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  • af Monica Walters
    204,95 kr.

    Jakari Bolton: protector and provider... He takes on those roles when his father gets incarcerated for hideous crimes that are still bothering him ten years later. Jakari is so busy taking care of those he loves he forgot that he needed care too. Anger, guilt, and hurt have guided his life's trajectory, and he doesn't know any other way to be. So when he has to pick up his cousins from school and runs into librarian, Yendi Odom, he doesn't know how to handle her. His attempts to get what he wants, like he does with other women, prove to leave him unsatisfied. For the first time in over ten years, he wants more. He wants a relationship with her, but he realizes that isn't something he's mentally or emotionally ready for. Yendi Odom: nurturer and caregiver... She doesn't know those roles fit her until she meets Jakari Bolton. Running from drama with her family, she ends up in a small town working as the librarian at the high school. Her decision to move where she doesn't have any familial ties or friends, while grieving the loss of her father, proves to be harder than she thought it would be. However, when she meets Jakari through two of her students, she knows he's the one that will change her life. Almost love at first sight, Yendi commits to Jakari and to helping him through his issues without reciprocity. That decision has left her confused, but she's sure about the way he has swept her off her feet. Jakari and Yendi: explosive, passionate, and emotion-filled... The emotions between the two are strong from the very beginning and neither of them know how to explain it. Both dealing with heavy issues, they lean on one another for healing and solace. Jakari has a hard time with that though, because he believes Yendi deserves better. She deserves a man that is ready to love her through anything. Yendi believes he deserves her and more importantly, that she deserves him and everything he has to offer. The push and pull gets overwhelming, despite Yendi's devotion. She begins to question her decisions and doubts that a relationship with Jakari is feasible. Can Jakari come to grips with his issues in time to claim Yendi's love for him? Or will he allow anger, hurt, and guilt to continue to consume him, leaving no room for the love his soul needs?

  • af Monica Walters
    213,95 kr.

    Isaiah Berotte, the eldest of the Berotte siblings, knows exactly what he wants out of life. He has a career that has treated him well, a loving family that has his back, and a beautiful home that displays the reward of his labor. A family of his own is the one thing he craves, but time hasn't been forgiving. He wants to be in love and receive love in return, but it seems that won't happen unless it's with the only woman he has ever truly cared about. After experiencing a moment of grief and turmoil with her, he does his best to move on and forget. The problem is that he hasn't seen her in sixteen years and because so much time has passed, he's nervous to contact her for fear of rejection. Joyy Roberts once had it all simply by being with the man she loved. However, she never made him aware of just how much she loved him. After a painful event, he eventually left her in his past, and it destroyed Joyy. Thoughts of moving on don't go far because the only man she craves has created distance between them, indicating that he didn't care about her as much as she cared about him. Her life is spiraling out of control, because her demons have taken the reins. She's only going through the motions until the day her past takes a huge leap of faith to exist in her present. Isaiah is determined to convince Joyy of his regrets and his love for her despite her insistence of being fine without him. Joyy is troubled because of his return, not knowing whether he's sincere or not. Will she allow Isaiah to come into her life and change it for the better or continue to allow it to travel the path of destruction until there's no life left to live?

  • - An Erotic Novella
    af Monica Walters
    163,95 kr.

    Amesha Walker has possessed control of her life and career and has made the most of both. As a successful dietician, she started her own business, by traveling and doing home visits for patients instead of working for someone else. She always knew she was destined for greatness. The only area she struggles in is her love life. After taking a trip home to visit her parents, she runs into her high school sweetheart. It has been seven years since she's seen him, but her feelings haven't changed, and she discovers that immediately after seeing him. Chance Sylvester has accepted mediocrity in his love life, since he feels like he can't have the woman he wants. As a successful accountant, he's made the best of life and his career, feeling like he's on the brink of making partner. His mediocre love life comes to a screeching halt when he sees Amesha, after seven years, in the grocery store. He is determined to hold onto her this time, no matter what it takes. This chance encounter is only the beginning. Despite the rekindling, they are now adults and don't know if they will be as compatible as they once were as kids. Can they turn a past, immature attraction into an undeniable love?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    They say experience is the best teacher, but apparently, Ashahve still has more to learn. After falling for who she believes is the man of her dreams, familiar patterns and habits start to rear their ugly heads. Determined not to take any chances, she chooses to do something about it early on. However, she wonders if she made the right decision. Her heart won't let her move on, and it tends to care about past acquaintances far more than it should. Struggling his entire life to cope with traumatic events, Omari has yet to see so many things go wrong at once. Before he can fully recover from one thing, he's hit with the next. Life unexpectedly hands out blow after blow. Revealing his true emotions has always been a problem for him, so he does what he knows to do regarding them. It doesn't help that he still doesn't know how to handle past disappointments. When new issues arise, they only compound on top of old ones, threatening to make a lethal combination. Finding peace and learning from past decisions has Elijah living a renewed life. He's been able to come to grips with his choices and their consequences. There's only one problem: he still loves the woman he was forced to leave in the past. Despite the advice of others and trying to move on with someone new, he can't seem to leave her where she belongs. Unfortunately, she doesn't make this decision easy for him to make. While his attachment to this woman nearly caused his ruin once before, he's willing to take that risk once again. Three totally different personalities find themselves weaved into an ugly web that they never fully made it out of, one of them barely escaping by the skin of their teeth. Unable to control their desires, they find themselves in compromising situations that threaten to take them captive. Who will overcome and come out on top this time?

