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Bøger af Marie-Laure De Shazer

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  • af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    98,95 kr.

    Qian is only seven years old when he arrives in Chicago. He has new parents and a new country. To his great amazement, his adoptive parents change his Chinese name to James. Since his Chinese name "Qian Wang" means "Money King", his American parents are afraid that his schoolmates bully him. Qian does not know why his biological parents abandoned him. Intrigued by his story, his adoptive mother decides to contact the director of the orphanage to help her make an investigation about Qian's biological parents. Most Chinese adoptees that she meets are girls and their parents rejected them because they wanted a boy. Qian is a healthy boy. Did Qian's biological parents really abandon him? Why did the orphanage send him to the United States?

  • - A Study Guide For THe HSK Exam, Level 3 Puzzles
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    143,95 kr.

    Character search is one of the most effective teaching strategies to help you learn, understand and remember the 600 words required to take the HSK Level II. It can also help you improve memory, motivation, focus, vocabulary, and overall mental acuity. The character searches in this book are organized thematically (greeting, restaurant, work, school etc) and will help people learn by presenting the material for different learning styles.

  • - A Study Guide For The HSK Exam, Level 2 Puzzles
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    143,95 kr.

    Character search is one of the most effective teaching strategies to help you learn, understand and remember the 300 words required to take the HSK Level II. It can also help you improve memory, motivation, focus, vocabulary, and overall mental acuity. The character searches in this book are organized thematically (greeting, restaurant, work, school etc) and will help people learn by presenting the material for different learning styles.

  • - Qiu Jin - China's First Feminist
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    173,95 kr.

    "Mom," said Jin, "why can't I go to school like my brother?" "Because you are a girl, and in China a girl does not have the same status as a boy." "But why?" "This is the law of our ancestors. An illiterate woman is virtuous. Do not forget that only men can read classics, not women. They do not understand such books." "Mom, why am I not allowed to go out like my brother?" "Because you are a girl and it is the tradition. Girls must be accompanied all the time. They cannot go outside and play freely." "Mom, why do you want to bind my feet?" "No tiny feet, no husband" "Mom, can a woman repudiate a man?" "No, only women have sins, not men." "Mom, why can't I eat with my brother?" "Because it is the tradition. At the age of seven years old, a girl is not allowed to eat with boys." "It is unfair! I wish I could be a boy." Qiu Jin, born in 1875 to a family in China's upper class, is a determined woman who combats traditions which oppress women in the feudal society (feet binding, polygamy, interdiction of women to do sport, to walk freely and to study). Will she succeed in freeing women from oppression? Discover the true life of Qiu Jin the first chinese feminist. Marie Laure de Shazer is the author of numerous novels and Chinese teaching materials.

  • - Learning Confused Characters
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    128,95 kr.

    On a rainy mi-day October morning prosecutor Chang asked Sherlock Holmes for help. The eunuch of the Chinese emperor had been murdered in Chinatown. Before he died, the eunuch had written his will and addressed it to Sherlock Holmes. The will contains those Chinese characters that look nearly the same and are most often confused between one another. If Sherlock Holmes can decipher the will and avoid confusing the different character then he will discover the identity of the murderer. Who killed the eunuch? Why did he live in London? Help Sherlock Holmes learn about the most confused characters and help find the murderer. The method provided in this book can give you a better understanding of the differences between characters and will help you avoid confusion with these characters. The activities and exercises in each chapter are enjoyable, provide for learning through repetition and will help you discover the different characters that could have committed the murder. Who killed the eunuch of the Chinese emperor? Now you can help us find out.

  • - La Greta Garbo Chinoise
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    173,95 kr.

