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Bøger af Mike Welham

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  • - London
    af Mike Welham
    163,95 kr.

    A passenger aircraft heads towards London; it has a bomb on board. In the city, members of Islamic State have placed a dirty bomb at a strategic London location. Their plan is for the aircraft to crash into central London to combine with the detonation of the dirty bomb. It means the destruction of London is about to begin. The Islamic State has secreted thousands of battle-hardened IS soldiers into Europe, hidden amongst the flood of refugees and migrants, so that they can spread their Jihad. They are going to do battle and attack the non-believers with the aim of total domination through their radical form of Islam. Grenville Makepeace runs the MI6 Middle East anti-terrorist section but has to take a cautious line because there are those who ignore the terrorist threat already embedded in the corridors of power. Those responsible for safeguarding the country from attack are being challenged, so he turns to the Excalibur Foundation for help. They in turn look to Dan Pierce, a former French Foreign Legion sniper, and his reporter associate, Katie Jackson, to cut the head off the IS snake...

  • af Mike Welham
    183,95 kr.

    Dungeons, Dragons, and Death Await! Armed with knowledge of a villainous wizard's plans, a party of heroes must venture into the dreaded Shadescar Rift, a deep cave that leads into the dark tunnels beneath the earth. Legends say that it was created by the claw of some terrible beast. Locals stay well clear of the rift and claim it is the home of nightmare creatures that prey on the unwary. But only by braving such dangers can the PCs hope to stop their mysterious enemy. If they fail, he will unleash a great and terrible power upon the world. The Wizard's Dungeon is an adventure for 5th-level characters. It is the final adventure in the Trail of the Apprentice saga, a full campaign made up of 5 interconnected adventure modules for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! The Trail of the Apprentice saga and all adventures in the the Legendary Beginnings line from Legendary Games are designed as exciting adventures suitable for all ages, but specially designed for those new to roleplaying and those on the younger side. Grab this awesome 60-page adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary!

  • - Worms
    af Mike Welham
    153,95 kr.

    Wriggling, Writhing, Ravenous! Mythic Worms brings you a variety of vermicious villains, from teeming tiny terrors like the clinging, blood-sucking leech swarm and the terrifying parasitic rot grub swarm with its invasive gestation. At the opposite extreme, the titanic giant purple worm embodies brutal strength and primal power, while the equally huge neothelid is a lurking alien menace of the deep places beneath the world, its wormy exterior belying an advanced alien intelligence. The sinister seugathi are spawned by the neothelids as their spies and slaves, but are formidable in their own right, and like them the vermlek demon is an infiltrator par excellence, wriggling inside the remains of its victims and wearing their mind and body as a fleshy suit until the moment they burst forth in a rain of terror and blood. The freezing frost worm is legendarily as deadly in death as in life, while the sizzling thoqqua bores through stone and steel as easily as flesh. Not truly worms, perhaps, the heaving bulk of the giant slug and the kaleidoscopic shell of the freakish flail snail are nonetheless a sight dreaded by adventurers of every stripe. Perhaps most deadly of all, the worm that walks embodies every part of wormish terror in the form of slain sorcerer risen again through the eldritch appetite of the worms that consumed his living flesh. To this collection of worms CR 3 to 21, we present the terrifying ghoul-spewing conqueror worm, a carrion crawler supreme that devours and regurtigates the dead as its feasting slaves. As if this were not enough, we also bring you rules for getting a wormish companion of your own, including a divine domain for your local cult of Worms and a set of feats for taming and riding wormish beasts! The Mythic Monsters series from Legendary Games brings you dynamic and exciting mechanics alongside evocative and cinematic new abilities that really help creatures live up to their flavor text, whether they are creatures of real-world myth and legend or creatures born out of the RPG tradition itself. These creatures can work just as well in a non-mythic campaign as they do in one that incorporates the full mythic rules, as you can throw them at your jaded players who think they've seen it all or know the standard monster stats as well as you do. That look of surprise and "What was THAT?" will warm any GM's heart. Get this 30-page mythic monster supplement today, and look forward to future releases in the Mythic Monsters line.

  • af Mike Welham
    228,95 kr.

