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Bøger af Louis Sachar

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  • af Louis Sachar
    298,95 kr.

    Texas am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ort der Handlung ist ein Lager für straffällig gewordene Jugendliche. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Junge Stanley Yelnats, der sich vom Außenseiter zu einem mutigen und tatkräftigen Menschen entwickelt und zunehmend Verantwortung für sich und andere übernimmt. Mit Herz und Verstand gelingt es ihm, eine schicksalhafte Wende für alle Beteiligten einzuleiten.Louis Sachars 1998 veröffentlichter Roman hat auch heute noch ungebrochene Aktualität. Dieser tragikomische Roman ist unterhaltsam und heiter, ohne die Realität zu beschönigen. In Holes werden auch die Schattenseiten des Rechtsstaats USA beleuchtet, wo schon Kinder in die Mühlen des Strafvollzugs geraten können.Zudem kann dieses Buch als Kritik am amerikanischen Rassismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart verstanden werden. Trotzdem bleibt vor allem der liebenswerte Charakter Stanley Yelnats in Erinnerung, der zwar an die Macht des Schicksals glaubt, sich diesem aber nicht ausliefert, sondern es in die Hand nimmt.Sachars Roman ist geeignet als Schullektüre vornehmlich in den Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10. Dieses praxisorientierte Unterrichtsmodell bietet pragmatisch aufgearbeitete Vorschläge zur Erarbeitung und themenorientierten Behandlung der Lektüre für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Dieses Unterrichtsmodell bezieht sich auf folgende Textausgabe: Schöningh, ISBN 978-3-14-041276-6

  • af Louis Sachar
    153,95 kr.

    Texas am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ort der Handlung ist ein Lager für straffällig gewordene Jugendliche. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Junge Stanley Yelnats, der sich vom Außenseiter zu einem mutigen und tatkräftigen Menschen entwickelt und zunehmend Verantwortung für sich und andere übernimmt. Mit Herz und Verstand gelingt es ihm, eine schicksalhafte Wende für alle Beteiligten einzuleiten.Louis Sachars 1998 veröffentlichter Roman hat auch heute noch ungebrochene Aktualität. Dieser tragikomische Roman ist unterhaltsam und heiter, ohne die Realität zu beschönigen. In Holes werden auch die Schattenseiten des Rechtsstaats USA beleuchtet, wo schon Kinder in die Mühlen des Strafvollzugs geraten können. Zudem kann dieses Buch als Kritik am amerikanischen Rassismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart verstanden werden. Trotzdem bleibt vor allem der liebenswerte Charakter Stanley Yelnats in Erinnerung, der zwar an die Macht des Schicksals glaubt, sich diesem aber nicht ausliefert, sondern es in die Hand nimmt.Sachars Roman ist geeignet als Schullektüre vornehmlich in den Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10.Zu dieser Textausgabe ist folgendes Unterrichtsmodell erschienen: Schöningh, ISBN: 978-3-14-041277-3

  • af Louis Sachar
    118,95 kr.

  • af Louis Sachar
    133,95 kr.

    Stanley Yelnats lebt unter einem Fluch, der seit seinem Urgroßvater auf der Familie lastet: er ist zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort. So ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass er in ein Lager für jugendliche Straftäter geschickt wird, obwohl er unschuldig ist. Camp Green Lake heißt das Lager, doch einen See hat es dort seit über 100 Jahren nicht mehr gegeben. Jeden Tag müssen die Jungen ein Loch von 1,50 m Tiefe in den Boden des ehemaligen Sees graben - das soll angeblich Charaktertraining sein. Schon bald merkt Stanley, dass es der Lagerverwalterin nicht um Charaktertraining geht.Eine surrealistische Märchenwelt und harten Realismus vereint der Autor in diesem faszinierenden Werk, in dem auch Freundschaft und menschliche Solidarität ihren Platz haben.Abiturempfehlung zu den Themenbereichen Crime und Growing up

