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Bøger af Mary Higgins Clark

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  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Leila, en feteret skuespiller, er styrtet ned fra terrassen i sin taglejlighed på Manhatten. Hendes søster, Elizabeth, er knuget af sorg over sin søsters død, og hun er overbevist om, at Leila blev myrdet.Elizabeth vil afsløre sandheden om Leilas død, men opgaven er for farlig, og nogen vil gøre alt for, at sandheden ikke kommer frem. Snart er Elizabeth selv forfulgt, og der er noget hun skal have bevist, mens hun endnu har det i frisk erindring ...Mary Higgins Clark (f. 1927) er en amerikansk forfatter til over et halvt hundrede romaner. Hun er primært kendt for sine spændingsromaner, hvoraf langt de fleste har tilbragt befundet sig på bestsellerlister rundt omkring i verden. Clark begyndte allerede at skrive i en tidlig alder og udgav blandt andet noveller og andre skriveopgaver for at bidrage til husholdningen. Hendes debut, "Aspire to Heavens", solgte ikke særligt godt, og det var blandt andet denne oplevelse, der fik Mary Higgins Clark til at slå ind på den genre, som hun siden er blevet verdensberømt for: spændingsromanen.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    233,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    228,95 kr.

    Billy Campbell er en dygtig sanger. Så dygtig, at han jævnligt optræder med sin karismatiske mor, Nor – og folk elsker dem. Da brødrene Eddie og Junior Badgett hyrer parret til en fest, er Billy dog en smule betænkelig ved situationen, for der går rygter om, at Badgett-brødrene er involveret i mafiaens lyssky affærer. Og det skal vise sig, at Billys bange anelser bliver til virkelighed.Da han og hans mor er færdige med deres optræden, overhører de ved et tilfælde, hvordan Eddie og Junior grinende planlægger en hævn over en uheldig skyldner, der har bedt om udsættelse på afbetalingen af sit lån. Billy og Nor forsvinder ubemærket – tror de – og kontakter politiet i håb om, at Badgett-brødrenes plan kan forpurres. FBI sættes på sagen, og Badgett-brødrene sender deres blodhunde efter Billy og Nor, som nu er nødt til at gå under jorden.Imens sidder Billys syvårige datter Marissa og savner sin far, da hjælpen kommer fra uventet side.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlMary Higgins Clark (f.1927) er amerikansk spændings- og gyserforfatter. Hun debuterede i 1975 med spændingsromanen "Hvor er børnene?" og har siden skrevet flere end 50 internationale bestsellers, hvoraf mange er blevet filmatiseret.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Det er 10 år siden, at Charles Mack MacKenzie Jr. forsvandt sporløst fra den lejlighed på Manhattan, han delte med to medstuderende ved Columbia Universitet. Alligevel ringer Mack hjem til sin mor hvert år på mors dag for at lade hende vide, at han har det godt. Men han nægter at svare på hendes ængstelige spørgsmål, og ikke engang terrorangrebet den 11. september, hvor Macks far omkommer, får ham til at ændre sit mønster. Nu beslutter Macks søster Carolyn, at hun vil finde sin bror. Det er dog ikke en beslutning, der falder i god jord, og hendes jagt fører hende hurtigt på direkte koalitionskurs med en, der vil gøre alt for at forhindre, at hun opdager sandheden.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 kr.

