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  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    263,95 kr.

    A series of conversations held at Princeton University between the Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa and Rubén Gallo.Princeton University, 2015. For one semester, Mario Vargas Llosa taught a course on literature and politics with Rubén Gallo. Over several classes, the two writers spoke to students about the theory of the novel and the relationship between journalism, politics, and literature through five beloved books by the Nobel laureate: Conversation in The Cathedral, The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, Who Killed Palomino Molero?, A Fish in the Water, and The Feast of the Goat. Conversation at Princeton records these exhilarating discussions and captures the three complementary perspectives that converged in the classroom: that of Vargas Llosa, who reveals the creative process behind his novels; that of Rubén Gallo, who analyzes the different meanings the works took on after their publication; and that of the students, whose reflections and questions give voice to the responses of millions of Vargas Llosa's readers. During these talks, Vargas Llosa not only speaks with intelligence and lucidity about the craft of writing, but also offers an absorbing, inquisitive analysis of today's political and cultural landscape. Conversation at Princeton is a singular opportunity to attend a unique master class on literature and society taught by one of our greatest writers and thinkers.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    223,95 kr.

    Fonchito is a little boy with his heart set on winning the affection of his classmate Nereida. She is beautiful, and all he hopes for is her permission to kiss her on the cheek. But she is shy and agrees under only one condition: that Fonchito bring the moon to her. Bring her the moon? What is Fonchito to do? And in that moment his love inspires him to find a way to do the impossible.This first children's book by Mario Vargas Llosa, one of the world's greatest writers, is an enchanting story about the magic in discovering how high you can reach for those you love, even if they ask for the moon.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    193,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREOne of Latin America's most garlanded novelists-and the recipient of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature-Mario Vargas Llosa is also an acute and wide-ranging cultural critic and an acerbic political commentator. Touchstones collects Vargas Llosa's brilliant readings of seminal twentieth-century novels, from Heart of Darkness to The Tin Drum; incisive essays on political and social thinkers; and contemporary pieces on 9/11 and the immediate aftermath of the war in Iraq.Fantastically intelligent, inspired, and surprising, Touchstones is a landmark collection of essays from one of the world's leading writers and intellectuals.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    187,95 kr.

    ¿Cuáles son los postulados liberales de Vargas Llosa?¿Cuál es su posición ante la realidad latinoamericana?¿Cuáles son los peligros y esperanzas que vislumbra para el continente?¿Cómo han tomado forma sus ideas y compromisos? La selección de ensayos que compone este volumen pretende aclarar estas cuestiones. En ellos, además de verse reflejado el recorrido intelectual del escritor, se analizan todos los grandes acontecimientos que han marcado la historia reciente de América Latina. No están ordenados cronológicamente sino por temas, ilustrando las batallas que Vargas Llosa ha dado por la libertad, desde su oposición frontal a las dictaduras, su ilusión y posterior desencanto con las revoluciones, sus críticas al nacionalismo, al populismo, al indigenismo y a la corrupción —mayor amenaza para la credibilidad de las democracias—, hasta el descubrimiento de las ideas liberales, su defensa irrestricta del sistema democrático y su pasión por la literatura y el arte latinoamericano. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The essays in this volume were selected to shed light on Vargas Llosa's liberal postulates, his stance on the Latin-American reality, the hopes and threats he anticipates for the continent, and his ideas and commitments. In addition to portraying the author's intellectual trajectory, this is an analysis of the most important events to mark the recent history of Latin America.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    198,95 kr.

