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Bøger af Martyn Hammersley

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  • - En grundbog
    af Pernille Rasmussen, Casper Bruun Jensen, Svend Brinkmann, mfl.
    557,95 kr.

    KVALITATIVE METODER belyser, hvordan mennesker oplever og beretter om verden, hvordan de agerer, og hvordan menneskelige fænomener fremtræder og udvikler sig i komplekse sammenhænge. Metoderne er på forskellig vis egnede til at beskrive, forstå, fortolke og analysere den menneskelige erfarings mange nuancer og kvaliteter. De kvalitative metoder har været i hastig vækst i human- og samfundsvidenskaberne i de seneste ca. 25 år, og forskere har på tværs af faggrænser udviklet et væld af forskellige teknikker, tilgange og perspektiver.I denne 4. udgave er samtlige kapitler reviderede og opdaterede. Bogen inkluderer nye kapitler om digital etnografi, kvalitative forløbsstudier, forandringsorienteret forskning, sensoriske metoder, Arts-Based Research og feministisk inspireret metodologi.Denne bog tilbyder et overblik over typiske, kvalitative metoder, og hvordan disse anvendes i dansk og international kontekst. Bogens 29 kapitler giver en indføring i de kvalitative metoders teori, men lægger først og fremmest vægt på konkret at beskrive den håndværksmæssige kunnen, som præger indsigtsgivende kvalitative studier. Bogen er velegnet for både studerende og erfarne kvalitative forskere.Svend Brinkmann er professor ved Aalborg Universitet.Lene Tanggaard er professor ved Aalborg Universitet.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    417,95 - 1.599,95 kr.

    This accessible book offers a detailed guide to a wide range of methodological concepts, both those of a more philosophical kind and those that are more technical in character: from constructionism to critical realism, regression analysis to grounded theory, odds ratios to triangulation.It covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. There is a mixture of short entries for relatively straightforward terms and longer entries for terms that are more complex or carry more than one meaning. The book includes basic terms - like data, empirical, fact, meaning, theory, and truth - as well as ones that key into major contemporary debates in the field, such as arts-based research, indigenous methodologies, and decolonisation; making it relevant to the substantive controversies and policy issues taught in social science degree programmes today.Providing clear definitions for a wide range of methodological concepts from across the social sciences, this is an essential resource for all who have an interest in social research methodology.

  • af Martyn (The Open University Hammersley
    412,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

  • - An Interrogation
    af Martyn Hammersley
    1.132,95 kr.

    Since the concepts addressed are of wide relevance, Troubling Sociological Concepts will be of interest and use to researchers and students across the social sciences.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    1.038,95 - 1.304,95 kr.

  • - A History and Reappraisal
    af Martyn Hammersley
    492,95 kr.

    These conceptions of culture are interrogated, and a reformulation of the concept is sketched.This book will be of interest to students and scholars across a variety of fields, including anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, and education.

  • - An Assessment of Sources and Principles
    af Martyn Hammersley
    262,95 - 971,95 kr.

    This book offers a well-informed and timely appraisal of the rationale for ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. It examines some of the influences that have shaped work of this kind, and its relationship to mainstream social science. -- .

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    657,95 - 1.854,95 kr.

  • - Causal Explanation and Value Relevance
    af Martyn Hammersley
    564,95 - 1.700,95 kr.

    This book engages with key intellectual challenges facing social science today, at a time when it is under considerable pressure to demonstrate its value. It addresses questions that carry implications for research practice, quantitative or qualitative, by making use of contemporary examples, such as the London riots.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    1.736,95 kr.

    Structured as a series of probing questions, and covering a range of methods, this book reflects on the challenge posed by the idea that social research should serve evidence-based practice.

  • - Controversies and Contexts
    af Martyn Hammersley & Anna Traianou
    576,95 - 1.833,95 kr.

    Explores the field of research ethics and presents a distinctive perspective; one that is at odds with the assumptions underpinning ethical regulation, but also with the views of many qualitative researchers today.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    566,95 - 1.796,95 kr.

    In this confrontational text Martyn Hammersley looks at the key issues in current social research methodology, it is a must-read for those interested in the state of this field.

  • - Explorations of Teaching and Learning
    af Martyn Hammersley
    588,95 - 1.762,95 kr.

    This book brings together material from wide range of studies, mainly qualitative in character, concerned with exploring what actually goes on in learning situations and explores the perspectives of teachers, and students.

  • - Essays on Partisanship and Bias
    af Martyn Hammersley
    2.199,95 kr.

    It is often argued that all research is inevitably political in its assumptions and effect. Hammersley assesses all the arguments from the classic contributions to the debate - C. Wright Mills, Becker and Goulder - to the present.

  • - Critical Essays
    af Martyn Hammersley
    576,95 kr.

    Provocative essays on current developments and debates that are essential reading for anyone interested in the future of qualitative research.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    657,95 - 1.854,95 kr.

    A fresh look at the rationale for, and distinctiveness of, ethnographic research. The policy and political implications of ethnography are a particular focus of attention.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    547,95 - 1.905,95 kr.

    Educational Research maps the demands now being made on educational research against the background complexities of the relationship between research and practice.

  • af Martyn Hammersley
    645,95 - 1.978,95 kr.

    Recent years have seen a growing range of challenges to the idea that research should be governed by the principle of value neutrality. In this stimulating and often controversial book, Martyn Hammersley weighs the arguments offered in support of these positions.

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