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Bøger af Mohammed Ali

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  • - Bandefængslet indefra
    af Mohammed Ali & Frej Bramming
    132,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Kom med ind i en brutal verden bag tremmer, hvor død, vold og trusler forfølger de ansatte. Også når de går hjem.Firhjulstrækkeren i bakspejlet kom nærmere og lagde sig ud i overhalingsbanen på motorvejen. En ung, mørkklædt mand foldede sin hånd som en pistol og kiggede direkte på Ali. Beskeden var ikke til at tage fejl af. Mohammed Ali blev en del af en rå verden, da han begyndte som fængselsbetjent i det bandeplagede Nyborg Fængsel. Blodige konflikter fra gaden blev slæbt med ind bag murene, hvor den afstumpede vold rystede den tidligere elitebokser. Bag lås og slå regerer de stærke, og de svage bliver udnyttet og forsømt. Hverdagen blev også en kamp mellem indsatte og ansatte om, hvem der styrede fængslet. Der blev knyttet tætte bånd mellem fængselsbetjentene, men der var også kollegaer, der ikke fulgte spillets regler. Jo længere tid der gik, desto sværere fik Ali selv ved at kende forskel på rigtigt og forkert. Til sidst endte vold og trusler med at forfølge Ali udenfor fængslets mure og kaste lange skygger over hans liv. Det her er historien om bandefængslet indefra.

  • af Robert Wood, Mohammed Ali & Farag Edghiem
    2.137,95 - 2.812,95 kr.

  • af Mohammed Ali
    724,95 kr.

    This textbook will delve into the philosophical foundation of contemporary IS research design with particular emphasis on the methodological tools that can be applied to conduct effective research in the multidisciplinary area of contemporary IS. What sets the book apart is that it will cover the current social paradigm shift, global changes and the need for new methodological tools, which have revolutionised the way we use IS to support our daily practices. It considers the entire methodological procedures applied to research projects that investigate or explore multifaceted areas of contemporary IS, such as information management, digital business, ICT and information science.Featuring learning objectives, case studies, assessment questions and exercises, this textbook offers a practical outline for IS research methodology that will be of use to students and researchers. It aims to satisfy researchers who are seeking literature on applying methodological procedures to their research projects that delve into the world of contemporary IS that other titles have only considered in a much broader sense.

  • af Mohammed Ali
    327,95 kr.

    The World Wide Web has become a promising place for electronic commerce, and thousands of "dot-com" and "brick and mortar" companies have set up commercial websites to do business over the Internet (Lightner, 2004; Duffy and Dale, 2002; O'Connor and O'Keefe, 1997). Web Commerce, Analysis, and Research Literature is the topic of Chapter 1.Hence The use of websites can help with supply chain operations in general and procurement in particular (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2004). Today, most transactions done on the Internet are between businesses (Chakraborty et ah, 2002).Commercial websites have been seen as a form of advertising for a long time, and traditional models of advertising have been used to figure out how they work (Karson and Fisher, 2005).Chapter 2 goes into detail about how the research method was used to study the proposed problem.Chapter 3: Using websites to make e-business better: factor analysis, cluster analysis, and chi-square analysis. In this chapter, we did a Factor Analysis to find out how many common factors are needed and enough to explain the correlations between a set of variables. Cluster Analysis is used to find out if respondents have different ideas, and its basic assumptions are its variables.Chapter 4: Using Variance Analysis to Test the Significance of Better E-Business (ANOVA).So, an ANOVA analysis is done to find out how the sample means of the data are spread out. One of the main goals of this chapter is to show how to use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to make websites better. We used ANOVA on things like gender, age, job status, income, and education level to learn more.Chapter 5 comes to the conclusion that E-business companies should build websites that people can trust by using security when doing business. The specification is based on both theoretical and real-world sources that identified important parts of retail websites, such as the types of information presented, the levels of functionality offered, and the degree to which they meet customers' needs.

  • - A True Life Story about the Out-Of-Body Experience of a Choirboy
    af Mohammed Ali
    147,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • - A Blackman's Perspective
    af Mohammed Ali
    127,95 kr.

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