    "Mario Vargas Llosa is one of the master storytellers of our time." -- Chicago TribuneFrom the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature comes a haunting novel about power, corruption, and the complex search for identity.Conversation in The Cathedral takes place in 1950s Peru during the dictatorship of Manuel A. Odría. Over beers and a sea of freely spoken words, the conversation flows between two individuals, Santiago and Ambrosia, who talk of their tormented lives and of the overall degradation and frustration that has slowly taken over their town.Through a complicated web of secrets and historical references, Mario Vargas Llosa analyzes the mental and moral mechanisms that govern power and the people behind it. More than a historic analysis, Conversation in The Cathedral is a groundbreaking novel that tackles identity as well as the role of a citizen and how a lack of personal freedom can forever scar a people and a nation.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    243,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThe Real Life of Alejandro Mayta is an astute psychological portrait of a modern revolutionary and a searching account of an old friend's struggle to understand him. First published in English in 1986, the novel probes the long and checkered history of radical politics in Latin America.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    163,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThis wonderful detective novel is set in Peru in the 1950s. Near an Air Force base in the northern desert, a young airman is found murdered. Lieutenant Silva and Officer Lituma investigate. Lacking a squad car, they have to cajole a local cabbie into taking them to the scene of the crime. Their superiors are indifferent; the commanding officer of the air base stands in their way; but Silva and Lituma are determined to uncover the truth.Who Killed Palomino Molero, an entertaining and brilliantly plotted mystery, takes up one of Vargas Llosa's characteristic themes: the despair at how hard it is to be an honest man in a corrupt society.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    193,95 kr.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    198,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThis delightful farce opens as the prim and proper Captain Pantoja learns he is to be sent to Peru's Amazon frontier on a secret mission for the army-to provide females for the amorous recruits. Side-splitting complications arise as world of Captain Pantoja's remarkable achievements start to spread.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    178,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThe Cubs and Other Stories is Mario Vargas Llosa's only volume of short fiction available in English. Vargas Llosa's domain is the Peru of male youth and machismo, where life's dramas play themselves out on the soccer field, the dance floor, and on street corners.The title story, "The Cubs," tells the story of the carefree boyhood of P.P. Cuellar and his friends, and of P.P.'s bizarre accident and tragic coming of age. Innovative in style and technique, it is a work of both physical and psychic loss.In a candid and perceptive forward to this collection of early writing, Vargas llosa provides background to the volume and a unique glimpse into the mind of the Nobel Prize-winning artist.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    193,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThe book's first section is a tete-a-tete with Emma Bovary; the second traces the gestation and birth of the novel, as well as Flaubert's method, his mania for documentation, and the novel's literary sources; the third situates it in literary history. Vargas Llosa's first work of non-fiction will send the reader back to Flaubert's masterpiece with renewed interest.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    223,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREThe action of The Time of the Hero, Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa's first novel, takes place at the Leoncio Prado Military Academy in Lima, Peru. There, four angry cadets who have formed an inner circle in an attempt to ward off the boredom and stifling confinement of the military academy set off a chain of events that starts with a theft and leads to murder and suicide. The Time of the Hero presents, with great accuracy and power, the cadets' nightmare life: brutal initiation rights, poker in the latrines, drinking contests; and, above all else, the strange military code which, whether broken or followed, can only destroy.When The Time of the Hero was first published in Peru in 1962, it was considered so scandalous that a thousand copies were burned in an official ceremony at the Leoncio Prado Military Academy. That same year, the book received the Biblioteca Breve Prize, an award given to the best work of fiction in the Spanish language."...[A]s with other fine writers, Vargas functions on more than a single level of meaning." - The New York Times

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    153,95 kr.

    Ambientada en un remoto pueblo de montaäna, Lituma en los Andes comienza como una novela policíaca sobre la desapariciâon de tres lugareänos. El cabo Lituma y su ayudante Tomâas sospechan de Sendero Luminoso, la organizaciâon guerrillera que viene sembrando el terror en el Perâu. Pero la intriga adquiere visos inesperados cuando se descubren crueles prácticas ancestrales en la zona, y la narraciâon va ganando dimensiones conforme las pesquisas se alternan con los recuerdos âintimos de los protagonistas. Con un virtuoso manejo de la trama, la psicología y los gâeneros, Mario Vargas Llosa ofrece al cabo una profunda meditaciâon sobre la sociedad peruana y sus males histâoricos.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    198,95 kr.