    Dans la Chine ancienne, presque tous les personnages d'opéra chinois étaient joués par des hommes et le public acceptait que les comédiens se fardent, se travestissent et incarnent des rôles féminins. Mais quand les femmes montaient sur scène, elles étaient huées, humiliées et comparées à des prostituées . Depuis l'arrivée du cinéma muet en Chine, Ruan Ling Yu, surnommée la Greta Garbo Chinoise, ose défier les traditions qui, depuis l'empereur Qian Long, ont exclu la femme de la scène . Ruan Ling Yu, va-t-elle réussir à lutter contre les mentalités anciennes qui associent les comédiennes à des prostituées ? Ou va-t-elle payer cher d'avoir osé jouer à l'écran des rôles de femmes aspirant à être libres ?

  • - A Survivor's Story
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    163,95 kr.

    In the summer of 1669 the French explorer René-Robert Cavelier de la Salle left Montreal on his quest to find China. His trip to Quebec was a failure and many mocked him and derisively named him " The Little Chinese". The name stuck, and part of the island of Montreal is called "Lachine" (China) to this day. This novel is a gripping memoir and a survivor's story about Marina, a young French woman who was viewed as mentally ill, a slow learner, and therefore labeled " The Little Chinese". Like La Salle, Marina was mocked and associated with China. Her mother, her French teacher, and her peers could not understand what she was saying. Marina suffered greatly throughout her life from a traumatic childhood and accused of having defective genes.

  • af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    198,95 kr.

    Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée Vendue par son oncle opiomane comme prostituée à l'âge de quatorze ans, puis libérée par un fonctionnaire des douanes, Pan Yu Liang rencontre le professeur Hong qui l'initie aux techniques des impressionnistes et l'encourage à suivre des cours à l'institut des Beaux-arts de Shanghai. Mais incomprise et rejetée pour ses tableaux de nus et impressionnistes, comme Manet le fut avec son Olympia et le déjeuner sur l'herbe, elle part étudier en France pendant plusieurs années . Après avoir obtenu le prix de Rome elle retourne en Chine dans l'espoir d'être enfin reconnue. Mais la société traditionnelle ne lui pardonne pas son passé de courtisane malgré l'immensité de son talent. Comme Manet, Pan Yu Liang devra affronter les critiques du public et des journalistes. Va-t-elle réussir à imposer son art malgré ses nombreux détracteurs? En se référant à de nombreuses sources Marie Laure de Shazer, auteure et professeur de chinois, nous fait connaître cette ancienne prostituée qui est devenue la première femme peintre impressionniste de Chine.

  • - Practice For HSK Levels 1 & 2
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    143,95 kr.

    Chinese maze games are great for you to practice the most common Chinese Characters. This book will help you set your learning goals and make it more fun and easier to learn. These exercises will help reinforce: Memory Repetition Word recognition Critical thinking Visualization Creativity Fine motor skills Logic Patience and persistence Concentration Self regulation Independence learning These maze games will encourage you to find a path through the maze connecting the Chinese character and its Pin Yin from start to finish. Every time you encounter the character or pin yin, read it aloud to help your retention of the characters. Good luck and enjoy doing these mazes! This is a fun and easy way to learn mandarin Chinese charaters and the pin yin. These maze games will help you with characters typical for the HSK level I and II exams.

  • af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    173,95 kr.

    Many characters are a member of a 'family' of characters. Families are based on a 'core' character. Once you learn the 'core' character you will be able to remember its entier family of characters. The method presented in this book helps learners of all types learn a core group of over 600 characters from A to Z. The methoed presented is a great additon to the resources students need who are preparing for HSK level 1-6 exams.

  • - A Study Guide For The HSK Exam, Level 4 Puzzles
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    143,95 kr.

    Character search is one of the most effective teaching strategies to help you learn, understand and remember the 1200 words required to take the HSK Level II. It can also help you improve memory, motivation, focus, vocabulary, and overall mental acuity. The character searches in this book are organized thematically (greeting, restaurant, work, school etc) and will help people learn by presenting the material for different learning styles.

  • - Chinese for All Ages and Learning Styles
    af Marie-Laure De Shazer
    205,95 kr.

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