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  • - A post-apocalyptic tale of America's coming economic and societal collapse.
    af Mark Goodwin
    163,95 kr.

    And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation.Amos 8:10 Thanks to Caleb's and Bristol's bravery, Cocke County has been freed from the Koontz family's greedy grip. However, in a world that is being savaged by an economically induced famine, the local criminal cartel is far from the only threat.To combat the growing crisis, President Teivel signs the Restore America Act into law. The new legislation grants emergency powers to FEMA enabling them to set up shelter and sustenance centers in all major metro areas. The Restore America Act mandates that all citizens report to the nearest relief center or face involuntary relocation. Caleb and Bristol ignore the unconstitutional order but while on a scavenging mission to gather medical supplies, they butt heads with a military patrol searching for survivors in Newport. They try to escape but to no avail. Caleb and Bristol are detained and transported to the Knoxville FEMA super complex. Trying to evade the military earns them a trip to Camp 11, Resocialization, which is set up for wayward citizens who need to be taught to appreciate what their magnanimous government is trying to do for them. Once there, they learn that Camp 11 is far from the most egregious form of FEMA's compulsory compassion. Caleb and Bristol will have to be on their toes to not get sucked further down the rat hole before they get an opportunity to escape. Don't miss this unorthodox post-apocalyptic tale set in America's near future. Get your copy today! As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!Revelation 8:13Jesus warned that the Great Tribulation would be a time of unmatched tumult and human suffering. As Emilio and Mackenzie are finding out, the Messiah's words were no hyperbole. They've survived the Seven Seal Judgements and the First Trumpet. But the coming wave of destruction foretold by the prophecies will bring about chaos they never could have imagined.Upon arriving back at the resistance compound in Kentucky, Emilio and Mackenzie discover a deep schism among the members. Multiple people are attempting to fill the power vacuum left by Hinkle's death. If the group can't work out their differences, they'll never be able to stand against the Global Order.The Third Trumpet sounds and a comet strikes the earth which releases heavy toxins into the environment. Chemicals from the asteroid leach into the ground and poison the water supply. The group rushes to find a solution, but some of the members give up and head for the nearest OASIS city in Atlanta. Emperor Lucius Alexander promises distilled water and sustenance in exchange for the souls of those who will bow only to him.As if Emilio and Mackenzie didn't have enough trouble already, they're spotted by Global Order peacekeepers while on a mission to salvage materials for a lager water distillation system. If they manage to survive the firefight, more tribulation and turmoil await. They'll need to be strong in body, mind, and spirit if they have any hope at all of surviving the coming catastrophe.As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - An Apocalyptic End Times Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. Mark 13:8When Agent Joshua Stone is called to a high-level meeting at the Department of Homeland Security, he learns about a new global order which will be transitioning into power. Stone is read in on the plan for a single planetary government and a world-wide cashless-currency, which will step in to fill the void left by the failing monetary system. To win wide acceptance by the nations of the world, the old system must first be allowed to fail, bringing about a state of global chaos never before seen by mankind. Once desperation has taken the place of pride and hubris, humanity will beg for the proposed one-world empire led by the charismatic tech guru Lucius Alexander.The United States will fall without a single shot being fired.While still considered a sovereign nation under the new global charter, America is required to make some major adjustments in order to fit in. One of the mandatory changes comes in the form of oppressive firearms restrictions. Agent Stone is tasked with infiltrating a group of anti-government nationalists to monitor their activities in the wake of the new gun ban. But what he learns from the group while working undercover causes him to question if he is on the right side of the fight.The final world empire will demand absolute loyalty.Stone will have to make an impossible choice. If he chooses to ignore the information gleaned during his time undercover, he will violate his deepest personal convictions. However, if he turns his back on the Global Union, he'll put not only his own life on the line, but also those of his wife and son.Don't miss this chilling depiction of what America will look like in the last days. Read The Beginning of Sorrows, Book One: Cabal, a heart-stopping tale of the end times, today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" Revelation 6:15-17Accused of domestic terrorism, Emilio Vega was on his way to a Department of Global Security death camp when the mega-quake hit. The streets beneath his transport vehicle buckled, tossing the van in the air like a toy. He survived the crash, but the world is now in ruins. However, for a condemned man, this disaster may be just the lucky break he needed.Emilio has been left behind!Six detainees were in the van prior to the quake. However, only Emilio and one other prisoner were still around when he regained consciousness. Emilio searched the surrounding area, but to no avail. The missing prisoners believed in an event called the rapture, when Jesus would collect His saints before raining down unbearable wrath on the planet's remaining inhabitants.Can Emilio and Mackenzie survive the gauntlet of destruction known as the Great Tribulation?Mackenzie Thompson, the other prisoner still present, is convinced that it was the rapture and that they've been left behind. She also believes a time of unparalleled torment is about to be poured out upon the earth. Emilio and Mackenzie have a place to go, but it is hundreds of miles away. The roads are unusable, and the two of them are fugitives on the run. If this truly is the Great Tribulation, it's off to a bad start.Don't miss this exciting new end-times thriller. Get your copy of Tribulation today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you are offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - A Novel of the Great Tribulation in America
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