  • af Monica Walters
    228,95 kr.

    Serita Jameson-Taylor just has too many irons in the fire. Trying to run a successful non-profit organization for girls, raise five-month-old twins, and take care of her family, has pushed her to her limits. She's so worried about everyone else, she doesn't take the time to tend to her own needs. Growing up a ward of the state and having no one to look out for her, Serita has always wishes she had a family. Well, Shawn made her wish come true and found her biological family. However, with all the drama going on, she almost wished they didn't exist. From one thing to the next, Serita has to come out victorious for the sake of her children, but for how long will she be able to maintain her own sanity?Shawn Taylor has always been the one to hold everything down. He's always known exactly what to do in any given situation. However, when tragedy occurs, it leaves Shawn reeling, not knowing how to handle his emotions. He gets caught up in a whirlwind of misfortune and drama, but finds out some interesting details about his family, some of which causes him to dig deeper in the past. A lot of his misguided decisions due to the tragedies in his life has caused emotional pain to everyone around him. Can Shawn pull himself out of the depressive state he's fallen into before he loses everything, including Serita and his children?

  • af Monica Walters
    198,95 kr.

    If confidence was a women's size twenty, then its name would have to be Aspen St. Andrews. The thirty-one-year-old freelance journalist is living life on her own terms, except in one area. Love. She feels somewhat stuck in an engagement to a man that she once loved and that she decided to cohabitate with. They argue about her career as if it's a hobby and Aspen is sick of it. As their engagement is on the verge of being dissolved, she decides to take a trip to the little town of Nome, Texas to interview ranchers about their livestock that are mysteriously dying. What she doesn't expect, is to meet a man that threatens to change everything she found attractive in a man. Aspen couldn't have these sorts of desires for a stranger who was tactless and rude. No matter how pitiful her relationship was, she was still engaged to be married. Seven Storm Henderson is a man that knows what he wants. Until he finds it, or he stumbles upon it, he chooses to live life to the fullest. Being the youngest of seven children, he's used to getting his way. He owns a full-service center and mechanic shop, and his family pretty much owns the entire town. However, he loves taking care of the animals in their pastures, especially the cattle. Women are willing to throw themselves at his feet, but he only wants one thing from them. Even with him being rude and nasty to most of them, they still continue to chase the Storm. One day, what he feels is his destiny, drops in his lap, but he soon realizes that she isn't like most women he's dealt with. Storm and Aspen have a rocky start, because Storm can't seem to speak intelligently enough to woo Aspen. He realizes that she may be too good for him, but that doesn't stop his pursuit. Will Storm make the necessary changes to have Aspen all to himself or will Aspen make the necessary adjustments in her life to actually give Storm a chance?

  • af Monica Walters
    238,95 kr.

