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Bøger af Lysa TerKeurst

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  • - Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    135,95 kr.

    Forgiving What You Can't Forget is a remarkable book written by Lysa Terkeurst. Published in 2020 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, this book falls under the genre of self-help and spirituality. The story unfolds the journey of forgiveness, where the author beautifully guides the readers on how to move on from the past that haunts them. Terkeurst, with her eloquent writing, teaches us how to process what we've been through, to understand it, learn from it, and ultimately forgive those who hurt us. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to free themselves from the burdens of their past. It's a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the road to healing.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    147,95 kr.

    Number-one New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries--and, when necessary, say goodbye--without losing the best of who they are.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    155,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries---and, when necessary, say goodbye---without losing the best of who they are.

  • - Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    145,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst leans into the deeply personal topic of rejection and takes readers on a journey to explore its roots; the lies we believe as a result; and the truth about who God is, who we are, and what it looks like to live loved.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    153,95 kr.

    It is possible to heal, have hope, and trust again. New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst knows what it's like to struggle with trust issues. In The Trust Journey, she shows you what to do with skepticism and distrust and offers practical advice and biblical wisdom to help you heal from past betrayals and move forward with resilience.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    145,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shows you what to do with your skepticism and distrust so you can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.

  • - Avanzar Cuando Eres Escéptico de Los Demás, Temeroso de Lo Que Dios Permitirá, E Incrédulo de Tu Propio Discernimiento
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    157,95 kr.

    Lysa TerKeurst, autora de best sellers del New York Times, te muestra qué hacer con tu escepticismo y desconfianza para que puedas sanar de las traiciones del pasado y avanzar con fuerza y resiliencia.La confianza es el oxígeno de todas las relaciones humanas. Pero también es lo que te hace tropezar después de haberte quemado. Puede que un amigo te decepcione constantemente. Un líder o una organización que respetas resulta ser diferente de lo que aparenta. Tu cónyuge te engaña. Un familiar te traiciona. Estás agotado por las decisiones de los demás y empiezas a cuestionarte tu propio discernimiento. Y te preguntas: "Si Dios permite que esto ocurra, ¿se puede confiar en Él?".¿Cómo puedes vivir bien y avanzar hacia el futuro cuando sigues tropezando con problemas de confianza? Lysa TerKeurst dice que no se trata simplemente de encontrar personas mejores con quienes caminar. Se trata de desarrollar la estabilidad que anhelas dentro de ti y con Dios, para que no te vuelvas cínico y lleves un sistema de creencias equivocado a cada nueva relación. En Quiero confiar en ti, pero no puedo, Lysa te muestra cómo: identificar cuáles de las once banderas rojas relacionales están despertando tu desconfianza, para que puedas determinar con exactitud por qué te sientes incómodo;dejar de tener más fe en que tus miedos se hagan realidad que en que Dios te ayude, haciéndote preguntas cruciales del tipo "qué pasaría si..." para procesar mejor tus dudas;reconocer cuándo puede repararse una relación fracturada considerando una lista razonable de características necesarias para reconstruir la confianza; ycomprender el impacto físico, emocional y neurológico de las traiciones que has experimentado y empezar a sanar desde dentro.En un mundo en el que tantas cosas parecen alarmantes, este libro te dará una paz que no depende de personas, circunstancias o experiencias impredecibles. En su lugar, te ofrece formas prácticas y bíblicas para progresar realmente hacia perspectivas y relaciones más sanas, y hacia un futuro que puedas esperar auténticamente. I Want to Trust You, but I Don't...New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shows you what to do with your skepticism and distrust so you can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship. In I Want to Trust You, but I Don't, Lysa shows you how toidentify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you can pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy;stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you by asking crucial "what if" questions to better process your doubts;recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for rebuilding trust; andunderstand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the betrayals you've experienced and start healing from the inside out.

  • - Moving Forward When You're Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    153,95 kr.

    Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted? How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.In I Want to Trust You, but I Don't Bible Study, Lysa digs into the Scriptures and helps you apply how to: identify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you can pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy;stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you by asking crucial "what if" questions to better process your doubts;recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for rebuilding trust; andunderstand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the betrayals you've experienced and start healing from the inside out.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    207,95 kr.

    The constant stress, anxiety, and worries of this world take a toll on each of us. They steal our peace, our sanity, and often our sleep. With a calming full-color interior, 50 devotions, and prayers, Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart helps readers avoid tossing and turning as they fix their thoughts on the truth of God's Word before falling asleep.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    182,95 kr.

    Lysa TerKeurst, autora best seller del New York Times, ayuda a los lectores a detener la disfunción de las relaciones no saludables al mostrar formas bíblicas de establecer límites y, cuando sea necesario, decir adiós, sin perder lo mejor de quienes son.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    148,95 kr.

    Do you ever feel left out, lonely, less than loved? Most of us have. Many of us do now... Sometimes you simply need to be reminded how loved you really arethat every day, with every breath, you are loved with such precision that every hair, every molecule of you is known, counted, invited, and welcomed. This six-session video study guide (video streaming included) is that reminder. Best-selling author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst will walk you through the Holy Land in order to come closer to Jesus' words that will help you enter a place of healing and new perspective. You and your group are invited to:Explore the roots of rejection and learn practical ways to process your pain in a safe space.Dwell on the majestic declarations of God's love in the Bible.Discover a deep assurance of your adoption into Christ's family that leads to new life.Be a part of this biblical learning process of "e;living loved."e; Uninvited will remind you and your group that you are destined for a love that can never be diminished, tarnished, shaken, or takena love that does not reject or uninvite.This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itselfwith discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader's guide.An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!).Sessions and video run times:Living Loved (25:30)Empty or Full? (15:30)The Yoke of God is Freedom (16:00)Set Apart (12:30)Remembering God's Presence (24:00)Lessons from the Olive (21:00)Bonus Session: Review and Celebration (no video) Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    148,95 kr.

    In this six-session video Bible study (streaming included), New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst offers a safe place to share your disappointments, fresh biblical insight to get you through painful situations, and life-giving perspectives for living between Eden and eternity.Life often looks very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. At times like these, it's easy to feel disappointed and disillusioned and to wonder about the reality of God's goodness.So what do you do when God's timing seems questionable, his lack of intervention hurtful, and his promises doubtful?Lysa understands this deeply. But she's also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In this video Bible study, Lysa invites small groups and individuals into her own journey of faith. With vulnerability and honest humor, she helps us:Learn how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.Train ourselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so we can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.Discover the secret of remaining trustful when God seems to give us more than we can handle.Shift our suspicion that God is cruel or unfair to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing us for what's next.Know how to encourage a friend and help her navigate hard realities with real help from God's truth.This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itself--with group discussion prompts, activities, personal Bible study, video notes, and a leader's guide.An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!).Sessions and video run times:The Birthplace of Disappointment (27:30)Living Between Two Gardens (18:00)Problems Placed on Us and Problems Within Us (18:00)The Four Steps of Restoration (15:00)When the Enemy Comes Against Us (16:00)Kingdom Minded, Eternally Focused (21:00)Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    267,95 kr.

    Discover what the Bible says about forgiveness and how to find the peace that comes from embracing it.This video Bible study with bestselling author and teacher Lysa TerKeurst (video streaming included) is for those of you who have been hurt by others, who feel stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain. Forgiveness is a major part of the Christian faith. We know God commands us to forgive each other. But, apart from simply saying the words, "e;I forgive you,"e; many of us have unasked questions about it:How does it work? On our minds, souls, circumstanceswhat's actually happening when we forgive?Why is it so important, and what's the difference between forgiveness and simply moving on?When should I forgive, and are their exceptions?How can I find healing for myself, even if my act of forgiveness doesn't seem to change the person who hurt me? These are just some of the questions explored in this six-session video Bible study. Lysa will walk with you on a step-by-step processthrough biblical answers, deep empathy, and the therapeutic insight that comes from her personal experiencestoward the grace of forgiveness and the freedom from the pain of past wrongs.This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itselfwith discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader's guide.An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!). Sessions and video run times:What Am I Supposed to Do with All the Hurt? (25:30)Your Mind, Your Mouth, Your Master (21:30)The Divine Echo (27:00)There's Always a Meanwhile (24:00)The Compounding Effect of Unforgiveness (15:00)This Isn't Easy, But It Is Good (21:30)Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    122,95 kr.

