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Bøger af Li Wang

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  • - Your Guide to Becoming the Beautiful Woman You Already Are!
    af Li Wang
    228,95 kr.

    According to a recent global survey, only four percent of women consider themselves to be beautiful. But, even if we do not see our own beauty, interestingly enough, 80 percent of us believe that every woman has something beautiful about her. The Beautiful Woman Workbook is designed to help any woman discover, develop, and fulfill her potential as a beautiful woman both inside and out. This workbook not only helps the reader understand what it means to be a beautiful woman, but it also has easy to do exercises that stimulate both thought and action.Chapter titles include: What is Beauty? Four Levels of Personal Perception, Body, Mind, Spirit, Beauty is as Beauty Does, Relationships, Making Changes, The Journey Continues. Also includes a Foreword by Dr. Tracy Kemble, President of Mrs. Globe. The author encourages the reader to embark on a lifetime journey that can bring fulfillment and happiness to women of all ages.Includes: What is Beauty?Four Levels of Personal Perception. Body, Mind, Spirit, Beauty is as Beauty Does, Relationships, Making Changes, The Journey Continues.

  • af Li Wang
    353,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird argumentiert, dass die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen China und Russland im Lichte kalter Machtkalküle eine echte Allianz ist. Obwohl einige Wissenschaftler den engen Beziehungen zwischen Peking und Moskau zutiefst misstrauisch gegenüberstehen, stellt der Autor die Gründe für die Annäherung der beiden Mächte anhand der internationalen Realität, der innenpolitischen Bedürfnisse und der Visionen ihrer Führer dar. Sicherlich ist es gut möglich, dass die beiden eurasischen Großmächte im Hinblick auf ihre unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse ihre eigenen Kerninteressen verfolgen, doch ihr strategischer Konsens in Bezug auf die Weltordnung hat ihnen geholfen, das wesentliche Merkmal der Diplomatie zu begreifen, wonach Zusammenarbeit und Koordinierung zwischen Staaten immer von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.

  • af Li Wang
    353,95 kr.

    Ce livre soutient que le partenariat stratégique entre la Chine et la Russie est une véritable alliance à la lumière des calculs de puissance froide. Bien que certains universitaires soient profondément méfiants à l'égard des liens étroits entre Pékin et Moscou, l'auteur présente les raisons qui les poussent à se rapprocher l'un de l'autre à partir de la réalité internationale, des besoins intérieurs et des visions des dirigeants. Bien sûr, il est très possible que les deux grandes puissances eurasiennes aient leurs propres intérêts fondamentaux en termes de besoins différents, mais leur consensus stratégique sur l'ordre mondial les a aidées à comprendre le trait essentiel de la diplomatie, selon lequel la coopération et la coordination entre les États sont toujours vitales.

  • af Li Wang
    353,95 kr.

    Este livro argumenta que a parceria estratégica entre a China e a Rússia é uma verdadeira aliança à luz de cálculos de potência fria. Embora alguns estudiosos estejam profundamente desconfiados dos laços estreitos entre Pequim e Moscovo, o autor apresentou as razões por detrás do seu avanço em relação à realidade internacional, às necessidades domésticas e às visões dos líderes. Com certeza, é muito possível que as duas grandes potências euro-asiáticas tenham o seu próprio interesse central em termos das suas diferentes necessidades, no entanto, o seu consenso estratégico sobre a ordem mundial ajudou-as a compreender o traço essencial da diplomacia através da qual a cooperação e a coordenação entre Estados são sempre vitais.

  • af Li Wang
    1.328,95 kr.

    This book presents an empirical study to develop and validate a proficiency scale of business English writing in the Chinese tertiary context. Through a mixture of intuitive, quantitative and qualitative methods, the book demonstrates how a pool of descriptors are collectively formulated, statistically calibrated and meticulously validated for the establishment of a proficiency scale of business English writing. The writing scale differs in significant ways from the existing language scales, most of which were constructed in English as L1 or L2 contexts and applied to English for General Purposes (EGP) domains. This book also provides important insights into the construct of business English writing as well as the methods for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) proficiency scale development and validation. It is of particular interest to those who work in the area of ESP teaching and assessment.

  • af Li Wang, Dinggang Shen & Ching-Chang Ko
    776,95 kr.

  • af Li Wang, Jie Yu, Tatsiana Savitskaya, mfl.
    1.048,95 kr.

  • af Li Wang
    223,95 kr.

    This book argues that the strategic partnership between China and Russia is a real alliance in light of cold power calculations. Although some scholars are deeply suspicious of the close ties between Beijing and Moscow, the author presented the rationales behind their moving forward to each other from international reality, domestic needs and leaders' visions. For sure, there is very possible that the two great Eurasian powers have their own core interest in terms of their different needs, yet, their strategic consensus on the world order have helped them grasp the essential trait of diplomacy by which cooperation and coordination between states are always vital.

  • af Wei Zhao, Li Wang, Dan Huang, mfl.
    677,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Bin Li, Li Wang, Fang Chen, mfl.
    1.478,95 - 1.803,95 kr.

  • af Li Wang & Jason Fan
    1.337,95 kr.

    This book presents an empirical study to develop and validate a proficiency scale of business English writing in the Chinese tertiary context. The writing scale differs in significant ways from the existing language scales, most of which were constructed in English as L1 or L2 contexts and applied to English for General Purposes (EGP) domains.

  • - Process Technology and Sustainable Development
    af Li Wang, Jie Yu, Tatsiana Savitskaya, mfl.
    1.320,95 kr.

  • - A New Cultural Revolution?
    af Li Wang
    536,95 - 944,95 kr.

    This book examines the privatization of Higher Education in North China. It highlights the unique political, economic and cultural background of China and focus on different practices of and rationales behind privatization.

  • - Chinese as a Foreign Language Teachers in Denmark
    af Li Wang
    1.091,95 kr.

    Using empirical data from 18 Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) teachers in different educational institutions in Denmark, this book explores the dynamics of factors shaping both Chinese and Danish CFL teachers' beliefs in the Danish classrooms, and their belief change during the course of teaching.

  • af Li Wang, Timothy Baldwin, Doris Hoogeveen & mfl.
    1.066,95 kr.

    This monograph presents an overview of information retrieval, natural language processing and machine learning research that makes use of forum data, including both discussion forums and community question-answering (cQA) archives.

  • af Li Wang
    635,95 kr.

  • af Li Wang & Huan Tang
    623,95 kr.

    This SpringerBrief focuses on crucial issues for device-to-device (D2D) communications within the rapidly expanding 4G LTE toward 5G system.

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