    Kortlynn Hebert has learned how to be positive in every situation. Growing up in a single-parent home, her mother taught her how to love herself and to have self-respect. That was an important lesson, especially for a plus-sized woman. Kortlynn realized early that the person that should love her the most was herself, however, that didn't keep her warm at night. It didn't softly kiss her lips. Loneliness is prevalent in her life, but that doesn't make her desperate. While there had been relationships with men, they just didn't measure up. Not wanting to be a notch on anyone's belt, Kortlynn chooses the path of celibacy and focuses even more on herself. Until one day, out of the blue, this angel drops right in front of her. While she is skeptical of his motives, she's in awe of his good looks and pleasant personality. She meets Zayson Ardoin in a professional atmosphere, but things soon turn personal. Zayson Ardoin, a country boy that possesses an urban swag, has been coasting through life, not knowing love. He lives day to day training horses for rodeo events and breaking somewhat wild horses so they can be ridden. Indulging in the single life for a while, he decides he's tired of random women and the drama that comes with them. He puts all his energy into his work and he's content being alone. He chooses celibacy versus dealing with a woman that he doesn't see himself developing a relationship with. Fate must be on his side when he ends up face to face with Kortlynn Hebert. He's always liked his women thick, and she fits the bill perfectly. While trying to keep things professional, he fails miserably, and begins a chase that he intends on winning. Kortlynn and Zayson have a lot in common, but the main thing they agree on is that they are both too old to play games. However, the people they find themselves surrounded by don't seem to follow the same mantra. Will the interferences of people they love keep them from developing the relationship they both long for? Do they have the strength and desire to persevere regardless of the games people play?

  • - No Justice No Peace
    af Monica Walters
    178,95 kr.

    Abraham, an honest and determined man, worked in the cotton fields to provide for his family. But in 1906, he becomes the suspect of committing a mortal sin, leading the city of Atlanta to erupt in a bloody racial massacre ripping families apart.Abraham finds himself tangled in the center of a web of treacherous accusations while fighting for his family and freedom. Will Abraham find justice and peace? Or will the aftermath of being wrongly accused be the end of his family?

  • - Book 8 of the Sweet Series
    af Monica Walters
    298,95 kr.

    Sonya Thompson's life has come full circle. She's had a baby in her older age, and that has calmed her down significantly. Her new son, Tristan, has done something lithium couldn't do... keep her level headed. However, that doesn't keep drama from finding her address. Sonya is the queen of drama, but most of it isn't her fault this time around. She struggles to commit to the one man that she loves, Shawn Taylor. That feat becomes more and more difficult as time passes. Good thing she's kept her options open. Sonya has so many options, she wonders if she should just stay single. Relationships didn't tend to be kind to her anyhow. However, after Gary Lavigne comes into her life, she realizes that Shawn isn't the only man that seems to be perfect for her. While battling hallucinations from the depression of losing Kai and traumatic events that nearly cripple her, Sonya has to make decisions that could change her life forever. Will she make the right decisions for her and Tristan to live peacefully, or will she dig a deeper hole to bury herself in?Shawn Taylor made a commitment to take care of his children at all costs. Serita, his ex-wife, dropped all three of them off to him and has been in the wind ever since. As long as Serita is gone, Shawn and the kids thrive and enjoy time with Sonya and her new baby. Shawn feels that Sonya is his soulmate and the love of his life. However, when Serita shows back up, she threatens to destroy everything. Shawn is an emotional ball of nerves, trying to keep his kids safe and emotionally stable. For once, Sonya isn't the one being indecisive concerning their relationship... he is. Whenever Serita is around, it destroys Shawn on the inside and causes him to neglect the love of his life. He has the support of his brothers, Devin and WJ, and his best friend, Corey, but that almost doesn't seem like it's enough. Shawn yearns for a stable relationship and a family, but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for him. Things erupt, and Shawn is forced to take drastic measures to keep his family from falling apart. With the rollercoaster ride of emotions flowing through his being, can Shawn hold it together for the sake of his children and his pending relationship with Sonya?

  • af Monica Walters
    198,95 kr.

    Your past doesn't define your present. That's a mantra that Colson Crook lives by and for very good reason. The odds were stacked against him, starting from his birth to a single mother in a low-income area of Port Arthur, Texas. He succumbed to the odds on more than one occasion, but now he is living the life he is destined to live. Trying to get other people to forget about his past seems to be the problem, especially his family. However, over the years, he learns to deal with their negativity. His life is almost complete, except in one area. Love. It has eluded him for years, and he accepts that. But one fateful night, his eyes land on the woman that could change his relationship status forever. Sky Jones is a successful teacher that wants to make a difference in the lives of her students. However, dealing with the attitudes of the teenagers she teaches, constantly increases in difficulty and threatens to make her forget her reason for pursuing that career in the first place. Deciding to take a short distance girls' trip for spring break gives her the reprieve she needs, but it also gives her something else... an undeniable attraction to an older man that she can't ignore. Despite her hesitancy because of the age difference, she decides to give in to his advances to see what he's all about. Colson and Sky start on a fast-paced trek and feel that despite the warnings of the people closest to them, they want to pursue something meaningful. Will they continue to throw caution to the wind or will one of them decide to take heed to those warnings and dismantle what they are trying to build?

