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Bøger af Maggie Stiefvater

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  • Spar 18%
    af Maggie Stiefvater
    139,95 kr.

    I den fantastiske verden Erdas er det kun ganske få, der har evnerne til at påkalde et totemdyr. Når det sker, opstår der et unikt bånd mellem dyr og menneske, der giver uanede kræfter. Men hvad hvis der fandtes en anden måde at påkalde et totemdyr på? En måde, der gav mennesket absolut kontrol over dyret? Og hvad hvis et ondskabsfuldt menneske blev indviet i denne hemmelighed – uden at kende dens mørke bagside? De fire helte er ved at finde sammen som gruppe og er stadig i gang med at lære hver deres totemdyr at kende. Men allerede nu skal de møde en frygtindgydende fjende, som vil gøre hvad som helst for at knuse dem!

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    This is the first book in a brand new series from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of SHIVER (9781407115009), LINGER (9781407121086) and FOREVER (9781407121116) will love this new quartet! Blue has spent the majority of her sixteen years being told that if she kisses her true love, he will die. When Blue meets Gansey's spirit on the corpse road she knows there is only one reason why - either he is her true love or she has killed him. Determined to find out the truth, Blue becomes involved with the Raven Boys, four boys from the local private school (lead by Gansey) who are on a quest to discover Glendower - a lost ancient Welsh King who is buried somewhere along the Virginia ley line. Whoever finds him will be granted a supernatural favour. Never before has Blue felt such magic around her. But is Gansey her true love? She can't imagine a time she would feel like that, and she is adamant not to be the reason for his death. Where will fate lead them? Look out for the next book, THE DREAM THIEVES, out 18th September 2013!

  • - The Raven Cycle 1
    af Maggie Stiefvater
    103,95 - 247,95 kr.

    #1 New York Times Bestseller-serie: The Ravenboys “Ser du en ånd på Skt. Marks aften kan der kun være to forklaringer: Enten er han din ægte kærlighed … eller også vil du slå ham ihjel.” Blue Sargents mor er clairvoyant, og hvert år på Skt. Marks aften, står Blue ved sin mors side, mens ånderne af dem, der snart skal dø, vandrer forbi. Blue har aldrig selv set dem, men denne gang træder en af dem frem af mørket og taler til hende. Hans navn er Gansey, og han er en af de såkaldte Ravnedrenge – rige og priviligerede studerende fra den lokale privatskole Aglionby. Ravnedrengene er lig med ballade, så Blue undgår dem som regel. Men Gansey er anderledes, og Blue tiltrækkes af ham på en måde, hun ikke forstår. Og så er Gansey på en mystisk mission for at afdække fortidens magi sammen med de tre andre ravnedrenge Adam, Ronan og Noah. Lige så lang tid, hun kan huske, har Blues synske familie advaret hende om, at hun vil komme til at slå sin elskede ihjel. Blue tror ikke på ægte kærlighed, så hun har aldrig tænkt nærmere over det. Men i takt med, at hendes liv bliver tættere og tættere forbundet til ravnedrengenes overnaturlige og dystre verden begynder spådommens alvor at gå op for hende … ”En tempofyldt, ny-gotisk thriller om fem teenagere på jagt efter det overnaturlige … og dem selv. Stiefvater har et godt og sikkert greb om sproget, hun skriver underholdende uden at tale ned til sine læsere, og hun blander fermt det overnaturlige med det realistiske, det mytiske med det nutidige, på en måde, der leder tankerne hen på bøger af John Bellairs, J. K. Rowling, Lois Duncan og Stephenie Meyer.” – The New York Times Book Review Maggie Stiefvater er forfatter, kunstner og musiker. Hun har skrevet flere populære YA-romaner, bl.a. Shiver-serien. Hendes bøger er solgt i millioner af eksemplarer og udgivet i over 36 lande. Hun bor i Virginia i USA med sin mand og to børn. Se mere på