    This story about two great men combines fact and fiction. They are Lionel Crabb, a Second World War hero who, through his exploits as a frogman, was awarded the OBE and George Medal, and Maitland Pendock, an obscure 'businessman' with a love of the arts, who moved in the shadows and served the wartime Ministry of Information as their link to the Secret Intelligence Service - MI6. These two distinctive personalities, from very different backgrounds, became firm friends. From Shanghai in the 1930s to the Cold War in the 1950s, they moved in the world of espionage. Crabb's fiancée, Pat Rose, worked for the Security Service: he himself was their target. When Crabb disappeared in 1956 while diving under a Russian warship in Portsmouth, England, Pendock became the focus of the Security Service because of Crabb's connection to the head of the Royal Navy - Lord Mountbatten. It had been a great adventure but, in the end, they knew too much. Britain had long been a hotbed of spies, defectors and cover-ups - to such an extent that it has become very difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. The world of spies, defectors, traitors and the Establishment is a murky and dirty one. However, one fact that provides the foundation for this book is that the official record of Crabb's last dive in Portsmouth is held under the 100-year secrecy rule. This means that the facts might be revealed in 2056. This story, although a novel, is based on facts and information provided by witnesses to events and is the inside story.

  • - Guardians of Good
    af Mike Welham
    153,95 kr.

    From Good to GREAT! Good-aligned creatures are vastly outnumbered in roleplaying games, for the obvious reason that most of the time the characters are the heroes of the stories and they are unlikely to fight the powers of good. However, in a mythic world of mythic threats from the forces of darkness, there is a need for a mythic response, and here you will find it: the Guardians of Good! These mighty monsters stand just a little lower than the angels in purity of heart, but are second to none in strength of spirit as unconquerable bastions against evil. Here you will find the mighty metallic dragons, from the young brass to adult copper, giant adult bronze and ancient silver, all the way up to the great wyrm gold dragon. Beyond such winged wonders are the feathered serpents of the jungle, the couatl, along side the shedu, tauric guardians of the deep desert and the lammasu, the winged lions of heaven. Friendly but fierce blink dogs and luck-bearing ceru are also found within, alongside seagoing tritons and the secretive yet stalwart swan maiden. As if a dozen and one goodly guardians from CR 3 to 28 were not enough, we bring you the wise and noble chiron, immortal centaur mentor to aspiring heroes and trainer in the arts of the mind and heart as well as with bow and blade. Beyond these beatific beasts, we also bring you eight brand-new feats, including both non-mythic and mythic versions, to represent the mysteries of devotion to the cause of weal and righteousness that will help your heroes carry the day against any enemy.

  • - Japan
    af Mike Welham
    153,95 kr.

    Monsters of the Rising Sun! Mythic Monsters: Japan brings you an incredible assortment of monstrous and magnificent creatures from the Land of the Rising Sun, the fabulous and fertile fantasy realms of legendary Japan. These incredible creatures range from CR 3 to CR 30, from the the charming tanuki and the pugnacious kappa to the terrifying bakekujira, trailing oceans of death in their wake. You'll find menaces that are as beautiful as they are deadly in the long-haired harionago and the pale snow maiden yuki-onna. Some creatures of Japanese legend are purely helpful, like the friendly pipefox and the noble kirin, while others are avatars of purest death like the towering skeletal gashadokuro and the sinister scythes of the shinigami. Some of the mythological menaces of Japan appear harmless at first glance like the saw-toothed lily pads of the kawa akago, while others are shapeshifters who hide their cruel intentions behind a dissembling guise before unleashing their treachery, like the ogre mage and the spider-woman jorogumo. As if a dozen mythic monsters were not enough, we also bring you the apocalyptic fury of the many-headed Yamata no-Orochi, a colossal water dragon with a temptestuous fury and a parching addiction to the finest sake. In addition, we bring you an assortment of marvelous magic items that perfectly preserve the fantastic flavors of Japan, including the crane kimono, oni mask, princess peony, rokurokubi whip, and tombo fan! Grab this 32-page Pathfinder monster book today and Make Your Game Legendary!

  • - Bugs
    af Mike Welham
    153,95 kr.

    Creepy Crawly Creatures! Mythic Monsters: Bugs brings you over twenty incredible insects and amazing arthropods from CR 2 to 21, ranging from swarms of tiny terrors to titans of chitin, presenting mythic bugs suitable for every level. You will find familiar favorites like giant ants, mantises, scorpions, spiders, and wasps, as well as army ant swarms, centipede swarms, spider swarms, and wasp swarms, each with unique traits and mythic abilities that set them apart from more mundane myriapods. You will also find a wide variety of monstrous bug beasts, from titanic real-world arthropods like the colossal black scorpion and deadly mantis to fantastical creatures like the acid-spewing ankheg, the crafty cave fisher, and the icy-hot remorhaz. Not all monstrous bugs are dim-witted monstrosities, however, you will also find a variety of highly intelligent insectoids and their crawling kin like the shapeshifting aranea, the fleshwarped drider, the ghostly phase spider, and the mighty formian queen and her formian warrior minions. As if these were not enough, we also bring you eight fabulous feats perfect for mindless mythic monsters, with a special eye toward aiding insectoid enemies of epic proportions!