  • af Monica Walters
    228,95 kr.

    While everyone in the family is finding love and starting families, Chad Berotte feels like his life is at a standstill. His job is stressful as ever because of an issue that reaches back over ten years, and his past situations regarding love have affected him negatively, losing his mother being the main one. The loss of her has played a part in his ability to give and receive love, and he doesn't know how to get past it. He doesn't even realize it is an issue for him until Alexis Fontenot enters the picture. Whenever he decides to proceed in a relationship with her, an issue arises to make him retreat. His heart wants her, but his mind wants to refuse the mere thought that there is a woman alive that can make him happy. Alexis Fontenot has been in love with a man that doesn't seem to even care enough to acknowledge it. Her body and heart crave love, and the lack of it causes her to make desperate decisions that only offer temporary relief, ultimately leaving her unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Like Chad, she also realizes that she's craving love so strongly, because of her father's absence in her life, although she is the one who kicked him out of it. When it comes to Chad, Lexi has the patience of Job and wants to wait for him to realize how strong their chemistry is, only for him to string her along throughout his indecisiveness. His communication skills are lacking, and Lexi's endurance is starting to fade. The back and forth is wearing Lexi thin and destroying her from the inside out. What she wants from Chad seems to be impossible, and she wrestles with letting him go for good. Chad, however, realizes that he can't allow her to slip from his grasp yet again, or he may not be able to get her back this time. Will he get it together in time or will it be too late?

  • af Monica Walters
    188,95 kr.

    Love is risky, and in life, people take risks. Valerie Denise Porter takes a risk to love Eric Draymond Walker, an aspiring rapper, despite her sister and best friend's uncertainties about him. His looks had her mesmerized from the beginning. That risk eventually proves to not be worth taking. Valerie discovers that her life with Eric isn't what she thought it would be. Like many women in toxic relationships, she feels trapped. She's living a nightmare, a live horror flick that she can't seem to escape from until Isaac Mateo Ramirez makes her acquaintance. While she likes Isaac, Eric is the man she loves. Love should be reciprocated, but somehow, Valerie forgets what love is supposed to look like, sound like, and feel like. Isaac wants to be the man to remind her of how amazing love can feel, but she can't seem to break free of Eric's grasp. Despicable decisions lead to unfortunate events, and Valerie finds herself at a crossroad. She knows what's right, but will she make the right decision, or will she stumble and fall in the horror flick of love?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    A socialite and a cautious introvert try to make a love connection, but their differences might be more than they can overcome.

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    Life and the results of bad decisions have thrown Ashahve Glasper a curve ball. She's pregnant and doesn't know which man has fathered the baby. There's Dr. Elijah Coleman, her professor with whom she's had an on again off again affair with and Omari Watkins, the love of her life, but also the one who hurt her the most. Depression is threatening to take her down, because it seems she's in this thing alone until God shines a little light on her. While having company through the process makes it easier to deal with, the fact still remains that she doesn't know which man is the father of her child. While Omari is the man she wants to be the father, she also knows that Elijah would be a good father. The paternity results will reveal who the father is, but will Ashahve be able to handle the results? Finally in a good place in life, Omari Watkins knows what he wants... what he needs. Ashahve Glasper is at the top of that list. While they had an extremely difficult breakup, he accepts responsibility for it and wants to make amends. He feels that he can now be the man she needs now that he's gotten his anger issues in check. Therapy has also taught him how to emotionally express himself as well. He knows he can be a great man to her, but will she give him a second chance? Elijah Coleman just wants to know when life will treat him like his is worth living. From one issue to the next, he struggles to get past them. However, his tenacity won't allow him to give up and wallow in regret. With his career and reputation on the line, Elijah does his best to get through the ordeal. While all these problems stem from his involvement with his student, Ashahve Glasper, he still wants to be in her life, especially since he knows she could possibly be having his baby. These three lives once again intertwine. A pregnancy could connect two of them forever, but which two? Ashahve is a nervous wreck, begging God to let one of them in particular be the father. They all know of the possibilities, and they are prepared to deal with the outcomes, but can they hold it together until those results are bestowed upon them? Will the results be favorable for all parties involved?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    Tiffany Henderson is the baby girl of seven and the only one who hasn't found love. While chasing her dreams of owning a successful business and being an innovator in the rodeo industry, she feels she's still missing out. She wants what her siblings have... a family. Making huge moves establishing herself in the industry as a black woman, she meets the man that could possibly accompany her to fame, however, her desire to be in control of every facet of her life, including the people in it, can be a huge turn-off. Ryder Semien knows what it feels like to have a rewarding career, doing just what he loves. As a highly sought-after tattoo artist, he's living his wildest dreams of creating art on walking billboards. He's somewhat content in where his life is, until he meets the woman of his dreams. She forces him to realize that he's craved love without even knowing it. He soon realizes that there's more than what meets the eye when it comes to Tiffany Henderson, and he desires to know every part of her. When these two hearts collide, it's automatic combustion, and their chemistry is off the charts. But will their fight for power allow them to explore the possibilities? Or will their struggle cause them to crash and burn?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    Nelsondra Allison Garrett is the picture-perfect wife and mother. So much so, until she often neglects taking care of herself. Her husband and children mean everything to her, so she makes sure everything is moving smoothly. Until... She's rocked with news about her health and can no longer be their be-all. But she finds that when she needs support, she rarely gets it, putting a strain on her marriage. Her children are young, and they help as much as they physically can, but she longs for her husband's affection and tenderness. Having to cope with her illness on her own and deal with her husband's stubbornness and thoughtless actions is pushing Nel to her breaking point.⠀⠀ Easton Bridges has been searching for the woman that he can put on a pedestal and love for life. After a day of scrolling social media, he runs across a profile for someone that used to be his best friend. Nelsondra Allison. While they hadn't talked in years, he'd missed her. Although they were friends in high school, he'd secretly wanted more. He initiates contact, hoping that she would give him her time... even if it's only to rekindle their friendship. Seeing that she's married, he realizes that he's missed his opportunity. But when he sees her out with her family, he knows that he has to rescue her.⠀⠀ This situation isn't an easy fix for Nelsondra, despite Easton's suggestion that it should be. Making changes in her life will come at a cost, but to whom? Easton is determined to be there for her no matter what she chooses to do, if only he could convince her to let him.