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    This is the second book in a brand new series from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of SHIVER (9781407115009), LINGER (9781407121086) and FOREVER (9781407121116) will love this new quartet! Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Blue and Gansey will be the same. Ronan is falling more and more deeply into his dreams ... and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Gansey is needed at home, and is struggling to stay in Aglionby. And Adam? He's made some new friends. Friends that are looking for some of the same pieces of the puzzle that Gansey, Blue, and Ronan are after. Great power is at stake, and someone must be willing to wield it.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    The third book in the Raven Cycle quartet from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. For the first time in her life, Blue Sargent has found a place where she feels at home. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own and she is sure that this is where she belongs. But certainties can unravel. Visions can mislead. And friends can betray. The trick with found things is how easily they can be lost...

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    This is the second book in a brand new series from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of SHIVER (9781407115009), LINGER (9781407121086) and FOREVER (9781407121116) will love this new quartet! Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Blue and Gansey will be the same. Ronan is falling more and more deeply into his dreams ... and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Gansey is needed at home, and is struggling to stay in Aglionby. And Adam? He's made some new friends. Friends that are looking for some of the same pieces of the puzzle that Gansey, Blue, and Ronan are after. Great power is at stake, and someone must be willing to wield it.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Raven Cycle, the mesmerizing story of those who can bring parts of their dreams into reality ... and those who will stop at nothing to destroy them. The first book in a new companion series to The Raven Cycle. Ronan Lynch is a dreamer. He can pull both curiosities and catastrophes out of his dreams and into his compromised reality. Jordan Hennessy is a thief. The closer she comes to the dream object she is after, the more inextricably she becomes tied to it. Carmen Farooq-Lane is a hunter. Her brother was a dreamer ... and a killer. She has seen what dreaming can do to a person. And she has seen the damage that dreamers can do. But that is nothing compared to the destruction that is about to be unleashed ...

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    103,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Ronan Lynch har hemmeligheder. Nogle ting holder han hemmelige for andre. Og andre ting holder han hemmelige for sig selv. Én af Ronans hemmeligheder er, at Ronan kan bringe ting ud af sine drømme. Og nogle gange er han ikke den eneste, der er interesseret i disse ting … Ronan er en af ravnedrengene – en gruppe af blodsbrødre, der søger efter sagnkongen Glendower, som de tror ligger skjult et eller andet sted i bakkerne omkring den kostskole, hvor de går. Vejen til Glendower har længe flydt som en understrøm under byen, men nu stiger den – ligesom Ronans hemmeligheder – op til overfladen og forandrer alting på dens vej … Den populære bogserie har domineret bestsellerlisterne i USA og er i øjeblikket ved at blive produceret som tv-serie med Catherine Hardwicke, der lavede Twillight-filmene, som instruktør. Maggie Stiefvater er forfatter, kunstner og musiker. Hun har skrevet flere populære YA-romaner, bl.a. Shiver-serien. Hendes bøger er solgt i millioner af eksemplarer og udgivet i over 36 lande. Hun bor i Virginia i USA med sin mand og to børn. Se mere på

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

    The stakes have never been higher as it seems like either the end of the world or the end of dreamers approaches.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    107,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Grace is fascinated by the wolves in the woods behind her house; one yellow-eyed wolf in particular. Every winter, she watches him, but every summer, he disappears. Sam leads two lives. In winter, he stays in the frozen woods, with the protection of the pack. In summer, he has a few precious months to be human . . . until the cold makes him shift back again. When Grace and Sam finally meet, they realize they can't bear to be apart. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human - or risk losing himself, and Grace, for ever.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    102,95 kr.

    In SHIVER, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in LINGER, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping dangerous secrets. For Sam, it means grappling with his werewolf past ... and figuring out a way to survive the future. But just when they manage to find happiness, Grace finds herself changing in ways she could never have expected...

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    102,95 kr.

