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  • af Pennie J. Carnes
    258,95 kr.

    The Treatment Of Prostitution Solicitors (T.O.P.S.) is a non-shaming model for clinicians, providing a therapeutic framework to treat people who pay for sex. The curriculum covers all topics found in a typical john school but in a therapeutically sound and comprehensive, easy to follow format. Additional topics include topics applicable to a comprehensive program from understanding sex buyers' behaviors to developing ways to make significant changes in their life. How is this program different from the eight-hour court mandated johns' school? This program is unique in that the curriculum includes therapeutic elements based upon the innovated works of Dr. Patrick Carnes, a pioneer and leader in the field of sex addiction recovery. The workbook is written in a way that therapists can use it in their private practice for twelve-thirteen-week group settings and/or individual programs. While the curriculum makes no assumptions about the client's sexual behavior, it does provide options for those who seek additional therapeutic help. Its non-shaming focus makes the material more inviting for participants, offers opportunities for sharing and changing attitudes about seeking escape through soliciting prostitutes and escorts.With this program, the therapist has the opportunity to act as an agent of social change. It is common knowledge that affairs, pornography, being with prostitutes and escorts, and other forms of sexually acting out outside a monogamous relationship is the cause of many couples divorcing or breaking up. Studies show that it is the breakdown of families that is an underlining cause of our societal downfall. It is evident that this population of men and women are among the underserved people who need help in overcoming destructive behaviors. T.O.P.S. was developed by an experienced facilitator in the field, Pennie J. Carnes, LPC, LCDC, CSAT, CMAT. Since 2011, Pennie has volunteered her talents as a therapist, educator, and organizer for john schools. It was during this time; she saw the need for additional therapy required to help sex buyers make the change to stop their behaviors. Having explored other options for these men to choose for help and having found little to none programs dedicated to treating sex buyers, she created the T.O.P.S. program in an effort to facilitate change for the sex buyer, the family, the community, and society as a whole. As the saying goes, "to make a change in the world, you must first make a change in self."Here are actual quotes from group members who have been through the T.O.P.S. program: . I wish my other therapy groups were set up like the T.O.P.S. group." Early on the structure and focus on a curriculum was helpful.. "Processing was the most impactful part for me. The material was great. Being able to process with the other men is what helped me make change." Participants, during process groups intertwined with curriculum begin to form bonds and create trust with other men and the group leaders.. "What's next, how do I continue this process?" As freedom from secrets begins and insight occurs, desire to continue in a new feeling state occurs

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