    La más reciente novela del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa.«Él había pensado que, después de todo, un periodista puede ser a veces útil. "Y también peligroso", concluyó. Tuvo el presentimiento de que nada bueno saldría de esta visita.»«La idea de esta novela comenzó con una imagen de dos señoras amigas que de pronto una noche, de una manera impensada para ambas, viven una situación erótica. Luego se fue convirtiendo en una historia policial, casi un thriller, y el thriller se fue transformando en una especie de mural de la sociedad peruana en los últimos meses o semanas de la dictadura de Fujimori y Montesinos. Me gustó la idea de que la historia se llamase Cinco esquinas como un barrio que, de alguna manera, es emblemático de Lima, de Perú y también de la época en la que está situada la historia.»Si hay un tema que permea, que impregna toda la historia, es el periodismo, el periodismo amarillo. La dictadura de Fujimori utilizó el periodismo amarillo, el periodismo de escándalo, como un arma política para desprestigiar y aniquilar moralmente a todos sus adversarios. Al mismo tiempo, también está la otra cara, cómo el periodismo, que puede ser algo vil y sucio, puede convertirse de pronto en un instrumento de liberación, de defensa moral y cívica de una sociedad. Esas dos caras del periodismo son uno de los temas centrales de Cinco esquinas.»Mario Vargas LlosaENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA thrilling tale of desire and Peruvian corruption swirls around a scandalous exposé that leads to murderFrom the Nobel Laureate comes a politically charged detective novel weaving through the underbelly of Peruvian privilege. In the 1990s, during the turbulent and deeply corrupt years of Alberto Fujimori's presidency, two wealthy couples of Lima's high society become embroiled in a disturbing vortex of erotic adventures and politically driven blackmail. One day Enrique, a high-profile businessman, receives a visit from Rolando Garro, the editor of a notorious magazine that specializes in salacious exposés. Garro presents Enrique with lewd pictures from an old business trip and demands that he invest in the magazine. Enrique refuses, and the next day the pictures are on the front page. Meanwhile, Enrique's wife is in the midst of a passionate and secret affair with the wife of Enrique's lawyer and best friend. When Garro shows up murdered, the two couples are thrown into a whirlwind of navigating Peru's unspoken laws and customs, while the staff of the magazine embark on their greatest exposé yet.Ironic and sensual, provocative and redemptive, the novel swirls into the kind of restless realism that has become Mario Vargas Llosa's signature style. A twisting, unpredictable tale, The Neighborhood is at once a scathing indictment of Fujimori's regime and a crime thriller that evokes the vulgarity of freedom in a corrupt system.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    218,95 kr.

    Creando una admirable tensión entre lo cómico y lo trágico, el Premio Nobel de Literatura y Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, Mario Vargas Llosa, libera en esta novela una historia en la que el amor se nos muestra indefinible, dueño de mil caras, como la niña mala. ¿Cuál es el verdadero rostro del amor? Ricardo ve cumplido, a una edad muy temprana, el sueño que en su Lima natal alimentó desde que tenía uso de razón: vivir en París. Pero el rencuentro con un amor de adolescencia lo cambiará todo. La joven, inconformista, aventurera, pragmática e inquieta, lo arrastrará fuera del pequeño mundo de sus ambiciones. Testigos de épocas convulsas y florecientes en ciudades como Londres, París, Tokio o Madrid, que aquí son mucho más que escenarios, ambos personajes verán sus vidas entrelazarse sin llegar a coincidir del todo. Sin embargo, esta danza de encuentros y desencuentros hará crecer la intensidad del relato página a página hasta propiciar una verdadera fusión del lector con el universo emocional de los protagonistas. Mario Vargas Llosa juega en Travesuras de la niña mala (2006) con la realidad y la ficción para ilustrar la complejidad del amor: pasión y distancia, azar y destino, dolor y disfrute... ¿Cuál es el verdadero rostro del amor? La crítica ha dicho...«Una novela de amor de hoy, de erotismo, con encuentros, separaciones, sufrimientos, engaños, entrega, y también mucha verdad, y en la que Vargas Llosa, a modo de entomólogo, analiza minuciosamente la condición humana, como su gran admirado Flaubert en La educación sentimental, obra que se cita en la novela, entre otras muchas referencias literarias a las que alude el autor. Y es que la idea de novela para Vargas Llosa es "la experiencia totalizadora de la condición humana".»El País «La niña mala recuerda a los amorosos de Sabines: buscan la felicidadsin nunca encontrarla, pues encontrarla equivaldría a perderla sin remedio. Muy recomendable esta novela, en apariencia modesta, pero que en realidad rasca con saña exquisita en nuestros más íntimos deseos y frustraciones domésticas.»Javier Munguía, Revista de LetrasENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA New York Times Notable Book of 2007"Splendid, suspenseful, and irresistible . . . A contemporary love story that explores the mores of the urban 1960s--and 70s and 80s."--The New York Times Book ReviewRicardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as "Lily" in Lima in 1950, when she flits into his life one summer and disappears again without explanation. He loves her still when she reappears as a revolutionary in 1960s Paris, then later as Mrs. Richardson, the wife of a wealthy Englishman, and again as the mistress of a sinister Japanese businessman in Tokyo. However poorly she treats him, he is doomed to worship her. Charting Ricardo's expatriate life through his romances with this shape-shifting woman, Vargas Llosa has created a beguiling, epic romance about the life-altering power of obsession.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    138,95 kr.

