    In recent years, the delicate political climate in the Middle East has often overshadowed critical discussions related to economic and social development in the Arab world. The region's economic fragility has intensified due to the economic backlash following the September 11 attacks. The Arab World Competitiveness Report - now available for the first time - focuses on the challenges of improving the region's competitiveness at a particularly critical time. Written by an elite team of academics, scholars, and leaders of international organizations, this landmark report is the first systematic benchmarking exercise for the Arab region. It highlights the enormous difficulties that the Arab world currently faces, problems that will only worsen unless drastic changes are made in these countries. The Report reveals why growth in the region has stagnated since the 1980s in spite of some of the highest investment rates in the world. It also examines why, despite its distinct natural resource endowments, the region has failed to capture a greater proportion of international trade and capital flows. Noting the implications of exploding population growth in the region, the Report stresses the need to intensify job creation and to develop educational systems that prepare the population for the rapidly evolving global economy. It also emphasizes the profound environmental sustainability challenges faced by the region. Through in-depth analyses of regional trends, detailed country profiles of sixteen Arab world nations, and data-driven essays that cover a range of relevant issues, this groundbreaking report highlights the prospects for growth among countries in the Arab world and, more importantly, reveals the obstacles to competitiveness. In addition, the Executive Opinion Survey - which includes responses by top business executives in ten Arab world countries - lends depth to the analysis by providing a snapshot of how business leaders in the Arab world perceive present competitiveness and future prospects. The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide of its kind, The Arab World Competitiveness Report is an invaluable tool for identifying existing impediments to growth, thereby advancing the human well-being of the region.

  • - Wie muss sich die globale Welt verandern, damit sie allen dient? - Vorschlage des Weltwirtschaftsforums-Grunders
    af Klaus Schwab
    243,95 kr.

    Unser globales Wirtschaftssystem ist kaputt. Es ist geprägt von globalen Umbrüchen, Unsicherheit und mangelnder Nachhaltigkeit. Aber wir können das derzeitige ökonomische System durch ein anderes ersetzen - eine Wirtschaft, die für alle Menschen und den Planeten funktioniert. Was müssen wir dafür tun? Erstens müssen wir die steigende Einkommensungleichheit innerhalb von Gesellschaften beseitigen, in denen sich das Produktivitäts- und Lohnwachstum verlangsamt hat. Zweitens müssen wir die dämpfende Wirkung der monopolistischen Marktmacht großer Konzerne auf Innovationen und Produktivitätssteigerungen reduzieren. Und schließlich muss die kurzsichtige Ausbeutung natürlicher Ressourcen beendet werden, die die Umwelt zersetzt und das Leben vieler Menschen zum Schlechten beeinflusst.Die Debatte über die Ursachen der kaputten Wirtschaft ist vielfältig - von Laissez-faire-Regierungen, über schlecht gemanagte Globalisierung bis hin zum Aufstieg der Technologie zu Gunsten einiger weniger, um nur einige Punkte zu nennen. Das Buch argumentiert überzeugend, dass unser derzeitiges System uns weiterhin im Stich lassen wird, wenn wir nicht damit beginnen, die wahre Form unserer Probleme zu erkennen. Um uns zu helfen, unsere Herausforderungen klarer zu sehen, sucht Schwab - der Gründer und Executive Chairman des Weltwirtschaftsforums - nach den wahren Ursachen für die Unzulänglichkeiten unseres Systems und nach Lösungen in bewährten Praktiken aus der ganzen Welt an so unterschiedlichen Orten wie China, Dänemark, Äthiopien, Deutschland, Indonesien, Neuseeland und Singapur. Dabei findet Schwab Beispiele für neue Wege, die Anlass zur Hoffnung geben, darunter:- Individuelles Handeln: wie Länder und Politik einen Unterschied gegenüber großen externen Kräften machen können.- Ein klar definierter Gesellschaftsvertrag: Die Einigung auf gemeinsame Werte und Ziele ermöglicht es Regierungen, Wirtschaft und Individuen, die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen.- Planung für künftige Generationen: Kurzsichtiges Denken schadet unserer gemeinsamen Zukunft und der derjenigen, die noch geboren werden.- Bessere Maßstäbe für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg: weg vom kurzsichtigen Fokus auf das Bruttoinlandsprodukt, hin zu umfassenderen, auf den Menschen bezogenen Maßstäben für gesellschaftliches Wohlergehen.Durch die genaue Beschreibung unserer realen Situation ist der hier vorgestellte Stakeholder-Kapitalismus in der Lage, erreichbare Wege zur Lösung unserer Probleme aufzuzeigen. Kapitel für Kapitel zeigt uns Professor Schwab, dass es für jeden auf allen Ebenen der Gesellschaft Möglichkeiten gibt, die zerbrochenen Teile der globalen Wirtschaft neu zu formen und - Land für Land, Unternehmen für Unternehmen und Bürger für Bürger - wieder so zusammenzusetzen, dass wir alle davon profitieren können.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    428,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    73,95 kr.

    Den fjerde industrielle revolution er mere betydningsfuld og mere omfattende end noget, menneskeheden før har været vidne til. Nye teknologier forener de fysiske, digitale og biologiske verdener og resulterer i kunstig intelligens, 3D-printning, DNA-sekvensering og bærbar teknologi indbygget i tøj eller gadgets. Disse teknologier er først og fremmest designet til at forbedre vores liv, men med dette væld af muligheder kommer også udfordringer og potentielle risikoelementer. Det tvinger os til at genoverveje, hvordan vi bruger teknologien og endda, hvad det betyder at være et menneske.Schwab forsøger med denne bog at skitsere, hvordan vi i fællesskab kan forme denne revolution, så vi skaber en fremtid, hvor innovation og teknologi tjener folket og gavner os alle sammen.

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