  • - A Novel of the Great Tribulation
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    The ultimate battle which will decide the fate of Heaven and Earth has finally come. Everett and Courtney Carroll have fared better than most through the past seven years of the Great Tribulation, but the eve of Armageddon refuses to let them live out the last hours of this present age without conflict, trouble, and persistent peril. The Bible has prophesied of the Seven Vials of God's Wrath, the final judgments which will utterly destroy what's left of a decimated planet. These calamities will bring a plague of festering boils upon the followers of the Antichrist, rivers and seas will turn to blood, and a global earthquake will raze the cities of the earth to the ground. All of this in the midst of the war to end all wars. Everett and Courtney must leave their sanctuary of relative safety, but there is nowhere left to turn. And getting anywhere in these last days means traversing wastelands patrolled by Global Republic drones or crossing hostile deserts infested by the violent jihadi armies of Caliph Marwan Bakr. It won't be the first time they've been trapped between a rock and a hard place, but it might be the last! Don't miss the final chapter of this End-Times sensation which chronicles the lives of those who must endure the Great Tribulation and the unabated wrath of God!

  • - Book Two: Persecution
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    In The Days of Noah, Book Two: Persecution, a globalist conspiracy transpires by way of a false flag attack against America's energy infrastructure. Noah and Cassandra Parker witness a complete economic meltdown which is intentionally triggered by the event. The assault is blamed on patriots and Christians who are rounded up into detention centers across the country. Noah and his friends must take action to prepare for the meltdown and defend against the totalitarian regime which is gunning for their freedom, and quite possibly, their very lives.

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic Novel of the Coming Civil War in America
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    The worst has happened. Texas has fallen. It's up to Ava to get it back.Without the support of Lone Star State, the Alliance has no hope against the powerful and corrupt regime which has hijacked the majority of the United States.Still mourning her loss, Ava has seen more death and destruction than she ever bargained for. She's finished with fighting, but she may hold the key to America's survival.An unexpected visitor implores her to take on one last impossible task. If she turns down the request, it could spell the end of freedom and the Alliance, but if she accepts the challenge, victory is by no means guaranteed.Ava has endured as much heartache as she can handle, but if America dies, if the Alliance fails, things will only get worse. She has to make a choice, and she must act before the clock runs out.Don't miss the final chapter in this post-apocalyptic sensation!As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - Book Three of The Economic Collapse Chronicles
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    After a complete failure of the global economic system, Matt and Karen Bair, a struggling middle-class couple, are forced to walk away from their South Florida home and everyone they know. The US dollar has become worthless leaving the country without a functioning currency. Grocery stores are unable to resupply, government services such as police, fire, and EMS grind to a standstill, and the criminal element goes unchecked. The crumbling US government, which created the upheaval, imposes a totalitarian solution upon the survivors of the mayhem. The fading empire clutches the remnants of power in its dying hand, and the ultimate contest between liberty and tyranny reaches the apex. The lines of revolution are drawn and a vicious civil war ensues. The Bair family and their neighbors learn the true value of community as they rely on each other to survive the war and the ongoing effects of the financial meltdown. Will the collapse bring an oppressive regime that enslaves the American people, or will the patriots prevail and guide the country back to a place of freedom, peace and prosperity?