  • af Mike Welham
    173,95 kr.

    Days of Wine, Roses, and Glory! An iconic moment in fantasy fiction is the grand tournament. From the archery contests of Robin Hood to the jousts of Ivanhoe, it seems like half the stories about the Middle Ages have the heroes attend such a festival somewhere along the line. Whether honoring the king's birthday, the birth of a saint, the nation's victory over its enemies, or just because it's Midsummer's Day, festive pavilions are raised and flags and pennants flap in the rising breeze to signal that it is time for the main event to begin! However, even in the real-world tournaments were about far more than bows and lances, and in a fantasy game the options for what would constitute a friendly (or even not-so-friendly) competition are infinitely varied, from gritty and brutal feats of raw strength to magical marvels of the highest fantasy. You'll find athletic contests for running, riding, jumping, and more, to caber tossing, target shooting, tag-team wrestling, and armored ring races! From prosaic rural delights of a country fair to exotic events like the tower of jewels and pillars of life and death, Royal Tournaments is a fantastic resource for incorporating tournaments and festivals into your campaign, including an array of different tournament events and awards, some physical, some magical, some social, and all delightful. Whether your players want to promote the interests of their own kingdom or simply fight for glory and prizes, Royal Tournaments has everything you need to make the tournaments in your campaign magnificent and memorable. Grab this 42-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary!

  • af Mike Welham
    183,95 kr.

    Armed with knowledge of a villainous wizard's plans, a party of heroes must venture into the dreaded Shadescar Rift, a deep cave that leads into the dark tunnels beneath the earth. Legends say that it was created by the claw of some terrible beast. Locals stay well clear of the rift and claim it is the home of nightmare creatures that prey on the unwary. But only by braving such dangers can the PCs hope to stop their mysterious enemy. If they fail, he will unleash a great and terrible power upon the world. The Wizard's Dungeon is an adventure for 5th-level characters. It is part one of Trail of the Apprentice, a full campaign made up of 5 interconnected adventure modules for the 5th Edition of the world's most famous roleplaying game. The Trail of the Apprentice saga and all adventures in the the Legendary Beginnings line from Legendary Games are designed as exciting adventures suitable for all ages, but specially designed for those new to roleplaying and those on the younger side. Pick up this 50-page adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary!

  • - A First World War Story of Great Compassion and Courage that Crosses the Class Divide
    af Mike Welham
    173,95 kr.

    Thomas becomes disillusioned with the war on the Western Front - where he endures boredom, lice, mud, shells, lack of food, a scarcity of ammunition, and the mass slaughter of 'over the top' assaults. Having been wounded rescuing a comrade, he returns to England. In a conversation with Lord Overbury, his pre-war employer and Colonel of the London Rifle Regiment, Thomas poses the possibility of undertaking a covert operation behind enemy lines in order to attack ammunition depots and armaments factories. His vision is to do this in a daring raid aboard a boat travelling along the River Rhine. Against all odds, approval is given and a special group is selected to prepare for the mission. Thomas had been born into poverty but after losing his parents, his job and home, a quirk of fate brings him to the estate of Lord Overbury and his daughter, Lady Clarissa. Crossing the class divide, a friendship develops between Thomas and Clarissa - as well as between Thomas and the cook's daughter, Rosie. Rosie's deceased father was German and it is she who teaches Thomas to speak the language. Clarissa becomes a nurse on the front line. When the covert operation takes place, she goes along as the group's nurse, with Rosie also onboard as cook and German speaker. The drama unfolds, leaving in its wake success, love, death - and the inevitable question... was it all worth while?

  • - Giants
    af Mike Welham
    228,95 kr.

