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Bøger af Mark Reed

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  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn PowerShell Step-By-Step
    af Mark Reed
    243,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    288,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Neural Networks Step-By-Step
    af Mark Reed
    243,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - The ultimate crash course to learn Linux, system administration, network security, and cloud computing with examples and exercises
    af Mark Reed
    218,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn Docker Step-By-Step
    af Mark Reed
    179,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    198,95 kr.

    Will anyone know we actually lived here in the UK or USA or Europe in 1000 years time? Who remembers anything about the average citizen who lived in the UK 1000 years ago? 1000 years ago was approximately the time of the Battle of Hastings, 1066, most schoolchildren and adults in the Western World know of this date. The unfortunate King Harold Godwinson of England, who was an Anglo - Saxon, fought Duke William, later King William 1st of Normandy on the bloody Hill of Senlac Wood near Battle in Sussex and sadly lost his life and his kingdom to the French speaking Norman conquerors . So, let us say that out of 100 people about 70 would know of this fact and know the names of King Harold and King William. There was a famous tapestry known as the Bayeux Tapestry which told the famous story of the battle on the tapestry, practically cartoon like, as the graphics of the 11th century were not very advanced, no photo shop, no desk top publishing in those days. However who has remembered the local free peasant farmers, such as Sigrid Beowulfsson of the small hamlet of Wynchsea near Hastings. He had a pregnant wife, Berta to worry about, the price of corn had fallen again due to bumper crops that summer. Vikings had raided the coast the previous year and caused havoc with the foreign merchants who would now not be willing to buy his surplus corn at Hastings market. All these troubles were causing him lack of sleep and constant worry and were a big problem for him and his worried wife, Berta. No one remembers Sigrid's problems because, firstly he was probably illiterate and couldn't read or write, only the village priest could read and write, and probably then only some poor Latin and maybe old English. Secondly even if he could write very few people, apart from monks and priests would bother to write a diary of their daily lives, until much later, possibly not until the 13th or 14th centuries and even then it was mostly nobles, priests, monks and royal scribes writing things down. Most of what we know of life in the dim and distant 11th century was from the Doomsday Book, commissioned by King William 1st as a list of all the property, cattle, sheep, foodstuffs and all the contents of England. It was produced so that King William could tax the poor conquered English and he could pour the riches of England into his royal coffers. My idea for this book, or rather two books is that firstly this book studies the minutiae of life in the UK ( as I live in the UK ), however it could relate to anywhere in the Western World today and the idea is that this book will be published now and copies made in a form of printed metal sheets on Titanium ( or similar long lasting metal or a long lasting carbon plastic ) and the two books will be put into a time capsule under one of the lions in Trafalgar Square, in Central London, or as near as I can get it buried with Boris Johnson's ( the current Mayor of London ) blessing. The time capsule would not be opened until the year 3,012 so that the citizens of Novus Londinium (the name for London in 1000 years time) would be able to know how we savages and barbarians lived out our little lives back here in the petrol soaked haze of the 21st Century. This book would be the 21st Century version of a sort of Samual Pepys Diary discussing all the tiniest items that make up our lives in the 21st Century. I have tried to include some wit and humour into this book to make it amusing and more readable. I have compared life in our century to life in Roman, Medieval, Georgian and modern times. I have also written a sister book called, "Diary of a 21st Century Proletariat " which is an ongoing day by day diary of my life and all its little trials and tribulations . I have also included day by day news updates to show what was happening in the wider world at the same time as what was happening in my little world. A website has also been created to go with this series of books

  • - Motivational Moments
    af Mark Reed
    88,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of poems thoughts, affirmatons and pictures. For reflection and easy reading

  • - following your True Self on a Journey of Spiritual Awakening
    af Mark Reed
    158,95 kr.

    Next to the Infinite, the most powerful force in the universe is within your consciousness, your being. Like God, it can move mountains, create peace, and change your world. You long to be guided by this internal powerful force. Your intuition is always gravitating toward it. It is your "True You." In this new spiritual work, author/teacher/licensed spiritual practitioner, Mark Reed shows you the escape route from suffering, pain, fear, guilt, shame, and belief in lack or limitation via your inner spiritual power. "The True You: Following your True-Self on a Journey of Spiritual Awakening" focuses on topics like surrender, acceptance of Reality, relinquishment of the ego, unconditional love, affirmative prayer, meditation, unity, unwavering faith, and "taking back" your mind. Based in the spiritual principles of The Science of Mind, A Course in Miracles, and the 12 Steps, it's jam-packed with personal stories, testimonials, on-target anecdotes, and empowering affirmations. This is not just a book; it's a mystical spiritual experience filled with universal truth, practical spirituality, and light-hearted humor. Your True You has your back...and front...and everything in between.

  • af Mark Reed
    195,95 kr.