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic Techno-Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Cyber Armageddon has begun. America will not survive.Cyber Security Analyst Kate McCarthy knows something ominous is about to happen in the US banking system. She has a place to go if things get hectic, but it's far from the perfect retreat.When a new breed of computer virus takes down America's financial network, chaos and violence erupt. Access to cash disappears and credit cards become worthless. Desperate consumers are left with no means to purchase food, fuel, and basic necessities. Society melts down instantly and the threat of starvation brings out the absolute worst humanity has to offer.In the midst of the mayhem, Kate will face a post-apocalyptic nightmare that she never could have imagined. Her only reward for survival is to live another day in the gruesome new reality which has eradicated the world she once knew.As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - Apocalypse: A Novel of the Great Tribulation in America
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    After a massive wave of disappearances, twenty-six-year-old CIA analyst, Everett Carroll, finally believes what he's been told about the biblical prophecy of the rapture. But will he be able to survive the gauntlet of destruction known as the Great Tribulation? Seven seals, seven trumpets and seven vials of God's wrath are about to be poured out upon the earth, and woe to the inhabitants thereof! Global currencies have collapsed, famine and plague have claimed the lives of millions, and the world has crumbled into chaos. The only reason Everett and his girlfriend, Courtney, have survived the mayhem is because they were warned by John Jones, Everett's recently deceased boss, that all of these tragedies would occur. And what's more, through his inside knowledge at the agency, mixed with his interpretation of prophecy, Jones predicted that a world leader would ride in on a white horse to fix the ills of the planet. But who is this leader and what is his motivation for mandating the new identification implant and the global cashless currency? Everett is surprised when he finds out that Elijah, the Messianic Jewish hermit who lives on the mountain above their retreat, did not disappear along with the rest of the Christians. When he tells Everett of a special mission that God has given him, the old prophet gives Everett more questions than answers. This is the highly-anticipated follow-up series to the best-selling trilogy, The Days of Noah, which chronicles the economic, moral, and social collapse of the United States. The Days of Noah series has received 848 five-star reviews to date! The Days of Elijah, Book One: Apocalypse is a fast-paced thrill ride through the last days in America. Buy your copy of this end-times adventure today . . . if you can stomach the peril. As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this novel contains no foul language and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're more offended by biblical principles and scriptural references than profanity, this story might not be for you.

  • - Book One: Conspiracy
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Is there a secret cabal working to collapse the international economy in order to usher in a global government and one-world currency? Noah Parker, like many in the United States, has been asleep at the wheel. During his complacency, the founding precepts of America have been slowly, systematically destroyed by a conspiracy that dates back hundreds of years. The signs can no longer be ignored and Noah is forced to prepare for the cataclysmic period of financial and political upheaval ahead. Watch through the eyes of Noah as the world descends into chaos, a global empire takes shape, ancient writings are fulfilled and the last days fall upon the once great, United States of America. The Days of Noah, Book One: Conspiracy, by Mark Goodwin is a fast paced fiction thriller which looks at how modern conspiracies can play into Biblical prophecy concerning the end times.

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic, EMP-Survival Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Danny Walker's compound has survived waves of violence and the death of many key members. When Danny gets an unexpected piece of news, he pledges to put an end to the persistent threat in Charlotte. He will kill Regent Schlusser and shut down his consortium of depravity, or he will die trying. With JC still missing, a lust for revenge has worked its way into the heart and mind of Chris Castell, JC's eldest son. Will Chris function as part of the team, or will his hatred and need for vengeance derail the plan to end Schlusser's reign of terror? In this, the final battle between freedom and tyranny, the victor will determine the course of America for decades to come.

