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Bøger af Murray Stein

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  • - Our Many Faces
    af Murray Stein
    181,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • - An Introduction
    af Murray Stein
    196,95 kr.

    Stein provides a comprehensive summary of Jung's vision of psychological and spiritual life. The work covers: the collective unconscious; human consciousness and the structure of the ego; synchronicity; the complexes; shadow; psychic energy; self; persona; individuation; and anima/animus.

  • - Persona, Shadow & Ego in the World of BTS
    af Murray Stein
    208,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein
    473,95 kr.

    "The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It's a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition and the challenges we face in the modern world. Murray Stein's opening chapter, "The Shadow and the Problem of Evil," explores the fundamental question of the shadow's connection to evil and Mary Tomlinson introduces the intricate ways the shadow manifests symbolically in our psyche in "Symbols of Shadow and Evil." "The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil," examines how collective experiences, like the atomic bomb, force society to confront the shadow on a grand scale. "Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History" uncovers how paranoia shapes historical events. In "The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic" Henry Abramovitch and Stein ponder the ethical implications of recognizing and integrating the shadow into our lives. Brigitte Egger's final chapter, "Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis," explores how the ecological crisis serves as a mirror, reflecting our collective shadow and calling for a profound reevaluation of our relationship with the environment"--

  • af Murray Stein
    328,95 kr.

    The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It's a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition and the challenges we face in the modern world. Murray Stein's opening chapter, "The Shadow and the Problem of Evil," explores the fundamental question of the shadow's connection to evil and Mary Tomlinson introduces the intricate ways the shadow manifests symbolically in our psyche in "Symbols of Shadow and Evil." "The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil," examines how collective experiences, like the atomic bomb, force society to confront the shadow on a grand scale. "Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History" uncovers how paranoia shapes historical events. In "The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic" Henry Abramovitch and Stein ponder the ethical implications of recognizing and integrating the shadow into our lives. Brigitte Egger's final chapter, "Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis," explores how the ecological crisis serves as a mirror, reflecting our collective shadow and calling for a profound reevaluation of our relationship with the environment.Table of Contents1. Murray Stein, "The Shadow and the Problem of Evil" 2. Mary Tomlinson, "Symbols of Shadow and Evil" 3. Valery Appleby, "The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil" 4. Luigi Zoja, with Leonard Cruz, "Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History" 5. Henry Abramovitch in Dialogue with Murray Stein, "The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic" 6. Brigitte Egger, "Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis" About the Authors

  • - 我们的多重面孔 [Map of the Soul: Persona - Chinese Edition]
    af Murray Stein
    145,95 - 252,95 kr.

    在当今的文化中,有关角色角色的概念和一个人的内心世界的心理映射引起了人们极大的兴趣。实际上,人们的兴趣是如此强烈,以至于超级巨星韩国流行乐团BTS采纳了默里-斯坦因博士的构想,并将其融入了他们最新专辑Map of the Soul:Persona的标题和歌词中。 我们的角色是什么?它如何影响我们的人生旅程?当我们与周围的人打交道时,我们应该戴什么口罩?最终,我们的角色就是我们与世界的关系。结合我们的自我,阴影,生命和其他内部心理因素,它创造了灵魂的内部图。 T.S.艾略特(Eliot)是20世纪英国最著名的诗人之一,他写道,每只猫都有三个名字:每个人都知道的名字,只有猫的亲密朋友和家人知道的名字,以及只有猫知道的名字。作为人类,我们也有三个名字:每个人都知道的名字,即公众角色;只有您的亲密朋友和家人知道的名字,即您的私人角色;和只有你知道的名字,指的是你最深的自我。很多人知道名字,有些人知道名字。您知道您的秘密名称,您的个人,单数,唯一名称吗?这个名字是在您被家人和社会命名之前给您的。这个名字是您永远不会丢失或忘记的名字。你知道吗? Murray Stein博士是苏黎世国际分析心理学学院(ISAP-ZURICH)的培训和监督分析师。他是荣格分析师区域协会(1977)和芝加哥荣格分析师协会(1980)的创始成员。他曾于2001年至2004年担任国际分析心理学协会(IAAP)主席,并于2008年至2012年担任ISAP-ZURICH主席。 ,介意自我,内部和周围的一切,以及最近出版的《圣经》,《梦与荣格的红皮书》,第1、2和3卷(与托马斯-阿兹特合着)。他住在瑞士,在苏黎世有私人执业。 目录: 前言 防弹少年团Soul-Persona音乐专辑地图歌词的注释介绍1:开始思考2:角色3:影子4:自我5:自我,精神生活的一部分6:地图,感知和感知7:突破与中年8:标志和符号9:你的脸,你的名字,你的自我10:个人和集体无意识11:个性化:寻找道路12:复合体13:爱自己,知道你的名字,自己说 后记

  • af Murray Stein
    348,95 - 513,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein
    148,95 kr.

