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  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    233,95 kr.

    Plyo-Flex is a system of plyometric exercises and intensive flexibility training designed to increase your kicking power, speed, flexibility and skill level. Based on scientific principles, Plyo-Flex exercises will boost your muscles, joints and nervous system interfaces to the next performance level. After only a few weeks of training, you should see a marked improvement in the speed of your kicks and footwork, the power of your kicks, the height of your jumps, your stamina and your overall flexibility. Hundreds of illustrations and photographs will guide you through the basic plyometric and stretching exercises. Once you've mastered the basics, add the kicking-oriented variations to your workout for an extra challenge. Plyo-Flex is packed with exercises and drills proven to boost kicking performance while building strength, speed and flexibility. The first edition of this book was reviewed and rated at 4.2 stars by Amazon customers. A representative review reads as follows: "Excellent and to the point. By Oka Usi. The diagrams and descriptions are clear. The purpose and issues regarding each exercise are clearly described in simple English - no excessive jargon. The section on hamstrings and hip flexibility is excellent."

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    233,95 kr.

    Que vous soyez au sol par choix ou pour y avoir été projeté, que votre adversaire soit debout ou au sol avec vous, que vous soyez un bon lutteur ou que vous deviez en garder un à distance, que vous ayez été surpris assis par terre ou que vous ayez esquivé vers le bas par exprès, que vous soyez un débutant ou un Artiste Martial expérimenté... ce livre a pour vous le coup de pied adéquat pour la situation. Dans Les Coups de Pied au Sol - Coups de pied Avancés pour le Combat au Sol venant du Karaté, du Krav Maga, du MMA, de la Capoeira, du Kung Fu et autres, Marc De Bremaeker a créé un compendium compréhensif des Coups de Pied au Sol, avec des centaines d'applications pour le sport et la self-défense. Avec plus de 1200 photos et dessins, 'Les Coups de Pied au Sol' présente aussi des conseils d'entraînement pour la pratique effective de chaque technique, des informations détaillées pour une transition du et vers le sol en toute sécurité, et la pratique de l'Art du mouvement au Sol. Se retrouver par terre n'est certainement pas être vaincu; en fait, cela peut souvent être une situation avantageuse contre un adversaire debout dont les parties génitales et les genoux deviennent des cibles faciles. Les Coups de Pied au Sol sont non seulement des techniques efficaces et surprenantes pour le sport et la défense de soi, mais ils sont aussi des exercices extraordinaires pour une sérieuse amélioration des Coups de Pied debout correspondants. La pratique des Coups de Pied au Sol fera de vous un meilleur combattant, quel que soit votre style.

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    233,95 kr.

    Joint Kicks are probably the most effective way to neutralize an assailant in real-life situations. By attacking the opponent's articulations you ensure that they will not be able to keep on the fight; they will not be able to punch you with a damaged arm and they will not be able to run after you with a busted leg. Joint Kicks are basically regular kicks to be delivered towards specific targets and with the focused intention to cause damage. This is Martial arts in their purest sense and not sport techniques. In real life, you could easily encounter an assailant with a high resistance to pain. It could the high adrenalin levels, alcohol intoxication or drugs. But it will be very different from free-fighting in the dojo. If he is impervious to the pain of your blows, only by destroying the attacker's infrastructure will you be able to overcome him.The book reflects on the mindset behind Joint Kicks and presents numerous examples of their use. With over 800 Photos and Drawings.

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    343,95 kr.