  • - Perdition
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    In The Days of Noah, Book Three: Perdition, the end times fall on America like a shadow of darkness and the last days bring an onslaught of sword, famine and plague. Biblical prophecies are fulfilled when a world leader arises to pull the nations back from the brink of disaster and usher in a new age of peace, but at what cost? In the aftermath of the collapse, America is left to flounder while the rest of the world is rebuilt under the rule of the Global Republic. Noah Parker and his family refuse to take the pledge to the world order and are thereby excluded from the one-world economy which functions using a cashless electronic currency. When the Global Republic finally arrives to begin rebuilding the former United States, Noah and the true Christian community are labeled as terrorist, hunted down like animals and forced to choose between fight or flight.

  • - Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt: Book One
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Ambitious college student, Daniel Walker, has his world turned upside down when he begins having prophetic dreams about the judgment coming upon America. Through one of his dreams, Daniel learns of an imminent threat of an EMP attack which will wipe out America's electric grid and all computerized devices, sending the country into a technological dark age. Living in a nation where all life-sustaining systems of support are completely dependent on electricity and computers, the odds for survival are dismal. Municipal water services, retail food distribution, police, fire, EMS and all emergency services will come to a screeching halt. If he wants to live through the most catastrophic period in American history, Daniel will have to race against time to get prepared, before the lights go out. Buy your copy of Behold Darkness and Sorrow and jump into this post-apocalyptic, prepper-fiction thriller, today!

  • - An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    And there went out another horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and there was given unto him a great sword. Revelation 6:4 The Second Seal is opened and an impending terrorist attack threatens to kill off a large swath of the global population. Josh and Emilio have captured one of the terrorists. Through an unsanctioned interrogation, they learn that a weaponized virus is about to be unleashed on four major cities in America. Using back channels, they pass along the information to the Special Agent in Charge of the Tampa DHS field office. However, the SAC winds up dead, leaving Josh and Emilio to neutralize the threat on their own. In the face of a weaponized pandemic, you have to stock up, hunker down, and pray like your life depends on it. Meanwhile, back at the compound, Stephanie, Micah, and the others prepare to shelter in place in case the worst happens. They must add to their provisions in the face of skyrocketing inflation. They'll have to harden the perimeter and get ready for what will be the most terrible time the planet has ever endured. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lucius Alexander knows better than to let a good crisis go to waste. He'll utilize the panic over the impending plague to expand his authority over the globe. And while no vaccine officially exists for the virus, no one in the Global Union government nor the state-run media seem to be getting sick. Don't miss this exciting continuation of The Beginning of Sorrows saga. Get your copy of World Order today! As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    America has fallen! Ava's band of misfits is all that stands between freedom and absolute tyranny.Political division in the United States has reached the boiling point and the Second American Civil War is underfoot. Communist agitators have been successful in their efforts to intimidate voters from key states. The worst has happened. A far-left socialist candidate has stolen the reins of power, and his designs against the republic are absolute. With a sympathetic congress, he will sign in sweeping bans on firearms, criminalize free speech, and institute a new government agency to root out dissenters.Ava's group pledges to launch an insurgency campaign against the occupying force in Texas, but they'll have to watch out for those who have been tasked with purging the patriots.A handful of freedom-loving governors and congressmen take a stand against the tyrannical administration by succeeding from the Union. They represent an America who wishes to live in peace and live free. But that idea flies in the face of everything the dictatorial regime holds dear.Ava's team cannot fail in their mission to liberate Texas. If Texas falls, America's demise is all but certain.As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - A post-apocalyptic tale of America's coming economic and societal collapse.
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities. Lamentations 5:7 Caleb and Bristol escaped a near-death experience in Los Angeles. But unfortunately, the chaos is not exclusive to California. A cataclysmic economic and societal collapse is metastasizing across the country and has permeated the small, isolated town where Caleb and Bristol seek refuge. Caleb and Bristol endure a harrowing cross-country road trip fraught with peril, scarcity, and danger to find Caleb's grandparents. When they arrive, the kinfolk Caleb finds is not at all what he expected. But the global financial system is coming unraveled and they'll have to make the best of the hand they've been dealt. Caleb learns that Los Angeles isn't the only place in America where maniacal miscreants have risen to power. The tentacles of the Koontz family are intertwined with local government positions as well as many Cocke County businesses. Likewise, their name seems to pop up at every misfortune around town. Caleb does his best to avoid the Koontzs, but when evasion ceases to be an option, Caleb will have to choose between fight or flight. A showdown between good and evil is coming. Yet in a world filled with darkness, the lines separating the two can get blurry. Don't miss the latest instalment in the new post-apocalyptic saga, Lamentations for the Fallen. Get your copy of Reckoning today!