    페르소나의 개념과 내면의 심리적 매핑에 관한 오늘날의 문화에는 많은 관심이 있습니다. 실제로 슈퍼 스타 코리아 팝 밴드 인 BTS는 머레이 스타 인 박사의 컨셉을 취해 최신 앨범 인 Map of the Soul: Persona의 제목과 가사에 엮어 놓았다.

  • af Murray Stein
    333,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein
    333,95 - 478,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein
    298,95 kr.

    No encontro analítico ¿ a dinâmica entre paciente e terapeuta ¿ ocorrem grandes transformações. Neste livro, considerado um clássico contemporâneo, duas delas são abordadas: a transferência (que envolve as projeções, principalmente as de ordem emocional, dirigidas ao analista) e a contratransferência (que cria uma troca de sensações, percepções e sentimentos que surgem no terapeuta). Com ensaios de Murray Stein e do dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant ¿ que são também os organizadores da obra ¿, nove dos mais destacados analistas junguianos da atualidade discorrem sobre os complexos fenômenos que ocorrem nas mais variadas situações da psicoterapia. A obra evidencia os avanços obtidos a respeito desse tema desde que Jung publicou, há mais de cinquenta anos, seu clássico A Psicologia da Transferência.

  • af Murray Stein
    413,95 kr.

    O Dr. Murray Stein, Ph.D., e¿ um dos mais importantes escritores ligados ao pensamento junguiano no mundo contemporâneo. E nesta compilação, em que conta com alguns de seus ensaios mais brilhantes, ele aborda temas junguianos conhecidos como sincronicidade, símbolo e imagem arquetípica no intuito de trazer essas ideias para o espaço cultural amplamente globalizado. Estes textos constituem reflexões com base nas obras de C. G. Jung, Erich Neumann, Wolfgang Pauli e uma vasta gama de escritores psicanalíticos junguianos contemporâneos. A tese geral e¿ de que toda a humanidade estä conectada: as pessoas estão ligadas umas às outras, ä natureza e ao cosmos, e nenhum ser humano deve ser deixado de fora do quadro da consciência pós-moderna. Por meio de uma linguagem simples e dinâmica, o dr. Murray Stein nos mostra como e¿ importante nos conhecermos melhor em essência e nunca nos esquecer de que somos parte de algo maior.

  • af Stein Murray Stein
    340,95 - 873,95 kr.

  • - La Persona, l'Ombre et l'Ego dans le monde de BTS [Map of the Soul: 7 - French Edition]
    af Murray Stein
    388,95 kr.

    BTS l'a encore fait! Map of the Soul: 7 est la pierre angulaire d'un projet de 2 albums destine a reveler le paysage interieur de l'ame humaine, riche en symbolisme et tisse avec le son et les mouvements caracteristiques de BTS.

  • - La Persona, l'Ombre et l'Ego dans le monde de BTS [Map of the Soul: 7 - French Edition]
    af Murray Stein
    208,95 kr.

  • - Volume 2: Myth and Psychology
    af Murray Stein
    448,95 - 868,95 kr.

  • - Challenges and Prospects
    af Murray Stein
    333,95 - 568,95 kr.

  • - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven
    af Murray Stein
    328,95 - 568,95 kr.

  • - I Am
    af Murray Stein
    188,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein
    448,95 - 868,95 kr.

  • - An Exchange of Ideas
    af Murray Stein & Elena Caramazza
    385,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • - Our Hidden Self
    af Stein Murray Stein, Stein Sarah Stein & Cruz Leonard Cruz
    178,95 - 328,95 kr.

    In this second book in the series, Map of the Soul - Shadow: Our Hidden Self, Dr. Murray Stein explores the dark recesses of our psyche, as well as the shadow images in BTS' latest songs in their album Map of the Soul: 7. BTS has taken the world by storm with a series of albums inspired from Dr. Stein's concepts titled Map of the Soul.

  • - Nuestras Muchas Caras
    af Murray Stein
    188,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • - Volume 1: Individuation
    af Murray Stein
    448,95 - 863,95 kr.

  • - A Play
    af Murray Stein & Henry Abramovitch
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • - Searching for Soul Under Postmodern Conditions Volume 3
    af Murray Stein & Thomas Arzt
    453,95 - 863,95 kr.

  • - A Jungian Interpretation
    af Murray Stein
    333,95 - 568,95 kr.

  • - And Other Essays in Jungian Psychology
    af Murray Stein
    388,95 - 873,95 kr.

  • af Murray Stein, Isabelle Meier, Paul Brutsche & mfl.
    198,95 kr.

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