    This book has been written to be a self help book so that the public in general can protect themselves from the worst effects of the next Icelandic volcanic eruptions. We have already seen in March & April of 2010 what a small volcanic eruption did when Eyjafjallajokull blew up and caused chaos over the skies of Europe and North America. This was the least harmful perhaps of all 18 - 25 massive strato volcanoes some of which I believe could erupt in the next 5 years. Ones like Katla which are linked to EJ (short version of Eyjafjallajokull) are about 10 times bigger than EJ.Then there is Laki which erupted in 1783 and 1784 and caused a huge cloud of yellow poison mustard gas to spread over Europe potentially killing about 1 million people and yet no one today knows about this volcano, this is one of the biggest killers the world has ever known possibly killing up to 6 million people worldwide due to its effects upon the Jet stream and Monsoon rains and yet only a handful of Nordic Volcanologists and scientists seem to know about it. My book will educate the public to the dangerous relationship between human civilizations and volcanic eruptions which have profoundly changed the way previous civilizations and historical eras progressed or collapsed as the case may be.

  • af Mark Reed
    78,95 kr.

    An exercise book to help learn and practice the caged system for guitar players

  • - The unabridged diaries of Mark Reed living in the 21st Century for the benefit of those people living in the 31st Century ACE
    af Mark Reed
    198,95 kr.

    This book is intended to be a sort of time capsule (in literary terms as well as actually being in a physical time capsule) as to how people lived, worked, played, thought and generally co existed with each other in the 21st Century. It is a sort of "lite" "Samuel Pepys Diary" of the 21st Century or a 21st Century "Bayeux Tapestry" of our lives and times and trials and tribulations. In 1000 years time the idea is that the time capsule will be opened and this book and a few other choice 21st century items will pop out and delight the assembled dignitaries with these archaic documents and objects. Think of how archaeologists in Egypt open a sealed tomb, such as Tutankhamen's tomb opened by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter in 1922. The objects were beautiful including, gold ornaments, precious stones, wooden items, chairs, even a ship was found in the hidden tomb. The objects transfixed society when they were found and made ordinary people think about the life of this boy pharaoh that lived three and half thousand years ago in distant Egypt. I am hoping that my book will throw a light on the trivial and minutiae way that we live our lives in this century so as to captivate a future generation with what it was really like to live in today's world, which to the citizens of 31st century London or New York will be a primitive and possibly as prehistoric as we now think of everyday life in ancient Egypt or Anglo Saxon Britain in 1066. We cannot even begin to try and think as to how people will be living in 1000 years time, could the Pharaoh 3500 years ago have in any way imagined as to how we live our lives today, the cars, airplanes, telephones, medicines, computers, it would all seem like magic and sorcery to him. It would be totally unimaginable. You might say that there are already records of how we live today from newspapers, TV news footage, other books, Wikipedia, and the like. I would agree that future generations might know who was our Queen and who was Prime Minister, however it is doubtful if they would know what it was like to get on a stuffy crowded Northern Line Underground Train in the rush hour or what it was like to actually work in a 21st century office or go for a walk in the local park. All these things cannot be shown on a newsreel or documentary programme. I have gone into some detailed minutiae of how we live, work, have fun, play. What we think about. How we socialise and interact with each other our fears and hopes for our children and much more details and musings and general asides and ramblings to enlighten and to entertain, hopefully this generation of readers and the future generations of readers. "The diary of a 21st Century Prole" is a day by day diary of my life, times and experiences since beginning this epic task in 2011. This companion diary covers 2011 and 2012 and already covers major changes in my life from working in Clapham Junction in 2011 to now working in Gerrards Cross and many other changes in my life as they occur, (each year for the foreseeable future another edition will be written). I am hoping that by reading both books and more diaries as they are completed, today's generation will be amused and entertained by my antics and travails and future generations will be enthralled by such issues as, "getting a seat on The Northern Line" or "purchasing a SubWay sandwich for lunch ? " The areas covering office politics are simply Machiavellian (very complex and complicated) in nature and show people exactly what it was like during the cut and thrust of today's office politics in an open plan office. To the mind of a citizen of 31st century USA or Euro Land our way of life will seem primitive and barbaric, full of people dying from cancers and diseases that will have been eradicated by then. We feel that millions of people died senselessly from ailments such as the common cold and influenza in the 18th and 19th centuries as they did not know about antibiotics and other drugs

  • af Mark Reed
    98,95 kr.

    In this riveting, best-selling tale of "shocking violence, depraved sexuality and unlimited power," Justin Cormier decides to replace his college arch-rival Jeff Cleghorn as the Chief White House Intern, with fatal results for Jeff!

  • af Mark Reed
    263,95 kr.