    Krav Maga is recognized as one of the most efficient fighting systems around today. Based on common sense, it has evolved by necessity in a region ravaged by fighting for over a century. This book completes the previous 'Krav Maga Kicks' by the same author, with the more advanced Krav Maga techniques. This encyclopedic work recapitulates Krav Maga's history and principles and covers again the opponent's vulnerable points to be targeted. It then goes on to describe the Strikes, Kicks and Special Techniques used commonly in KM. After covering the Theory of Aggression, it does detail advanced Offensive Techniques including Range Covering, Guard Neutralization and Naturally-flowing Combinations. The main body of the text will then cover Defenses against an opponent armed with a stick, a knife or a gun. The last part describes the use of everyday objects as Improvised Weapons. All along, the book underlines continuously the cardinal Krav Maga principle of Retzev, with dozens of examples of 'continuous offensive motion' until the opponent is fully vanquished. 250 pages, suitable for beginners and trained Martial Artists from other Schools, are crammed to the brim with over 1500 Photos and Illustrations!

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    318,95 kr.

    Isoplex stands for Isometrics, Plyometrics and Flexiometrics. The well-organized combination of these three training methods will give the serious trainee the most effective path possible to powerful and aesthetic muscles, in a minimum of time. The method is simply the optimal combination of those three basic tenets of fitness training. It is suitable for men and women. It is suitable for beginners, for athletes of all types, and even for bodybuilders. It is designed to build an aesthetic physique which is also conducive to sport performance and to personal health.ISOPLEX is in fact the modern and more scientific version of the training ideals of Greco-Roman Antiquity. As illustrated by many well-known antique sculptures, the athletes of old had aesthetic bodies based on core musculature and long, well-defined and necessarily efficient muscles. These synergistic training principles are and were universal. They were to be found in ancient Asian Martial Arts and in Body Cultures like Yoga, Chi Kung and many others. A truly athletic and functional body needed for realistic fighting was achieved by a mixture of Isometric exercises, intensive flexibility training and dynamic (Plyometric) drills. Martial Artists and Yogis will immediately grasp the connection. This is the way to train the body for effective and natural aesthetics, and that is what Isoplex concentrates on through an optimal and synergistic time-saving program.With hundreds of Photos and Drawings and detailing 5 complete weekly Programs for all levels.

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    283,95 kr.

    Krav Maga is recognized as one of the most efficient fighting systems around today. Based on common sense, it has evolved by necessity in a region ravaged by fighting for over a century. The first part of this book details and illustrates the preferred Kicks used in Krav Maga, and the second part presents the vital points to be targeted when kicking or striking. The Last part of this work is basically a full Krav Maga Self-defense course that also includes offensive techniques. The defenses against strikes, kicks, grabs, holds and chokes do often include kicking, but only when it is the most adequate reaction.This book is the first to underline in print the important principle of Retzev, with dozens of examples of continuous motion until the opponent is fully vanquished. Suitable for beginners and trained Martial artists from other Schools. Over 1500 Photos and Illustrations!

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    233,95 kr.

    Whether you are on the ground by choice or you have been taken down, whether your opponent is standing or is on the ground with you, whether you are a good grappler or you are trying to keep a good grappler at bay, whether you were caught unawares sitting on the floor or you have evaded down on purpose, whether you are a beginner or an experienced martial artist...this book has the right kick for the situation. In Ground Kicks: Advanced Martial Arts Kicks for Ground-fighting from Karate, Krav Maga, MMA, Capoeira, Kung Fu and more, Marc De Bremaeker has created a comprehensive collection of ground kicks, with hundreds of applications for sport fighting and self-defense situation. Packed with over 1200 photographs and illustrations, Ground Kicks also includes specific training tips for practicing each kick effectively and detailed information on safely transitioning to and from the ground as well as the important art of moving on the ground. Being on the ground is certainly not being vanquished; in fact, it is often an advantageous situation against a standing adversary whose groin and knees are easy targets. Not only are Ground Kicks efficient and surprising techniques for both sport and self-defense, they are also great drills for serious improvement of the corresponding standing kicks. Training with Ground Kicks will make you a better fighter, regardless of style. The first edition of this book was reviewed and rated at 4.3 stars by Amazon customers. A representative review reads as follows: "Ground Kicking. By Master 1. A lot of variation of ground kicking. Very Well put together."

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    233,95 kr.

