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  • af Mette Sandbye, Signe Uldbjerg Mortensen, Christina Jerne, mfl.
    430,95 kr.

    Ny kulturteori præsenterer samtidens væsentlige kulturteoretiske strømninger. Bogen kan læses som en bredtfavnende introduktion til aktuel kulturteori. Eller den kan læses som en teoretisk opdateret introduktion til temaer, der er vigtige i den aktuelle kultur. Ny kulturteori er en teoretisk grundbog, men teorierne leverer også inspiration, begreber og redskaber til analyse af aktuelle kulturelle fænomener. Alle bogens 25 kapitler supplerer teorierne med konkrete eksempler. Samlet giver de en omfattende, nuanceret og opdateret viden om nye strømninger og aktuelle temaer på det kulturteoretiske felt.Kultur kan ikke betragtes løsrevet fra andre samfundsmæssige fænomener, og kulturteori er afgørende for at forstå politiske, økonomiske og sociale aspekter af vores samtid. "Kulturteori" præsenteres her som teoridannelser, der kan skabe ny indsigt og refleksion i de dele af humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne, der er optaget af samtidens kulturproduktion, smal eller bred.Alle kapitlerne er skrevet af eksperter, som har stræbt mod at præsentere de aktuelle begreber, tendenser og diskussioner på en nuanceret og tilgængelig måde. Hvert kapitel ledsages af anbefalinger til videre læsning og er også i den forstand en indgang til videre fordybelse og udforskning.Bogen er redigeret af Birgit Eriksson, professor i kulturstudier ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur på Aarhus Universitet og af Bjørn Schiermer, professor i sociologi på Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi på Oslo Universitet.

  • - The art world's new inernationalism
    af Lotte Philipsen
    297,95 kr.

    Today, contemporary art is a global phenomenon. Biennales, museums, art fairs, galleries, auction houses, academies and audiences for contemporary visual art are all institutions whose presence on a global scale has widened tremendously during the past two decades. Thus, by including contemporary art from non-Western regions, these traditional Western art institutions have not only broadened their scope to a greater extent, but have also been challenged themselves by the new cultural, economic and media world order of globalization.How contemporary art is made 'international' is the subject of this book, tracing as it does developments during the past two decades, while focusing particularly on the mecanisms of 'globality' which are at work in the art world today. The book critically investigates fundamental questions like: What is 'New Internationalism' in contemporary art, and how it affected the art world? How does New Internationalism relate to concepts like ethnicity, aesthetics, standard art history, and new media? And how is New Internationalism, rather paradoxically, furthered to a greater extent by global capitalism than it is by seemingly progressive art projects?

  • Spar 27%
    - The art world's new internationalism
    af Lotte Philipsen
    144,95 kr.

    Today, contemporary art is a global phenomenon. Biennales, museums, art fairs, galleries, auction houses, academies and audiences for contemporary visual art are all institutions whose presence on a global scale has widened tremendously during the past two decades. Thus, by including contemporary art from non-Western regions, these traditional Western art institutions have not only broadened their scope to a greater extent, but have also been challenged themselves by the new cultural, economic and media world order of globalization.How contemporary art is made 'international' is the subject of this book, tracing as it does developments during the past two decades, while focusing particularly on the mecanisms of 'globality' which are at work in the art world today. The book critically investigates fundamental questions like: What is 'New Internationalism' in contemporary art, and how it affected the art world? How does New Internationalism relate to concepts like ethnicity, aesthetics, standard art history, and new media? And how is New Internationalism, rather paradoxically, furthered to a greater extent by global capitalism than it is by seemingly progressive art projects?

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