    Published by CUSTOM BOOK PUBLICATIONS Classic imprint . ...entangled and enthralling! Guy Lucan is working on a dull and uninspiring rail consultancy project based in the Great Karoo desert of South Africa when circumstances change radically, and he becomes embroiled in a complex financial plot to short the share price of a respected listed logistics company. Guy befriends a dazzling investment banker in Sandton who introduces him to her homeland of Swaziland, and her royal African heritage. Lucan's work puts both himself and Princess Thandi in personal danger from a syndicate of avaricious financiers and hardened mercenaries. Guy Lucan's work in post Apartheid South Africa leads him to uncover one of the world's most ambitious railway crimes amongst romance and danger... .. .. .. .. ..

  • af Mark Reed
    263,95 kr.

    Published by CUSTOM BOOK PUBLICATIONS Classic Imprint RED GOLD Guy Lucan is assigned to investigate rail freight business on the original Cecil Rhodes 'Cape to Cairo' railway. Copper is the bedrock of the cargo running over the three thousand kilometre corridor to Indian Ocean ports for export. Smuggling the Red Gold out of the interior and evading government taxes has been a petty criminal activity for years but when an organised Chinese crime syndicate systematically moves tonnes illegally, murder and kidnap is added to their crimes. Beguiling twin sisters divert Guy Lucan's attention and he becomes the target of the Hong Kong triad who plan his execution. He only escapes from the 'Heart of Darkness' by an unlikely combination of chance circumstances. Guy Lucan's role as railway investigator again becomes a mix of Sherlock Holmes and James Bond as he follows the Red Gold trail!

  • af Mark Reed
    238,95 kr.

    Published by CUSTOM BOOK PUBLICATIONS BLOOD WOOD Guy Lucan is an English railway engineer employed by a New York based consulting firm. Posted to Madagascar as part of a World Bank contract, he is to assist with regeneration of the island's 100 year old French colonial railway network. His love of Malagsay life soon develops, and quickly he understands the challenges of managing an antique transport system in Africa. Soon after his arrival, the State railway is unexpectedly purchased by an emerging local business magnate linked to the Mauritian mafia. Guy discovers the railway is being used to export shipments of illegally logged Rosewood from Madagascar. As he learns more about how the new owner is using the trains to hide these exports and launder millions of dollars of criminal funds, his life is threatened when he is kidnapped by the loggers. Escaping from capture seems impossible but... Guy Lucan's role as the railway Director General becomes a mix of Sherlock Holmes and James Bond as the conspiracy deepens ... powerful and persuasive! .. .. ..

  • - The Guitarists Guide to the Circle of Fifths
    af Mark Reed
    78,95 kr.

    The Guitarists guide to the Circle of Fifths. A short review on how to create the circle and how to use it in finding scale notes. Transposing to chords to different keys. Modulating between keys

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Linux Command Line Fast with No Prior Experience
    af Mark Reed
    183,95 kr.

    Are you a newcomer to Linux? Do you want to learn Linux quickly and easily?Are you looking for a step-by-step guide that is practical & easy-to-understand?If yes, then this book is for you!If you want to learn Linux faster than everyone else, while learning in a simple way, look no further! Becoming adept at a computer language can be a challenge when you are first starting out, but with Linux you will find a simple yet effective instruction manual with all the essentials tools.This guide aims to make it simple for you to begin your journey, regardless of your skills or expertise. Each chapter of this book builds on the previous chapters in an easy step-by-step approach.1. You will study theory and how to put it into practice RIGHT NOW.2. You will not only find a simple instruction manual that doesn't just concentrate on theory and boring explanations, but also a dynamic and interactive GUIDE that offers solid practical experience as well.3. All the essential tools to learn Linux for complete beginnersIn Linux -The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Linux Command Line Fast with No Prior Experience you will discover: Introduction to LinuxHow to Install LinuxCreating a User in LinuxSystem Administration CommandsAdvanced Sysadmin CommandsUser Management CommandsLinux SecurityNetwork Monitoring in LinuxHow to program with LinuxShell ScriptingCloud Computing with LinuxAnd much, much more...With this practical guide, start using Linux quickly and efficiently and increase your performance.If you want to access the best knowledge on Linux and learn well & fast, then you need to start this guide today! Click the BUY button and download the book now to start learning Linux!

  • - A PersonalJourney
    af Mark Reed
    78,95 kr.

    A personal insight into the use of NLP to create positive experiences in life

  • - The little guide to mortgage borrowing
    af Mark Reed
    78,95 kr.

    A little guide to mortgage borrowing in the UK

  • - a small book of contemplation
    af Mark Reed
    78,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn C++ Programming Step-by-Step
    af Mark Reed
    323,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn DevOps Step-By-Step
    af Mark Reed
    243,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Effectively Learn Kubernetes Step-By-Step
    af Mark Reed
    179,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - The ultimate beginners guide to effectively learn Java programming step-by-step
    af Mark Reed
    175,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    193,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    193,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    193,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    193,95 kr.

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