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Bøger af Mike Barfield

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  • af Mike Barfield
    219,95 kr.

    Flot og meget oplysende bog om et omfattende emne. Fyldig tekst med mange fagudtryk som kræver at læseren har interesse og kendskab til emnet i forvejen. Fine illustrationer og sjove faktabokse.LEKTØRUDTALELSENDen store videnskabsmand SHERLOCK OHMS udforsker livet på jorden. Han undersøger og beskriver dyr, planter og meget mere.Masser af spændende viden fordelt på 7 temaer om alt, der er levende omkring dig.Bagest i bogen findes en ordliste og et stikordsregister. Der er tegneseriestriber, faktabokse og illustrerede anvisninger. Indeholder desuden sjove eksperimenter, man kan lave derhjemme.LIVET OMKRING DIG:Der er liv overalt på jordkloden; på marker, i skove, jungler, ørkener, på sletter og i oceaner – overalt vrimler det med liv.Men du kan også finde masser af levende væsener, der hvor du bor, og endda inden i dig selv.Bogen indeholder også striber om alle de geniale videnskabsfolk, der har forsket i livet før og nu.Andre bøger i samme serie:GRUNDSTOFFERNE OMKRING DIG

  • af Mike Barfield
    100,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Mike Barfield
    153,95 kr.

  • af Mike Barfield
    123,95 kr.

    This fabulously fun flipbook allows you to generate 60 million brilliantly beastly insults for all occasions. Wacky, zany, and sometimes plain silly, this book will ensure you'll always have the last word, not to mention the last laugh!Hilarious heckles for silencing sassy siblingsTeasing taunts to make best friends sniggerMadcap comebacks to confuse mum and dadPlayful put-downs for frenemies and enemies

  • af Mike Barfield
    108,95 kr.

    Ever wondered what it would be like to be an Incan runner, carrying messages across the ancient Andes at lightning speed? Or perhaps a jester, keeping the royal courts in stitches with your hilarious antics? What about a stage farter? A poo collector? A body double? All these jobs are yours for the taking in history's line-up of the world's oddest jobs. In this book, you'll encounter a colourful cast of characters who embraced the quirkiest of professions, including the legendary Harry Houdini who defied the laws of nature with his mind-bending magic tricks; Bessie Coleman, the first African-American stunt-pilot; Marie Tussaud who fled the French Revolution and came to London to create wax sculptures; Zazel, a Victorian daredevil who became the first human cannonball; and the amazing story of Samuel Sorensen Adams, inventor of many of the most famous joke shop gags such as sneezing powder, the handshake buzzer and the stink bomb. This treasure trove of history's most peculiar jobs will leave you laughing, gasping, and wondering what job you'd have chosen in days gone by - and what jobs you might encounter in the future...

  • af Mike Barfield
    108,95 kr.

    A colourful and comical journey through the world's most incredible discoveries from cartoonists Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley.

  • af Mike Barfield
    127,95 kr.

    Did you know that bubblewrap started life as a new type of wallpaper that didn't catch on?! Or that Lonnie Johnson invented the Nerf Super Soaker while working on a NASA mission to Saturn?Blue Peter Award-winner Mike Barfield tells the fascinating true stories behind an amazing range of inventions and innovations. From bubblewrap to the barcode, from pizza to post-its, from trainers to the teddy bear! The story of each invention is told in a lively comic-strip format, and we meet the colourful cast of characters involved in these light-bulb moments which changed the world in big or tiny ways. An irresistible way into science and technology with a dash of history, from the brilliant Mike Barfield, author of A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You which won the 2021 Blue Peter Award for a Book With Facts.

  • af Mike Barfield
    147,95 kr.

    Discover the amazing story of our home planet - as told by Earth itself - by award-winning duo, Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley.

  • af Mike Barfield
    127,95 kr.

    A colourful and comical tour through the prehistoric animal kingdom from award-winning author Mike Barfield and cartoonist and illustrator Paula Bossio.

  • - Spændende viden om fysik og universets love
    af Mike Barfield
    242,95 kr.

