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Bøger af Louise Allen

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  • af Louise Allen
    100,95 kr.

    Slave Girls reveals a shocking modern-day scandal of County Lines - the single most dangerous form of systematic child abuse prevalent today. Thr first book in the series is Charlotte, The Cutting Girl.

  • af Louise Allen
    99,95 kr.

  • af Louise Allen
    100,95 kr.

    The eleventh instalment in the popular Thrown Away Children paperback series

  • af Louise Allen
    100,95 kr.

    The tenth instalment in the popular Thrown Away Children paperback series. A young girl's life is shadowed by secrets and lies...When Willow arrives in the Allen household, curious things begin to happen. Louise unravels the truth about Willow's family background and uncovers some distressing secrets.

  • af Louise Allen
    99,95 kr.

    Revenge is sweet...but will the Marquis's kiss be sweeter?

  • af Louise Allen
    72,95 kr.

    A memoir covering Louise Allen’s abusive childhood in a foster home, how she survived and how she hopes to right old wrongs now by fostering children herself and campaigning for the improvement of foster care services.

  • af Louise Allen
    117,95 kr.

    Marilyn inherits her parents' fascination for Marilyn Monroe and develops an obsession with her alter-ego. When her family is torn apart by tragedy, she finds herself in the care system, and derails foster-carer Louise's family holiday. But is her diva behaviour masking a dark secret?

  • - Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue & Later Versions - Organised & Indexed
    af Louise Allen
    92,95 kr.

    From Corinthians to Hell-Born Babes - The Regency underworld revealed Francis Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue and later versions and editions contain hundreds of words and phrases that take us into a colourful, violent and alien late Georgian and Regency world. Here we encounter criminals, gamesters, sportsmen, gentlemen and prostitutes as they fight, cheat, thieve, gamble and carouse their way through London's underworld.The dictionaries themselves are all arranged in alphabetical order of the terms being defined, making it impossible to find a word for a specific thing, or browse related terms, without reading through the entire volume. This book arranges the words and phrases from two editions of Grose, Pierce Egan's version of the book and John Bee's Slang: A Dictionary to make them accessible both thematically and by an index.This book is designed for anyone interested in the period, its language and what it reveals and can be used alongside the dictionaries themselves - available in both reprints and e-versions.

  • - The English resorts before the railway age
    af Louise Allen
    87,95 kr.

    Long before the Victorians the Georgian elite made the English seaside their playgroundDiscover the invention of the English seaside holiday in the days when royalty was ruthlessly dunked beneath the waves, when lodging houses catered for dukes and where resort visitors ranged from dying consumptives to marriageable misses to scandalous rakes - and the Prince Regent at his most outrageous. From the origins of sea bathing in the 16th century to the pinnacle of sophisticated Assembly Rooms, hotels and bathing establishments, this book charts the rise of the English seaside resorts before the arrival of the railways in the 1840s heralded the arrival of mass tourism and changed the way the English took their holidays for ever.Long before the Victorians every English county with a coastline had its resort with piers, sandcastles on the beach, donkey rides, sea bathing, souvenirs and the seaside landlady - this is the story of how, and why, they grew.

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    Miss Danby¿s daring proposition¿for the DukeFirst, wealthy ironmaster¿s daughter Jessica Danby needs a titled husband. So, upon learning that Alexander, the Duke of Malvern, needs a rich wife, she makes him a convenient proposal¿Next, her impetuous marriage offer is swiftly rejected by Alex¿who wants to marry for love!

  • af Louise Allen
    95,95 kr.

    Louise gets a frantic call to take in a damaged and destructive young girl - Sparkle. Separated from her siblings, Sparkle is hostile and angry. She soon begins to identify as pansexual. A revolution is underway in the Allen household, with Sparkle's transition motivating all of the young people to explore what becoming an adult means for them.

  • af Louise Allen
    97,95 kr.

    The friend she's loved... Is now the husband she must resist...

  • af Louise Allen
    28,95 kr.

