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Bøger af Mike Morris

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  • - Getting a Better Understanding of How to Use Scratch
    af Mike Morris
    228,95 kr.

    The beauty in programming lies in the ability to create. As children, we conjure images of fantastical worlds within our head - imagining places, people, adventures, and monsters in an unending spiral of creation. Programming brings our imagination into the practical world, where we can create worlds that bend to our rules and enact anything you say. In essence, we become God - limited only by the confines of our computers.If Scratch is the door, then this book is your key, as it is filled with everything you need to understand and master the application. In this book, you will find: The basics of Scratch - inclusive of an explanation of the different parts of the interfaceProgramming and designing applications in ScratchSample projects with step-by-step solutionsOnce you've completed the book you will have an open the door to a world ready to be shaped by you.Whether you're planning to become a programming hobbyist or a full-time developer, this book will guide you towards that path.Your journey, however, doesn't end here. Scratch only, well, scratches the surface of the depths of programming. Many other languages ultimately allow you to create thousands of different applications. Becoming God was a dream, thought to be impossible - until now.

  • - Moving Beyond the Basics of Power BI and Learning about DAX Language
    af Mike Morris
    228,95 kr.

    Have you always wondered if there was a better way to visualize the numerous data sets you look at? Do you want to learn if there was a way to do it without using Excel and expensive visualization tools like Tableau? If you answered yes to these questions, you have come to the right place.Businesses often look for a way to visualize the large volumes of data they collect in an easy-to-read manner. They want visuals that enable them to understand the various correlations between variables to help them make the right decision. There are numerous business intelligence tools in the market, but most of these are expensive. A small or medium-sized corporation cannot afford those tools. This is where Power BI comes into play for you. Microsoft launched Power BI after understanding the needs of the market. It used Excel to test the different components of Power BI before it launched the application that is available to us today.If you are working as a business analyst or want to play around with data, you have come to the right place. This book will act as a guide and help you understand the basics of Power BI. We will also touch base on the DAX language and look at the different functions that one can use in this tool. Throughout this book, we will look at: An Introduction to Power BIWhy should you use Power BI?Data Sources in Power BIModeling data using Power BIDashboard, Visualization and other options in Power BISharing Dashboards and Reports in Power BIAn introduction to DAXDifferent functions in DAXHow to use DAX functions wiselyTips to work with visualizations in Power BI and moreIf you are keen to learn more about this tool, grab a copy of this book now!

  • - Una guía completa paso a paso para principiantes en la comprensión del Power BI
    af Mike Morris
    228,95 kr.

    ¡Aproveche al máximo sus datos con las herramientas de visualización de datos de Microsoft Power Bis! Comprender las capacidades de inteligencia empresarial que ofrece Power Bi: cree paneles, informes y modelos y ponga sus datos a trabajar. Power Bi es un servicio basado en la nube proporcionado por Microsoft para ayudarle a obtener información inteligente de sus datos. Esta guía está diseñada para ayudarle a comprender de qué es capaz Power Bi, cómo utilizar el conjunto de herramientas para comprender sus datos y generar informes. También aprenderá a crear un panel y visualizar sus datos, lo que le permitirá tomar mejores decisiones para su negocio.Aprenderá cómo obtener datos de diferentes fuentes, cómo limpiarlos y cómo diseñar modelos de datos para explorar sus datos, además de explorar bien las fórmulas DAX en sus datos para que seamás fácil trabajar con ellos. Uno de los conceptos clave de este libro es la visualización de datos y aprenderá estilos y técnicas para la narración digital. En resumen, esta guía le guiará paso a paso a través de Microsoft Power Bi, enseñándole cómo usar su entorno power Bi para garantizar una implementación sin problemas, actualizaciones de datos fluidas e implementación de seguridad completa. Al final del libro, habrás aprendido: Qué es Power Bi y cómo funcionaCómo utilizar el Editor de consultas para transformar y limpiar datosCómo usar Direct Query y opciones de importación para conexiones de origen de datosCómo construir modelos óptimos utilizando fórmulas y cálculos DAXCómo diseñar informes utilizando objetos visualesCómo crear y usar un tableroCómo utilizar las consultas del lenguaje naturalCómo utilizar Power Bi DesktopY mucho másNo te demores. Permita que su organización aproveche al máximo todo lo que Power Bi tiene para ofrecer haciendo clic en el botón Comprar ahora arriba.

  • - Tutorial Profundo Sobre Programación Scratch Para Principiantes (Scratch Programming Spanish Edition)
    af Mike Morris
    228,95 kr.