  • af Monica Walters
    253,95 kr.

    Noah Brooks Charles has been living in seclusion for the past two years. Making the most difficult decision of his life has had him in the trenches, wallowing in depression. While he knew it was something he had to do for himself, he feels like he has thrown his family away. As he tries to make a break for happiness, something happens, causing anger and animosity to grab him by the ankles and attempt to drag him back to hell. However, God sends an angel in the form of singer, TAZ, to collaborate with him on a song for her album. She brings a calm to his mental and spiritual chaos, leaving him speechless. A business chat about music turns into a personal one, making him realize that life does go on. Taryn Ariel Zenith, known to the music industry as TAZ, has lived life on her terms, not focusing on what the masses are doing, but creating her own path. She feels her inner clock is ticking and time is running out on the family she's always wanted. At forty-four years old, she doesn't have any children and hasn't had a meaningful relationship in years. She's always had an interest in the rapper, Noah, but after speaking with him about a potential collaboration, she gains an interest in Noah, the man. She realizes this attraction could be one-sided, but she wants to subtly show him that she feels like their musical collaboration could become more. Noah has demons in his past from childhood trauma and a couple of relationships that are difficult to understand. Moving on and releasing himself of guilt has been hard. TAZ doesn't know if she can compete with the women in his life, and somewhat regrets trying to pursue anything beyond friendship. Can they move past what should be in their rear view and live in their present to assure their future, or will they allow former relationships to dismantle everything?

  • af Monica Walters
    208,95 kr.

    Dexter Dent, Junior, affectionately called DJ by everyone who knows him, has been ready to abandon the single life for a while now. His adolescent and entire adult life has always been about making sure his mother and brother were taken care of. Now that his mom is happy and living her life with his new stepfather, Sheldon Berotte, he's ready to find that same happiness that only a woman can bring and that all his bonus siblings seem to have already found. That process proves to be tedious trying to find a diamond in a cesspool, but DJ is up for the challenge. Single mother of two and divorcée, Shavozz Simpson, is still reeling from the effects of her now defunct marriage. She constantly blames herself for choosing the wrong man and not listening to warnings from those close to her. The next man will have to suffer through rigorous testing, because she refuses to be stubbornly naïve and fall for another man like her ex-husband. It doesn't help that her friend instigates chaos by bringing drama and allegations to her doorstep at every turn. DJ is smitten the day he lays eyes on Shavozz, but he realizes the conquest isn't going to be as easy as he originally perceived. Shavozz knows in her heart that DJ is the man for her after a short while and that possibility causes fear to infiltrate her mind, sabotaging the mere idea that a man could care so much for her. Can she release her past failures in relationships so she can be free to love DJ, or will she allow them to cripple even the possibility? Will DJ's love be able to weather the storm in hopes of seeing a rainbow?

