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Bøger af Mark West

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  • af Mark West
    268,95 kr.

    Every believer has been given the opportunity to know God because of Jesus Christ and His work. This book is designed to highlight how to make this a daily reality. We can listen to and hear God speak. You will find answers to the most important questions in how to hear God speak and learn to grow in your relationship with Him as you become familiar with His voice. Let your journey begin today with the help found in these pages.

  • af Mark West
    143,95 kr.

    Twenty years ago at college, Martin, Paul, Jane, and Gwen were members of the GLUE Club - the Gaffney Legendary Urban Explorers - run by the charismatic Tom. Now, following his mysterious death, they agree to meet up again and undertake one final exploration to honour his name. Aside from Paul who never left, none of them have been back to Gaffney since and the reunion is awkward, re-opening old wounds. As they begin to explore the long-abandoned Pocock Factory, it seems they might be intruding on something better left alone. As they succumb to the spirits in the darkness, it quickly becomes a battle to see who will survive the night...

  • af Mark West
    98,95 kr.

    "Nur Worte können aufdecken, was im Verborgenen liegt und Taten sind endgültig." Schonungslos lotet Mark West seine Seele aus und offenbart Tiefen und Untiefen des Menschseins. Von Selbstzweifeln geplagt, kann das Sichtbarmachen der Schattenseiten des Ich eine reinigende Wirkung haben.

  • af Mark West
    148,95 kr.

    The stars have always held a fascination. The yearly rotation of the constellations guides ceremonies, rites, symbols, prepares for the harvest and sows the fields. More than merely celestial bodies, they seem to have some uncanny relationship to the affairs of humanity. The signs that designate the zodiac may portend good but every star sign has its dark side. An association seen both in popular culture and criminality. As the stars wheel through the seasons, we grow older. Some grow wiser, others stranger. Some choose to listen to the better angels of their nature. Others brood over the fires of anger, cruelty, revenge. In the end, though, the course of the stars, and our fate, is fixed. A grinning skull punches its way through the belly of the sundial. A skeletal hand points towards the ultimate destination: The grave...

  • af Mark West
    98,95 kr.

    Polly had walked out, leaving her cheating husband and hollow marriage behind, taking only the case she'd already packed - everything else could wait. She flew to Paris to visit Notre Dame and open the next chapter in her life. Dale be dammed. And Paris was everything she needed and more. The grandeur of the ancient city, the Seine and the people. This was the start of something special. Something new. But why did she keep running into a strange man? She had named him Mr Creepy because his smile made her skin crawl. It was probably her imagination, but still... And now she had made new friends, like Katrina and Francois. Never mind their stories about a 'neck-tie murderer' stalking the backstreets of Paris. She was going to have fun. Plain and simple. What could possibly go wrong?

  • - Ein Tatsachenroman
    af Mark West
    98,95 kr.

    Dr. Mark West gibt in diesem Tatsachenroman dem Leser einen ungeschminkten Einblick in das Innere einer chirurgischen Universitätsklinik. Vordergründig erscheint Dr. West in der durch Erfolgsdruck und Egozentrik geprägten Klinikatmosphäre als selbstbewusster und zielstrebiger Arzt und Vorgesetzter. Im Umgang mit seiner Ehefrau und in seiner Angst um das Wohlergehen der durch ihn vernachlässigten Tochter deutet sich eine bedrohliche Melancholie an. Er reflektiert zunehmend über die Verlogenheit und die Absurdität des Klinikalltags. Die scheinbare Unwichtigkeit des individuellen Patienten und das Spiel mit Leben und Tod im Operationssaal stehen in Kontrast zu dem intimen Verhältnis, das zu einzelnen Patienten aufgebaut wird. Egon Altar litt an einem Gliom. Der Versuch ihn zu retten endete in einer Katastrophe.

  • - A Guide To Managing And Understanding Emotions Within Yourself And Others To Achieve Happiness, Great Relationships And Success In Life!
    af Mark West
    108,95 kr.

    If you desire success in all areas of your life then it is essential that you have emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions as well as recognizing and identifying the emotions of others so that you can influence thinking and behavior. Studies done in the area of emotional intelligence have found that when it comes to being happy, successful in your career and relationships emotional intelligence is actually more important than your IQ or intelligence quotient. IQ is important, but what good does it do you if you have a high IQ but you are terribly out of touch with yourself and others? Having emotional intelligence bridges this gap and will allow you to not only get in touch with your own emotions and learn how to effectively manage them but it will enable you to also be in tune with the emotions of others.So how do you develop or refine your emotional intelligence? In his book entitled Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Understanding Emotions Within Yourself and Others to Achieve Happiness, Great Relationships And Success In Life! author Mark West show you step by step how to build your EI muscle. If you want to exert influence in your life and your world, if you want to master conflict resolution, if you want to gain a deeper understanding of other people's perspectives, then this book is the perfect guide for you. After reading it you will be able to identify dangerous people or situations before they happen to you, and you will also develop a skill for identifying problems before they even begin. In addition, you will greatly decrease your vulnerability in situations where you have to deal with other people and finally you will be able to deal better with aggressive behaviors as they show up in your life. These are critical parts of yourself to develop if you are to avoid conflict, or resolve it amicably.

  • af Mark West
    92,95 kr.

    Ten years on from its first publication, this special edition features the eleven short stories originally published plus an introduction by the author and a bonus short story. With stories ranging from the dark delights of "Infantophobia" and "Speckles", to the bleak narrative of "Empty Souls, Drowning" and "The City In The Rain", by way of the gruesome "Having A Bad Day", this is a welcome revisit to a volume out-of-print since 2004. Table of Contents Infantophobia Having A Bad Day Empty Souls, Drowning Dead Skin Speckles Up For Anything Together Forever The Darkest Hour The City In The Rain Dreaming Of A Black Christmas Beach plus - A Quiet Weekend Away Story Notes Publishing History

  • af Mark West
    233,95 kr.

  • af Mark West
    228,95 kr.

  • af Mark West
    148,95 kr.

    A week in a seedy caravan at 'The Good Times Holiday Park' is not exactly the holiday sixteen-year-old Sam has been dreaming of, but he knows his mum is struggling and doing the best she can. At least he meets someone his own age to hang out with - Polly - but neither of them is prepared for the strangeness that ensues. Beautifully paced and full of deft touches that bring the 1980s setting to life, Visions of Ruin is set during a rainy weekend at a caravan park on the edge of rundown seaside town. The author conjures a tale of subtle horror, of quiet horror. There is no gore or melodrama here, though plenty of tension. This isn't a story that seeks to shock at every turn, but one that steadily unsettles, with a sense of mounting foreboding, as we witness the effects of unexpected events and disquieting phenomena on a cast of fully believable characters fumbling their way through life. The climatic denouement is skillfully handled, with an outcome that might just surprise you."A taut ghost story that transported me back to the 80s, with plenty to intrigue and unsettle along the way. A pleasure to read, with a terrifically neat ending." - Alison Littlewood

  • - Living the Sermon on the Mount, Transforming American Culture
    af Mark West
    151,95 - 318,95 kr.

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