  • - A Novel of the Coming Civil War in America
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    The Second American Civil War Has Begun!The deck is stacked against twenty-nine-year-old Ava. She's a fighter, but she's got trust issues and doesn't always make the best decisions. Her personal complications aren't without merit, but America is on the verge of a second civil war, and Ava must pull it together if she wants to survive.The tentacles of the deep state have infiltrated every facet of American culture. The public education system, entertainment industry, and mainstream media have all been hijacked by a shadow government intent on fomenting a communist revolution in the United States. The antagonistic message of this agenda has poisoned the minds of America's youth who are convinced that capitalism and conservatism are responsible for all the ills of the world. Violent protest, widespread destruction, and politicians who insist on letting the disassociated vent their rage will bring America to her knees, threatening to decapitate the laws, principles, and values on which the country was founded. The revolution has been well-planned, but the socialists may have underestimated America's true patriots who refuse to give up without a fight.Ava's had a hard life . . . and it's about to get a whole lot tougher!Ava has just lost her adoptive mother to cancer. She has no idea who her biological father is and her adoptive dad walked out on his family for the sweet young thing at the office fifteen years ago. With such a long history of loss and abandonment, it's understandable why she's hesitant to put her faith in people. Ava refuses to give in to fear, but she simply cannot survive on her own. She must deal with her crisis of faith and learn to trust others, or she'll never make it through the bloodiest period of America's history.Don't miss this chilling tale of America's Civil War 2.0!As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic Techno Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    A maniacal war lord. A rogue military commander. Two insufferable evils and one impossible choice.After a brutal attack on their neighborhood, Kate McCarthy's group struggles to cope with the loss of several members. The military promises to abolish lawlessness, but if that includes confiscating all firearms, the cure may be worse than the disease. There only hope may be in an unholy alliance with a local gang leader.This is Kate's last chance to salvage a glimmer of hope from the ash heap of civilization.Kate reaches out for help from a nearby friend and learns of yet another wave of cyber-attacks. The next strike threatens to finish off the nation which is still reeling from the previous assaults. The federal government and society at large are hanging on by a thread. Like a plague of locusts, the coming round of computer viruses will destroy the last vestige of civility and order, leaving nothing but chaos and death in their wake. Kate and her group are determined not to give up, but they have a tough road ahead. Survival is by no means guaranteed.Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the Cyber Armageddon series. Get your copy today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Adventure
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Following a crippling EMP attack against the US, and a long, merciless journey, college student turned survivalist, Danny Walker, finally makes it to his secure, rural location. No sooner does Danny arrive than he is given another petrifying prophetic vision of the chaos still to come. Hunger, despair, and panic will push desperate people to commit unthinkable acts against their fellow human beings. The country has been brought to its knees and the thin veneer of civility has been torn to shreds by the savagery lurking just below the surface. God's providence and glory have been stripped away from the once-great United States of America, and the few remaining survivors come to understand just how dependent they were upon the blessings of the Almighty. With no electricity, computers, law enforcement, grocery stores, medical services, or other systems of support, Danny's group will have to prepare to endure the coming onslaught of violence and upheaval. Danny has survived the EMP, but will he live through the most vicious era in US history? Buy Ichabod, Book Two of Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt today, and immerse yourself in a near-future, post-apocalyptic America!