  • af Monica Walters
    213,95 kr.

    Being rejected by girls during his teenage years, Dylan Berotte chooses to live his adult life on his own terms. When he finally emerges from what he considers his ugly duckling phase, he only wants one thing from women... temporary pleasures. Simply the thought of love sours on his stomach. It isn't until the scare of his lifetime occurs that he decides to reevaluate his life's choices. Taking a permanent hiatus from his lifestyle of loving them and leaving them, he stumbles upon a woman that literally renders him speechless. For the first time, he doesn't know how to proceed. Skyler Fontenot is an upcoming attorney looking for a new start. Love has disappointed her, and, in her mind, she believes distance can be the cure. After accepting a case that is beyond her expertise, she solicits the help of another lawyer in Beaumont, Texas, with hopes of impressing him enough to where he will offer her a position at his firm. One thing she is not expecting is to meet a man that will change her life's trajectory in the blink of an eye. Despite what she tells herself regarding love, every part of her is against her plans for herself the moment Dylan Berotte opens his mouth. Drama is the last thing either of them want, but it seems that is exactly what's in the cards. Dylan's pending circumstance, at the very least, would give any good woman pause. Once it's revealed to Skyler, it brings her to a crossroads, and she doesn't know if she has the patience or if she trusts Dylan enough to even take a chance on him. Will she choose to risk her good sense to be with Dylan, or will she just cut ties altogether and move on in life without him?

  • af Monica Walters
    183,95 kr.

    Sidney Jameson's life struggles have been one huge secret. She put her all into her education and works to become one of the best criminal defense attorneys in the state of Texas. She didn't have time for boys, but as a grown woman a man steals her heart. After he has proven to be everything she needs, she accepts his proposal. However, the world as Sidney knows it begins to crumble the day Devin proposes to her. When these situations arise, it gives Sidney no choice but to share her upbringing. An upbringing that has shaped her into the woman she is and fueled her drive to become great. Will she be able divulge the secrets that have plagued her for so long?Devin has always been the younger brother who needed protecting. However, he has had to save his family on more than one occasion already. Life's experiences have prepared him to take care of a family he's trying to build with Sidney Jameson. His love for Sidney keeps him humble, since she is such a firecracker. However, when tragedies occur in his own backyard, will it be too much pressure for him?Sidney and Devin have a lot to overcome, but with Sidney's stubbornness and Devin's impatience, will they be able to make their relationship work? Or will all the family drama and secrets drive them apart?

  • af Monica Walters
    158,95 kr.

    The Hendersons are back in a funny and loving novella to show you how they celebrate Christmas. There are quite a few events that get Storm Henderson all riled up, but his sisters and brothers put him in his place. His kids are just as out of hand as he is. The main event, Nesha Henderson's wedding, is what has the entire family under one roof for an extended amount of time. Although there is love in the air, there is also drama. The family comes together in love to try to help one another through tough situations and trying times as always. Catch up with the Henderson siblings, along with their nieces, and find out what's brewing for the future. Will their family bond and love help pull them from dark moments in current situations, or will those issues be too much for even them to push through?

  • af Monica Walters
    188,95 kr.

    Vance Etienne has lived his life on his terms. He enjoyed a fulfilling marriage until the sudden death of his wife scarred him emotionally, but not enough to deter him from being a great person and father. However, things go haywire when his daughter's boyfriend makes the horrible decision to assault her, changing Vance's life forever. Although she is twenty-one, she's still totally dependent on him as she matriculates through college. After suffering the consequences of the decisions he made in regard to the abuse she suffered, he meets a woman that possesses him from the moment their eyes meet. He soon realizes that Jennifer Monroe is offering what he's been craving since the loss of his wife. Jennifer Monroe has literally pulled herself from the slums of her past to become a better woman. After being in an abusive marriage for twenty years, she finds herself sinking into a depression so deep she contemplates suicide. Being a retired social worker, she takes advantage of programs to help herself get back on track, falling in love with who she is all over again. Her gained self-confidence becomes evident, and she longs for something that she didn't have for most of her marriage to her ex-husband. Love. The night she meets Vance Etienne, the father of a young woman in her life, she knows he's her one. But somehow, she finds herself thinking of the past with her ex-husband more often than she should. There's no doubt about what Vance and Jennifer feel for one another. Can they let the hurt of the past go to focus on their future? Will their pasts be willing to release them from its grasps to pursue an intentional and all-consuming love?

