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Bøger af Paul de Kruif

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  • af Paul de Kruif
    157,95 - 177,95 kr.

    A MAN AGAINST INSANITY describes the remarkable life and career of Dr. John (Jack) Ferguson, a man who began his medical career late in life with the simple goal of becoming a simple country doctor.But Dr. Ferguson was anything but a simple man, and this book provides an insightful description of a tumultuous early life that led to a relentless pursuit of goals motivated by an insatiable need for approval. Despite repeated financial set- backs, a divorce, a heart attack, a barbiturate addiction and several psychiatric hospitalizations, Ferguson persevered and eventually graduated medical school 20 years after he first enrolled. He then realized his dream when he was hired as the town doctor in a small, rural community. The dream didn't last: after only one year, he abruptly abandoned his position and collapsed into a fog of psychosis with grandiose delusions, delusions that led to an attempt to poison his wife and kill himself. Over the next 13 months, Ferguson would be hospitalized three times as a barbiturate psychotic, finally emerging as a "new man." Humbled and compassionate, Fer- guson credited supportive psychotherapy and the warmth of the hospital attendants with helping him find a new direction for life-to serve psychiatric patients.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    247,95 kr.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    262,95 kr.

    Paul de Kruif is known for his controversial opinions on modern medicine. Our Medicine Men highlights the scientist's disputable account of the medical profession.Our Medicine Men presents Paul de Kruif's controversial modern medicine opinions. The collected essays were first published in The Century Magazine, which resulted in many medical and scientific professionals criticising Kruif's work for providing 'detrimental' false information.""A devastating attack upon the pomposities, absurdities and dangerous practices in the medical profession"" - Publishers Weekly, 1922This volume features the following chapters:- 'The Dignity of the Medical Profession'- 'The Role of Credulity'- 'On a Misconception of the Role of Physicians- 'The Cure of Disease'- 'Pills Make Way for Prevention'- 'Religio Sanitatis'- 'The Molding of the Raw Material'- 'The Science of the Study of Disease'- 'The Master Physician and the Anti-Physician'First published in 1922, Our Medicine Men is not to be missed by collectors of Paul de Kruif's work and those interested in the history of medicine.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    297,95 kr.

    This pop-science volume is Paul de Kruif's classic account of microscopic discoveries, and it presents a history of the most important figures in medicine.Microbe Hunters is separated into 14 stories of pioneering scientists, including Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632¿¿-1723) and Louis Pasteur (1822¿¿-1895). The dramatised records of important scientific figures and the history of medicine are written in simple, accessible language. Becoming an international bestseller, the volume was translated into 18 languages and adapted for the stage and screen. This volume features the following chapters:- 'Leeuwenhoek: First of the Microbe Hunters'- 'Spallanzani: Microbes Must Have Parents!'- 'Pasteur: Microbes Are a Menace!'- 'Koch: The Death Fighter'- 'Pasteur: And the Mad Dog'- 'Roux and Behring: Massacre the Guinea-Pigs'- 'Metchnikoff: The Nice Phagocytes'- 'Theobald Smith: Ticks and Texas Fever'First published in 1926, Microbe Hunters remains one of the most encompassing classic accounts of microbiology history and is not to be missed by those who wish to extend their scientific knowledge.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    182,95 kr.

    Paul de Kruif, an American microbiologist and author, was most well-known for writing this classic bestseller, Microbe Hunters. His accounts of fourteen microbe hunting scientists are enlightening, engrossing, and paradoxically humorous and entertaining at the same time. All of which indicate why Microbe Hunters has been on recommended reading lists, influencing many aspiring physicians and scientists, since 1926.These microbe hunters were pioneers searching for knowledge and truth, fighting against death to advance medicine. A few succumbed to the invisible assassins they studied. Their failures, disappointments and triumphs, as they persisted, are deftly presented by the author.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    165,95 kr.

    "It manages to delight, and frequently to entrance, old and new readers [and] continues to engage our hearts and minds today with an indescribably brand of affectionate sympathy."-F. Gonzalez-Crussi, from the Introduction An international bestseller, translated into eighteen languages, Paul de Kruif's classic account of the first scientists to see and learn about the microscopic world continues to fascinate new readers. This is a timeless dramatization of the scientists, bacteriologists, doctors, and medical technicians who discovered the microbes and invented the vaccines to counter them. De Kruif writes about how seemingly simple but really fundamental discovers of science-for instance, how a microbe was first viewed in a clear drop of rain water, and when, for the first time, Louis Pasteur discovered that a simple vaccine could save a man from the ravages of rabies by attacking the microbes that cause it.

  • af Paul de Kruif
    32,95 kr.

    Paul de Kruif's Mikrobejægerne er den spændende fortælling om hvordan man kom på sporet af mikroberne for mere end 200 år siden. Vi hører alt om den første mikrobejæger, Leeuwenhoek og går derefter videre til til Koch, Pasteur og ikke mindst Behring der opdagede difteritis-mikroben. Spændende som en kriminalroman!

  • af Paul de Kruif
    36,95 kr.

    Paul de Kruif's beretning 'Dødens banemænd' er virkelig spændende læsning om hvordan man knækkede de forskellige store sygdommes koder - ligefra SEMMELWEIS, De fødendes Frelser, over BANTING — som fandt Insulinet og til vor egen Finsen.

  • - The Merritts and the Discovery of the Mesabi Range
    af Paul de Kruif
    162,95 kr.

    "First University of Minnesota Press edition, 2007."

  • af Paul de Kruif
    43,95 kr.

    Paul de Kruif udgav i 1920'erne og 30'erne en række populære videnskabelige skildringer. Den mest kendte var "Mikrobejægernehttps : // fulgte "Dødens banemænd", der herhjemme blev den mest populære. Selvom der er tale om populær-videnskabelige bøger, er de dog af en sådan beskaffenhed, at de har været pligtlæsning for mange studerende. SULTENS BANEMÆND er bl. a. interessant fordi den viser, at gen-manipulation slet ikke er noget nyt!!

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