    La ciudad y los perros es la novela con la que Vargas Llosa, Premio Nobel de Literatura y Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, alcanzó el reconocimiento internacional.La ciudad y los perros no solamente es un ataque contra la crueldad ejercida a un grupo de jóvenes alumnos del Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado, sino también una crítica frontal al concepto erróneo de la virilidad, de sus funciones y de las consecuencias de una educación castrense malentendida.Un grupo de jóvenes que se «educan» en una disciplina militar implacable y violenta, aprenden a sobrevivir en un ambiente que lleva muy arraigados los prejuicios raciales y las diferencias entre clases sociales y económicas; donde todos se muestran como no son en realidad y la transgresión de las normas parece ser la única salida.Pero La ciudad y los perros no solamente es una diatriba contra la brutalidad ejercida en un grupo de jóvenes alumnos del Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado, también es un ataque frontal al concepto erróneo de la virilidad, de sus funciones y de las consecuencias de una educación castrense malentendida. Aunada a la brutalidad propia de la vida militar, a lo largo de las páginas de esta extraordinaria novela, la vehemencia yla pasión de la juventud se desbocan hasta llegar a una furia, una rabia y un fanatismo que anulan toda su sensibilidad. El libro más violento de Mario Vargas Llosa.Premio Biblioteca Breve 1962.Considerada una de las mejores novelas en español del siglo XX.Traducida a más de treinta idiomas.Un título imprescindible de la literatura hispanoamericanaEn La ciudad y los perros, Mario Vargas Llosa demuestra una madurez literaria extraordinaria que en adelante irá en aumento hasta alcanzar un estilo depuradísimo y un sitio de primera fila entre los escritores contemporáneos.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONTranslated to over 30 languages, this is perhaps Vargas Llosa's most violent book. Set in a military school in Lima, where an unwritten code of survival of the fittest is imposed. Here, he focuses on the brutality of military life and the strong pyramidal hierarchy that mirrors Peruvian society, where violence, exploitation and human degradation guarantee that each layer of the social pyramid maintains its place. All the conflicts of Peruvian society arise with rage and impotence in this testimonial novel in which Vargas Llosa paints a social and political picture."

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    223,95 kr.

    Década de los setenta en una pequeña ciudad de California. "Bean" Holladay tiene doce años y su hermana Liz quince cuando su madre las abandona "para encontrarse a sí misma" y triunfar en la música. Aunque les deja dinero para subsistir un mes o dos, las pequeñas tienen miedo de acabar siendo recogidas por los servicios sociales y deciden viajar a Virginia, donde su tío Tinsley vive en la decadente mansión que ha sido la casa de su familia durante generaciones. Pero el pequeño pueblo en el que nacieron ha cambiado mucho, y la vida es muy diferente. Ante la escasez de dinero, las hermanas tendrán que hacer pequeños trabajos para Jerry Maddox, el poderoso capataz de la algodonera. Las niñas deberán adaptarse para volver a empezar a la vez que descubrirán la historia oculta de quién es su padre y por qué su madre tuvo que abandonar Virginia. Jeannette Walls vuelve a conmover con una novela sobre la familia, la amistad y el triunfo de la justicia frente a la adversidad. Y sobre personas que encuentran un modo de amar a los demás y al mundo pese a todos sus defectos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Deep within the remote backlands of 19th century Brazil sits Canudos, a libertarian's paradise. Home of prostitutes, bandits, and beggars, Canudos embodies the revolutionary spirit in its purest and most apocalyptic form. In one of his most brilliant and tragic novels, Mario Vargas Llosa creates an unforgettable tale of passion, idealism, adventure, and man's struggle to be free. It is an exhaustively documented account of a historical event and a fundamental book in 20th century literature.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    198,95 kr.

