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Bøger af Marco Buscemi

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  • af Marco Buscemi
    108,95 kr.

    The only thing unusual about Mikko's bus ride from school that day was that he hadn't served a detention, as he normally did. Then, the extraordinary happened. The familiar yellow school bus dissolved into a luxurious railroad car and Mikko found himself transported to a strange place, where time flowed backwards - and nothing was as it seemed. Just who was Mr. Vallance, the brown-cloaked man from the train station, and why did he entrust Mikko with a precious sapphire - a magical stone that instantly had the evil Chief Chambers chasing him down? Launched on a treacherous race for survival, Mikko had just days to unlock the secrets of the stone... or risk unleashing an ancient curse. His quest would not be easy, but, it was a matter of life and death.

  • af Marco Buscemi
    128,95 kr.

    Something strange is happening inside the old O'Malley factory! There's a new owner in town, and word is he's the greatest pasta maker in the whole world. But his factory is not open to the public; only to five lucky children who find a silver ticket inside a spaghetti package. The lucky children are: Scarlett Sunshine, a mean little brat who once won a beauty contest; Buster Butterworth, a rather hefty boy with an appetite for doughnuts; Robert Rich, a spoiled little twerp who thinks he knows everything; Wendy Wu, a fast-fingered gamer with very little patience; and Paolo Piccolo, a kind-hearted little boy who has never eaten a single string of pasta in his entire life, and who is in for one tasty adventure!

  • af Marco Buscemi
    133,95 kr.

    Succede qualcosa di strano all'interno della vecchia fabbrica di O'Malley! C'è un nuovo proprietario in città, e si dice che sia il più grande pastaio del mondo. Ma la sua fabbrica non è aperta al pubblico; potranno entrare solo cinque fortunati bambini, possessori di un misterioso biglietto d'argento nascosto in una confezione di spaghetti. Chi sono questi bambini? Giada Girasole, una piccola monella che una volta ha vinto un concorso di bellezza; Mimmo Magro, un ragazzino notevolmente cicciottello che non la smette di mangiare ciambelle; Riccardo Riccone, un moccioso viziato che crede di sapere tutto; Wanda Wu, una gamer dalla mano veloce; e Paolo Piccolo, un bambino dal cuore tenero che non ha mai mangiato nemmeno un solo spaghetto in tutta la sua vita, e che è pronto a vivere una gustosa avventura!

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