    På vej til forretningsmøde i Puerto Rico styrter Nicholas Spencers fly ned. Han er den karismatiske leder af medicinalvirksomheden Gen-stone, der arbejder på at finde en vaccine mod kræft. Da det ikke lykkes at finde Spencer eller liget af ham, giver hans forsvinden næring til rygter om, at han har været skyldig i massiv svindel med firmaets penge, og at de mange års cancerforskning er ubrugelig. Vrede aktionærer vil have oprejsning og beskylder hans kone, Lynn, for at være medskyldig.Journalisten Carley DeCarlo bliver sat til at dække historien. Hun er Lynns stedsøster, men de to er bestemt ikke hinandens bedste veninder. Dog indvilliger Carley i at efterforske sagen nærmere, da Lynn med nød og næppe overlever en mordbrand og indtrængende beder om hjælp fra sin sygeseng på hospitalet. I jagten på sandheden om Nicholas Spencer støder Carley på foruroligende afsløringer, og snart modtager hun selv dødstrusler ...Mary Higgins Clark (f. 1927) er amerikansk kriminalromanforfatter. Hun debuterede i 1975 med spændingsromanen "Where Are the Children?" og har siden skrevet flere end 50 internationale bestsellers.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Sladrebladsjournalisten Ethel Lambston findes myrdet. Hun var elsket af få og frygtet af mange, og lige inden sin død nåede hun at fortælle omverden, at hun ville afsløre en række yderst pinlige skandaler inden for New Yorks modeverden. Nerve Kearney, datter af byens tidligere politidirektør, drages ind i efterforskningen af sagen. Det viser sig, at mindst tre mænd har haft god grund til at ønske Ethel Lambston død: Hendes eksmand, der er på fallittens rand på grund af det underholdsbidrag, han er dømt til at betale Ethel på livstid, hendes nevø, der er enearving, og modekongen, hvis forbindelse med mafiaen ikke tåler dagens lys. Neeves far og hendes gode ven, Jack, bryder sig ikke om, at hun bliver involveret i efterforskningen af mordet, som desuden bringer minder frem om det uopklarede mord på Neeves mor, og snart er hun fanget i et mareridt ... en uhyggelig labyrint af ambitioner og grådighed, der kan være dødbringende for Neeve.Mary Higgins Clark (f. 1927) er amerikansk kriminalromanforfatter. Hun debuterede i 1975 med spændingsromanen "Where Are the Children?" og har siden skrevet flere end 50 internationale bestsellers.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    93,95 kr.

    Den unge advokat Emily Graham er ivrig for at flytte efter en beskidt skilsmisse og køber derfor sin oldemors barndomshjem i Spring Lake, New Jersey. Da renoveringen af huset begynder, bliver der gjort et makabert fund i baghaven – resterne af en ung kvinde, Martha, som forsvandt for fire år siden. Men mystikken breder sig, da der ved siden af også er knogler fra en pige, der forsvandt tilbage i 1892.Kan der være tale om, at nogen kopierer mord, der er begået for over hundrede år siden? Emily graver i familiens historie og deltager i opklaringsarbejdet, og det viser sig snart, at en koldblodig morder er løs, og at Emily er det næste offer ...Mary Higgins Clark (f. 1927) er amerikansk kriminalromanforfatter. Hun debuterede i 1975 med spændingsromanen "Where Are the Children?" og har siden skrevet flere end 50 internationale bestsellers.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    84,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    85,95 kr.

    Fans of Mary Higgins Clark's gripping mystery novels won't be disappointed with this riveting tale of conspiracy and murder. While interned at Westlake hospital for a minor injury, county prosecutor Katie DeMaio witnesses a man load a woman's body into the trunk of a car. Could it have been a pill-induced hallucination, or a real criminal act? Can she find out in time before it is her turn for surgery?

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    78,95 kr.

    La abogada Emily Graham se ha comprado una casa. No una casa cualquiera, sino una casa antigua que pertenecio a sus antepasados, los cuales la vendieron en 1892 cuando Madeleine, la heredera, desaparecio.Con su compra, Emily no pretende simplemente rendir un homenaje a sus raices; tambien busca un poco de paz despues de un divorcio particularmente doloroso, asi como algo de olvido ante el acoso al que la somete un indeseable.Pero lo que prometia ser un oasis comienza a convertirse en una pesadilla: cuando realiza excavaciones para hacer una piscina aparece un cadaver de mujer, un cadaver reciente, pero que lleva el anillo de la desaparecida Madeleine.Y Emily intuye que ella puede ser la siguiente victima "

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    464,95 kr.

