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Bøger af Marc Allen

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  • - Entspannen und trainieren Sie die Stimme Ihres Geistes, noch heute! - Eine Anleitung für Anfänger
    af Marc Allen
    98,95 kr.

    Geht in Ihnen ein permanenter innerer Dialog vor sich, der Sie davon abhält, Dinge fertig zu stellen, klare Entscheidungen zu treffen und sich auf Aufgaben zu konzentrieren, die erledigt werden müssen? * Sind Sie Student? Wie oft haben Sie sich schon hingesetzt, eine wichtige Abgabe fertigzustellen, nur um plötzlich etwas ganz anderes (oft weit weniger wichtiges) zu erledigen? * Wie oft waren Sie, in Ihrem Erwachsenenleben, mit Aufgaben konfrontiert, oder dazu entschlossen, neue, kreative Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, nur um sich schließlich doch von unwichtigen Aktivitäten ohne Deadline oder Wert ablenken zu lassen? *Haben Sie sich je am Ende eines Tages gefragt, "Warum habe ich das getan? Warum habe ich so viel Zeit verschwendet?" Möchten Sie das beenden? Suchen Sie nach einfachen Arten, Ihre innere Stimme zu beruhigen, die sie sofort umsetzen können? Wenn ja, dann ist dieses Buch etwas für Sie! In "Wie Sie Ihren Geist beruhigen: Entspannen und trainieren Sie die Stimme Ihres Geistes, noch heute!" werden Sie Techniken erlernen, ihre innere Stimme zu beruhigen, zu entspannen, sich auf das hier und jetzt zu fokussieren und Ihren Geist in Einklang mit dem, was SIE wollen, zu bringen. Das Vorhaben dieses Buches ist es, in viele der Vorteile einzuführen, welche Sie durch die Beruhigung Ihres Geistes erlangen können. Was Sie lernen werden: Sehr, sehr leichte Techniken, die Sie von heute an dazu nützen können, Ihren inneren Dialog zur Ruhe zu bringen und die es erlauben, Stress abzubauen und den Fokus zu erhöhen Was Sie nicht tun sollten, wenn Sie beginnen, Ihren Geist zu beruhigen Meditative Praktiken für Einsteiger mit dem Schwerpunkt auf richtiges Atmen (wussten Sie, dass die meisten von uns einige der schlimmst möglichen Atemtechniken angenommen haben?), das Erhöhen des Fokus und mehr Weitere Techniken, die Ihre intellektuellen und kreativen Fähigkeiten verbessern werden Meditative Positionen (sowohl gewöhnliche als auch etwas fortgeschrittenere), die dem Zweck dienen, die Aufmerksamkeit zu erhöhen und richtig zu atmen Übungen, die es Ihnen in allen Aspekten Ihres Lebens erlauben werden, Ihren Geist mehr mit Ihren Absichten zusammenzuführen und darin einen Fokus zu setzen All dies ist auf Häppchengröße herab gebrochen, aufgeteilt in leicht verständliche Abschnitte, welche Sie wann immer Sie ein paar Minuten extra haben, oder schlicht eine Erfrischung brauchen, lesen können. Sie werden sich über die hierin enthaltenen, einfachen und doch so wirksamen Techniken wundern, die Ihr Leben dramatisch ändern können. Das ist alles, was Sie brauchen, um noch heute loszulegen! Sie verdienen das absolut Beste für Ihr Leben und das alles kann anfangen mit "Wie Sie Ihren Geist beruhigen: Entspannen und trainieren Sie die Stimme Ihres Geistes, noch heute!"

  • - ¡Relájese y Silencie La Voz de Su Mente Hoy!
    af Marc Allen
    98,95 kr.

