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  • af Martin Kuengienda
    490,95 kr.

    Ressources humainesAu cours des dernières décennies, la fonction Ressources Humaines a connu d'importants changements d'ordre qualitatif. Directement influencée par la situation économique, cette fonction voit ses objectifs remaniés suivant la recherche de compétitivité des entreprises et de performances des salariés.Face aux défis économiques, sociaux et technologiques du XXIème siècle, la qualité du MRH (management des ressources humaines) est un facteur clé de succès essentiel. De ce point de vue, les dirigeants savent que l'engagement optimal des salariés donne à l'entreprise un avantage compétitif déterminant.Cet ouvrage permet aux professionnels, étudiants et chercheurs de maîtriser d'abord la révolution numérique ensuite la transformation de la fonction RH pour répondre aux défis de la troisième révolution industrielle et autres.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    543,95 kr.

    Leadership Coaching: - A strategy for success?At a time when the quality of being, and of being together, is becoming a major growth and sustainability issue for all organizations and human communities. It provides all those who have to manage a support relationship (with individuals, teams or organizations) - coaches, managers, trainers, educators, executives - with original, relevant concepts and tools to help people transform and build themselves. Fully-assumed freedom and responsibility are the common thread running through this process of meaning-generating alliance.The contents of this book should be of interest to coaches in training or in practice. They will find in it as many points of support for "theorizing their practice" and "practicing their theory". Whether therapists, trainers, teachers, coaches, social workers or consultants, we hope that all those whose job it is to support others will also find food for thought in the contents of this book.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    458,95 kr.

    Organizational behaviorOrganizational behavior analysis aims to explore the impact of individuals, groups and structures on the various behaviors of the players in an organization, with a view to improving its effectiveness.Organized around the 4 key dimensions of the discipline: the individual, the group, the organization, and transversal dynamics. The book offers numerous practical examples and different perspectives on managerial analysis. Organizational Behaviors projects students, professionals and researchers into an international context - thanks to the original American version - while integrating European and French specificities - thanks to the work of adaptation.In fine ... Developing these skills will enable you to progress in your career, regardless of : - The job; - The field; - And the job level.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    458,95 kr.

    Leadership theories Classic and contemporary modelsThe development of leadership skills is a major issue in today's ever-changing society. The central idea is that the type of leadership depends above all on the characteristics of the employees. If they are competent and motivated, delegation or participative leadership can be envisaged. If, on the other hand, they are less competent and less motivated, authoritarian or motivational leadership will be more appropriate.This book provides a synthetic and sometimes critical account of the history and diversity of leadership theories applied to organizations and the exercise of power. It also takes a forward-looking look at recent contemporary developments, which are sometimes difficult to decipher.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    543,95 kr.

    Human resources managementThe human resources leader plays a fundamental role in talent management and in creating a positive, productive work environment. Their leadership directly influences employee satisfaction, motivation and commitment to the organization.By developing the key qualities of HR leadership, such as integrity, communication skills, emotional intelligence, strategic vision, the ability to inspire and motivate, as well as change management skills, HR leaders can contribute to the success and sustainable growth of the organization.This book looks at the main challenges facing the HR function in the coming years. Designing a company's future human resources policy presupposes upstream up-to-date social data and permanent social indicators to guide decisions.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    688,95 kr.

    Gestão dos recursos humanosO líder de recursos humanos desempenha um papel fundamental na gestão de talentos e na criação de um ambiente de trabalho positivo e produtivo. A sua liderança influencia diretamente a satisfação, a motivação e o empenho dos trabalhadores na organização.Ao desenvolver as qualidades-chave da liderança de RH, como a integridade, as competências de comunicação, a inteligência emocional, a visão estratégica, a capacidade de inspirar e motivar e as competências de gestão da mudança, os líderes de RH podem contribuir para o sucesso e o crescimento sustentável da organização.Este livro analisa os principais desafios que a função de RH enfrentará nos próximos anos. A conceção da futura política de recursos humanos de uma empresa pressupõe o acesso, a montante, a dados sociais actualizados e a indicadores sociais permanentes que orientem as decisões.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    347,95 kr.

    The individual in a hypermodern societyThis introductory handbook to sociology is aimed at professionals and students in the humanities, particularly undergraduate sociology courses, as well as business and economics preparatory classes. All will find clear reference points for acquiring fundamental concepts and organizing their knowledge. The presentation is concise and thematic to master the individual in a hypermodern society. It aims to : - provide a comprehensive overview of sociological concepts and authors.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    458,95 kr.

    An introduction to sociologyThe bond and its fragility in societyThis introductory handbook to sociology is aimed at professionals and students in the humanities, particularly in undergraduate sociology courses, as well as in business and economics preparatory classes. All will find clear reference points for acquiring fundamental concepts and organizing their knowledge. The presentation is concise and thematic to master the link and its fragilities in society. It aims to - provide a comprehensive overview of sociological concepts and authors.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    458,95 kr.

    Handbook on the sociology of work and employmentThe modern crises of workThis introductory handbook to sociology is aimed at professionals and students in the humanities, particularly in the first cycle of sociology, as well as those in economics and business preparatory classes. All will find clear reference points for acquiring fundamental concepts and organizing their knowledge. The presentation is concise and thematic to master the sociology of work and employment. It aims to : - to provide a comprehensive overview of sociological concepts and authors to answer the question of the modern crises of work.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    993,95 kr.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    953,95 kr.

    La compétitivité d'une FMN dépend du prix de ses produits, mais aussi de bien d'autres caractéristiques. Appliquée à un pays, la notion de compétitivité est moins simple qu'il n'y paraît. Il s¿agit d¿expliquer la place et les caractéristiques des firmes multinationales dans une économie mondialisée et s'interroger sur l'évolution de leurs configurations organisationnelles compte tenu de la place prise par les marchés émergents. Dans un monde en constante évolution (mutations économiques, réglementaires, géopolitiques), il est impératif de s'informer et, plus encore, de se former en permanence pour assurer la pérennité d'une entreprise. Les FMN doivent ainsi accorder une importance particulière à la gestion des relations entre siège et filiales et à la gestion des relations partenariales établies avec des acteurs localisés dans de nombreux pays. Cet ouvrage présente les perspectives les plus modernes sur le commerce international. Il analyse des stratégies des FMN appliquées dans l'économie globale de nos jours. Il enrichit aussi les concepts et les outils qui peuvent guider les acteurs dans la gestion des FMN dans un contexte mondial en perpétuelle évolution.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    1.133,95 kr.

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    998,95 kr.

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