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Bøger af Patricia St John

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  • af Patricia St John
    138,95 kr.

    Anyone who has read Patricia St. John's books already knows how her stories come alive, and this account of her own life is no exception. Her powers of description make the story leap from the page and the reader is transported to far off places and times; and the people and the things she describes can almost be touched, smelled and seen.Patricia was not just a gifted story-teller, though; she was also a deeply committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual journey began when she was only six years old. 'My name is Patricia, ' she prayed, 'and if You are really calling me I want to come and be Yours. ' Out of that small beginning there issued a river of life and light and blessing that went on increasing right up to the end of her life. Although she always thought of herself as 'an ordinary sort of girl', her life was extraordinary because of her supreme love for Jesus Christ.The life portrayed here is not that of the self-conscious saint, concerned only with her own saintliness. On the contrary these pages offer us an inside view of someone utterly human, prone to mistakes and failures like the rest of us, yet suffused with the love of God and a contagious joy and peace that was like the bubbling up of a perpetual fountain.

  • af Patricia St John
    113,95 kr.

    If you enjoy reading about the lives of great Christians, you'll love this biography of Harold St. John. Harold's daughter, Patricia St. John, did the Christian world an enormous favor when she put together this fascinating portrait of her father. Somehow her portrayal manages to be exciting, inspiring, challenging, amusing and edifying all at the same time. It makes compelling reading from start to finish--hard to put down once you've picked it up. Harold was one of the most gifted Bible teachers of his day, and the story of his life and influence is as relevant now as ever. His life was hid with Christ in God, and out of his inward parts there flowed a river of joy and peace and blessedness that enriched everyone it touched.

  • af Patricia St John
    108,95 kr.

    A powerful and moving story based on real events in the Lebanese civil war in the 1980's. Lamia and her family are caught up in the fighting, with tragic consequences. Lamia struggles with the hatred that threatens to destroy her, until she grasps that forgiveness and love are the most important things. Nothing else matters.

  • af Patricia St John
    108,95 kr.

    The refugee camp is crowded with sick and starving people. Two new arrivals, a teenage girl, Mehrit, carrying her little brother on her back, wait their turn patiently. What will happen to them? Will they ever find their parents again? A strong story of a family in a famine-stricken African country.

  • af Patricia St John
    108,95 kr.

    Philo, a first-century Phoenician boy, is worried about his family. Evil hangs over their house like a cloud. And it all seems to come from his sister, Illyrica, who is possessed by a demon. Hearing about a prophet from Nazareth who has healed the sick and even raised the dead, Philo wonders if He can save his sister. But the mere mention of the prophet's name sends Illyrica into fits of rage and despair. Even if the prophet really is as powerful as people say He is, how can Philo and his little sister, Ione, take Illyrica to Him to be healed? Hopeless, Philo runs away and goes to live with his uncle in Capernaum, where he hears even more about the Jewish prophet and His miracles. Who is He? How strong is His power? Most of all, would the Jewish prophet help Philo, a Gentile? This gripping story of revenge and forgiveness, sickness and healing, and evil and grace traces the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth-to the places He walked and the people He touched.

  • af Patricia St John
    173,95 kr.

    When Elaine leaves her home in London to stay with the Owen family in Wales, she feels miserable and left out. It's only the little secret garden that she finds at the end of the rainbow that makes staying there seem worthwhile. And then something happens that changes everything. 伊莱恩是一个11岁的小姑娘,一直和妈妈住在伦敦,有保姆照顾她。但她妈妈因为工作的原因,要把她交给威尔士乡下的欧文家。她非常不习惯那里的生活,但有一天,她发现了彩虹驻足之处有一个秘密花园。那里非常漂亮,她从此爱上了那里。她有空就会看望花园,这个属于自己的秘密花园。 一系列精彩的故事都在花园展开了,那个自私、无聊的小女孩子渐渐有了丰富的生活,还发现了拥有满足的喜乐的秘密...

  • af Patricia St John
    128,95 kr.

    Lucy has lived with her grandparents at Pheasant Cottage since she was a little girl, but she has dim memories of someone else. Who was it? What are her grandparents hiding from her? Lucy is determined to find the answers but it turns out to be harder than she expected. 当露西很小的时候,她就和外公外婆一起在鸡舍居住。爸爸妈妈去哪里了呢?她一直想找到答案。有一天,无意听到一段对话让她有了新的发现,从此她开始了探索的旅程。后来她知道,陪伴她的作家史密斯先生就是她的爸爸。暑假到了,爸爸带她去了西班牙,不料爸爸因在危急时刻抢救落水的孩子而失去生命。在这个曲折又感人的故事中,露西渐渐明白,耶稣是自己的朋友,爸爸也寻找到了生命的意义,外公外婆也因为饶恕了爸爸而心灵获得自由,全家人都在主里和好了。

  • af Patricia St John
    128,95 kr.

    An unfaithful stepfather leads to a broken family and unhealthy friendships until the source of true love is discovered. Where the River Begins deals with many of the family issues children are facing in the home. "等着瞧!我一定要学坏给你们看!" 几乎每个孩子都有过这样的想法。 很不幸,弗朗西斯也开始这样想了,因为他遇上了一大堆麻烦事。他不但这样想了,当"他们"要砸拉姆家外面的电话亭时,他还帮忙了。 而他寄住在河边农场的那段时间里,弗朗西斯找到了清洁和爱的水源头。他的心被这爱清洁了,他那些麻烦事也开始有了变化。

  • af Patricia St John
    263,95 kr.

  • af Patricia St John
    98,95 kr.

    Everyone knows a person like Waffi--mischievous, willful, and having a knack for getting others into trouble. David, whose father is a missionary doctor in Africa, is Waffi's friend. Although Waffi occasionally gets David into some difficult situations, David is learning to be a witness for God. When Waffi and David find a sick servant girl and a mysterious boat, an exciting adventure begins for them.

  • af Bible Visuals International, Patricia St Jean & Karen E. Weizel
    218,95 kr.

  • af Patricia St John
    218,95 kr.

  • af Bible Visuals International & Rose-Mae Carvin
    173,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Patricia St John
    173,95 kr.

  • af Patricia St John
    108,95 kr.

    La oración es una parte vital de la relación de un niño con Dios. Por eso es importante que aprenda cómo orar. En esta nueva edición del libro clásico de la querida autora Patricia St. John, se invita a los niños y a los jóvenes a participar en la aventura que se llama la oración. Aprenderán a entablar una amistad con Dios y descubrirán que la vida puede ser increíble con el Dios omnisciente y todopoderoso como su guía personal. Prayer is a vital part of a childs relationship with God. That's why it's important to learn how to pray. In this new edition of the classic book by beloved author Patricia St. John, children and young adults are invited to participate in the adventure called prayer. They will learn how to befriend God and discover that life can be amazing with the all-knowing, all-powerful God as their personal guide.

  • af Patricia St John
    98,95 kr.

  • - They Could Not Enter In How Israel Missed God's Rest
    af Patricia St John
    88,95 kr.

  • af Patricia St John
    173,95 kr.

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