    ¿Existe un diálogo interno de usted que le impide terminar de hacer las cosas, tomar decisiones claras y concentrarse en las tareas que necesitan ser realizada? ¿Es un estudiante? ¿Con qué frecuencia se sienta a completar alguna tarea importante, sólo para encontrarse de pronto algo más que atender (de mucha menor importancia)? ¿Cuántas veces, en su vida adulta, se ha enfrentado a una tarea o ha decidido aprender alguna nueva habilidad creativa sólo para dejarla de lado por alguna actividad insignificante, sin fecha límite ni valor? Al final del día, ¿alguna vez se ha preguntado: "¿Por qué hice eso? ¿Por qué perdí tanto tiempo?" ¿Desea detener esto? ¿Está buscando maneras sencillas de acallar su voz interior que pueda implementar en este momento? Si es así, ¡este libro es para usted! En Cómo Calmar Su Mente: ¡Relájese y Silencie La Voz de Su Mente Hoy! usted aprenderá las técnicas para aquietar tu voz interior, relajarse, concentrarse en el aquí y ahora, y conseguir que su mente coopere con lo que USTED quiere. Este libro presenta muchos de los beneficios que recibirá por calmar su mente. Aprenderá Técnicas muy fáciles que puede empezar a usar hoy para calmar su diálogo interno, aliviar el estrés y aumentar la atención Lo que no debe hacer cuando comienza a calmar su mente Prácticas de meditación para principiantes que se enfocan en la respiración adecuada (¿sabes que la mayoría de nosotros hemos desarrollado algunos de los peores hábitos de respiración posibles?), aumentando la concentración y más Técnicas adicionales que pueden mejorar sus capacidades intelectuales y creativas Posiciones meditativas (simples y avanzadas) diseñadas y desarrolladas con el fin de aumentar la conciencia y la respiración Ejercicios que le ayudarán en cada aspecto de su vida externa, para permitir que su mente coopere más con sus intenciones y enfoque interior Todos estos temas se han simplificado de modo que sean fáciles de entender y que las pueda leer cuando tenga unos minutos libres o cuando simplemente necesite un repaso simple. Usted se maravillará con las técnicas simples pero potentes que encontrará en el contenido y que lo pueden cambiar dramáticamente. ¡Esto es todo lo que necesita para empezar hoy! Usted se merece lo mejor para su vida, y esto puede empezar con ¿Cómo Calmar Su Mente: ¡Relájese y Silencie la Voz de su Mente Hoy

  • - Relax and Silence the Voice of Your Mind Today!
    af Marc Allen
    108,95 kr.

    ** Bestseller - Hundreds of Copies Sold Each Month! ** Is an inner dialog always going on inside you, preventing you from getting things done, making clear decisions, and concentrating on tasks that need to be done? * Are you a student? How often do you sit down to complete some important assignment, only to suddenly find something else (of far lesser importance) to attend to? * How many times have you, in your adult life, been faced with some task or resolved to learn some new creative skill only to set it aside for some menial activity with no deadline or value? * At the end of the day, have you ever asked yourself, "Why did I do that? Why did I waste so much time?" Are you looking to stop this? Are you looking for simple ways to quiet your inner voice that you can implement right now? If you are, this book is for you! In "How to Quiet the Mind: Relax and Silence the Voice of Your Mind, Today!" you will learn about techniques to quiet this inner voice, relax, focus on the here and now, and get your mind to cooperate with what YOU want. This book is intended to introduce many of the benefits you will receive by quieting the mind. You'll learn: Very, very easy techniques that you can use starting today to quiet your inner dialogue and allow you to relieve stress and increase focus What not to do when beginning to quiet the mind Beginner's meditative practices which focus on proper breathing (do you know most of us have developed some of the worst breathing habits we possibly can?), increase focus and more Additional techniques that can improve your intellectual and creative capacities Meditative positions (both familiar and more advanced ones) designed and developed for the purposes of increased awareness and breathing Exercises that will help you in every aspect of your outward life that will allow your mind to cooperate more with your intentions and get you to focus within All of these are broken down into bite-sized, easy to understand areas for you to read whenever you have a few spare minutes, or just need a simple refresher. You'll marvel at the simple yet powerful techniques contained within that can dramatically change you. This is everything you need to get started today! You deserve the absolute best for your life, and it can all start with "How to Quiet the Mind: Relax and Silence the Voice of Your Mind, Today!"

  • - Simple Steps to Improve Our Lives and Our World
    af Marc Allen
    143,95 kr.

    This potentially life-changing book challenges readers to find solutions to the problems that confront them -- individually and globally. Marc Allen offers simple, doable solutions to both personal financial problems and global problems. Key to many of these solutions is both saving and giving away 10 percent of one's income, also known as "tithing." By taking the kinds of actions recommended in this book, individuals cannot only achieve financial security but can contribute substantially to a better world.

  • af Marc Allen
    143,95 kr.