    Conversación en La Catedral es algo más que un hito en el derrotero literario del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa: es un punto de referencia insoslayable, un dato fijo en la historia de la literatura actual. Zavalita y el zambo Ambrosio conversan en La Catedral. Estamos en Perú, durante el «ochenio» dictatorial del general Manuel A. Odría. Unas cuantas cervezas y un río de palabras en libertad para responder a la palabra amordazada por la dictadura.Conversación en La Catedral (1969) no es, sin embargo, una novela histórica. Sus personajes, las historias que éstos cuentan, los fragmentos que van encajando, conforman la descripción minuciosa de un envilecimiento colectivo, el repaso de todos los caminos que hacen desembocar a un pueblo entero en la frustración.Conversación en La Catedral es una cruda radiografía del envilecimiento y la frustración de la sociedad peruana bajo la presión de un poder dictatorial.«Si tuviera que salvar del fuego una sola de las [novelas] que he escrito, salvaría ésta.»Mario Vargas LlosaENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA conversation is held in the Cathedral during the Manuel A. Odría dictatorship in Peru; over beers and a sea of freely spoken words, the conversation describes the degradation and the frustration of a town. Through a complicated web of private lives, the author analyzes the mental and moral mechanisms that govern power and the people behind it. Conversación en la Catedral is more than a point of reference; it is a landmark in the history of present Literature.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    248,95 kr.

    Narra la historia paralela de dos personajes: el ordenado y entrañable Felicito Yanaqué, un pequeño empresario de Piura, que es extorsionado; y de Ismael Carrera, un exitoso hombre de negocios, dueño de una aseguradora en Lima.It tells the parallel story of two characters: the tidy and endearing Yanaque, a small businessman of Piura, which is extorted; and Ismael Carrera, a successful businessman, owner of an insurer in Lima.JUNE 2015

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    218,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREInternationally acclaimed novelist Mario Vargas Llosa has contributed a biweekly column to Spain's major newspaper, El País, since 1977. In this collection of columns from the 1990s, Vargas Llosa weighs in on the burning questions of the last decade, including the travails of Latin American democracy, the role of religion in civic life, and the future of globalization. But Vargas Llosa's influence is hardly limited to politics. In some of the liveliest critical writing of his career, he makes a pilgrimage to Bob Marley's shrine in Jamaica, celebrates the sexual abandon of Carnaval in Rio, and examines the legacies of Vermeer, Bertolt Brecht, Frida Kahlo, and Octavio Paz, among others.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    263,95 kr.

    The true story of Guatemala's political turmoil of the 1950s as only a master of fiction can tell itGuatemala, 1954. The military coup perpetrated by Carlos Castillo Armas and supported by the CIA topples the government of Jacobo Arbenz. Behind this violent act is a lie passed off as truth, which forever changes the development of Latin America: the accusation by the Eisenhower administration that Arbenz encouraged the spread of Soviet Communism in the Americas. Harsh Times is a story of international conspiracies and conflicting interests in the time of the Cold War, the echoes of which are still felt today.In this thrilling novel, Mario Vargas Llosa fuses reality with two fictions: that of the narrator, who freely re-creates characters and situations, and the one designed by those who would control the politics and the economy of a continent by manipulating its history.Harsh Times is a gripping, revealing novel that directly confronts recent history. No one is better suited to tell this riveting story than Vargas Llosa, and there is no form better for it than his deeply textured fiction. Not since The Feast of the Goat, his classic novel of the downfall of Trujillo's regime in the Dominican Republic, has Vargas Llosa combined politics, characters, and suspense so unforgettably.

  • - A Novel
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    177,95 kr.

    Mario Vargas Llosa's brilliant, multilayered novel is set in the Lima, Peru, of the author's youth, where a young student named Marito is toiling away in the news department of a local radio station. His young life is disrupted by two arrivals.The first is his aunt Julia, recently divorced and thirteen years older, with whom he begins a secret affair. The second is a manic radio scriptwriter named Pedro Camacho, whose racy, vituperative soap operas are holding the city's listeners in thrall. Pedro chooses young Marito to be his confidant as he slowly goes insane.Interweaving the story of Marito's life with the ever-more-fevered tales of Pedro Camacho, Vargas Llosa's novel is hilarious, mischievous, and masterful, a classic named one of the best books of the year by the New York Times Book Review.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    98,95 kr.

    "Velgøreren". Sådan blev han kaldt, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, som i 1930 ved et kup tog magten i Den Dominikanske Republik og fastholdt den i et brutalt jerngreb, indtil han blev myrdet af højtstående officerer i 1961. Romanen foregår i tiden omkring hans død - suppleret med erindringsglimt fra årene forud. "Mario Vargas Llosas roman om den dominikanske diktator Trujillos død er en eksemplarisk fortælling om, hvad rettidig ondskab kan udrette." Lars Bonnevie, Weekendavisen

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    108,95 kr.