  • af Monica Walters
    188,95 kr.

    Having the support of his family means everything to Haji Abimbola. Leaving his home of Freetown, Sierra Leone to further his education, he travels to the United States... Southeast Texas to be exact... to study chemical engineering. It seemed he could never please his father, but in a quest to prove that he is capable of great things and that he deserves his father's honor, Haji excels in his field of study. After several major accomplishments and still not having the approval he longs for, he ends his quest and chooses to continue living life on his terms. Chinara Nwachucku has struck out on love and hasn't given a man a second thought in five years. Journeying to the United States, she sets out to make a successful life for herself to help her family back home in Nigeria, but it's taking much longer than she anticipated. It seems when she takes one step, she's knocked back two. Being laid off from her job is the blow that brings her to her knees. Not being able to afford her current lifestyle, she hits the ground running in search of a job to regain a steady income. As if her life isn't stressful enough, she catches the attention of a man that seems to be the type to only want one thing. While her interest is piqued because Haji, is attractive, she feels that he will only be a complication in her life. Both Haji and Chinara experience trying times personally, and their struggles bring them across one another's paths once again. Haji believes that in order to make it through those struggles, they have to do it together. Will he be able to convince Chinara of this fact, or will it fall on deaf ears?

  • af Monica Walters
    198,95 kr.

    Love has never been hard for Nicholas Sheffield. Although he'd grown up watching his parents argue and fight almost right up until his mom was murdered, he never grew up with misconceptions about love. Since the mere age of nine, there was one girl... now, one woman, that has always had his attention. Kyla Taylor. Regardless of her being three years his senior, he fell in love with her and vowed that no other woman would capture his heart, because it belonged to her.Kyla Taylor is an independent woman, who is doing her best to make a loveless relationship work. At least, it's loveless on her end. All her life, she has tried loving the wrong men, expecting to have a connection similar to the one she has with her best friend, Nicholas Sheffield. While she is aware of his love for her, the closeness of their families and the age difference between them are factors that cause her to keep her distance. However, a trip to visit her family has her trying to rationalize her decision about keeping him in the friendzone.Despite her relationship with someone else, Kyla knows that Nicholas is the man for her. All the years of denying his advances are behind her. Nick is grateful that she might finally be coming to her senses. However, the relationship she's involved in isn't quite as easy to discard as she thought it would be. Will Kyla be able to work through the difficulties with her relationship to pursue what her heart desires? Will Nick be patient enough to endure this last struggle or will he be fed up with waiting?

  • af Monica Walters
    208,95 kr.

    Somehow, things spiraled out of control and the path to self-destruction seemed crystal clear. Kendrall "Kenny" Henderson had the perfect marriage until it wasn't. While shying away from confrontation, his self-control slips from his grasp, and he falls... hard. Losing his wife and children is killing him slowly inside, but the responsibility of taking care of his son outside of their union is what keeps him sane. In the meantime, Kenny knows that he will never love another woman the way he loves his ex-wife, Keisha. Although he messed up royally, he refuses to give up on having her in his life once again, even though she hates him for what he did. While he could hate her for her omissions, he chooses to accept the blame and keeps his knowledge of her faults to himself. Feelings of betrayal, anger, hurt, and embarrassment threaten to consume Keisha Henderson at every turn when it comes to her ex-husband, Kenny. His infidelities have taken a toll on her, and she does what any logical wife would do. She leaves, taking their two children with her. While she tries to harbor hatred in her heart for Kenny, it's only an act. The man that first stole her heart, still has it. He just doesn't know it. While he messed up completely, she knows that she isn't blameless. Because of her indiscretions, she chooses to suffer in silence, wanting what she feels she no longer deserves. Instead of revealing this to Kenny, she chooses to take her frustrations and anger out on him. Kenny and Keisha have a long road of co-parenting ahead of them. The push and pull is real between them, and Kenny's fuse is lit at both ends, threatening an explosion, while Keisha continues to throw rocks from a glass house. Can they agree to forgive one another for the past for the sake of their children or will the structure of their relationship continue to crumble, eventually crushing everyone involved?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    Chrissy Henderson has endured more hurt and heartache now more than ever. Finding out her husband of over twenty years isn't the man she thought him to be has taken a toll on her mental health and stability. His actions and the demise of their marriage has brought her to her knees, but it has also strengthened her relationships with her siblings... all except the two she's always been the closest to. During her self-preservation and self-repair phase, she meets someone who has the power to make her forget all about her past hurts and simply focus on her present with him. However, the weight of her past and situations with her family has her questioning it all.LaKeith Douglas is searching for a love that can fill him in the most amazing way. Being divorced for over twenty years, he knows that love the second time around will be much better than the first. He's matured and knows exactly what he wants in a spouse. A fateful meeting with Chrissy Henderson takes him by surprise, but upon first sight, he knows that she's the woman that will steal his heart. Despite a few bumps along the way, his vision hasn't changed, but he can only hope that Chrissy's hasn't either.Past hurts have done a number on Chrissy. She is guarded and constantly questions her life choices. Can LaKeith keep her from living in her head to focus on the present with him, or is she too far gone to be swayed?