    Videnskabs-detektiven Sherlock Ohms udforsker universets hemmeligheder. Han fortæller om fysikkens love og al den viden forskere har samlet gennem tiden.Denne meget oplysende bog er fyldt med FANTASTISKE FAKTA om de skjulte love, der styrer universet. Sjove TEGNESERIER viser FYSIKKENS lange og livlige historie. Desuden spændende og nemme FORSØG, du selv kan lave.Bagest i bogen findes en ordliste og et stikordsregister.Fagbog for børn ml. 7-11 år.Underholdende og indbydende bog om naturvidenskab og fysikkens love. De mange faktabokse og tegneseriestriber gør læsningen sjov og formidler det svære indhold på en spændende måde.LektørudtalelsenBøger i samme serie:Grundstofferne omkring digLivet omkring digVerden omkring dig

  • af Mike Barfield
    165,95 kr.

    "From the creators of A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu, and You comes an encyclopedic glance at all things outer space and makes a hilarious and informative guide for curious young readers. Blast off for a day in the life of space and the people (and animals!) who have explored it. From hilarious comics to secret diaries and detailed diagrams, there are tons of things to discover and fantastic facts to learn."--

  • af Mike Barfield
    197,95 kr.

    Nach "Das Element im Raum" und "So ist das Leben!" bringt auch dieses lustige und liebevoll illustrierte Buch junge Wissenschaftler*innen dazu, die Welt der Physik zu erforschen. Denn die gleichen physikalischen Gesetze, die das weite Universum regieren, können wir auch ganz nah und alltäglich erleben und erkennen.Dieses Buch behandelt kindgerecht die Physik der Bewegung, Kräfte, Schwerkraft, Materie und Energie und enthält Comics über die Geschichten großer Wissenschaftler*innen und ihrer Entdeckungen. Außerdem stellt es praktische Experimente vor, die für jede Menge Spaß sorgen!

  • af Mike Barfield
    105,95 kr.

  • af Mike Barfield
    108,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Mike Barfield
    100,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Mike Barfield
    105,95 kr.

    Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley team up once again to give you a taste of a day in the life of Space.

  • af Mike Barfield
    105,95 kr.

    A colourful and comical tour through history from cartoonists Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley.

  • af Mike Barfield
    105,95 kr.

    A day in the life of everything you can imagine - from an eyeball, a bogey, a heart and a burp, to a porcupine, a flamingo, a jellyfish, a rainbow, and, of course, a poo.

  • - A Fly's Guide to Staying Alive
    af Mike Barfield
    87,95 kr.

    In SWAT! just-hatched housefly Buzzter gets instructions from Professor Halfbottle on how to survive the dangers in life, like being eaten by various animals and plants or killed by humans. This book is scientifically accurate and as it is about poo, flies and death, even boys will surely love to read it.

  • af Mike Barfield
    96,95 kr.

    Learn how to make mischief with this hilarious, fully illustrated handbook.

  • - From Paper Planes to Flying Fish, More Than 20 Models to Make and Fly
    af Mike Barfield
    95,95 kr.

    Created by author, cartoonist and entertainer Mike Barfield, Flight School is the ultimate model making activity book for kids who are avid about aviation.

  • - A revised dictionary for modern Britain
    af Mike Barfield
    95,95 kr.

    Dictionary: A book with a Beginning, a Middle and an End - but not in that order.This Septic Isle is a dictionary that re-defines 21st Century Britain in the wickedest and wittiest way imaginable. In an age where Spin is King, this super-cynical, irreverant reference book finally tells it like it is, not like it isn't and never will be.With 2,000 entries, ranging from razor-sharp satire to the downright silly, This Septic Isle is the perfect antidote to our irascible era. Politics, pop culture, sport, the Internet, TV, food, the environment, journalism, sex, PR, consumerism, war, religion, Royalty, terrorism, traffic - no subject is safe. No sacred cow is spared a jaunt to the slaughterhouse.Conservation - Process by which dwindling areas of natural beauty are preserved for future generations to buildDead - Not answering one's mobile phone or responding to emailsEmpathy - The shared understanding between two people on the same pay gradeEpidemic - The rapid and uncontrollable spread of anything contagious through newspapers Part-time employee - Full-time employee with a smoking habit, a FaceBook page and an ebay accountRefrigerator - Device for keeping salad and vegetables chilled before throwing them away unusedThreatening letters - MRSA, ASBO, OHMS, GBH, HIV, etc.Wendy House - Play home now banned from schools for giving children unrealistic expectations of future home ownershipXenophobia - The Englishman's hatred of foreigners - from the Latin words 'xenos' and 'phobos'Mike Barfield's updated definitions put the spin in the bin and prove there's one area in which beleaguered Britons can still proudly claim to lead the world: laughing at their problems.

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