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Bøger af Megan Reitz

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  • af John Higgins & Megan Reitz
    143,95 kr.

    A powerful book on an important topic. Speak Up helps us understand the subtle elements that contribute to our holding back valuable ideas and observations. Their TRUTH framework which is as practical as it is rigorous identifies essential elements to help individuals find their voice. Amy Edmondson, Professor, Harvard Business School, Author, The Fearless Organization (Wiley, 2019) What you say or dont say in a conversation can have life-defining consequences on ourselves and those around us. Speak Up helps you to navigate power differences so you can speak up with confidence and enable others to find their voice in a way that will be heard. Our day-to-day conversations define how we see ourselves and how were seen. The choices we make about what to say and who to say it to are decisive factors in whether we get promoted, or side-lined. Whether we steer clear of trouble, or find ourselves in it up to our necks. With daily scandals hitting the headlines and the continuous need to innovate to survive, creating a more honest, open, fulfilling and productive workplace has never been more pressing. Our conversational choices harness the ideas and intelligence of the people we work with, or result in that revolutionary concept never seeing the light of day. They make us feel proud or ashamed of ourselves for what we have or have not said. They cause us to flourish and feel motivated, or result in us feeling dissatisfied and resentful. Speak Up helps you to navigate power differences and speak up with confidence in a way that you will be heard. But its no good speaking up if there isnt anyone listening so we also help you to understand how your power enables others to speak up and how it might silence them.

  • af John Higgins & Megan Reitz
    338,95 - 399,95 kr.

    I dag vælger du – ligesom alle andre dage – hvornår du vil sige noget højt, og hvornår du vil tie. Du vælger, hvis mening du vil lytte til, og hvis du vil se bort fra. Helt almindelige dagligdagshandlinger, hvor man taler og lytter, bliver til vaner, som har stor indflydelse på, hvordan du ser dig selv, og hvordan andre opfatter dig. Dine valg bliver til vaner, som er afgørende for, om du forfremmes eller forbigås. Om du styrer uden om problemer eller havner midt i dem. Om du føler dig stolt af dig selv eller skammer dig over noget, du har sagt eller ikke sagt. Om du trives og føler dig motiveret, eller om du går rundt og er utilfreds og vred.I denne bog lærer du, hvordan din opfattelse af status og autoritet styrer, hvad du og dine kolleger siger, og hvem du lytter til. Bogen præsenterer den praktiske TRUTH-model, der hjælper dig til at ændre dine samtaler, relationer og præstationer og den måde, du taler og lytter til andre på.Du får hjælp til at:erkende, hvad der hindrer dig i at sige det højt og at blive hørt på jobbetlære at tale med selvtillid og blive hørt på en effektiv mådeforstå, hvordan du kan øge din personlige indflydelse ved selv at sætte dags­ordenen og ikke bare følge dense, hvordan du får andre til at tie, og lære at gøre det nemt for andre at tale åbent til digskabe et psykologisk trygt arbejdsmiljø, der er mere innovativt, produktivt og tilfreds­stillende.Sig det højt er til dig, der ønsker at udvikle den måde, du taler og lytter til andre på, eller at forbedre dit team og din organi­sationskultur.

  • af Megan Reitz
    193,95 kr.

    How to speak up with confidence on issues that matter and in turn, enable others to find their voice in a way that will be heard

  • - How Ten Mindful Minutes Can Enhance Your Work, Health and Happiness
    af Michael Chaskalson & Megan Reitz
    128,95 - 173,95 kr.

    IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind - you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. Yes, just ten...short ... minutes.

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