    Jeg er netop den slags mand, din mor vil advare dig imod. Løjtnant Hal Carlow er en god soldat, men han er også en flirter og en slyngel. I almindelighed, forsøger han at gå udenom de unge damer - ikke sjovt overhovedet – men vil hellere tilbringe tid med den slags kvinder, der sætter pris på hans bedre kvaliteter. Julia Tresilian er ude for at finde en ægtemand, men hendes potentielle bejlere keder hende til tårer! Men selv snakker den uforbederlige Hal Carlow om, at det kan være farligt med ægteskabsplaner ...

  • af Louise Allen
    28,95 kr.

    - My lord, i min verden må forsvarsløse kvinder klare sig selv ... Det nærmeste mode-handlersken Nell Latham er kommet på selskabslivet, er at tilvirke elegante hatte til de fornemme herrers fruer. Men hendes liv ændres, da hun overleverer en meddelelse til Jarlen af Narborough og uskyldigt bliver inddraget i et net af skandaler og intriger. Marcus, jarlens søn og arvtager, har sat alt ind på at finde den budbringer, som har forårsaget hans familie så megen ulykke. Men at hun skulle vise sig så attraktiv, havde han ikke forventet. Nell er et mysterium – der er noget over hende, der afslører, at hun ikke er en simpel tjenestepige. Men da mørke familiehemmeligheder kommer for en dag og fare kryber nærmere, tvinges Marcus til at vælge mellem sin ære og sit begær ...

  • af Louise Allen
    28,95 kr.

    Miss Bree Mallory har meget til overs for det forkælede aristokrati. Hun har alt for travlt med at drive vejenes bedste diligenceforretning. Men et tilfældigt møde med en jarl ændrer alt ... Snart har den smukke Bree etableret sig i samfundets højere lag. Hun håber ikke, at der er nogen, der finder ud af, at hun engang kørte diligence fra London til Newbury ... eller at hun vendte tilbage med den flotte Max Dysart, jarlen af Penrith. Bree har arbejdet hårdt for sin uafhængighed, og hun har ingen interesse i ægteskab. Men Max’ kys er magtfulde, lidenskabelige ... og overtalende!

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of the Thrown Away Children series comes another heartbreaking story of life in foster care.Parents Angelina and Ben exist in enviable luxury: not just wealth, success and a gorgeous home, but a loving relationship and beautiful twin babies to complete the perfect family.But having it all means that you have the most to lose. And when cracks begin to appear things fall apart at a shocking pace; and it's twins Max and Mia who suffer the most.Money isn't enough to paper over the problems in this extraordinary and heartbreaking story. It is a foster-caring experience like no other, and one which tests Louise's emotional strength to the core.

  • af Louise Allen
    182,95 kr.

    The scandal of the season Must be stopped!

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of the Thrown Away Children series comes another heartbreaking story of life in foster care.Louise has trouble on her hands from the first moment that 5-year-old Billy Blackthorn comes to stay. He is one of more than 20 children taken into care from a single family, and erupts into the Allen household with a volatility that is frightening and disturbing in equal measure. It is only as Louise begins to uncover the secrets of Billy's dark past that she begins to understand what made his family 'untouchable'.'Britain's top foster carer' The Sun'A shining light' Emily Finch, BBC

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    Louise is called up again to step in and help young Sky. From the author of the foster care series - Thrown Away Children - comes a new challenge and a precious life to save.

  • af Louise Allen
    145,95 kr.

    From understanding what adoption is, through to step by step guidance on the entire process and the challenges that come up along the way, this is the only book you will need to read on adoption.Written by an author who was adopted herself, who has looked after over twenty children and who works with a fostering and adoption agency that deals specifically with breakdowns, this book will teach you how to confidently navigate the system and build a strong and lasting relationship with your child.Whilst very much being the unvarnished truth, this is an empowering guide that will ensure you feel in control and know where to turn to for help no matter what:With a positive attitude and the right tools, adopting a child can be very rewarding - don't try to overthink it, don't try to love, just do right by them and as you learn about each other the love, kindness and acceptance will grow.

  • af Louise Allen
    97,95 kr.

  • af Louise Allen
    97,95 kr.