    In SHIVER, Grace and Sam found each other. In LINGER, they fought to be together. Now, in FOREVER, the stakes are even higher than before. Wolves are being hunted. Lives are being threatened. And love is harder and harder to hold on to as death comes closing in.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    127,95 kr.

    In the second novel of Stiefvater's #1 "New York Times"-bestselling series, Grace and Sam must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parentsNand keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being.

  • Spar 17%
    af Maggie Stiefvater
    91,95 kr.

    I den fantastiske verden Erdas er det kun ganske få, der har evnerne til at påkalde et totemdyr. Når det sker, opstår der et unikt bånd mellem dyr og menneske, der giver uanede kræfter.Men hvad hvis der fandtes en anden måde at påkalde et totemdyr på? En måde, der gav mennesket absolut kontrol over dyret? Og hvad hvis et ondskabsfuldt menneske blev indviet i denne hemmelighed – uden at kende dens mørke bagside?De fire helte er ved at finde sammen som gruppe og er stadig i gang med at lære hver deres totemdyr at kende. Men allerede nu skal de møde en frygtindgydendefjende, som vil gøre hvad som helst for at knuse dem!Der udkommer i alt 7 bøger i Spirit Animals-serien.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    277,95 kr.

    'In a young-adult market crowded with copycats, it's refreshing to find a book that blazes a path as unique as Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys.' - LA Times Book ReviewBlue Sargent has always felt ordinary. She was born into a family of clairvoyants, but she doesn't share their gift. Her 'gift'? A warning: if she kisses her true love, they will die. But who cares; who is there for Blue to love?Enter Gansey, a rich student from Aglionby, the town's all-boys private school. Blue has always avoided Aglionby's 'Raven Boys' - their wealth, their privilege, their trouble - that is, until Gansey invites her to join four Raven Boys on their hunt for a legendary Welsh king buried along a nearby ley line. But a strange and shifting world awaits, one far more dangerous than anything they could ever have imagined.Full of magic, found family and impossible romance, this stunning hardback graphic novel adaptation of a YA classic weaves a thrilling plot around a cast of characters that are impossible to forget.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    176,95 - 182,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    112,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    107,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    107,95 kr.

    SINNER is the book that every Maggie Stiefvater and paranormal romance fan has been waiting for! SINNER is a companion book to the #1 bestselling SHIVER, LINGER and FOREVER trilogy. You thought it ended with FOREVER, but there's another story to tell - the one of Cole and Isabel... and this time they're in LA. There will be wolves, and there will be yearning. But most importantly there will be love. And no one does love like Maggie.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    125,95 kr.

    The fourth and final installment in the spellbinding series from the irrepressible, #1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    132,95 kr.

    In this mesmerizing sequel to "Lament," music prodigy James Morgan and his best friend, Deirdre, join a private conservatory for musicians. James' musical talent attracts Nuala, a soul-snatching faerie muse who fosters and feeds on the creative energies of exceptional humans until they die.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    125,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Stiefvater
    97,95 kr.

    Here is a thing everyone wants: A miracle. Here is a thing everyone fears: What it takes to get one. Any visitor to Bicho Raro, Colorado is likely to find a landscape of dark saints, forbidden love, scientific dreams, miracle-mad owls, estranged affections, one or two orphans, and a sky full of watchful desert stars. At the heart of this place you will find the Soria family, who all have the ability to perform unusual miracles. And at the heart of this family are three cousins longing to change its future: Beatriz, the girl without feelings, who wants only to be free to examine her thoughts; Daniel, the Saint of Bicho Raro, who performs miracles for everyone but himself; and Joaquin, who spends his nights running a renegade radio station under the name Diablo Diablo. They are all looking for a miracle. But the miracles of Bicho Raro are never quite what you expect. Maggie Stiefvater has been called "a master storyteller" by USA Today and "wildly imaginative" by Entertainment Weekly. Now, with All the Crooked Saints, she gives us the extraordinary story of an extraordinary family, a masterful tale of love, fear, darkness, and redemption.

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