    From the Nobel Laureate comes a politically charged detective novel weaving through the underbelly of Peruvian privilege, translated by Edith Grossman. In the 1990s, during the turbulent and deeply corrupt years of Alberto Fujimori's presidency, two wealthy couples of Lima's high society become embroiled in a disturbing vortex of erotic adventures and politically driven blackmail.One day Enrique, a high-profile businessman, receives a visit from Rolando Garro, the editor of a notorious magazine that specializes in salacious exposes. Garro presents Enrique with lewd pictures from an old business trip and demands that he invest in the magazine. Enrique refuses, and the next day the pictures are on the front page. Meanwhile, Enrique's wife is in the midst of a passionate and secret affair with the wife of Enrique's lawyer and best friend. When Garro shows up murdered, the two couples are thrown into a whirlwind of navigating Peru's unspoken laws and customs, while the staff of the magazine embark on their greatest expose yet.Ironic and sensual, provocative and redemptive, the novel swirls into the kind of restless realism that has become Mario Vargas Llosa's signature style. A twisting, unpredictable tale, The Neighborhood is at once a scathing indictment of Fujimori's regime and a crime thriller that evokes the vulgarity of freedom in a corrupt system.

  • - Victor Hugo and Les Miserables
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    205,95 kr.

    Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" is neglected by readers and undervalued by critics. This work helps us to appreciate the incredible ambition, power, and beauty of Hugo's masterpiece and, in the process, presents a humane vision of fiction as an alternative reality that can help us imagine a different and better world.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Felicito Yanaque has raised himself from poverty to ownership of a trucking business. His two sons work for him. He receives a threatening letter demanding protection money. The police don't take him seriously, Felicito refuses to pay up and gets sucked into a nightmare. He becomes a reluctant public hero. Then his mistress is kidnapped, and matters become seriously complicated. And he finds that his troubles have begun very close to home. His fate is interwoven with the story of Rigoberto, a wealthy Lima insurance executive. His boss and old friend, Ismael, suddenly announces that he is marrying his housekeeper, a chola from Piura, to the consternation of his twin sons, a pair of brutal wasters. Ismael escapes to Europe with his new bride, leaving Rigoberto to face the twins' threats, and their claims that he connived with a scheming woman to rob an old man of his fortune. Rigoberto is hounded by the press and TV. Meanwhile, his only son is having visions of a mysterious stranger who may or may not be the devil...

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    146,95 kr.

    Mario Vargas Llosa's A Fish in the Water is a twofold book: a memoir by one of Latin America's most celebrated writers, beginning with his birth in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru; and the story of his organization of the reform movement which culminated in his bid for the Peruvian presidency in 1990.Llosa evokes the experiences which gave rise to his fiction, and describes the social, literary, and political influences that led him to enter the political arena as a crusader for a free-market economy.A deeply absorbing look at how fact becomes fiction and at the formation of a courageous writer with strong political commitments, A Fish in the Water reveals Mario Vargas Llosa as a world figure whose real story is just beginning.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    128,95 kr.

    The Dream of the Celt explores the life of the Irish revolutionary Sir Roger Casement who was executed for treason after his involvement in the 1916 Easter Rising, travelling with its protagonist from Liverpool and Dublin to the Congo and Peru, where Casement worked as a British consul, and to London, where he ended his life in Pentonville jail.With its preoccupation with political issues and its international scope The Dream of the Celt sits firmly in the tradition of the greatest of Vargas Llosa's work.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    118,95 kr.

    The Time of the Hero has been acclaimed by critics around the world as one of the outstanding Spanish novels of recent decades. In the author's native Peru, this powerful social satire so outraged the authorities that a thousand copies were publicly burned.The novel is set in Leoncio Prado Military Academy in Lima, where a group of cadets attempt to break out of the vicious round of sadistic ragging, military discipline, confinement and boredom. But their pranks set off a cycle of betrayal, murder and revenge which jeopardizes the entire military hierarchy.'A work of undeniable power and skill.' Sunday Telegraph

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    128,95 kr.

    A frightening and impressive portrait of evil by one of Latin America's leading contemporary novelists.'A monumentally engrossing novel.' Los Angeles Times

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