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  • af Matthew Cruise
    218,95 kr.

    This book will not serve its intended purpose unless we accept that we have been planted from the same seed. If we can agree that all of us originated first from the soil and blossomed into humans. The original seed was provided by God, if you believe there is a God, otherwise this will be: so many useless words. We are told that God formed man from the soil and gave life by breathing life into him. He then made woman by taking a rib from the man and made woman. You know the story, the original First Family. Imagine if you will, a genealogy tree large enough to have every person who ever lived, was a leaf on a branch of that tree of humanity. You and I are on that tree. I believe that an honest person can see the logic so far must agree that we are all related cousins at least. In order to understand what this means, when you hear or read about someone's tree, that has been changed do to the element in which the live, and the things that separate us, name, color, etc., upon a closer examination of the root, you will note that we come from the same root system that originated from the first seed. The above is not designed to convince you to read my first book "Blood Bath In Jasper County, Mississippi where you will meet the amazing Cruise family, with their patriarch, James (Jim) Cruise, a man born a slave, who could read, write, and count money, who while a slave, was paid by his cousin/slave owner to work as a house carpenter, you will now realize that you are reading about your cousin, and our family story. All of us have our own "close family story", Our story, yours and mine is continuing in this book, and the final chapter will be released in January 2024, if the Lord says so.

  • af Matthew Cruise
    213,95 kr.

    Based on a true story, author Matthew Cruise guides the readers through vivid accounts of intimidation, fraud and murder, which had become known as common place in Mississippi, for many people way too long. "Blood Bath In Jasper County Mississippi" captures the cruelty of mental, physical and spiritual bondage that slavery, racism, lying and the pain of heartache caused by humans against humans; and, the inability of humans to forgive one another. Yet, you will find the book to be colorful and very entertaining. Readers will find light moments of laugher...and heavy painful moments that will force them to cry. The book will cause outrage, hurt and disappointment about the truth and the myths many people hold of black and white people. Cruise introduces his family through the characters in his debut book. Navigating his way into and out of the personal struggles, Cruise helps us all heal by his own acceptance and justice for all. This book reveals how dreams come true. And, in the final analysis shows us a story of love. The message of the Bloodbath in Jasper County Mississippi resonates most with young people, who want to know more about their cultural heritage. The main focus is on people and the need to find their ancestors and in the process discover something that inspires them to attain higher goals in life. The author take the readers on a journey to Kenya, where Cruise met President Obama's paternal step-grandmother Mama Sarah Hussein Obama. They formed a close relationship, right there, sitting under the lone oak tree that was located in her front yard. Mama Sarah has become one of his many fans, in Africa. Cruise hopes that publications like Bloodbath in Jasper County Mississippi will have impact around the world and inspire works like this from authors particularly, in Africa. At seventy-five years old, while in Kenya, Cruise finally realized his childhood dream to visit the land of his ancestors. As Cruise began to research his family's lineage, he found records dating back to the early 1800's; he has now compiled this information and other data retrieved from the Mississippi Historic Archives, into a book about the life his family lived in the American deep south. This is a time when many people need an anchor in life. Bloodbath in Jasper County Mississippi gives that anchor, we can all pull up from and build upon. Now living in North West Bakersfield, California, Cruise is the founder and President of "Pull Up From Poverty," (PUFP), Inc a Micro-Lending Non Governmental Organization (NGO); whose emphasis is on granting small low interest loans to women in third world countries. Blood Bath In Jasper County Mississippi covers a period of over 200 years, of our countries rich, passionate and turbulent history. It brings many past secrets to light and puts a face on that hidden and unspoken past. The Novel connects the past to the present and gives us a look into the future. It is a Novel you will not be able to put down! Photo-Illustrated.

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