    In the latest entry in the Under Suspicion series by Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, television producer Laurie Moran investigates the unsolved murder of a beloved couple celebrating the college graduations of their successful twin sons.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    123,95 kr.

    Intrigue abound in the Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark's Stillwatch, as a young journalist uncovers secrets from the past that could destroy her. I told you not to come... Slipped under the door of her Georgetown home, the note was an ominous reminder of Pat Traymore's past. The beautiful young television journalist had come to glamorous, high-powered Washington to produce a TV series. Her subject: Senator Abigail Jennings, slated for nomination as the first woman vice president of the United States. With the help of an old flame, Congressman Sam Kingsley, Pat delves into Abigail's life, only to turn up horrifying facts that threaten to destroy senator's reputation and her career. Worse still, sinister connections to Pat's own childhood and the nightmare secrets hidden within are surfacing--secrets waiting to destroy her.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    123,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    204,95 kr.

    The legacy of the "Queen of Suspense" continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark's iconic novel Where Are the Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults. Of the fifty-six bestsellers the "Queen of Suspense" Mary Higgins Clark published in her lifetime, Where Are the Children? was her biggest, selling millions of copies and forever transforming the genre of suspense fiction. In that story, a young California mother named Nancy Harmon was convicted of murdering her two children. Though released on a technicality, she was abandoned by her husband and became such a pariah in the media that she was forced to move across the country to Cape Cod, change her identity and appearance, and start a new life. Years later her two children from a second marriage, Mike and Melissa, would go missing, and Nancy yet again became the prime suspect--but this time, Nancy was able to confront the secrets buried in her past and rescue her kids from a dangerous predator. Now, more than four decades since readers first met Nancy and her children, comes the thrilling sequel to the groundbreaking book that set the stage for future generations of psychological suspense novels. A lawyer turned successful podcaster, Melissa has recently married a man whose first wife died tragically, leaving him and their young daughter, Riley, behind. While Melissa and her brother, Mike, help their mom, Nancy, relocate from Cape Cod to the equally idyllic Hamptons, Melissa's new stepdaughter goes missing. Drawing on the experience of their own abduction, Melissa and Mike race to find Riley to save her from the trauma they still struggle with--or worse. Just like the original, Where Are the Children Now? keeps you guessing and holding your breath until the very last page.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    298,95 kr.

    In the latest entry in the Under Suspicion series by Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, television producer Laurie Moran investigates the unsolved murder of a beloved couple celebrating the college graduations of their successful twin sons.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    193,95 kr.

    As prosecutor Kerry McGrath immerses herself in a fresh investigation, she is catapulted into the strange and ominous territory of those so obsessed with beauty they'll kill for it. Each new piece of evidence reveals a disturbing cache if questions. Not only does everyone involved want to keep the case closed, it's clear somebody will stop at nothing to keep in sealed forever. (Pyschological/Suspense)

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    198,95 kr.

    At a party in Manhattan, Maggie Holloway--one of the fashion world's most successful photographers--is thrilled to be reunited with her beloved former stepmother. A widow now, Nuala Moore is equally delighted to see her long-lost stepdaughter, and invites Maggie to spend a few weeks at her home in Newport, Rhode Island. But when Maggie arrives, she finds Nuala murdered.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    123,95 kr.

    The legacy of the “Queen of Suspense” continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark’s iconic novel Where Are the Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults.Of the fifty-six bestsellers the “Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark published in her lifetime, Where Are the Children? was her biggest, selling millions of copies and forever transforming the genre of suspense fiction. In that story, a young California mother named Nancy Harmon was convicted of murdering her two children. Though released on a technicality, she was abandoned by her husband and became such a pariah in the media that she was forced to move across the country to Cape Cod, change her identity and appearance, and start a new life. Years later her two children from a second marriage, Mike and Melissa, would go missing, and Nancy yet again became the prime suspect—but this time, Nancy was able to confront the secrets buried in her past and rescue her kids from a dangerous predator. Now, more than four decades since readers first met Nancy and her children, comes the thrilling sequel to the groundbreaking book that set the stage for future generations of psychological suspense novels. A lawyer turned successful podcaster, Melissa has recently married a man whose first wife died tragically, leaving him and their young daughter, Riley, behind. While Melissa and her brother, Mike, help their mom, Nancy, relocate from Cape Cod to the equally idyllic Hamptons, Melissa’s new stepdaughter goes missing. Drawing on the experience of their own abduction, Melissa and Mike race to find Riley to save her from the trauma they still struggle with—or worse. Just like the original, Where Are the Children Now? keeps you guessing and holding your breath until the very last page.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    193,95 kr.