  • af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Matt and Karen Bair thought they were prepared for anything, but can they survive a total collapse of the economic system? If they want to live through the crisis, they

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic EMP-Survival Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Danny Walker's survival retreat has been devastated by violence since the detonation of the EMP. A megalomaniacal warlord has stepped in to fill the vacuum of authority left by the utter collapse of society. Regent Schlusser's designs on absolute power have already brought him to Danny's doorstep once, leaving a trail of blood and heartbreak in his wake. Another conflict with the malicious dictator will spell certain death for the remaining members of the compound. Danny's only hope is to infiltrate Schlusser's camp and bring him down from the inside. It's a risky proposition. If he is caught, he'll be executed as a spy, but there is no other alternative. In this epic struggle between good and evil, Danny's mettle will be tested, his faith will be tried, and he'll have to dig deep for the courage to continue.

  • af Mark Goodwin
    123,95 kr.

    When 911 is no longer available, will you be able to protect your family from the unthinkable?We live in a dangerous world. Solar flares, EMPs, and cyber-attacks threaten to permanently disable the US power grid. Political dialogue has broken down in America. Hostilities between the left and right are at their worst since the first US Civil War, pushing our society to the brink of another internal conflict. US debt is at $22 trillion, looming over an imminent currency collapse. And every year, more localized catastrophes happen. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and wild fires leave thousands without the most basic necessities or the ability to call 911.Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics will give you the tools you need to put together a basic security plan for your homestead, neighborhood, or group retreat to keep the wolves at bay. Learn from US Army Veteran David Kobler and Preparedness Expert Mark Goodwin how to secure the people and property that matter to you. Do it today, before it's too late.

  • - A Novel of America's Coming Financial Nightmare
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    The same flames that consume the chaff will purify the silver.Unlike many of the people in their compound, Shane, Julianna, and Cole are still alive. However, their trial by fire is far from over.The replacement currency has failed and America is crumbling from within. Roving gangs scour the country, preying on small towns which are too weak and unprepared to fend off their carnivorous attacks.When one such band of ruffians shows up in Sylva, NC, Shane and Julianna will have to strike a decisive blow before they are subjugated into slavery.A spark has found a bed of tinder. The inferno of chaos may never stop burning.If they are successful in their campaign against the lawless criminal biker gang, the next challenge will be taking on the IMF's special commission, which is tasked with selling off all of the country's assets in what amounts to a national bankruptcy. Profiteers swoop in like vultures ready to harvest the still-beating heart of America. With carte-blanche privileges, the pillagers make their own laws, take what they want, and force US citizens to carry out the abominable work of draining America dry of all her resources.Will this blaze of destruction thaw Julianna's frigid heart?No matter how hard he tries to push it out of his mind, Shane can't stop wondering what it would be like to hold Julianna in his arms. She has warmed somewhat, but still keeps him at arms' length. Yet, the more he allows himself to dream about the family which could be, the more distracted he becomes from the mission at hand. If he fails to keep Julianna, Cole, and himself alive, nothing else will matter anyway.Don't miss the heart-stopping conclusion to the Black Swan trilogy. Read Gehenna today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.-Revelation 6:8 A plan to take down the New World Order.When Solomon calls in a favor, Josh is obligated to hold up his end of the bargain. He quickly regrets binding himself and the group to the open-ended agreement after hearing what Solomon has in mind. The mission is not only dangerous and foolish, but Josh considers it to be down-right impossible.All that glitters is not gold.Lucius Alexander's OASIS cities are living up to their names by providing security, healthcare, food, shelter, and even recreation. But admission to these modern utopias come at a cost. Residents must accept the Ministry of Religion's new global standard for worship. For most Christians in the US, it isn't a problem. However, some faithful followers refuse to adhere.Lucius Alexander is revealed as a man bent on conquest.A new strain of Red Virus is threatening the globe. Citizens are required to keep their digital certificates up-to-date by taking the latest version of the vaccine. Those who refuse are denied access to food and banned from entering OASIS cities. To make matters worse, the person who the world is calling the Prince of Peace is instigating a war with the new Eastern Trade Organization. China and Russia are calling the shots for the ETO and the conflict is about to go nuclear!Don't miss the pulse-pounding conclusion of The Beginning of Sorrows saga!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - A Post-Apocalyptic Novel of the Great Tribulation
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    Everett and Courtney Carroll have endured to the midpoint of the Great Tribulation. The previous Seal and Trumpet Judgments have left the planet in shambles. The western hemisphere is nearly uninhabitable. The prophet Elijah gives Everett a special mission, which will give him a unique role in fulfilling end-times prophecy, but he'll have to survive the coming cataclysms first. Angelo Luz breaks the treaty he made with the nations, declaring himself to be God. A plague of stinging locusts rises up from the smoke of the bottomless pit. And a 200-million-man army of radical jihadists wages a holy war against humanity itself! Everett and Courtney's trials and tribulations thus far have been a walk in the park compared to what's coming. Don't miss this edge-of-your-seat epic thrill ride that promises to make your heart race and your hair stand on end!