  • af Monica Walters
    193,95 kr.

    Danielle Burrows has worked hard to reach her career status. She owns her own successful practice as a gynecologist and has everything a woman could want; an amazing career, a great husband, nice car, and a beautiful home. But then everything comes crumbling down. Danielle suffers betrayal at the highest level, then must build herself back up from unbelievable circumstances. When she finally thinks the turmoil is over, she is left reeling from an uppercut straight to the chin. She doesn't know who to trust in her world of betrayal and deceit. She learns about family secrets and how they have devastated the lives of others. Not to mention, they are the source of most of her struggles. Will she have the strength and tenacity to overcome adversity or will she succumb to it?

  • af Monica Walters
    183,95 kr.

    Grief can take control of a person and practically kill them. Dayton Gauthier experiences this first-hand when his wife of almost thirty years dies suddenly. Trying to come to grips with what happened and moving on with his life has proven to be harder than he ever imagined. Once his three adult children help him to see that his life is worth living after his wife's death, he seems to be doing well... until a year later when a woman catches his attention. She not only catches his attention, but she keeps it, holding it hostage. However, Dayton still finds it difficult to move on, because he's at war with his heart and his flesh. Ladonna Owens has lived a peaceful life for years, and that's mainly because she shut her family out. They were the source of her depression, and after suffering through abuse and hostility, she chooses to move away and not deal with any of them anymore. Being a professional singer affords her a financially comfortable life. Because of her victimization, it made her heart hard toward men though. She became somewhat selfish... taking what she desired sexually and moving on. However, that approach didn't work for Dayton Gauthier. She realizes immediately that there is something between them and tries to prove herself worthy of his affection, but the insecurities of her past rear their ugly heads. Dayton and Ladonna have demons to overcome before than can fully explore a relationship with anyone, let alone each other. But each other is who they want. Will Dayton be able to overcome his grief to pursue a relationship with Ladonna? Can Ladonna trust Dayton enough to entertain more than a physical connection?

  • af Monica Walters
    183,95 kr.

    After many years of working with the Atlanta's police department as a PI, Joseph finally reached his limit. He wants a new life after dealing with Atlanta's darkness for so long. His job is unfair but his money problems continue to stack up. Once the opportunity to make some extra money presented itself he made a decision that put his life at risk and his family. Will Joseph lose his family and his life in the process?

  • - An Erotic Novella
    af Monica Walters
    158,95 kr.

    Having her priorities in order is something Tangela Maxwell prides herself on. She works tirelessly to advance her career and make moves to set up the future she's desired for her entire adult life. While on this trek, there's no time to have too much fun and risk losing focus. A love life is surely out of the cards. Once her life was where she wanted it to be, she would worry about all of that then. That's what she continuously tells herself while her heart silently yearns for more. After leaving a dishonest relationship, she promises herself she wouldn't trust another man so easily. So instead of completely moving on, she keeps him around to satisfy her sexual desires, until that one night she would never forget. Taking care of his family is the reason Hiram Stevens does everything in life. Pursuing a career in rap and creating a different persona named Yolo, he begins the hustle of making his name big. Coming from a broken family leaves all the responsibilities on him. Having an incarcerated father and an alcoholic for a mother also leaves him responsible for his twin siblings. Yolo learns to keep his emotions hidden and maintain this gritty persona that would get him higher on the hip-hop charts. His air of mystery keeps people speculating about him, and along with his music, keeps him relevant. That plan seems to be going well until that one night he would never forget. When Tangela and Yolo meet, there's an immediate attraction that can't be denied. Passion ensues and consumes them for that one unforgettable night. Can they resume their everyday lives and consider it a summer fling as suggested? Or will their bodies overtake their stubborn minds and go for what they both want?

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