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Bøger af Olivia Tuffin

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  • af Olivia Tuffin
    85,95 kr.

    Family, fame, glory and betrayal: Join Iona and Jinks on a wild ride that will grip you to the final page. Iona dreams of glory for her beautiful pony, Jinks, so when local dressage star Jessica offers to coach her, Iona is swept off her feet.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    347,95 kr.

    På Solvangs Ridelejr bliver drømme til eventyr!Fahima er desperat efter at vinde en plads på Solvangs Rideskoles springhold. Det er hendes chance for at bevise, at hun kan – og for at vise frem, hvor dygtig hendes smukke palomino-pony Muskat er. Men kan det betale sig at vinde for enhver pris? Kloge lille Muskat er klar til at vise hende, hvad der virkelig betyder noget …

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    347,95 kr.

    På Solvangs Ridelejr bliver drømme til eventyr!Hannah og Luna, hendes smukke røde pony, elsker at løbe. Sammen er de det perfekte team, og nu skal de bevise det. Men da Lunas bedste ven, Fiona, bliver væk, ved de, at de er nødt til at finde hende. Kan de bruge deres hurtighed til at redde dagen og stadig vise, hvad de kan?

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Young pony fans will love this fantastic illustrated pony club series from Olivia Tuffin.Sienna loves helping out at Sunshine Stables in exchange for rides on Apples, a perfect little Shetland.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    337,95 kr.

    På Solvangs Ridelejr bliver drømme til eventyr! Bessie er i den syvende himmel over at ride på den smukke grå Bandit på ponyridelejren. Han er så sød, og de passer godt sammen. Men da Bandit uventet kaster Bessie af, bliver hans fremtid i stalden uvis. Bessie er ikke i tvivl om, at han er en sikker pony, og at der var en grund til, at han bukkede – og hun beslutter sig for at bevise det.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    337,95 kr.

    På Solvangs Ridelejr bliver drømme til eventyr! Gry er superglad for at have fået Bobby på ridelejren. Han er så smuk, og han er en drøm at ride på! Men der er et problem – han er ikke glad for noget af det, hun gør, og det knuser hendes hjerte. Med andre ord; Bobby er en gnavpot. Men gry giver ikke op. Hun vil finde ud af, hvordan hun kan få den smukke pony til at synes om hende.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Heartbreak, betrayal, and a breathtakingly daring rescue: Olivia Tuffin's fresh and thrilling novel about a girl's fight for justice at her family's stables will have 9+ readers gripped. Hannah's dad, a former Olympic show jumper, runs a highly respected stables where they buy, train and sell ponies on for huge sums of money.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    128,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Sofie elsker at lave sjov og fortælle vittigheder på ridelejren. Da ponyerne begynder at opføre sig mærkeligt, har Sofie mistanke om, at der er en meget uhyggelig forklaring, men der er ikke nogen, der vil tro på hende! Hun og hendes smukke exmoorpony, Gorse, får brug for alt deres mod for at opklare mysteriet selv ...

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    128,95 - 342,95 kr.

    Polly er lykkelig over at være på ridelejr! Hun kan ikke vente med at ride på Silver Shadow, hendes smukke drømmepony. Men alt går forfærdeligt galt, da hun bliver sat sammen med Henry i stedet, et smølehoved med en filtret man. Men Henry har skjulte talenter, og Polly vil snart lære, hvad der VIRKELIG er en perfekt pony …

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    87,95 kr.

    When an older pony gets into trouble, Willow and Luna will need all their skills to save the day.Packed with adventure and full of heart, Olivia's huge knowledge and passion for ponies shines on every page.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    82,95 kr.

    Young pony fans will love this fantastic pony club series from Olivia Tuffin. Amina is desperate to win a place on the Sunshine Stables showjumping team.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    72,95 kr.

    Young pony fans will love this fantastic pony club series from Olivia Tuffin. Jess is thrilled to ride beautiful iron grey Bandit at pony camp.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    72,95 kr.

    Young pony fans will love this fantastic pony club series from Olivia Tuffin. Sophie loves playing tricks and telling jokes at pony camp.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    72,95 kr.

    Young pony fans will love this fantastic pony club series from Olivia Tuffin. Gracie is so excited to be paired with Bobby at pony camp.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Young pony fans everywhere will be hooked on this fantastic new series from Olivia Tuffin. Beautifully illustrated throughout, each story follows a different girl and the pony she's paired with during their stay at pony club. Poppy can't wait to start pony club and ride beautiful Silver Shadow.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    82,95 kr.

    What does the future hold for Alice and her spirited red pony?A perfect pony story from the author of the much-loved The Palamino Pony series. Have you read Alice and Secret's other adventures, 'A New Beginning', 'A Friend In Need', 'A Ride to Freedom', 'A Dream Come True' and 'A Time To Shine'?

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Alice and Secret have qualified for the Olympia Horse Show - and Alice is so excited about having an adventure in London with her beloved pony!

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    87,95 kr.

    It's summer time and Alice and Secret are going on a Pony Club trip to France. A perfect pony story from the author of the much-loved The Palomino Pony series. Look out for more Alice and Secret stories: A New BeginningA Friend In NeedA Dream Come True

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    87,95 kr.

    The second in a fantastic series of perfect pony stories about Alice and her spirited young pony, Secret, from Olivia Tuffin, author of the much-loved The Palomino Pony series. Alice is so excited to finally join the pony club with her gorgeous pony, Secret!

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia and her Palomino, Lily, have come a long way together but now, in their final adventure together, they face what might just be their biggest challenge yet.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia is fantastically excited to be competing at Olympia! It's like a dream come true, and she's really looking forward to it. Especially the Parade at the end, where she can show off her gorgeous little palomino, Lily, to the world!

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    87,95 kr.

    Alice adores Secret, her spirited young pony, but she's worried she'll never be able to ride him! One thing's for certain - there's a long way to go before Alice's showjumping dreams can become a reality!A perfect pony story from the author of the much-loved The Palomino Pony series.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia is pony-mad, and she spends all her spare time at the local stables, mucking out and loving being with all the ponies. So when she stumbles upon a mistreated palomino pony in the Welsh hills, she knows what she has to do. Save her from her cruel owner and bring the palomino home.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia and her beautiful palomino pony, Lily, are hoping to make it to the Horse of the Year Show. It's a big dream and it'll take a lot of work from both of them. Georgia isn't sure she's good enough and it's affecting how she rides. How she feels about everything, in fact. Can Lily help her remember the joy of riding?

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia is pony-mad, and she spends all her spare time at the local stables, mucking out and loving being with all the ponies. So when she stumbles upon a mistreated palomino in the Welsh hills, she knows what she has to do. Save her from her cruel owner and bring the Palomino home.

  • af Olivia Tuffin
    97,95 kr.

    Georgia is pony-mad, and she spends all her spare time at the local stables, mucking out and loving being with all the ponies. So when she stumbles upon a mistreated palomino pony in the Welsh hills, she knows what she has to do. Save her from her cruel owner and bring the palomino home.

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