    'Sacrifice Kicks' will comprehensively present the most important Martial Arts Airborne Kicks: Flying Kicks, Hopping Kicks, Jumping Kicks and Suicide Kicks. They have been dubbed 'Sacrifice' in the spirit of Judo's redoubtable Sutemi Takedowns in which one sacrifices his balance in order to throw his opponent down. Flying Kicks are not about showmanship, they are very effective techniques when used judiciously. They need not be necessarily high and spectacular; they can be surprising Jumping Kicks and Hopping Kicks executed long and low. And Suicide Kicks take the Sacrifice principles a little further: they are extremely unexpected techniques delivered airborne, but with little hope of landing on one's feet, unlike classic Flying Kicks. All these realistic maneuvers, coming from Karate, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, TaeKwonDo, MMA, Capoeira, Muay Thai and more, are described with applications and training tips. Over 1000 Photos and Illustrations will help you develop your airborne kicking skills, regardless of your personal style.

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    288,95 kr.

    Les Coups de Pied Bas sont puissants, rapides et efficaces - exactement ce qui vous est nécessaire dans une véritable confrontation violente. Et comme ces techniques sont rarement utilisées dans les versions sportives des Arts Martiaux, elles seront une contribution surprenante et précieuse à votre arsenal de combat libre. Bien qu'ils aient souvent l'air d'être faciles à exécuter, les Coups de Pied Bas ne sont pas tous des simples versions basses des coups de pied classiques de base. Il existe des attributs et des principes spécifiques qui les rendent particulièrement puissants. Marc De Bremaeker a choisi les manoeuvres les plus efficaces d'attaques basses par Coup de Pied, dans les Arts Martiaux comme le Krav Maga, le Karatedo, la Capoeira, Le Kung Fu Wing Chung, les MMA et le Muay Thai. Dans ce livre, il analyse chaque type de Coup de Pied en profondeur, il explique l'exécution optimale et il présente des applications et des variantes dans des contextes de défense de soi, de combat sportif et de pratique traditionnelle. Cette traduction française est basée sur la troisième Edition de la version anglaise de l'ouvrage, édition revue, rééditée et complétée. Des centaines d'exemples illustrés par plus de 1000 photos et dessins vous aideront à maîtriser l'Art important du Coup de Pied Bas, et feront de vous un combattant meilleur et plus versatile, quel que soit votre style personnel.

  • af Marc De Bremaeker
    223,95 kr.

    Revised, re-edited and expanded third Edition! Low Kicks are powerful, fast, and effective exactly what you need to defend yourself in a real life confrontation. And because they are seldom used in sport fighting, they can be a surprising and valuable addition to your free fighting arsenal. While they may seem easy to execute, not all low kicks are simply low versions of the basic kicks. There are specific attributes and principles that make low kicks work. Marc de Bremaeker has collected the most effective low kicking techniques from Martial Arts like Krav Maga, Karatedo, Capoeira, Wing-Chun Kung-Fu, MMA, and Muay Thai. In this book, he analyzes each kick in depth, explaining the proper execution and outlining applications and variations from self-defense, sport fighting and traditional practice. Hundreds of examples illustrated by one thousand photographs and illustrations will help you master the important skill of low kicking and become a better and more well-rounded fighter regardless of style.The first Edition of the book was reviewed and rated 4.5 stars by Amazon customers. A representative review went: "Excellent resource. by Loren W. Christensen. I like martial arts books that present a fighting concept in package form, and that is exactly what Marc De Bremaeker has done with Low Kicks.The many photos illustrate clearly the various kicks and targets that can easily be used by all martial arts systems, such as karate, krav maga, muay Thai, TKD, kung fu, and so on. The exception being styles with a sport slant.One particular aspect I like is how the book is sprinkled with quality drawings of techniques. Some techniques show up best on the page when drawn. That is the case here.Low Kicks discusses and illustrates in photos and drawings single techniques, combinations, and against hand-held bags.As a guy who has been teaching and training in the martial arts since 1965, I highly recommend Low Kicks. "

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