    ¿Ha estado buscando aprender programación, pero no sabe por dónde empezar? ¿Quizás escribir tantas palabras y frases parece desalentador al principio? La sintaxis de programación es bastante difícil, y para muchas personas se siente un poco más allá de ellos. Afortunadamente, hay una solución.Scratch es un lenguaje de programación visual. Esto significa que puede codi-ficar aplicaciones complejas sin escribir una sola palabra de texto. Eso también lo hace ideal para enseñar a los niños.Si intenta enseñar a sus hijos, por ejemplo, C ++, y comienza explicándoles que "cin" significa pedir el valor de una variable ... bueno, pronto perderán interés. Por otro lado, si comienzas con el atractivo visual de Scratch y les muestras que pueden hacer un juego lindo con solo un poco de esfuerzo, seguramente mantendrás su interés.Por la misma razón, Scratch es excelente si quieres comenzar por ti mismo. Puede ser difícil mantener su propio interés si su progreso es tan lento cada vez. Por otro lado, Scratch te inicia de inmediato.Si está buscando comenzar con la programación, entonces Scratch es su mejor opción. Este libro le ayudará a presentarle todos los matices de Scratch, enseñándole todo sobre cómo fun-ciona, qué hace y cómo lo hace. Te guiaremos en cada paso del camino. Comenzando desde ... cero. Revisaremos la instalación de Scratch y configuraremos el entorno de programación para crear sus primeros programas simples.Si estás listo para comenzar con la programación y el uso de Scratch, o incluso si solo quieres aprenderlo para tus hijos, ¡entonces vamos a sumergirnos!

  • - A Complete Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners in Understanding Power BI
    af Mike Morris
    228,95 kr.

    Make the most of your data with Microsoft Power Bis data visualization tools! Understand the business intelligence capabilities Power Bi offers: Build dashboards, reports and models and put your data to work.Power Bi is a cloud-based service provided by Microsoft to help you gain intelligent insight from your data. This guide is designed to help you understand what Power Bi is capable of, how to use the toolset to understand your data and produce reports. You will also learn how to build a dashboard and visualize your data, enabling you to make better decisions for your business.You will learn how to get data from different sources, how to clean it and how to design data models to explore your data plus well explore DAX formulas on your data to make it easier to work with.One of the key concepts of this book is data visualization and you will learn styles and techniques for digital storytelling. In short, this guide will take you step by step through Microsoft Power Bi, teaching you how to use your Power Bi environment to ensure seamless deployment, smooth data refreshes, and full security implementation.By the end of the book, you will have learned: What Power Bi is and how it works How to use Query Editor for transforming and cleaning data How to use DirectQuery and import options for data source connections How to build optimal models using DAX formulas and calculations How to design reports using visuals How to build and use a dashboard How to use Natural Language Queries How to use Power Bi Desktop And much moreDon't delay. Let your organization take full advantage of everything Power Bi has to offer by clicking the Buy Now button above.

  • - An In-depth Tutorial on Scratch Programming for Beginners
    af Mike Morris
    179,95 kr.

    Have you been looking to learn programming, but aren't sure where to start? Maybe writing so many words and phrases seems daunting at first? Programming syntax is quite difficult, and for many people it feels slightly beyond them. Luckily, there's a solution. Scratch is a visual programming language. This means that you're able to code complex applications without as much as writing a single word of text. That also makes it ideal to teach kids with.If you try to teach your kids, say, C++, and start by explaining to them that "cin" means asking for the value of a variable... well, they're going to lose interest soon. On the other hand, if you start with Scratch's visual appeal, and show them that they can make a cute game with just a bit of effort, you're bound to keep their interest. For the same reason, Scratch is great if you're wanting to start out yourself. It can be hard to keep your own interest going if your progress is so slow every time. On the other hand, Scratch starts you out immediately. If you're looking to start out with programming, then Scratch is your best bet. This book will help introduce you to all of Scratch's nuances, teaching you all about how it works, what it does, and how it does it. We'll guide you through every step of the way. Starting out from... scratch. We'll go over installing Scratch and setting up the programming environment, to making your first simple programs. If you're ready to start out with programming, and using Scratch, or even if you just want to learn it for your kids, then let's dive right in!

  • af Mike Morris
    326,95 - 821,95 kr.

    This text is a new concise guide to the complex and multi-faceted world of social anthropology a vital terminology to have at one's disposal in today's global village. The aim of this work is to introduce and relate terms, which may be unfamiliar, to newcomers to the subject and the intelligent general reader.

  • - Promoting Industrialisation by Making the Most of the Commodity Boom in Sub-Saharan Africa
    af David Kaplan, Mike Morris & Rapheal Kaplinsky
    118,95 kr.

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