  • af Louis Sachar
    138,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Stanley Yelnats muss in einer Jugendstrafanstalt in der Wüste jeden Tag Löcher in den Boden graben. Das soll seinen "kriminellen Charakter" bessern. Aber bald merkt er, dass es darum nicht geht. Die Anstalt sucht etwas Bestimmtes in diesem Wüstenboden. Was kann das sein? Und wie kann sich Stanley gegen die Anstaltsleitung wehren?Abiturthemen: African American; Being Young und The Individual in SocietyNutzen Sie für diese Lektüre unsere passende Handreichung für den Unterricht. Filtern Sie dazu nach der Produktart "Handreichung".Informationen zur Reihenausgabe:Lesen macht Spaß - umso mehr mit Lektüren, die Ihre Schüler/-innen auch allein zu Hause bewältigen können. Mit diesem Literaturangebot ist das problemlos möglich.Die ungekürzten Originaltexte eignen sich für die Jahrgangsstufen 10 bis 13 und enthalten Annotationen zu schwierigen Wörtern. Zu jedem Band gibt es eine Handreichung bzw. ein englischsprachiges Teacher's Manual mit Kopiervorlagen, Klausurvorschlägen und zum Teil Audio-CDs.Interpretationshilfen als Zusatzangebot für Schüler/-innenZu einigen Lektüren der Cornelsen Senior English Library gibt es ergänzende Interpretationshilfen mitwichtigen Informationen zum Werk,Kurzbiographien der Autorinnen und Autoren,Wortschatzhilfen und Auflistungen zentraler Zitate sowieeiner Musterklausur.

  • af Louis Sachar
    98,95 kr.

  • af Louis Sachar
    143,95 kr.

  • af Louis Sachar
    109,95 kr.

    Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised. Every day he and the other inmates are told to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, reporting anything they find. The evil warden claims that it is character building, but this is a lie and Stanley must dig up the truth. Wonderfully inventive, compelling and hilarious, Louis Sachar has created a masterpiece. This multi-million bestseller now in an exciting new package ahead of the publication of Sachar's newest 9-11 fiction title Fuzzy Mud (publishing August 2015)

  • - Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Wayside School Is Falling Down, Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger, Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom
    af Louis Sachar
    394,95 kr.

    All four books in the beloved Wayside School series by bestselling and Newbery Medal?winning author Louis Sachar are now available in this collectible set! This paperback box set features all four books, each with new cover and interior art and full of hilarious stories, zany art, and a quadruple serving of absurdity. More than fifteen million readers have laughed at the stories of Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger, Wayside School Is Falling Down, and the newly released Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom. So what are you waiting for? Come visit Wayside School!

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    All the kids from Wayside School had to spend 243 days in horrible schools while Wayside was closed to get rid of the infestation of cows! Now the kids are back and the fun begins again on every floor. Miss Mush has prepared a special lunch of baked liver in purple sauce and it is pet day on the 30th floor.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    There has been a terrible mistake. Wayside School was supposed to have been built with thirty classrooms all next to each other in a row. Instead it was built with the thirty classrooms all on top of each other - thirty storeys high! That may be why all kinds of strange stuff happens at Wayside School. Especially on the thirtieth floor.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    A 17-year-old boy, a rich blind uncle, an attractive girl and a mother who is looking forward to an inheritance create a heady and exciting cocktail of opportunityThis brand new novel from the bestselling author of Holes, is nominated for the Carnegie Medal 2011

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    'Watch closely,' said Mrs Jewls. 'You can learn much faster using a computer instead of paper and pencil.' Then she pushed the computer out of the window. The children all watched it fall thirty floors. 'See?' said Mrs Jewls. 'That's gravity ...' That's the way things happen at Wayside School.

  • af Louis Sachar
    98,95 - 173,95 kr.

    Readers are reunited with Armpit and X-Ray in a brilliantly plotted and masterfully told adventure story brought to life in this wonderful audio edition read by Curtis McClarin.

  • af Louis Sachar
    108,95 kr.

    Bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning author Louis Sachar knows how to make readers laugh. And there are laughs galore in perennial favorite Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger! Before you enter Wayside School, you should know that it's a thirty-story building with one classroom on each floor. Mrs. Jewls teaches the class on the thirtieth story. Miss Zarves teaches the class on the nineteenth story?except there is no nineteenth story, so there is no Miss Zarves. Understand? Good. Explain it to Calvin.More than fifteen million readers have laughed at the clever and hilarious stories of Wayside School. So what are you waiting for? Come visit Wayside School! Kids 7 to 13 will zoom through these chapter books?laughing their way through the fast, funny, silly but relatable stories.This funny chapter book series includes:Sideways Stories from Wayside SchoolWayside School Is Falling DownWayside School Gets a Little StrangerAnd now also Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom, the brand-new, fourth installment in the series, and the first in twenty-five years!

  • af Louis Sachar
    108,95 kr.

    Bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning author Louis Sachar knows how to make readers laugh. And there are laughs galore in perennial favorite Wayside School Is Falling Down!Yum! Miss Mush is dishing out her famous Mushroom Surprise in the Wayside School cafeteria. Ron says it tastes like hot dogs and grape jelly. Clean your plate and you'll turn green in time for class picture day. Wear your craziest outfit and you'll fit right in between Maurecia in her striped bikini and Calvin, who's wearing his birthday tattoo. Say cheese!More than fifteen million readers have laughed at the clever and hilarious stories of Wayside School. So what are you waiting for? Come visit Wayside School! Kids 7 to 13 will zoom through these chapter books?laughing their way through the fast, funny, silly but relatable stories.This funny chapter book series includes:Sideways Stories from Wayside SchoolWayside School Is Falling DownWayside School Gets a Little StrangerAnd now also Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom, the brand-new, fourth installment in the series, and the first in twenty-five years!

  • - Rejacketed
    af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    The wonderfully funny and richly warm novel by the bestselling, award-winning author of Holes. Meet Bradley Chalkers. He's the oldest child in the class. He tells ENORMOUS lies. He picks fights with girls. The teachers say he has 'serious behaviour problems'. And no one likes him ... Except Carla, the new school counsellor. She thinks Bradley is kind and generous, and she even enjoys his far-fetched stories. Carla knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren't afraid to try. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is believing in yourself. A heartwarming story of bravery and acceptance from Louis Sachar, the bestselling author of Holes and Fuzzy Mud.

  • - More Than 50 Brainteasing Maths Puzzles
    af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    Welcome back to maths class at Wayside School. How much is PEPPERS + PIG LIPS? If Jenny's shirt has sparkles on it, will Todd have egg in his hair? This title features Sideways Arithmetic problems that may look puzzling at first, but you can use real maths to solve them, and the answers are perfectly logical.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    Everyone is laughing at Marvin Redpost. He's the grossest kid in school. Why? He picks his nose. Well, that's the rumour the class bully, Clarence, started and no one argues with Clarence - not even Marvin's so-called best friends. So what can Marvin do to turn things round?

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 kr.

    Suicide Hill is the ultimate test of bravery. Few have conquered the treacherously steep slope without completely wiping out - or so the legend goes. And rumour has it that Marvin will be taking it on. Only Marvin isn't so sure. His new mountain bike is enormous - he can barely climb up on to it. And changing gears is out of the question.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    Today is Thursday. Today is 'hole' day. So, naturally, everyone is wearing their 'holiest' clothes. Even the class teacher, Mrs North ...But she is soon to find out from Principal McCabe that a surprise visitor is coming to the school. In fact, the President of the United States is on his way. And there's no time to change.

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 kr.

    Classic series of pacy adventures rejacketed for a new audience Casey Happleton works her mysterious magic on Marvin in the final book of the Marvin Redpost series.

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 kr.

    Marvin cannot get to sleep. It's late, the ground is hard in Nick Tuffle's garden, he is far too full on cake and he has drunk too much punch. Then he hears a low humming noise. He feels the earth shudder beneath him and there is a bright flash - sort of the same colour as the green icing on Nick's birthday cake.

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    While Mrs North, Marvin's teacher is on holiday, she asks him to look after her dog. Suddenly, Marvin has become the luckiest boy in school. He'll get to sniff about Mrs North's house, look in her wardrobe and rummage in her fridge. He gets paid $3 a day and he will get a bonus on top if everything goes smoothly. What could possibly go wrong?

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 kr.

    Marvin lives in a grey house with a white fence - a white fence but for one red post. He has red hair and blue eyes. He is left-handed. 'We're lucky to be left-handed', said Mrs North, 'It means we have royal blood'. One day, at school, Marvin realises his parents have brown hair and they have brown eyes. Can he really be Marvin Redpost?

  • af Louis Sachar
    83,95 kr.

    Marvin is yet again caught in a dilemma. He's been told that he'll turn into a girl if he kisses his elbow, and after accidentally doing just that he wonders if it is really going to happen to him. His voice starts to change, and he even dots his 'i's with a heart in class! What on earth has happened to Marvin, and will he ever be the same again?

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    The hilarious antics of a school club with a thirst for rivalry, revenge and romance

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    David was only trying to be cool when he helped some other boys steal an old lady's cane. But when the plan backfires, he is the one whom she 'curses'. Now David can't seem to do anything right. But is this the curse at work or is David turning into a total loser?

  • af Louis Sachar
    93,95 kr.

    A younger novel by master storyteller Louis Sachar. A child genius struggles with what it means to be quite so clever.

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