    *El lunes empiezo de nuevo es una nueva version revisada y condensada del best seller de Lysa Fui hecha para desear.*Los planes alimenticios saludables te han hecho sentir derrotada? Basado en su libro best seller Fui hecha para desear, pero ahora abreviado para lectores ocupados, Lysa TerKeurst ofrece una nueva perspectiva para todas aquellas personas atrapadas en el ciclo de perder peso pero luego recuperarlo, equipando a los lectores con la motivacion espiritual y emocional ms profunda que necesitan, para hacer cambios duraderos.A menudo caracterizamos nuestros antojos de comida como malos o que provocan culpa. Pero el antojo no es algo malo. La realidad es que fuimos hechos para desear. Solo tenemos que darnos cuenta de que Dios nos creo para desear ms de l, en lugar de perder ese deseo por complacernos en placeres fsicos y alimentos poco saludables que siempre decepcionarn. En medio de su lucha personal con esto, la autora best seller del New York Times, Lysa TerKerust, nos invita a encontrar el eslabon perdido entre el deseo de una mujer de estar sana y el empoderamiento espiritual necesario para que esto suceda. En este libro recientemente revisado y condensado, Lysa nos muestra como:romper el ciclo de El lunes empiezo de nuevo y sentirte bien contigo hoy;dejar de agonizar por los nmeros en la bscula y hacer las paces con tu cuerpo;reemplazar las racionalizaciones que conducen al fracaso por la sabidura que conduce a la victoria; yalcanzar tus metas saludables y acercarte ms a Dios en el proceso.Este no es un libro de instrucciones. Tampoco es el ltimo y mejor plan de dieta. Es el recurso necesario a utilizar junto con cualquier plan de estilo de vida saludable que elijas, que te ayudar a encontrar tu deseo y te llevar a una satisfaccion espiritual que va mucho ms all de lo fsico.I'll Start Again Monday*I'll Start Again Monday is a newly revised and condensed version of Lysa's bestseller Made to Crave.*Have healthy eating plans left you feeling defeated? Based on her bestselling book Made to Crave, but now distilled down for busy readers, Lysa TerKeurst offers a new perspective to all those stuck in the cycle of losing weight but then gaining it back, equipping readers with the deeper spiritual and emotional motivation they need to make lasting changes.So often we characterize our food cravings as bad or guilt-inducing. But craving isn't a bad thing. The reality is we were made to crave. We just need to realize God created us to crave more of Him instead of misplacing that craving by overindulging in physical pleasures and unhealthy food that will always disappoint. In the midst of her own personal struggle with this, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst invites us to find the missing link between a woman's desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. In this newly revised and condensed book, Lysa shows us how tobreak the cycle of "e;I'll start again Monday"e; and feel good about yourself today;stop agonizing over numbers on the scale and make peace with your body;replace rationalizations that lead to failure with wisdom that leads to victory; andreach your healthy goals and grow closer to God through the process.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    61,95 kr.

    Are you ready to be blessed beyond what you can ask or imagine? Lysa Terkeurst will equip you to hear and recognize God's voice and discover the incredible opportunities He's already placed in front of you as you learn to say yes to His call.

  • - Descubre como seguir adelante, hacer las paces con recuerdos dolorosos y crear una vida nuevamente hermosa
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    192,95 kr.

    La autora best seller del New York Times, Lysa TerKeurst, ayuda a los lectores a abordar como dejar de sufrir lo que otros les han hecho mientras exploran que es el perdon, que no es y como lidiar con las relaciones dificiles.

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    145,95 kr.