    In this breathtaking new novel from the reigning diva of suspense, a psychopathic killer stalks lonely women aboard cruise ships -- giving grisly new significance to the lyrics of an old sweet song...When psychologist Dr. Susan Chandler uses her call-in radio show to explore the issue of lonesome women who disappear and are later found to have been victims of seductive killers, she has no way of knowing she is exposing herself -- and those closest to her -- to the very horror she is warning others against.After a listener calls in offering information about the mysterious disappearance from a luxury ocean liner of wealthy investment advisor Regina Clausen, the caller meets with a terrible accident. Or so say the police. As Susan begins to investigate, she quickly finds herself in a race against time -- and an assassin who targets not only vulnerable women, but anyone who might offer clues to his identity. Inching closer to the truth, Susan makes shocking dual discoveries: that the killer may be an important figure in her own life, and that she herself is marked for murder. As unpredictable as it is daring, YOU BELONG TO ME delivers a series of electrifying jolts as Mary Higgins Clark makes yet another brilliant entry in the annals of classic suspense.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    198,95 kr.

    After Manhattan real estate agent Lacey Farrell is witness to the dying words of a murder victim. The dying woman is convinced that the killer was after her daughter's journals. Lacey gives the journal to the police after making a copy for herself--an impulse that later proves nearly fatal. Placed under the witness protection program, Lacey's life changes and she meets a man. Unable to live with the facade, she breaks it off just as the killer traces her down. Lacey heads back to Manhattan, determined to uncover who's behind the murder--before she's the next victim.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    74,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Patricia er tv-journalist og flytter til Washington, hvor hendes første opgave er at lave en udsendelse om senator Abigail Jennings. Hun glæder sig til gensynes med Sam, der er kongresmedlem, og som hun er forelsket i. De har haft en kort affære for et par år siden, og nu håber Pat, at deres forhold kan udvikle sig. Men hun er også bange for fortidens spøgelser i det hus, hvor hun tilbragte de første tre år af sit liv, og hvor hendes lykkelige barndom fik en brat slutning, da begge hendes forældre døde, og hun selv blev alvorligt kvæstet. Mens Patricia er åbenbart ikke den eneste, der er bange. Allerede før hun flytter til byen, får hun anonyme opringninger, der advarer hende om at holde sig væk fra huset og lade være med at lave udsendelsen.Abigail var gift med et kongresmedlem, Willard Jennings, da denne blev dræbt ved et flystyrt. Som 32-årig var hun den sørgende enke, som overtog sin mands plads i kongressen og siden arbejdede sig op til at blive senator. Abigail kommer fra meget jævne kår, og hendes vej mod toppen har ikke været nem. Lige siden skoletiden har hun været gode venner med Toby, en ikke så kvik fyr med enorme kræfter, som vil gøre alt for hende ... Efterhånden bliver de advarsler, Patricia får, mere direkte og mere og mere skræmmende. Men hun er fast besluttet på at dykke ned i fortiden – både sin egen og Abigail Jennings'.Meget står på spil, og det hele kulminerer den aften, hvor Patricias udsendelse om Abigail omsider skal sendes.Mary Higgins Clark (f. 1927) er en amerikansk forfatter til over et halvt hundrede romaner. Hun er primært kendt for sine spændingsromaner, hvoraf langt de fleste har tilbragt befundet sig på bestsellerlister rundt omkring i verden. Clark begyndte allerede at skrive i en tidlig alder og udgav blandt andet noveller og andre skriveopgaver for at bidrage til husholdningen. Hendes debut, "Aspire to Heavens", solgte ikke særligt godt, og det var blandt andet denne oplevelse, der fik Mary Higgins Clark til at slå ind på den genre, som hun siden er blevet verdensberømt for: spændingsromanen.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    166,95 kr.