    Ashley is a young single mum raising her daughter, Eden, and working hard to do the very best job she can - until one night she can't find a babysitter and makes the decision to leave Eden home alone for a couple of hours, asleep inside a wardrobe. It is an action that begins a terrible downward spiral for both of them. When Eden arrives at experienced foster carer Louise Allen's home, she has entered the care system because her mother is in prison. Eden is five years old and will not speak to any human. She begins exhibiting some other disturbing behaviours alongside the mutism, too, including torturing the family pets she loves. This eventually leads Louise to discover the pain and tragic reality behind Eden's Story.

  • af Louise Allen
    97,95 kr.

    "Stella is just like a tiny bird. This is my first impression of her. A quiet little sparrow of a girl." In her brand new series 'Thrown Away Children', Louise Allen shares the harrowing stories she is exposed to as a foster mother. The first in the series, Stella's Story, tells the astonishing true story of a young girl scarred by an abusive past.

  • af Louise Allen
    80,95 - 99,95 kr.

    Forlovet med fortiden Giles Redmond, jarlen af Revesby, skal vies til sin barndomsven, Laurel Knighton, da det er den eneste måde, han kan redde familieformuen på. Sidst han så hende, var hun en ukonventionel drengepige ... Nu er hun en skønhed, men det er alligevel noget af en overraskelse, at han mærker, at han begærer hende voldsomt.  En romantisk kærlighedsroman fra Harlequin.

  • af Louise Allen
    80,95 kr.

    Søde komplikationer Det er usandsynligt, at kedsommeligt udseende, halte Ellie Lytton nogensinde vil blive gift. Hun har vænnet sig til at fungere som husholderske for sin broder. Indtil den arrogante greve af Hainford ankommer med chokerende nyheder. Hendes stedbroder er blevet dræbt! Ellie mener, at greven er ansvarlig for hendes dårlige situation, og at det derfor er hans pligt at eskortere hende på hendes rejse til sit nye hjem. Men snart må Blake kæmpe imod en uønsket tiltrækning til sin stridbare rejsefælle. Men da hun får brug for beskyttelse, beslutter han sig for at hjælpe hende, ved at gøre Ellie til sin grevinde!

  • af Louise Allen
    80,95 kr.

    Markisens redning Crispin de Feaux, markis of Avenmore, har altid gjort sin pligt og ved, at tiden er kommet til at finde sig en passende hustru. Men da den uforfærdede Tamsyn Perowne redder hans liv ved Devonshires kyst, er Cris ude af stand til at rejse derfra … Som enke af en berygtet smugler, vil Tamsyn aldrig kunne blive en passende brud. Og Cris har hemmeligheder, der kan skille dem ad, allerede inden de er kommet i gang. Og dog, for første gang, er Cris fristet til at ignorere sin pligt og tage Tamsyn som sin!

  • af Louise Allen, Annie Burrows & Sophia James
    80,95 kr.

    En vinteraften Da Lady Julia Chalcott og kaptajn Giles Markam bliver fanget i en snestorm, drages de ubønhørligt mod hinanden. Og jo tættere på julen de kommer, des sværere er det at modstå fristelsen …Når hjertet synger Christine Howards hjerte smelter, da hun lærer manden der skal beskytte hende, mod dem som vil hende ondt, at kende. Hvordan kan en mand, som ved første øjekast virker så rå og mystisk – få hende til at føle sig så tryg.Den dejligste jul Da den generte Alice Waverly bliver kysset af kaptajn Jack Grayling, vågner håbet i hendes hjerte. Kan han, og hans børn, være det mirakel, hun så længe har drømt om?En romantisk kærlighedshistorie fra Harlequin

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    A memoir covering Louise Allen's abusive childhood in a foster home, how she survived and how she hopes to right old wrongs now by fostering children herself and campaigning for the improvement of foster care services.

  • af Louise Allen
    107,95 kr.

    Details the routes, proprietors and coaching inns, the customers and why they chose to travel, and also the perils of early road travel, including highwaymen.

  • af Louise Allen
    117,95 kr.

    In modern London the walker can still visit the church where Lydia Bennett married Wickham, stroll with Elinor Dashwood in Kensington Palace Gardens or imagine they follow Jane Austen's naval officer brothers as they stride down Whitehall to the Admiralty.

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