    Find the better you've been longing for. Lysa TerKeurst, the First 5 team and the Online Bible Studies team have come together to write a Bible study just for YOU! We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team wanted to create a study that would help you understand the story of the Bible from start to finish. In 40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings, you will:Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.

  • - Break the Cycle of Unhealthy Eating Habits with Lasting Spiritual Satisfaction
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    135,95 kr.

    I'll Start Again Monday, a novel by Lysa Terkeurst, is a must-read for anyone looking for inspiration and motivation. Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers in 2022, this book is a perfect blend of heart-touching narratives and profound wisdom. This book, which falls under the genre of self-help, encourages its readers to stop waiting for Monday to start fresh and instead seize the moment to make the changes they want to see in their lives. Lysa Terkeurst, a renowned author, has beautifully crafted this book with her insightful words and engaging storytelling. Reading 'I'll Start Again Monday' will make you realize that every day is a new opportunity to start again and make your life better. So, why wait for Monday? Grab your copy today and start your journey of self-improvement.

  • - 50 Devotions to Find Redemption in Every Part of Your Story
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    185,95 kr.

    From her personal journal and selections from her most recent books, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst has chosen 50 devotions that are both compassionate and perspective-shifting. Seeing Beautiful Again will help you see God's goodness in the pieces of your story you didn't choose, didn't see coming, and don't know how to get past.

  • - A Guided Journey to Forgiving What You Can't Forget
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    197,95 kr.

    In The Forgiveness Journal--a beautiful companion to Forgiving What You Can't Forget--New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps us process the resentment that causes heaviness in our hearts as we journal our way to freedom.

  • - Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    145,95 kr.

    It's Not Supposed to Be This Way is an inspirational work by the renowned author, Lysa Terkeurst. Published in 2018 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, this book delves into the realm of self-help and spirituality, offering readers a unique perspective on life's most challenging questions. Terkeurst, with her profound wisdom and compassionate approach, guides readers through a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking solace and understanding in times of uncertainty and change. It's Not Supposed to Be This Way is a testament to Terkeurst's prowess as a writer and her commitment to helping others navigate the complexities of life. Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, this book is a beacon of hope and a source of comfort for readers around the world.

  • - Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    167,95 kr.

    With her signature mix of transparency, Scripture-laced insight, and 'been there' humor, Lysa TerKeurst suggests usable strategies for choosing wisely and encourages us all to shout and whisper our own best yes to life, day by decision-making day.

  • - Devotions for Everyday Living
    af Renee Swope, Lysa TerKeurst & Samantha Evilsizer
    182,95 kr.

    Pull away from the things that pull you down and find lasting encouragement for today. The women at Proverbs 31 Ministries offer 100 devotions of wit, wisdom, and encouragement for women. For twenty years the P31 team has equipped and encouraged nearly a million women to live in the power of God's truths that apply to their everyday life. Written by women from every walk of life, you will find inspiration to live authentically and fully grounded in the Word of God. The P31 Team shares from the realities of everyday life including highs and lows, humorous stories and tender moments. You will be drawn toward the truths God offers and enabled to rise above and become all God created you to be.

  • - 100 Devotions to Know God Is Holding You Close
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    212,95 kr.

    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

  • - Life-Changing Stories for Women Today
    af Lysa TerKeurst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne Stevens, mfl.
    135,95 kr.

    In this 12-session small group Bible study, Twelve Women of the Bible, Lysa TerKuerst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne Stevens and others look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve biblical women and their implications in life today.

  • - Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    162,95 kr.

    In this six-session study, Lysa uses her signature mix of transparency, Scripture-laced insight, and 'been there' humor to suggest usable strategies for making wise decisions day by day.

  • - 60 Days to Craving God, Not Food
    af Lysa TerKeurst
    142,95 kr.

    Based on the New York Times bestseller, Made to Crave, this companion book expands on the original, providing 60 new inspirational entries to encourage you in your weight-loss journey. The Made to Crave Devotional contains the best nuggets of wisdom from Made to Crave, plus new material not included in the original.

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