    "Nancy Harmon long ago fled the heartbreak of her first marriage, the macabre deaths of her two little children, and the shocking charges against her. She changed her name, dyed her hair, and left California for the wind-swept peace of Cape Cod. Now remarried, she has two more beloved children and the terrible pain has begun to heal--until the morning when she looks in the backyard for her little boy and girl and finds only one red mitten. She knows that the nightmare is beginning again ..."--

  • af Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke
    174,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    178,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    198,95 kr.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    113,95 kr.

    "Television producer Laurie Moran and her fiancâe, Alex Buckley, the former host of her investigative television show Under Suspicion, are just days away from their midsummer wedding when Alex's seven-year-old nephew, Johnny, vanishes from the beach. Witnesses recall Johnny playing in the water and collecting shells near an ice cream shack, but when his new sitter turned her head, he had vanished. As the sun sets, Johnny's skim board washes up on shore, and everyone realizes that he could be anywhere, even in the ocean. Could the abduction be related to the wedding? Was Laurie's ten-year-old son, Timmy, the intended target? Or was Johnny abducted by a stranger? Laurie and Alex, along with Johnny's parents and Leo Farley, Laurie's father and a retired NYPD detective, are determined to track down every lead." -- Page [4] cover.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    103,95 kr.

    "When investigative journalist Gina Kane receives an email from a 'CRyan' describing her 'terrible experience' while working at REL, a high-profile television news network, including the comment 'and I'm not the only one, ' Gina knows she has to pursue the story. But when Ryan goes silent, Gina is shocked to discover the young woman has died tragically in a jet ski accident while on holiday. Meanwhile, REL counsel Michael Carter finds himself in a tricky spot. Several female employees have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. Carter approaches the CEO, offering to persuade the victims to accept settlements in exchange for their silence. It's a risky endeavor, but it could well make him rich. As more allegations emerge and the company's IPO draws near, Carter's attempts to keep the story from making headlines are matched only by Gina Kane's determination to uncover the truth. Was Ryan's death truly an accident? And when another accuser turns up dead, Gina realizes someone--or some people--will go to depraved lengths to keep the story from seeing the light"--

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    86,95 kr.

    "A minor road accident landed county prosecutor Katie DeMaio in Westlake Hospital. That night, from her window, she thought she saw a man load a woman's body into the trunk of a car...or was it just a sleeping pill induced nightmare? At work the next day, Katie began investigating a suicide that looked more like murder. Initial evidence pointed elsewhere, but medical examiner Richard Carroll saw a trail leading to Dr. Edgar Highley. He suspected that the famous doctor's work "curing" infertile women was more than controversial--that it was deceitful, depraved, and often deadly. But before Richard could tell Katie his fears, she left the office for the weekend and an appointment for routine Dr. Highley's operating room."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Mary Higgins Clark
    96,95 kr.

    "Television producer Laurie Moran recently became engaged to her investigative television show's former host, Alex Buckley, and since then, the two have been happily planning a summer wedding, preparing for Alex's confirmation to a federal judicial appointment, and searching for the perfect New York City home for their new life together. But then Laurie is approached by Robert and Cynthia Bell, parents of Dr. Martin Bell, a physician who was shot dead as he pulled into the driveway of his Greenwich Village carriage house five years ago. The Bells are sure that Martin's disgraced and erratic wife, Kendra, carried out the murder. Determined to prove Kendra's guilt and win custody over their grandchildren, they plead with Laurie to feature their son's case on Under Suspicion, ensuring her that Kendra is willing to cooperate. As Laurie dives into the case, she learns that Martin wasn't the picture-perfect husband, father, and doctor he appeared to be and was carrying secrets of his own."--

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