    Rocks will shatter, trees will ignite, bones will break - the giants are coming! Since the beginning of the RPG hobby, giants have been monsters to reckon with. Even the weakest giant towers over its foes and wreaks havoc with sheer physical strength. Give it armor, magic items, and the power of frost, fire, or lightning, and your players have real problems. Larger Than Life gives GMs everything they need to bring these terrifying titans to their table. This 76-page book by RPG Superstar Mike Welham offers Thursir, Hill, Frost, Stone, Fire, Cloud, and Storm Giant NPCs-plus new spells, feats and gear to strike terror into the hearts of puny adventurers.

  • af Mike Welham
    173,95 kr.

    A TIME OF CORRUPTION Zenacon-Global Inc, a US Corporation, is one of the largest multinational global conglomerates in the world. Both the corporation and the main board members are under investigation for serious fraud, and other irregular activities by the IRS, the Security Exchange Commission and the CIA. Building seven is where the investigation into Zenacon-Global Inc is being carried out. It is where all of the incriminating evidence is being held. The building and its contents have to be destroyed and Worldwide Executive Management mercenaries are hired to do the job. A TIME FOR DESTRUCTION Dr Casey Hart, an explosives expert who specialises in demolishing high-rise buildings in built-up areas, is forced to plan the destruction of building seven. The world watched as the twin towers crashed to the ground virtually in free-fall. Then seven hours later, building seven implodes into its own footprint, collapsing in just seven seconds. No fire could have caused such a failure. Only one thing could... Nano Thermate, used as part of a controlled demolition. A TIME FOR JUSTICE The heads of Zenacon-Global Inc instruct Worldwide Executive Management to use their Black Eagles mercenaries to eliminate Hart and destroy all evidence. An assassination attempt fails to kill Hart and he flees for his life. The Excalibur Foundation, an organisation that seeks justice for political victims, steps in to save Hart. Dan Pierce, a former French Foreign Legion sniper, is contracted for his second assignment: to save Hart and secure the incriminating evidence. In a dramatic twist, Federal accident investigator Grace Garcia and Katie Jackson, a reporter for the Daily Globe, also have damaging evidence against Zenacon. Dan has their lives in his hands, he just has to find and rescue them...

  • - A Fight Against Sex Trafficking
    af Mike Welham
    163,95 kr.

    Andrei Dragomir moves to London, where the system allows him to expand his operation as one of Europe's leading exploiters of the demand for underage sex with young girls. To maintain the supply of girls Dragomir imports from Europe where those still at school kidnapped, whilst older girls are lured by the offer of well paid non-existent jobs. All are forced into the sordid sex trade. His exploits are challenged when a schoolteacher searching for pupils, a woman who has duped into going to London is forced to work for Dragomir and a female police detective working for a London Sexual Exploitation Unit, create an alliance to gather evidence about Dragomir and his sordid activities. They discover that the detective's bosses are frequent guests at the Dragomir venues; a reward for turning a blind eye to his activities. In a dramatic twist, Katie Jackson, a reporter for the Daily Globe, obtains damaging evidence about Dragomir's activities in Africa. With the authorities ignoring the situation help comes from the Excalibur Foundation. They engage Dan Pierce, a former French Foreign Legion sniper, to gather and secure further incriminating evidence. His discoveries expose an evil world of greed, perversion and corruption in an operation against Dragomir, his thugs and corrupt officials in London and Africa to rescue the girls and stop his operations.

  • - The Exploits of an SAS Sabotage Team During World War II
    af Mike Welham
    173,95 kr.

    Oliver was born in the aftermath of the First World War; he grew up on a large estate learning the skills of poachers, fieldcraft, shooting and an instinct for navigation. From an idyllic life he was sucked into the Second World War; he joined the army where he was given a commission. He had no idea that his future was to involve high adventure, combined with a bevy of female admirers who were to affect his life. Formal soldiering did not sit well with him so the army focused his destiny. He trained as a commando. Posted to Egypt, the Long Range Desert Group sought his military and linguistic skills; he soon found himself deep behind the enemy lines gathering intelligence. Then he was transferred to the Special Air Service, where he took part in behind-the-lines raids against enemy targets in North Africa. As the war in the desert drew to a close, he returned to England to prepare for the invasion of Europe. He led a four-man SAS team who were dropped into occupied France. Their mission was to blow up railway lines and trains at the market town of Le Dorat in south-west France, so as to delay the German army's hasty move north to counter the D-Day landings.

  • af Patrick Harris & Mike Welham
    152,95 kr.

  • - Temple of Luminescence (D&D 5e)
    af Kevin Morris & Mike Welham
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jacqui Welham & Mike Welham
    235,95 kr.

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