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Bøger af Natasha Solomons

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  • af Natasha Solomons
    118,95 kr.

    In the spring of 1938 Elise Landau arrives at Tyneford, the great house on the bay. A bright young thing from Vienna forced to become a parlour-maid, she knows nothing about England, except that she won't like it. As servants polish silver and serve drinks on the lawn, Elise wears her mother's pearls beneath her uniform, and causes outrage by dancing with a boy called Kit. But war is coming and the world is changing. And Elise must change with it. At Tyneford she learns that you can be more than one person - and that you can love more than once.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    105,95 kr.

    E se la storia d’amore più romantica di sempre fosse tutta una menzogna?La prima volta che Romeo la vede, se ne innamora all’istante. Lei, che si chiama Rosalina Capuleti e che, destinata al convento, deve conoscere l’amore, combattere la sorte decisa da altri. Ma quando lui le chiede di mentire, rubare, tradire, nel cuore della passione si insinua il dubbio: e se Romeo Montecchi non fosse chi dice di essere? Qualcuno ha cercato di aprirle gli occhi ma lei, prima, era incapace di vedere. Intanto Romeo, dimenticate in un istante le promesse fatte, ha già posato lo sguardo su un’altra Capuleti…«Impossibile resistere. Un classico riraccontato in maniera eccellente». - Jennifer Saint«Natasha Solomons ha un dono per la costruzione di una narrativa piena di sorprese». - The ObserverNatasha Solomons (1980) è autrice di cinque romanzi di grande successo tra cui “Un perfetto gentiluomo”, “La fidanzata inopportuna” e “La galleria dei mariti scomparsi”. Il suo lavoro è stato tradotto in diciassette lingue.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    403,95 kr.

    The most exciting historical retelling of 2023: a subversive, powerful untelling of Romeo and Juliet by New York Times bestselling author Natasha SolomonsWas the greatest ever love story a lie?The first time Romeo Montague sees young Rosaline Capulet he falls instantly in love. Rosaline, headstrong and independent, is unsure of Romeo's attentions but with her father determined that she join a convent, this handsome and charming stranger offers her the chance of a different life.Soon though, Rosaline begins to doubt all that Romeo has told her. She breaks off the match, only for Romeo's gaze to turn towards her cousin, thirteen-year-old Juliet. Gradually Rosaline realizes that it is not only Juliet's reputation at stake, but her life. With only hours remaining before she will be banished behind the nunnery walls, will Rosaline save Juliet from her Romeo? Or can this story only ever end one way?Shattering everything we thought we knew about Romeo and Juliet, Fair Rosaline is the spellbinding prequel to Shakespeare's best known tale, which exposes Romeo as a predator with a long history of pursuing much younger girls. Bold, lyrical, and chillingly relevant, Fair Rosaline reveals the dark subtext of the timeless story of star-crossed lovers: it's a feminist revision that will enthrall readers of bestselling literary retellings such as Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell and Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    118,95 - 136,95 kr.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    298,95 kr.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    146,95 kr.

    One of the most anticipated novels of the year - the captivating and powerful untelling of Romeo & Juliet .

  • af Natasha Solomons
    118,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    101,95 kr.

    'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.'The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    103,95 kr.

    Fox, as the celebrated composer Harry Fox-Talbot is known, wants to be left in peace. His beloved wife has died, he's unable to write a note of music, and no, he does not want to take up some blasted hobby. Then one day he discovers that his troublesome four-year-old grandson is a piano prodigy. The music returns and Fox is compelled to re-engage with life - and, ultimately, to confront an old family rift.Decades earlier, Fox and his brothers return to Hartgrove Hall after the war, determined to save their once grand home from ruin. But on the last night of 1946, the arrival of beautiful wartime singer Edie Rose tangles the threads of love and duty, which leads to a shattering betrayal.With poignancy, lyricism and humour, Natasha Solomons tells a captivating tale of passion and music, of roots, ancient songs and nostalgia for the old ways, of the ties that bind us to family and home and the ones we are prepared to sever. Here is the story of a man who discovers joy and creative renewal in the aftermath of grief and learns that it is never too late to seek forgiveness.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    118,95 kr.

    At thirty a woman has a directness in her eye. Juliet Montague did anyhow. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to buy a refrigerator.But in a rash moment, Juliet commissions a portrait of herself instead. She has been closeted by her conservative Jewish community for too long, ever since her husband disappeared. Now she is ready to be seen.So begins the journey of a suburban wife and mother into the heart of '60s London and its thriving art world, where she proves an astute spotter of talent. Yet she remains an outsider: drawn to a reclusive artist who never leaves Dorset and unable to feel free until she has tracked down her husband - a quest that leads to California and a startling discovery.

  • af Natasha Solomons
    138,95 kr.

    Kort før Anden Verdenskrig flygter Jack og Sadie Rosenblum med deres lille datter fra Berlin til London. Da de går i land i Harwich, får de udleveret en pamflet fra den Tysk-jødiske hjælpekomite. Den fortæller, hvordan man bliver en rigtig englænder, og Jack følger listen slavisk. Han går i Covent Garden, køber ind i Harrods og taler aldrig tysk, med mindre han en sjælden gang bander.Men trods sin gode vilje møder han et utal af forhindringer. Ikke mindst fra sin kone Sadie, som stædigt nægter at glemme, hvor de kommer fra og ustandseligt bager tyske kager for at mindes dem, de lod bag sig.Jack er dog overbevist om, at de nok skal falde til. Han mangler kun én ting på listen for at kunne betragte sig selv som ægte englænder: medlemskab af en golfklub. Men ingen engelsk golfklub vil optage en tysk jøde som medlem.Jack lader sig imidlertid ikke slå ud. Han køber en gammel, forfalden landejendom, og der, midt i det idylliske engelske landskab, fuld af klokkeblomster, overtro og mærkværdige landsbyboere, sætter han sig et umuligt mål: Han vil bygge sin helt egen golfbane.En varm, underholdende og charmerende roman om den svære kunst at falde til, om eksil og kærlighed, og om at bryde op og finde hinanden på ny, baseret på forfatterens egen familiehistorie.Copyright @ Natasha Solomons 2010Oversat af Annelise Schønnemann fra Mr. Rosenblum’s List jøder, landliv, naturen, golf, flygtninge, identitet, den 2. verdenskrig, 1930-1939, 1940-1949, 1950-1959, England, Dorset

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