  • - A Novel of America's Coming Financial Nightmare
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    America's financial doomsday. A wayward son. The epic struggle to survive.Country music icon Shane Black is this year's headliner for the New Year's Eve bash in Times Square, but when violent riots break out, he'll need more than a six string to escape New York City.After decades of abuse as the world's reserve currency, the US Dollar's day of reckoning is at hand. Without a functioning monetary system to purchase basic goods, society rapidly descends into abject chaos. Protests, looting, and bloodletting take the place of civility in a country which becomes thoroughly unhinged.Thrust into an apocalyptic gauntlet of terror, Shane must resort to savage brutality to get out of Manhattan alive.Could the impending currency collapse be the broken road that leads him home?Shane left everyone and everything he knew to chase the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He found fortune and fame but can't forgive himself for abandoning his hometown sweetheart, Julianna. She moved on years ago, but when Julianna shares a secret with Shane, it changes his life forever.The coming economic meltdown will bring America to her knees.The impending pension crisis proves to be the catalyst which pushes the US economy to the brink. With no other tools at their disposal, the Federal Government is forced to print an unprecedented amount of new currency. Faith in the dollar erodes and the dominos start falling.Don't miss this chilling glimpse into America's future. Read Black Swan, a pulse-pounding tale of redemption and survival, today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

  • - Book Two of The Economic Collapse Chronicles
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    The blood of patriots and tyrants is destined to be spilled in a struggle over the remains of The United States. America has entered into a full scale financial meltdown. Matt and Karen Bair race to get prepared to navigate a complete currency collapse and the social disruptions that come with it. Having relocated to a rural area in Kentucky, the Bairs fare much better than the unfortunate masses still trapped in the cities. In an effort to cling to power, President Anthony Howe announces the confiscation of provisions and guns. Several states, led by liberty-loving Senator Paul Randall, stand up to assert their sovereignty. Knowing the intentions of the Federal Government, Matt, Adam and Wesley Bair train with the local militia who have determined to draw a line in the sand and defend the last remnants of liberty. The political conflict escalates into military aggression and the gloves come off.

  • - A Novel of America's Coming Financial Nightmare
    af Mark Goodwin
    168,95 kr.

    When the rule of law fails, dishonest politicians get even dirtier. Shane and Julianna can't compete with the debased dictators of Jackson County unless they are willing to bend a few rules of their own. Shane Black escaped the city by the skin of his teeth. But his well-stocked mountain retreat is now the target of a local despot who gained power through bribes, payoffs, and shady politics. Mayor Hayes had few scruples before the collapse. Now that he's the only law around, he's down-right ornery.Road trips are always a bad idea in the apocalypse. But sometimes, it's the only option.Shane's group spent a massive amount of resources battling it out with the corrupt local government. Without fuel to keep security patrols running, everything they fought for will be lost. Shane must head up a caravan in search of the vital commodity to keep the town alive. The trip promises peril at every turn, but if they don't go, everyone is dead anyway.The new world is fertile ground for old feelings.Julianna and Shane are forced to work together closely. Will her heart soften toward him or will she hang on to her grudge? Being so near to her, yet feeling pushed so far away proves to be a thorn of constant sorrow for Shane. Despite his heartache, he mustn't allow it to distract him from the mission at hand.Don't miss this heart-stopping tale of the coming currency collapse! Start reading today and get a glimpse of the dark future in store for America.As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

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