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  • af Mustafa Aydin
    398,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Theologie - Islamische Religionswissenschaft, Universität Osnabrück (Institut für islamische Theologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit behandelt das Konzept der juristischen Präferenz (Isti¿s¿n), welches zur Grundmethodologie (Us¿l Al-Fiq¿) des Islamischen Rechts gehört. Bei der juristischen Präferenz handelt es sich um eine Methode, die die Flexibilität von Rechtsentscheidungen erhöht. Dabei entscheidet sich der Gelehrte, mit seinem richterlichen Urteil von einer Regel abzuweichen, da eine Befolgung der Regel in der zu beurteilenden Angelegenheit nicht vertretbare Auswirkungen hätte. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Methode Isti¿s¿n zu erläutern und Beispiele für dieses Verfahren in der Geschichte aufzuzeigen, die zum Teil aus der Zeit vor der theologischen Systematisierung von Isti¿s¿n stammen und gerade deshalb die Bedeutung des Konzepts demonstrieren. Außerdem soll das Bedürfnis dieser Methode, zu unserer Zeit, ebenfalls erläutert werden.

  • af Mustafa Aydin
    248,95 - 423,95 kr.

  • - A Changing Role in World Politics
    af Mustafa Aydin
    388,95 - 1.217,95 kr.

  • af Mustafa Aydin
    463,95 kr.

    Oratory is the manifestation of human brain. It is a hidden component of the ideas shaped in our inner world, cultural background and the way we perceive the universe. From past to present, the purpose to improve the current position and to plan the future, finally, has found the opportunity to spread and to be understood, expanded its impact area with the power of oratory, and has become qualified to leave lasting effect on the mind with its personal style. On the stage of history, the basis of speeches which shape the future of countries and people, has a strong oratory. In the history of the world, Confucius, Aristotle, Socrates, Shakespeare, Mehmet The Conqueror, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and many other preachers have made speeches that could affect people's destiny. From time to time, in the most critical moments of battles, the leaders' courageous encounters with the armies yielded victory. In this context, apart from having a unique style, the common point of all the leaders in any field, no doubt, is to have a strong ability of speech. As Comte de Buffon said in his speech ("Le style c'est l'homme même") "The style is the man himself." For this reason, it is quite natural to have hundreds of different styles. Even if the complex styles are separated from one another entirely, the leaders' speech unite again at the point of setting the future and reverberate on the masses.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • af Mustafa Aydin
    488,95 kr.

    Hitabet, insan zihninin bir tezahürüdür. Iç dünyamizda sekillenen fikirlerin, birikimin, evreni algilayis tarzinin gizli bileseni konumundadir hitabet. Geçmisten günümüze mevcut konumu iyilestirme ve gelecegi planlama gayesi, nihayetinde hitabetle yayilma ve anlasilma imkani bulmus, hitabetin gücü ile tesir alanini genisletmis ve sahsi üsluplarla akillarda kalici tesir birakacak nitelik kazanmistir. Tarih sahnesinde ülkelerin ve insanlarin gelecegine yön veren konusmalarin temelinde de güçlü bir hitabet olgusu vardir. Dünya tarihinde Konfüçyüs, Aristoteles, Sokrates, Shakespeare, Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk olmak üzere birçok hatip insanlarin kaderlerini etkileyebilecek konusmalar yapmislardir. Zaman zaman ise savaslarin en kritik anlarinda liderlerin ordulara cesaret veren hitabetleri galibiyetin saglayicisi olmustur.Bu baglamda, hangi alanda olursa olsun bütün liderlerin ortak noktasi süphesiz, güçlü bir hitabet yeteneginin yaninda kendine has bir üslubunun olmasidir. Comte de Buffon'un da söylevinde belirttigi gibi ("Le style c'est l'homme même") "Üslûp insanin ta kendisidir." Bu sebeple, birbirinden farkli yüzlerce üslubun olmasi da tabiidir. Karmasik üsluplar birbirinden tam anlami ile ayrilsa da liderlerin hitabeti gelecegi kurgulamak noktasinda tekrar birlesir ve kitleler üzerinde yanki bulur. 40 yili askin deneyime sahip bir egitim liderinin konusmalarini, süphesiz, bir eserde aktarabilmek imkânsizdir. Biz burada, bu deryadan sadece bir damlayi sizlere sunabildigimiz düsüncesindeyiz. Bu çalismayi ortaya koyarken çaba ve emek sarf eden tüm çalisma arkadaslarima minnettarim. Ancak en basta; bana bu çalismayi yapabilme imkâni saglayan, gelisimime en büyük destegi veren, egitim ve kariyer yoluma isik tutan Dr. Sayin Mustafa Aydin'a tesekkürü borç bilirim…Yasemin Nur ÇINI, EditörAbout the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

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