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Bøger af Parinoush Saniee

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  • af Parinoush Saniee
    44,94 - 275,95 kr.

    Bevægende og stærk historie om venskab og lidenskab, frygt og håb, der giver et unikt indblik i det iranske samfund gennem 50 år.I 1960’ernes Iran flytter den unge pige Masoumeh fra den religiøse by Qom til den moderne hovedstad Teheran. I fem årtier følger vi hende og familien i modgang og medgang – gennem den iranske revolution i slutningen af 1970’erne, den otte år lange krig mellem Iran og Irak i 1980’erne og frem til livet under dagens strengt religiøse styre.Tidligt i ungdommen møder Masoumeh sin livs kærlighed på vej til skole. Men da hendes dybt religiøse familie opdager forholdet, tvinger de hende til at gifte sig med en ung mand, Hamid, som hun ikke kender. Det viser sig, at Hamid er politisk aktiv i kampen mod shahen og hans diktatur. Da regimet falder, og Khomeinis præstestyre tager magten, bliver Hamid en nationalhelt, men hurtigt falder han i unåde hos styret. Senere i livet bliver Masoumeh stillet over for et umuligt valg: Skal hun denne gang følge sit hjerte, eller må hun endnu engang bøje sig af hensyn til familiens ære?”Skæbnens bog” er en roman om en usædvanlig kvindes kamp for kærlighed, retfærdighed og overlevelse under skiftende regimer i en stærkt traditionsbundet kultur. Siden udgivelsen har romanen været bandlyst af det iranske regime to gange, men er nu en af de bedst sælgende romaner i Iran - nogensinde.  I 2010 vandt den Boccacio-prisen i Italien for bedste udenlandske roman.

  • af Parinoush Saniee
    118,95 kr.

    A teenager in pre-revolutionary Tehran, Massoumeh is an ordinary girl, passionate about learning. On her way to school she meets a local man and falls in love - but when her family discover his letters they accuse her of bringing them into dishonour. She is badly beaten by her brother, and her parents hastily arrange a marriage to a man she's never met. Facing a life without love, and the prospect of no education, Massoumeh is distraught - but a female neighbour urges her to comply: 'We each have a destiny, and you can't fight yours.'The years that follow Massoumeh's wedding prove transformative for Iran. Hamid, Massoumeh's husband, is a political dissident and a threat to the Shah's oppressive regime and when the secret service arrive to arrest him, it is the start of a terrifying period for Massoumeh. Her fate, so long dictated by family loyalty and tradition, is now tied to the changing fortunes of her country. Spanning five turbulent decades of Iranian history, from before the 1979 revolution, through the Islamic Republic and up to the present, The Book of Fate is a powerful story of friendship and passion, fear and hope - and a rare insider's view of Iranian society.

  • af Parinoush Saniee
    183,95 kr.

  • af Parinoush Saniee
    183,95 kr.

    This is the story, based on fact, of a boy who couldn't speak until the age of seven. Now twenty, he describes the events of his life. Four-year-old Shahaab had not started talking and is ridiculed by others who call him dumb. In his innocent and deeply hurt child's mind, his world turns harsh, full of anger and insult. No one in the family can understand Shahaab's wild behaviour except his maternal grandmother, who seems to possess the understanding and the kindness he so desperately craves. Their growing bond leads to a deep friendship in which Shahaab is able to experience some happiness and finally find his voice.

  • af Parinoush Saniee
    103,95 kr.

    This is the story, based on fact, of a boy who couldn't speak until the age of seven. Now twenty, he describes the events of his life.Four-year-old Shahaab has not started talking. The family doctor believes there is no cause for concern; nevertheless, Shahaab is ridiculed by others who call him 'dumb'. Young Shahaab doesn't understand what the word means and thinks it is a compliment, until one day his cousin plays a trick on him to prove to everyone that the boy truly is the neighbourhood idiot.When his mother recounts the incident to her husband, Shahaab is crushed to learn that his father also thinks the boy's speech impediment indicates that his son is an idiot and thus brings shame on the family. Shahaab soon recognizes that his father's love and esteem is concentrated on his older brother, Arash, and his younger sister, Shadee. In his innocent and deeply hurt child's mind, he begins to believe that the 'good' and 'intelligent' children like his older brother are their fathers' sons. On the other hand, children like him who are 'clumsy' and 'problematic' are their mothers' sons. From that moment on, his world, which he thought was filled with beauty and kindness, suddenly turns harsh, full of anger and insult. He begins to lash out, taking childish revenge on those around him, encouraged by his two imaginary friends, Esi and Bibi.No one in the family can understand Shahaab's wild behaviour except his maternal grandmother, who seems to possess the understanding and the kindness he so desperately craves. Their growing bond leads to a deep friendship in which Shahaab is able to experience some happiness and finally find his voice.

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