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Bøger af Lawrence Schimel

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  • af Lawrence Schimel
    228,95 kr.

    "Lawrence Schimel's short stories ring contemporary changes into the romances and märchen that comprise the blueprints of our literary heritage. Schimel's stories are both spry and sly, and the best of them are grounded in humor or pathos. Some of them are over almost before they start; this is good, for both in magic and desire there should always be more than meets the eye."-Gregory Maguire, author of WickedNeste sexto volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária alusivo a Dia Internacional da Tradução, apresentamos a nosso leitor contos fantásticos da autoria de Lawrence Schi-mel, premiado autor e tradutor norte-americano. Considerados pela crítica um toque de contemporaneidade nos contos de fadas que marcam o nosso folclore, Acho que a Drag Queen é um Elfo, Laços de Família, Swirimba swa Uxaka, Xiboho Xa Tixaka, Mäerchen Noutra Batida, Sociedades Secretas e Ursar com Cuidado abrem-nos uma janela para o mundo e cultura LGBTQIA+. A colectânea A Drag Queen in Elfland foi publicada nos EUA, Reino Unido, Espanha e Argentina e foi finalista dos prémios Lambda Literary Award, The Firecracker Alternative Book Award, The Spectrum Award e The Small Press Book Award! Lançado em 2015, o concurso e a publicação na génese da Editora Trinta Zero Nove venceram em 2021 o Prémio Excelência da Feira do Livro de Londres para Iniciativas Internacionais de Tradução Literária.

  • - Vampire Stories from New England
    af Lawrence Schimel
    138,95 kr.

    Frightening, heart-stopping, and often shocking...Blood LinesNew Englanders have a sense of lineage unmatched in any other region of America. This fondness for ancestry is akin to the longevity of the vampire, whose life (or unlife) is extended by draining the lives and blood of others. The stories in Blood Lines explore the ancient mysteries of vampirism, along with the rich literary tradition begun with Lord Byron and with Bram Stoker's Dracula, first published in 1897 long after New England's aristocratic bloodlines were established. The stories-all set in New England-are written by master storytellers.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    233,95 kr.

    Bruno's friend Sanjay has his own room and a pet iguana. Bruno's brother, Mateo, who is visually impaired, has a dog named Rocco who helps him get around, and Mateo is a fantastic storyteller. Bruno doesn't have a pet, and he has to share his room, but he still feels like the luckiest of all to have such a great brother and amazing friend.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    143,95 kr.

    Previously published: Toronto: Groundwood Books, 2011.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    183,95 kr.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    88,95 kr.

    "Find out what it was like to be a kid in ancient Egypt at the time the pyramids were being built."--

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    183,95 kr.

    Subversive true-life tales about gay men's sexual experiences.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    228,95 kr.

    Zielgruppe: Kinder ab 4 JahrenKwame gefällt es gar nicht, dass alle in seiner Adoptivfamilie eine Brille tragen, nur er selbst nicht. Das findet er ungerecht! Um dazuzugehören, möchte er auch unbedingt eine Brille bekommen - selbst wenn seine Augen perfekt sind! Wie das wohl ausgeht? Ich auch! ist eine warmherzige Geschichte über Identität und Zugehörigkeit. Zusätzlich gibt es eine Audio-CD, auf der die Geschichte in acht Sprachen von Muttersprachlern vorgelesen wird.

  • af Lawrence Schimel
    373,95 kr.

  • af Juan Villoro & Lawrence Schimel
    164,95 kr.

    From one of Mexicös foremost authors comes a wondrous adventure story of a boy who goes to live with his kooky, book-obsessed uncle in a library where books have supernatural powers.¿We walked toward the part of the library where the air smelled as if it had been interred for years¿.. Finally, we got to the hallway where the wooden floor was the creakiest, and we sensed a strange whiff of excitement and fear. It smelled like a creature from a bygone time. It smelled like a dragon.¿Thirteen-year-old Juan¿s summer is off to a terrible start. First, his parents separate. Then, almost as bad, Juan is sent away to his strange Uncle Titös house for the entire break! Who wants to live with an oddball recluse who has zigzag eyebrows, drinks fifteen cups of smoky tea a day, and lives inside a huge, mysterious library?As Juan adjusts to his new life among teetering, dusty shelves, he notices something odd: the books move on their own! He rushes to tell Uncle Tito, who lets his nephew in on a secret: Juan is a Princeps Reader, which means books respond magically to him, and he¿s the only one who can find the elusive, never-before-read Wild Book. But will Juan and his new friend Catalina get to The Wild Book before the wicked, story-stealing Pirate Book does?An unforgettable adventure story about books, libraries, and the power of reading, The Wild Book is the young readers¿ debut by beloved, prize-winning Mexican author Juan Villoro. It has sold over one million copies in Spanish.

  • - A Science Fiction Anthology
    af Lawrence Schimel
    179,95 kr.

    Wildly imaginative stories that depict the future from queer perspectives.

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