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  • af Meena & PhD Poudel
    998,95 kr.

    Ta ksi¿¿ka resetuje plan handlu lud¿mi. Handel kobietami z Nepalu do Indii w ró¿nych celach ma d¿ug¿ histori¿ i jest niezwykle delikatn¿ kwesti¿ zwi¿zan¿ z p¿ci¿, migracj¿, ubóstwem, prac¿, seksem, pieni¿dzmi, w¿adz¿ i przemoc¿. Odwäny metodologicznie, wprowadza spo¿eczne konstrukcjonistyczne podej¿cie do handlu lud¿mi, umieszczaj¿c do¿wiadczenia ofiar handlu lud¿mi w szerszych debatach w teorii spo¿ecznej na temat stygmatyzacji, p¿ci, seksualno¿ci, przemocy i obywatelstwa, a tak¿e polityki neoliberalnej i etniczno¿ci, badaj¿c, jak w¿adza strukturalna wspó¿dziäa z w ramach tych debat agencja powracaj¿cych kobiet handlowäa kobietami. Jak dowodzi ksi¿¿ka, kobietom mo¿e udä si¿ fizycznie unikn¿¿ handlu, ale spo¿eczne etykietowanie kobiet nadal wp¿ywa na wszystkie aspekty ich ¿ycia. Etykiety te s¿ powi¿zane z postrzegan¿ seksualno¿ci¿ kobiet i opieraj¿ si¿ na traumie, któr¿ kobiety napotykaj¿ podczas handlu. Bolesne konsekwencje nak¿adane s¿ przez nepalskie spo¿ecze¿stwo i przyczyniaj¿ si¿ do ró¿nych form odrzucenia spo¿ecznego narzucanego kobietom po ich powrocie, cz¿sto uniemo¿liwiaj¿c im uzyskanie obywatelstwa.

  • af Meena & PhD Poudel
    998,95 kr.

    Ce livre réinitialise l'agenda du trafic. Le trafic de femmes népalaises vers l'Inde à des fins diverses a une longue histoire et est une question extrêmement sensible, liée au genre, à la migration, à la pauvreté, au travail, au sexe, à l'argent, au pouvoir et à la violence. Méthodologiquement audacieux, il apporte une approche constructiviste sociale de la traite en situant les expériences des femmes victimes de la traite dans des débats plus larges de théorie sociale sur la stigmatisation, le genre, la sexualité, la violence et la citoyenneté, ainsi que les politiques néolibérales et l'ethnicité, explorant comment le pouvoir structurel interagit avec le des femmes victimes de la traite dans le cadre de ces débats. Comme le montre le livre, les femmes peuvent être en mesure d'échapper physiquement à la traite, mais l'étiquetage social des femmes continue d'affecter tous les aspects de leur vie. Ces étiquettes sont liées à la sexualité perçue par les femmes et s¿appuient sur les traumatismes que les femmes subissent dans la traite. Des conséquences douloureuses sont imposées par la société népalaise et contribuent à diverses formes de rejet social imposées aux femmes à leur retour, les empêchant souvent d'accéder à la citoyenneté.

  • af Meena & PhD Poudel
    998,95 kr.

  • af Meena
    394,95 kr.

    Rajasthan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, for both domestic and international tourists. Rajasthan attracts tourists for its historical forts, palaces, art and culture. Every third foreign tourist visiting India also travels to Rajasthan as it is part of the Golden Triangle for tourists visiting India. The Rajasthan, is a colourful melange of massive forts, stunning palaces, diverse cultures, delectable cuisines and warm people, set amidst a rugged yet inviting landscape. In Rajasthan you will find every hue in Nature's grand palette - the red sands, the blue of royalty, the pink cities or the amber sunsets. Sight and sounds that are far removed from any city. Sights and sounds that will transport you into a folk lore. Music, art and dance is woven into every inch of this land I call paradise. Keeping in mind the plant wealth of Rajasthan have been discussed. The present book focused 85 desert plant species for tourist's guide that are plant lovers, who are interested to see the plants. I have felt free, of course, to ferret and delve into the rich botanic literature. This small books owes everything to generations of botanists, foresters and conservator of forest as well as desert vegetation who have paved the path to what we know - or think we know.

  • af Ashok Kumar, Srivastava, Meena & mfl.
    664,95 kr.

    The present book entitled Cell Biology and Genetics aims to cover a wide area of cell biology and Mendelian genetics in a form especially suitable for first year undergraduates for unified syllabus of all Indian universities. The overall theme for the book is the cell as the unit of life and its components. We begin by describing the history and components of the cell as seen under the microscope. Further, we turn to the theories and plasma membrane structure and its function. The next chapter describes structure and function of cell organelles. The aim of chapter 3 to describe the biomolecules with structure of chromosomes, Watson and Crick model of DNA, differences between DNA and RNA. We have discussed cell cycle and cell division in detail in chapter 4 whereas Mendelian genetics and sex linkage with various examples given in chapter 5. The last chapter discusses various aspects of sex determination, sex differentiation, prenatal detection of genetic diseases (amniocentesis), sex linked characters, genetic diseases and abnormalities, chromosomal aberrations, eugenics and molecular evolution describes the last section. To conclude the book, summary is given at the end of each chapter for reader to review. Boxed material throughout the book is divided into examples to illustrate the topics covered in the main text, explanations of the medical relevance of the material and in depth sections that extend the coverage beyond the content of the main text.

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