    A Direct Path to Living the Life of Your DreamsWhat does tantra have to do with your relationships, work, money, creativity, sex, food and drink, being alone, meditation and yoga, aging and healing, politics, freedom, and enlightenment? Everything!Tantra is usually thought of as sex with some kind of mysticism thrown in. Marc Allen goes back to the original meaning of tantra and shows how it can be applied to every moment of your life, excluding nothing. Within your way of life, within your everyday thoughts and feelings, are the keys to love, freedom, and fulfillment. As soon as you can see this, you’ll find yourself on a direct path to realizing the life of your dreams.This highly acclaimed book has inspired readers all over the world for over thirty years, and is now completely revised, with new material added. It gives you simple keys and practical tools that can be wildly, creatively adapted to your individual needs. If you spend even a brief amount of time with this book, you will discover for yourself the transformative power of tantra.

  • af Marc Allen
    153,95 kr.

    A thrilling, comic stroll through 1980s San Francisco and a pre-Internet ensemble of sorcerers, cults, megalomaniacs, and a man determined to follow a deep practice of laziness. In an exhilarating mix of Raymond Chandler and Richard Brautigan comes the story of James Stuckey and a charged, shambolic year through the eccentric fringe of the San Francisco Bay Area. Stuckey, stubbornly devout to a habit of laziness, inadvertently collides with a megalomaniac cult leader and his followers and is forced to begrudgingly face himself and take action. His careening, chaotic misfortunes finally culminate in a tense, near-deadly battle with a sorcerer. Set in 1986, before Northern California was a playground for Silicon Valley titans, The Misadventures of John Stuckey brings to life the nonconformity and unapologetic weirdness of the pre-Internet days, when getting rich quick required convincing others that if only they do what you say, they will grow rich in your shadow. In his first work of long-form fiction, Marc Allen, renowned author and publisher at New World Library, which he founded in 1977 with Shakti Gawain, spins an imaginative tale that is perfect for fans of The Big Lebowski, Tom Robbins, and Robert Pirsig. The Misadventures of John Stuckey is an electric, philosophical, and deeply funny journey.

  • af Marc Allen
    178,95 kr.

    At the start of his career, Marc Allen never took a business course; he simply made what he calls "a sloppy, disorganized, lazy, and intuitive search through the books of Western magic." There he found the tools that took him from being a poverty case to a multimillionaire and helped him create one of the most successful independent publishers in the country. In "The Magical Path," he presents these tools -- effective, easy-to-apply practices, including affirmation, visualization, and guided meditation -- that can change the course of readers' lives in miraculous ways, as they did his. Because these tools are so simple and powerful, Allen calls them "magic." But far from esoteric, they are tools anyone can use to achieve their dreams and goals.

  • af Marc Allen
    158,95 kr.

  • af Marc Allen
    188,95 kr.

  • af Marc Allen
    168,95 kr.

    Allen's "Visionary Business" revealed the 12 keys to building a successful organization. In this book, he turns his attention to the even more vital process of building a fulfilling life. This engaging story tells of Allen's conversations and adventures with an enigmatic sage who has become his mentor and with whom he pieces together 10 principles--and practices--of a visionary life.

  • - Memoirs of a Senior Couple
    af Marc Allen
    98,95 kr.

  • - An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success
    af Marc Allen
    126,95 kr.

    A powerful book presenting the 12 keys of business success and the 25 principles and practices of visionary businessThis transformative book has helped people all over the world to not only envision and create success but also build a truly visionary business: one that supports its employees, the community, and the environment. We meet Marc Allen's mentor Bernie, an unforgettable character who teaches Marc the ways of ethical and socially responsible business. Together they turn Marc's fledgling attempts at business into a thriving corporate success, founded on diverse principles of positive psychology, Eastern and Western spirituality, market savvy, and simple kindness. Marc finds that it's all too easy to fall prey to anxieties and negative beliefs when you set out to create your own business, especially if you are learning the details as you go. Fortunately, Bernie shows Marc the most important thing of all: how to transform his thinking and change his old beliefs. This essential inner work is one of the great keys Bernie gives Marc. Step by step, Marc learns everything necessary to create the business of his dreams.

  • - Simple Steps to Abundance, Fulfillment, and a Life Well Lived
    af Marc Allen
    121,95 kr.

    The law of attraction - how to use the mental and physical abilities we were born with to create wealth and success - is wonderful to know, but many who have discovered this "e;secret"e; still lead miserable lives. The Greatest Secret of All clearly explains this law of manifestation but then takes it a quantum leap further, revealing what is truly important in life. We have what we need within us to do what we love, to be the people we dream of being, and to become completely fulfilled along the way - to become, as Abraham Maslow put it, self-actualized. We also have the capability, here and now, to create a world that works for everyone. In these pages, you will find the secret to a life of happiness, inner peace, ease, and fulfillment, and the secret that lets each of us contribute to making the world a better place for all.

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